Botwawki 3


Zailing Captain
Retired Moderator
Jan 21, 2002
On the Zee
The Beginning of the World as We Know It 3

The Story​


The Fallout world exists in an alternate timeline that split away from the history of the real world following World War II. Up until the Great War in 2077, the Fallout world was dominated by the distinctively American culture of the 1950s, though with different technological progression. The Fallout world's setting is heavily influenced by the science fiction anthology Worlds of Tomorrow, which was released during the Golden Age of Science Fiction in the 1950s. We began in 2180, over 100 years after a major nuclear war known as the Great War, or the Last War. Assume that everything that has taken place in the relevant games took place in the lands outside of the playable area. For your interest and background on the universe:

Faction Set-up​

Faction Name: (No use of any faction present in Fallout universe please or anything directly naming Walt Disney, all others fair game) Check out the Capitol Type section for suggestions on names and so forth. Typically it may be best to start out simply naming your faction after wherever you start
Leader Name:
Leader Profession: Choose one from Doctor, Mechanic, Soldier, Sheriff, Farmer, Adventurer, Blacksmith, Technician, Gunsmith, Armorsmith, Entertainer, Politician, Spy, Engineer, or Scientist
Starting Location: Essentially anywhere located on Google Maps that could also be found on the provided world map
Leader Background: optional, story based
Origins: Choose one from Pre-War Military, Vault Dwellers, Tribal Nomads, or Survivors
Capital Type: Choose one from Vault, Urban Ruin, Settlement, Tribal Camp, Bunker
Background: Optional, story based (If you choose Vault, Not Applicable)

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Leader Professions

Leader Professions are what sort of training that your leader brings to the faction. When your leader dies, the following leader will have a profession of his own, usually based on your actions in the game to date. Yes, this means that your leaders are not permanent, and depending on what sort of government you have, leaders may change frequently or rarely at all. Below are listed only the starting bonuses, for more details on what these professions actually do, please see the relevant section of the rules.

Doctor: Clinic completed at start, stockpile of chems exists.

Mechanic: Random basic vehicle(s) available at start in addition to Fusion Cores.

Soldier: Small stockpile of laser weapons and ammunition.

Sheriff: Jail completed at start, small stockpile of 1-H Guns and ammunition.

Farmer: +100 Food and Water per turn at starting settlement.

Adventurer: Random selection of basic weapons and ammunition for them.

Blacksmith: Moderate sized stockpile of Low-Tech Melee and Ranged Weapons.

Technician: Random robots available at start.

Gunsmith: Moderate stockpile of 1-H and 2-H Guns and ammunition.

Armorsmith: Moderate stockpile of Leather Armor available.

Entertainer: Larger starting population and morale.

Politician: Additional bonus specialist at start, but you will NOT receive that specialist’s starting bonus.

Spy: Small stockpile of Stealth Boys at start.

Engineer: Bonus Materials at start.

Scientist: No starting bonus.


The Origins section of creating your faction revolves around the type of people that your faction was created out of. They should be fairly self-explanatory. With the exception of Survivors, most of the different types can only start in one particular place.

Pre-War Military: This represents the descendants of military units which somehow survived the Great War at various underground bases in North America. Starts with high tech military equipment, but small amounts of all other resources, including low food and water.
Vault Dwellers: This represents the descendants of those who survived the Great War by residing in the Vault-Tec Vault system. Starts with a large amount of food, water, and tech parts; but has very limited military equipment; can only start in vaults, please read the vault section before deciding.
Tribal Nomads: This represents the descendants of those who survived the Great War by retreating to various less populated places and reestablishing a tribal civilization. Has large amount of low tech military equipment as well as food and water; can only start in Settlements or Tribal Camps.
Survivors: This represents the descendants of those who survived the Great War by nearly sheer luck, living in the ruins of the cities and towns and eking out an existence scavenging from the rubble. Moderate in all respects, can start everywhere except for Tribal Camps and Vaults.

