Bombings in Nigeria


In whom I trust
Jan 30, 2003
Perth,Western Australia
Deadly Nigeria bomb attacks condemned by world leaders
There has been widespread condemnation in the international community of a series of Christmas Day bomb attacks in Nigeria that killed almost 40 people.

The White House said the attacks were "senseless violence" and the UK foreign secretary called them "cowardly".

Militant Islamist group Boko Haram said it carried out the attacks.

A blast outside a church near the capital Abuja claimed 35 lives, while a policeman died in the city of Jos and four people were killed in Damaturu.

On Christmas day of all days, not that any other day makes it acceptable.

I do like the name of the terrorist group, since it means that Western Education is forbidden.
Ahh yes, the religion of peace once again delivers it's peaceful message to the other faiths of the world.
Very sad. I'd say "what's the world coming to?", but it's really more proper to say "why is the world still like this"? :(

Ahh yes, the religion of peace once again delivers it's peaceful message to the other faiths of the world.
The use of "it", in this context, is woefully ahistorical at best.
And also grammatically incorrect!
Christians killed by a Muslim bomb in a church on Christmas are worth more than other people.

Nonsense. Christians are being slaughtered by muslims in several places in Africa and nobody gives a damn. But if one palestinian civilian waving a Hamas flag is accidently killed by an isreali soldire, there's a crap storm of epic proportions.
The White House said the attacks were "senseless violence" and the UK foreign secretary called them "cowardly".
Quite helpful comments from world governments as usual.

News Report : Something awful happened.
Govt. Official : That was awful. Also it was senseless so don't try to make sense of it.
Citizens : Damn trrists! Lets bomb them!
News Report from Muslim Country we Decided to Invade : Senseless American violence continues.
Everyone : Violence is wrong when others do it but it's ok when we do it.
War profiteers : chaching! :cowboy:
If Boko represents the education of some of the people on this board I would definately agree with Boko Haram!
Poor Christians. Always persecuted. They need Jesus to save them.

And muslims need Mohammed, and I assume you need Marx or whoever is your deity nowadays.

Your post was extremely tasteless in a thread about dozens of christians killed in a terrorist attack, but nobody should expect any better. 35 people dead and you express your solidarity with sarcasm? My heart is warmed by the humanism of our supposed humanists.

Moderator Action: Report, don't respond with a thinly veiled swipe.
Please read the forum rules:
And muslims need Mohammed, and I assume you need Marx or whoever is your deity nowadays.

Your post was extremely tasteless in a thread about dozens of christians killed in a terrorist attack, but nobody should expect any better. 35 people dead and you express your solidarity with sarcasm? My heart is warmed by the humanism of our supposed humanists.

Aww. It's just like you to get all worked up on OT.

I think it's only fair that I can say something like that here when everybody and their dog saw fit to treat the recent Belgian shooting as a statement on the issue of gun rights without any repercussions. I'm sorry if you're offended (you're Christian? I thought you worshiped Mammon or something), but it doesn't seem to be against OT rules to make insensitive remarks about dead nobodies.

Moderator Action: Trolling.
Please read the forum rules:
What are the goals of the Boko Haram?

When they say they wish to resist Amero-European education and culture, do they mean they want the autonomy to do so in the Northern States or do they want independence?
I don't see where I addressed you :p
There were only three previous posts barring the OP, and mine was the only one using the word "context". I can't see what other inferrence I would be expected to make.

And muslims need Mohammed, and I assume you need Marx or whoever is your deity nowadays.
If you're going to insult people, you really should at least have the good decency to put a bit of effort into it.
What are the goals of the Boko Haram?

When they say they wish to resist Amero-European education and culture, do they mean they want the autonomy to do so in the Northern States or do they want independence?

The deceased founder, Muhammad Yusuf, actually advocated for the complete overthrow of Nigeria in order to impose his extremely strict (almost cultish) interpretation of the Koran and Islamic education. Up until recently they seemed uninterested in anything but Nigeria, but if you remember last summer, they actually claimed responsibility for an attack on the UN building in Abuja and made statements about desires to hit other countries abroad, meaning they might have picked up some more international goals/views.

Considering their founder is dead, and they are mostly a reaction against Northern Nigeria's general poverty, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the original goals have become quite muddled.

Unfortunately, I don't see attacks like this stopping until the deeper problems of the region are fixed. Independence for Northern Nigeria might be the way to go eventually, but that won't end the extreme poverty (especially if the group that comes to power continues with clearly backward beliefs- like the Earth not being round and that rain is water being newly introduced to the planet). Similarly, trying to stomp them out with pure military force does not seem likely to succeed as Northern Nigeria has a long history of resisting Western culture and even if you captured the leadership, a similar group would probably emerge shortly later.
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