Blind SG 1.1


Apr 24, 2011
Basically this is a slight remake and continuation of Floating Pants original idea.

Quote from our glorious founder.
Well, sorta MP.

So a vision came to me the other day. You know how in history different leaders rule over a single country? When one dies the other takes over? Civ doesn't have that! We got one guy that has it all planned out his whole game knowing exactly what he'll do and when. What if that guy died? Who would he pass it to? What if?! That's the question!!

  1. One player plays a set interval of a civ game, post it after he's done (like after 100 turns).
  2. Another player downloads that game, and plays another interval themselves.
  3. End player will post end result and see who was the best and worst players.
  4. NO COMMUNICATION BETWEEN PLAYERS, and if you have to post about the game, please wrap it in a spoiler and notify that it's about the current game!
  5. First player decides leader and civ, and does not tell the other players who they are.

Ok rules/clarification.

Obviously no communication
tion whatsoever. All discussion about the current game must be spoilered. The only things not spoilered are things like I'm busy can som eone play my turn etc. RL stuff not spoilered. Game spoilered.

The following are also considered communication.
Alt-s flags.
alt-x city placement Bfc. Clear you markings after you set pls.

Conspicuously renamed units. Your great general is not to be named things like "atkSHAKApls" or any other such nonsense.

No odd formations of units on the map. Do not try to spell out words or make symbols with your spare units.

Obviously not enforceable but do not agree to a secret code with other players. ex. 2 warriors in my capitol means attack nearest cic, 1 means i'm going for culture.

The rest I will allow since I haven't the time to list them.

No reading the spoilers unless you have completed your set or are not participating.

Things we do want.

A "state of the Union address" where you critique what your predecessors have done.
A report of what you did during your term and your thoughts for the future.

Game speed, difficulty, and map size are debatable. Turn-sets would be logically based on map speed. The original game was epic speed 80 turns to a set.

One last concern. Due to the game's nature. Not all players may actually play before victory occurs. We can either have some sort of a priority system where anyone that didn't get to go plays first in the next game or we can continue on playing to win as many VC's as possible for the lols.
Epic. Large. 80 turns. Emperor.

EDIT: First player should get 120 turns since they spend a large portion of it building a worker and then a settler.

My vote.
I thought the 80 turns each worked out well on EPIC for the number of players.@mariogoldran,if you followed your own suggestion about 120 turns in the last game,you,d of only played 20 turns rather than 60 in the last segment.You may not get much built in the 1st segment but whatever desisions are made affect the rest of the game more than any other time.

Id vote for keeping turn sets the same.I prefer normal speed(I realise turn sets would have to be shorter,probably about 60 turns each for 6 players.)Not too fussed about difficulty level but monarch/emporer is what I usually play.
120 sounds a bit much i think. You don't spend 40 turns building a worker. Besides the tech choices and time of the worker/settler change the game. Did you get fishing? Did you go workboat first? Did you grow before the settler? Oh and the 1st gets to pick the civ and generate the map. Probably stick with epic. Epic to me takes a little bit longer than a standard game but it feels more like slow normal than wake me up when it's over marathon. No offense.

On that note. This particular game will be played using BUG in the custom asset folder so it shouldn't conflict with anybody.

In history their have been wise and intelligent rulers. There have also been the cruel, malicious and incompetent. We need some noobies trying to bump up a level to make things more interesting.
Or we can roleplay Nero and various other "interesting" rulers.

Ok, 120 is a bit too much. Regardless, I don't want to be first. Maybe... 90?
I always assumed you were roleplaying marigold.

Unless we get some interest we'll be having 200 turn sets.
If you don't mind a new guy playing, I'd be up for this. I play on Prince generally, so Monarch or Emperor wouldn't be terrible for me. I followed the old thread and this seemed really cool.
@eddaket I assume that you mean you can win on prince? If so I think prince level basically requires you to know the fundamentals. FYI I learned the game on prince. And did I not explicitly state that I think a couple less than optimal players would make the whole thing more interesting.

Well it's been a few days. I know we're all itching to start.

Here's how it's going to go down. I need every to tell me their preference of order. Bare in mind I'll probably go first so I can generate the map. When I hear from a couple of you I'm going to just stick you in orders so first come first serve.