Starting Community Types

Your starting community will be the place your nation is born from. While you may start as a humble settlement among the Wasteland, the type of place you choose to begin from will indubitably shape the sort of nation you create. Each starting type has its benefits, and some starting types can ONLY become settlements in a nation by starting with them (see Rules section for more information on settlements). Because I describe the details of outposts and settlements further below, this section will only discuss things related to the benefits and less desirable results of starting in each location. Lastly, some starting community types cannot be created in certain climate regions. Check Google Earth to find good locations.

Vault: A vault is part of a pre-war nuclear shelter campaign, which was advertised to protect the people, and even help them thrive in a post-nuclear environment. They are said to be self-sufficient and able to sustain internal support indefinitely. Can only be started in by Vault Dwellers, will have higher number of food, water, and tech parts. Most vaults can be sealed in an emergency, which prevents any attack. Therefore a vault will NEVER be attacked by NPC raiders. These can also be started anywhere on the map, regardless of terrain. There is one important addition to this place however, which can either make your or break you from the very beginning, beyond your own control. All vaults are part of the Vault-Tec Sociological Experiment. This means that every vault has a flaw or unique feature, which will be randomly selected at the start of the game. This means, that beyond the already stated benefits, stats like population, ammunition, and your arsenal will be completely randomized, and unknown at the start. (Examples of Vault Names: Vault 101, Vault 3, Vault 21)

Urban Ruin: Located only within the highly urban regions of the former United States, these ruins are generally notable and relatively intact buildings. A good example would be communities based around pre-war landmarks or businesses. You can only start in an Urban Ruin if your starting location is within a heavily developed city region (as on the terrain map). Starting here will mean a moderate starting stockpile of food and water, but food and water gathering in an urban area is reduced by half. Starting weapons will be typically moderate, a small amount possibly being military grade. Your starting population number will typically be rather low.

Settlement: These are recently established settlements which have established new civilization. You can only begin in one of these in a region that is not extensively urban. These are typically able to feed and water themselves, but rarely have any starting weapons or otherwise. They also start with a relatively large number of people as compared to other starting sites.

Tribal Camp: Though some tribes have settled down, most have not, and continue to lead a nomadic existence across the more open areas of North America. A Tribal Camp is a mobile settlement, and is the only one of its type. If you are a nomadic tribe, this is also your only settlement, and it cannot have structures or anything. The plus side is that with a tribal camp, you are able to grow food on the move, but overall, you're going to want to look for a new home.

Bunker: These are Pre-War installations established by the United States military in the case of nuclear war. They come with large stockpiles of food, water, and ammunition, but no inherent way to produce any more of their own.

Cave System: Cave systems are naturally occurring formations which exist throughout North America, typically as Pre-War tourist attractions or hideaways. They were therefore ideal refuges after the conflict, and some contain springs and so forth, allowing for survival of a few lucky individuals. Starting here gives a lower starting population, but typically a more self-sustainable one at the same time.

Standard Game Stats Format​

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Faction Name: Player Name
Leader: Leader Name
Faction Morale: #%
Capital: Capital Name
Total Population: #
Total Slaves: #
Specialists: Title Specialist Name (Age; Location), Title Specialist Name (Age; Location)
Food: # (+#)
Water: # (+#)
Chems: #
Fusion Cores: #
Materials: #
Ammunition: #
Total Military Equipment: List and Amounts of Weaponry and Armor
Robots: List and Amounts of Robots
Military Skill: #
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Settlement Name: Total Production Amounts
-Population: Local Population Size
-Structures: List of Structures
-Armory: List of Weapons at this location

The Rules​
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Morale, Population, and Slaves

Your population is all your people that you have available to you. Typically the numbers are going to start very small, but will quickly grow throughout the course of years. The "civilized" zones such as your faction won't be the only survivors out there, and based on your faction traits and other stats, you'll be receiving a slow flow of immigrants and refugees from more wild territories. This will be included alongside "natural" growth as well.

