BNW Culture victory - anybody do it in MP?

He was lucky enough to find el dorado and settle it around turn 20. That in combination with natural wonder faith helped the early culture/faith output a lot plus a shrine as first build in almost each city. So no, he opened piety and filled it, the free settler came from el dorado. Going piety immediately was the right play imo since shrines and temples are top priority builds in each city. Putting 3 points into liberty first would be a huge waste of time, delaying religious buildings a lot. After filling out piety he indeed opened liberty which i didnt quite understand. He was going for the extra hammer, but i doubt that was worth it.

He researched philo early probably with the idea that the oracle would be a huge help in his setup but then never came around building it. Since his culture output was fine during the game i thought and still think that going for philo was a mistake and rushing the great wall instead would be the correct play.
Yeah Eldorado changes perspectives a lot. Snowball comes from free gold instead of Liberty. Under normal circumstances i would go Lib first.
Even the sacred sites rush with byzantine will not work versus good players. I have tried it three times now, booked one win in a public game versus soft opposition, one loss in a regular nq game and one scrap in a nq game where i was already attacked from two sides and still had 20 turns until being influential.

In the lost game i was isolated behind mountains but had only space for 11 cities. When i peaked at 66 tourism/turn one of the guys was already making 80 culture/turn.

The scrapped game was very interesting. I had tons of space with a faith mountain but on the other end of that space was a very good player, so i wasnt sure if i should go for it again. To keep the option open i went liberty, settled 3 regular cities, went into nc and then decided to go for it when the good player became involved in a war with his neighbour. I ended up with 17 cities and peaked at 84 tourism/turn (when i settled the 17th i lost a city the same turn).

84 tpt is massive but because of the regular 3 city nc start the tourism kicked in somewhat late, and that turned out to be crucial in the end.

Build order/tech order is easy. The whole procedure is actually somewhat boring until the attack comes. I would usually put one point into liberty, then full piety, then fill liberty. Oracle is important, then great wall, then xbow tech. Early cities start with shrine/temple/monument/colosseum/market and then build crossbows/xbows. In later cities i would tend to skip monument and market. And i wouldnt expect to win with this, but its nice to do something different once in a while.

Happiness and gold will be a huge problem throughout the whole game. In tech you will fall behind hopelessly very soon, so getting an ideology is no option at all. It should be enough to get to crossbows, and these guys are good for quite some time.
the amount of tourism necessary for a culture vic in MP is normally much lower then in SP. so if u manage to win this kind of vic type in SP, you could focus hard to survie in MP and go for a bit tourism to win this kind.

best suited ofc are culture civs and no enemy with culture bonus (hinting at france, polynesia, etc.):p

its possible and i dont believe if u win cultural u could do this by military too. i regard tourism as a attack on every other player, while military going for the entire world is really hard (normally 5v1 should never work in an offensive war):cool:
I did it lately in a empiror lv muiltiplayer game with a big map size
as egypt u can expand fast by abusing that adopting piety reduces the build time of your gravetombs by 1/2 to get more happynes
U wil get tons of faith from that and if u spend it on religious buildings in combination with a early reform beleave u can win a culture victory before planes are in the game
Continents standard map with 8 players. 6 on 1 big continent and 2 appeared on the other smaller continent. "x" disconnected soon at the small continent and the guy at the small continent got it all to himself. He happened to be Brazil..

When the game ended, we where 3 left and had been to war with eachother several times. But Brazil pulled a Culture Victory out of the hat.
Finished one at t157, 4/6 of the players had early war and the 5th spent most of the game catching up with observatory cities. Also got a concede as Spain in another game with uncontested Kilimanjaro and Uluru in a pretty isolated position.

Main idea was to grab key wonders for CV such as Parthenon/Alhambra/Sistine/Leaning & a fast Hermitage to get enough policies to finish Asethetics, then Oxford Radio/dip into Futurism then aggressively grabbing all of the cultural wonders. Cultural/religious CS were very much sought after as well.

Obviously this is really only going to work if you already have a massive hammer/tech lead & isolated from everybody, in which case you could probably win by any method you want anyway...
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