I have no idea how long this will take on a large/epic map so we may need a couple more guys may not. Anyway it's highly variable depending on the VC, although the VC is almost always well you know (not allowed to say as it's to much communication).

Also I'm thinking 100 turns a piece for 4 people.

Assuming 4 people played their 80 turns normally + 60 turns that flyingswan stated marigold played. 380. Round up to 400 divide by 4 =100. If pacing goes the way it did last game that should put whoever is last about right on spot to finish the game. If the game goes extremely long it might take another guy.
Me. 1-80
Eddaket 81-160
MarigoldRan 161-240
Woopdeedoo 241-320
FlyingSwan 321-380 hopefully the end. We either need more guys after that. Someone to revive or better estimation of how long games take.

Save is attached I have some screen shots when my internet gets it's act together.

Spoiler :
I hope we don't get killed in the next 80 turns.


  • BlindSG1.1 turn 81.CivBeyondSwordSave
    149.8 KB · Views: 85
We won't get killed. It may be a "Dark Ages" of sorts, but we won't get killed :p

I'll start it up right now.
Spoilers dude. The whole point is to not read those until after you finish your turn.

Spoiler :

Well we roled Boudica of the celts. . Moved the scout and SIP.

Grrrglafkl;;ajskldjf aiejfa;lkmel;aj They got my spot.

Vienne is founded. Horse is in the bag.

Tolosa is founded. We are virtually assured copper.

My unfinished business. The 4th city was going to go on the plains tile 2 north of the gold mine. It would work the gold, and be able to borrow the deer. I don't see a whole lot more sites before war is inevitable.

80 turns on epic/emperor what did you expect? The next ruler's actions will be critical. We need a successful early war.

Just standard worker tech stuff.
Done my turn. Sorry about reading that spoiler. I haven't read the one in your new post yet (but I will right after this).

Spoiler :
I'll do the write up tomorrow. No wars, but I did build an army that could go to war (I'd rather have someone more experienced do war than me). Rome is at war on their other front, so we could take them.


  • BlindSG1.1 turn 161.CivBeyondSwordSave
    285 KB · Views: 90

Spoiler :
Well first off your tech is piss poor and gergovia is near useless.

However that's a nice bundle of axes you have there. A bit late for an axe rush I think but close to iron working. Gallic warriors do not seem to need iron. So we have good mass in the assault. Rome can be easily taken out. So can korea.

Just a note. I like running axes with the swordsmen. It saves a whole lot of headache. Beside the axe handily counters rome's unique unit. Awwww such a shame.

Careful dogpiles likely.
Assuming 4 people played their 80 turns normally + 60 turns that flyingswan stated marigold played. 380. Round up to 400 divide by 4 =100. If pacing goes the way it did last game that should put whoever is last about right on spot to finish the game. If the game goes extremely long it might take another guy.

I left a PM with floatingpants the other day about this thread,if the game goes past 400 turns it would be nice to leave that spot open to him as he,s the founder or at least give him 1st refusal if he,s not up to playing.
Sounds cool. I just assumed he would follow along since it was his idea after all. He's more than welcome to have a turn if we go into extra innings or just whenever the next game starts.

My feeling is the game is going to take a while.

Odd thing. I was expecting to see some more spam from marigold. Theres less than 4 new threads today. Is something wrong?
Spoiler :
When I got the game, I we had three cities and had met nearly everyone in the world.

When the Settler was built, I contemplated putting him 2W of the horse, but I decided 2N of the gold was better. We needed commerce.

Meanwhile, new Barbarian city spawned in the north, but by the time we had units to spare to take it, Rome had captured it.

We grew to Half a million population.

And settled a new city to the south... a potentially bad move.

In the end, we have a decent sized civilization with a decent sized army. War was debated during my term as leader, but I decided my lack of experience would have made the next leader be stuck in a worse position than he is now.

Also, (because I didn't take a screenie when they started) around turn 155 or so, two wars broke out. Korea and Mali are both at war with Rome.

No word from floating pants I assume. He doesn't even want a turn eh?

I contacted marigold. Give him about 24 hours or so before we need to move somebody up.
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