Faction Morale is a new and fairly important stat representing how well your people think you are doing as their leader. Morale will automatically decrease each turn by 2% for each settlement you have and 1% for every 500 Population you possess. You can mitigate Morale decrease by building certain structures such as the Brothel, Inn, or Jail. When you reach below 40% Morale the troubles will begin and people will get unruly. When you reach below 20%, a civil war becomes probable. If you somehow manage to allow things to reach 0%, you will face total faction collapse, end of game. Missing a turn’s orders will automatically drop faction morale by 20%. You’ve bene warned.

The Population stat isn't a representation of a larger population or a base from which to create an army. Your Population IS your army. Therefore, it is very important to keep your people happy and loyal as well as provide them with state of the art weapons and good equipment for battle. You have absolute control over your people, send them wherever you choose. They live to serve your whims and the faction as a whole. As long as they stay loyal, that is.

The slave stat is entirely up to you. If you want slaves, feel free to capture some from the wasteland or other factions. Thanks to state of the art bomb collar technology, it's easier than ever to enslave people! Slaves consume no food and water, but can harvest and gather just like normal population. Of course, sending them out into the wastelands also increases the chance that they may escape, so make sure you have loyal guards with them.


Specialists are a new addition to this game style, replacing the old Education system. There are fifteen classes of specialist that exist in this game, each with their own abilities and functions. Specialists unlock different buildings and items for construction, and will have their own personalities and agendas. Most of the Challenges for your faction will likely be driven by conflicts and disputes between your specialists. Your leader also counts as a specialist, to be selected when you create a faction. When your leader dies, one of your other specialists will likely gain control. Remember, each of these specialists offer new opportunities and chances, but can occasionally be more trouble than they are worth. Also, some items require multiple types of specialists for construction. Here’s a quick overview of each profession and what they can do for you.

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Doctor: A doctor allows for the production of Chems which help improve performance of your Population both in battle and in collection of scrap. New Chems can be produced 1 Chem for every 5 units of Food.

Mechanic: The Mechanic opens up the construction of a variety of vehicles for use, and keeps any vehicles you do obtain in good repair.

Soldier: A soldier is a skilled warrior who will dramatically improve the performance of any combat group when he leads them personally into battle.

Sheriff: A Sheriff keeps the peace in your faction and prevents total faction collapse when morale gets low, preventing morale from falling below 10%. They also prevent Spies from infiltrating whatever community they are assigned to.

Farmer: Farmers unlock Farming Equipment for construction and each Farmer adds +100 Food per turn to your faction total each turn.

Adventurer: Adventurers improve the odds of finding unique and interesting scrap out in the wasteland when they are sent out with a salvaging team.

Blacksmith: Blacksmiths allow the production of a wide variety of low-tech weaponry.

Technician: Technicians reconstruct robots and can unlock treasures contained behind terminals in the wasteland if sent with salvage teams.

Gunsmith: Gunsmiths unlock the construction of firearms.

Armorsmith: Armorsmith unlock the construction of armor.

Entertainer: Each Entertainer boosts morale by 5% a turn, as well as unlocks a variety of morale-boosting buildings.

Politician: Politicians reduce the chances of negative Challenges and unlock more options when it comes to dealing with Challenges that you do receive.

Spy: Spies can be used to infiltrate other factions and communities and find weaknesses or perform other covert activities. They are the only such unit that can infiltrate and conduct these sorts of operations and are even more effective with Stealth Boys.

Engineer: Engineers unlock a variety of high-end buildings and also can be used to improve returns of Materials when sent with salvagers.

Scientist: Scientists offer the ability to research new technology as well as unlocking the construction of advanced weapons, buildings, and equipment.

Supplies in Their Natural Habitats

Chems are an element of supplies that are created by Doctors from Food. Chems provide a strong boost to your Population in different circumstances. They can be used to double the amount of Materials slaves or population can collected while scavenging. They also can be used to double the effectiveness of your soldiers in battle. Be warned, chems are highly addictive, and each largescale use of chems will create a risk of addiction, which will cause a constant drain of chems on your stats. If you do not have enough chems to meet this drain, you will face harsh morale penalties.

Food and Water are the most important resources out there, period. Good food and purified water are essential to the literal survival of not just the faction, but the very species. Each person that you have in your faction will require 1 Food and 1 Water every year. If they do not receive it, they will die. Some old pre-war facilities have food or water production of their own, sometimes in large amounts. The only reliable way to gather food and water is to send out your population or slaves each turn to collect it from the wilderness. Collecting water won’t do you much good, however, unless your town is near a fresh water stream, river, or lake.

Fusion Cores are what is needed to power most vehicles and for the construction of robots. They can be found fairly extensively through old world ruins, as they were in common use among the military and old corporations. Fusion Cores are essential to maintaining and using the most powerful weapons and equipment available to wasteland factions.

Materials represent the random detritus that is the leftovers of the modern world. This can include anything from the shells of cars, to timber, to any assorted scrap metal, wood, or other building material. They are used in construction as well as to create weapons. They can also be converted into ammunition with the appropriate facilities.

Ammunition is required for the use of all non-melee weapons. Without it, your guns are just fairly useless clubs and you'll get torn apart by the most primitive tribes. Different types of guns expend ammunition quicker, and you lose ammunition based on how many battles you fight in a turn and how many.

Military Equipment and Skill

Scavenging and exploring will often result in the recovery of different types of weapons. Even better, when you defeat a group of raiders or another faction's army, their weapons become your own. The list of goodies you can use to fight are in a below post. Lastly, if you don't have enough weapons for your whole population, it is assumed that they are using standard melee makeshift stuff, which is always the least effective tool. Your military equipment stat is the total military equipment for your faction, and each settlement’s individual arsenal stats are taken out of this total.

Military Skill is the type of ability that your population has for combat. Remember, all of your population generally knows at least something about fighting and war, otherwise they'd die off. Therefore, your whole population is your army and this stat reflects what sort of experience and abilities they possess in the terms of combat. Obviously the higher the better, and the more you fight, the better you get. Better weapons, armor, and chems will help improve the military skill stat in combat situations.

Exploration and Scavenging

As frequently mentioned above a large amount of your time and energy would be best focused on sifting through the ruins of society. With scouting parties you can locate promising ruins which could work well as a outpost or community. You can find nice bits of salvage and old-war gems, including hidden special projects that you could bring to life with just enough Materials. My recommendation is that you have at least one scouting party heading out somewhere every turn. Of course, there's always the small chance that they'll get hit by raiders or other factions, so make sure to give them some firepower to help them out. To Explore to Scavenge simply say in orders "Send __ people with ____ weapons to Explore and/or Scavenge in _____ spot.”

Outposts and Expansion

The civilizations of the wasteland begin by uniting a variety of small towns and outposts. They usually begin as fortified positions or tribal communities but ultimately evolve into a part of a much larger nation. There's always the chance settlers will be hit by raiders on the way, so once again, make sure they have weapons. There are several "standard" types of places you can discover that are detailed here. These do not include some of the places which qualify as starting zones, as they typically must be conquered, not colonized. Settlement prices are listed below based on type of settlement.

Urban Ruin: This is the most common type of outpost or settlement that you can establish. These typically are buildings, small towns, or landmarks leftover by the old world which are intact enough to be fortified and turned into outposts. When establishing a base in an urban ruin, you are likely to find tech parts, and this is the only way you're likely to discover the rarest of pre-war artifacts as well as plenty of standard ammunition and regular weapons.

Military Base/Bunker: This is a particularly uncommon type of outpost or settlement you can discover and claim. These are particularly nice because frequently they have large amounts of ammunition, and occasionally even ammunition-producing machines. They can also have decent stockpiles of food and water within them, sometimes even limited production facilities of their own. One or two military bases may even have fun treasures hidden within them.

Settlement: Whenever you're in a particularly barren region, there's always the option to simply just create a settlement out of spare parts in the area. While this may be useful to help monitor your territory or encourage trade, typically settlements have little or no resources of their own. If they're created in fertile lands they can become profitable farming communities.

Cave System: Outside of the cities, there are occasionally cave systems in the mountains and other isolated regions. These are frequently a good source of water, and perhaps other resources as well from failed post-war attempts at survival. They are also hard to find and therefore rarely come under attack by raiders, making them easy to defend and man. Of course, if you’ve researched an area and know where a nice cave system is, the advantage is yours.

Warfare in Post-Apocalyptia

As I've already mentioned, there are no standing armies or militias. Every person in your faction knows how to fight and thanks to the leftovers of modern technology, only a small number of people actually need to stay home and farm or maintain things. In order to fight, simply state the number of people you want to send into battle, what weapons you want them to carry, and where you want them to go. Typically war is fought as a series of firefights, not sustained fronts or warfare. Each battle will expend ammunition, so be careful of your stockpiles before you go out on campaign. If you run out of ammo, it is quite likely things will end poorly for you. Always keep a garrison at your outposts if you want to keep them. When planning battles, feel free to be as detailed as you'd like, it can only help.

The World of Fallout Florida​

War, war never changes.

The outbreak of war with China led to a significant drop in the importance of Florida to the United States’ government. Most military forces moved to the west coast, and with the Baby Boomer generation beginning to fade, the civilian population soon followed. As a state which relied heavily on tourism, nuclear, pandemic, and war scares began to cripple the state, leaving it with a declining infrastructure and severe economic troubles. As international travel was brought to a halt, many hotels and theme parks shut down, unable to maintain a solid business. Therefore, when nuclear weapons were unleashed, Florida was not a priority target for Chinese missiles and attacks. Though large urban centers and military bases were hit, much of the state was spared from direct nuclear attack. Unfortunately the chaos that followed did more damage and harm than any nuclear weapons could.

The geography of Florida is as diverse as it is unique. In the south, the Everglades has overrun the ruins of Miami, and much of the southern part of the peninsula has been reclaimed by the swamps. These swamps are deep and mysterious, few enter them and fewer leave, especially in the vine-choked ruins of the great city of Miami. Miami itself consists of half-sunken skyscrapers and derelict vessels, as well as hordes of various creatures and monsters looking to feast. Along the western coast of the peninsula lie a number of sparse and disparate coastal communities, most long abandoned by their residents. Tampa was badly hit by nuclear weapons during the war and traditionally has been avoided by scavengers due to high radioactivity. On the eastern coast from the edge of the swamps to Jacksonville is an unending row of hotels and beach towns, stretching as far as the eye can see. These tilted hotels are without number, standing as if tombstones to the people who once lived in them, a modern Easter Island, facing toward the sea. In the center of the state is the metropolis of Orlando, the most populous city in Florida at the time of the war. Hit hard by nuclear weapons, it is full of ruins, and the skies remain choked with dust and radiation. In the south the old amusement parks crumble, though some remain hauntingly active, as some old rides still, just barely, function, without any riders or operators. Throughout northern Florida and southern Georgia, the numerous small towns and cities remain mostly abandoned, lost during the chaos after the war. Some treasures may remain, as scavengers from more organized communities look for ways to prolong their existence.

Starting Map
Weapons of the Wasteland​

These are the various weapons which can be salvaged or built by the factions of the Wasteland, including you. Some can only be scavenged, so keep this in mind when you're drooling over the possibilities.

Standard Weapons
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Low-Tech Melee Weapon: These are purpose built melee weapons such as swords and the like. Significantly better than improvised arms that people use by default. Obviously, Melee weapons do not expend ammunition in battle.
Cost: 1 Material
Requisites: Blacksmith

Low-Tech Ranged Weapon: These are purpose built ranged weapons along the lines of bows and crossbows. These weapons do not expend ammunition.
Cost: 5 Materials
Requisites: Blacksmith

Low-Tech Siege Weapons: These are things like catapults and trebuchets, relics of a more barbaric age. They can bring down all but the toughest walls, and in theory could be used to inefficiently respond to more advanced ranged equipment. They expend 5 Materials in each battle they are used.
Cost: 150 Materials
Requisites: Blacksmith and Engineer

High Tech Melee: These are pre-war military hand to hand combat devices, such as "Power Fists" and more civilian items like chainsaws. These are great for stealthy operations and combat against those who do not have guns. Like Low Tech Melee, these devices do not expend ammunition in battle.
Cost: 10 Materials
Requisites: Blacksmith and Technician

One-Hand (1-H) Guns. These are projectile 1 hand weapons such as pistols, submachine guns, and revolvers. For the sake of simplicity I'm including shotguns in this category as well. Simply put, these are the best weapons for combat in close quarters, urban regions. They are fairly common throughout civilian ruins. They expend 1 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.
Cost: 10 Materials
Requisites: Gunsmith

Two-Hand (2-H) Guns: These are projectile rifles, hunting or otherwise. Best for open base defense and in-the-field combat, as well as being nearly as good as 1-H Guns in close combat. They are somewhat common among civilian ruins. They expend 2 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.
Cost: 20 Materials
Requisites: Gunsmith

Heavy Weapons: These are missile launchers, grenade launchers, and other explosive devices. They are good in any circumstance when you're not trying to be subtle about your capabilities. They can normally only be salvaged from prewar military installations and a select few civilian installations. They expend 5 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.
Cost: 50 Materials
Requisites: Gunsmith and Engineer

Howitzer: These are modern artillery pieces in their purest form. One of the few pieces of military equipment pre-war not based on electronics, except for guidance, these artillery devices can be found at scattered bases across the wasteland. However, without the attached vehicles, they can be very difficult to move, so are best in a defensive position. They expend 50 Ammunition each per battle fought.
Cost: 600 Materials
Requisites: Completed Manufactory, Gunsmith, Mechanic, Engineer, and Technician

Laser Weapons: These were fairly standard issue for the United States military at the time of the Great War. They come and all shapes and sizes, and are generally known for packing a much bigger punch than projectile weapons. They are typically only found among Army or National Guard bases. They expend 3 Ammunition each per battle fought in a turn.
Cost: 30 Materials
Requisites: Gunsmith and Scientist

Plasma Weapons: These had just been issued to the military prior to the Great War, and are known for the extreme firepower, being able to punch through almost any type of armor, reducing their victims to a green goo. They are difficult to find and can only be located from ruins of large military bases. They expend 4 Ammunition each per battle fought.
Cost: 60 Materials
Requisites: Gunsmith, Scientist, Technician, and Engineer

Fat Man/Mini-Nuke: The Fat Man is one of the biggest guns out there. Essentially this gun propels a small nuclear device out of a launcher, smashing apart medium-sized groups of enemies, as well as pretty much any vehicle or hapless fool in power armor. Unlike other guns they use Mini-Nukes as ammunition. Unlike other guns, they will ONLY be used in battle if you specifically say so, due to the rarity of both the gun and the ammo. Both the Fat Man and Mini-Nukes can only be found through lucky salvage.

Stealth Boy: The Stealth Boy is a pre-war stealth device that renders almost complete invisibility upon its wearer for a few moments. The charge is limited and there’s no recharge, so use of a stealth boy will render the device useless, not much more than garbage. A rare device and particularly lethal when appropriately used in action.

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Leather Armor: Leather Armor is the most basic protection beyond normal clothing, crafted out of animal hide and old clothing. Leather Armor is best against animal attacks and conventional firearms.
Cost: 5 Materials
Requisites: Armorsmith

Metal Armor: Created out of old car parts and other detritus of the old world, metal armor is somewhat tougher than Leather Armor. They lack the same maneuverability, however, and are far better against swords and low-tech weaponry, as well as higher tech energy weapons.
Cost: 10 Materials
Requisites: Armorsmith

Combat Armor: Combat Armor is the basic infantry reinforcement used by the US Army before the end of the world, or a passable replica thereof. It protects equally against all types of attacks, and costs 20 Materials per outfit of Combat Armor. They require and Armorsmith and a Technician to create.
Cost: 20 Materials
Requisites: Armorsmith and Technician

T-45 Power Armor (T-45 Suit): T-45 Power Armor was the first power armor suit introduced by the United States military into combat against the Chinese. It was in the process of being phased out when nuclear war at last broke out. Power armor is highly effective in combat, granting supreme protection and strength to the wearer. Unfortunately they are notoriously power inefficient, consuming 5 Fusion Cores per use in battle.
Cost: 300 Materials
Requisites: Armorsmith, Scientist, Engineer, and Technician

T-51 Power Armor (T-51 Suit): The T-51 power armor was the type of suit deployed in the Anchorage campaign and saw extensive trial in combat. It was known for having a more efficient energy system, but roughly the same level of armor. Therefore it offers the same amount of protection as the T-45, but only consumes 3 Fusion Cores per use in battle. The T-51 can only be scavenged, not built.

T-60 Power Armor (T-60 Suit): The T-60 power armor suit was the latest being rolled out to American military units when the war came to an end. It has significantly higher damage resistance than earlier models and all energy issues were resolved, vastly reducing fuel consumption. The T-60 only consumes 1 Fusion Core for use in battle. The T-60 can only be scavenged not built.

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Mr. Handy: These were developed for the civilian market as the first personal robot, particularly for cooking and repair work around the house. They still can help maintain fortifications and so forth, but you'll likely find them best for close-combat, as they possess a small flamethrower as well as numerous melee weapons. They can also be used for basic salvaging and construction, and will always return with something to show for it.
Cost: 100 Materials, 1 Fusion Core
Requisites: Technician

Protectron: These are common pre-war robots, generally used by civilian companies and police forces. They are the most versatile robots that were available on the prewar markets, able to be programmed for a variety of purposes, including law enforcement, emergency medical treatments, and repair and construction. They possess a laser weapon as well as limited disabling close-combat devices.
Cost: 150 Materials, 1 Fusion Core
Requisites: Technician

Mr. Gutsy: This was the military model of Mr. Handy, capable of constructing field fortifications, as well as possessing a military grade flamethrower and laser or plasma weapons.
Cost: 200 Materials, 1 Fusion Core
Requisites: Technician and Soldier

Assaultron: This is a fast moving and deadly robot, specializing in close combat and hand to hand fighting, but also possesses long range and powerful laser weaponry.
Cost: 300 Materials, 1 Fusion Core
Requisites: Technician, Scientist, and Soldier

Sentry Bots: These are very rare and uncommon pre-war advanced security and military robots. Unlike the Mr. Gutsy, these have no "peaceful" functions. They are armed with a gatling laser, missiles, and a flamethrower, all of which are constructed and supplied by internal programming. If you encounter these, be prepared to die or run away.
Cost: 300 Materials, 2 Fusion Cores
Requisites: Technician, Scientist, Soldier, and Engineer

Important Note: You should be aware that when it comes to creating larger and more complicated vehicles such as anything that isn’t a raft or canoe, what is actually occurring is the restoration of pre-war artifacts. Therefore you are not building a truck from scratch, but are rather restoring an old truck for use once again.

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Raft: This uncontrollable floating device is simply a means of carrying people or items behind a different, slow-moving boat. Used best with canoes. Trade over water is not viable for a turn without rafts to go with your canoes.
Cost: 25 Materials
Requisites: None

Canoe: These ancient boats are going to require at least 5 people each to move them swiftly along. They of course have no fighting capacity, but can be used in conjunction with rafts to move supplies around on rivers or lakes.
Cost: 50 Materials
Requisites: None

Small Boat: These are modern powered vessels that can carry a good deal of cargo and can move on larger rivers, assuming no significant debris. They can be armed if you choose to arm them with whatever weapons you have in your arsenal. Consider these to be approximately the size of a large fishing boat or very large yacht. These vessels will consume 1 Fusion Core per every 40 miles travelled.
Cost: 2,000 Materials
Requisites: Mechanic

Large Boat: These are modern powered vessels of far greater size than the Small Boat, roughly equivalent to a modern freighter. They can be armed and are mostly meant for oceanic travel, though it is not recommended to try to cross the Atlantic. They can haul massive amounts of scrap and other salvage from coastal areas. These vessels will consume 1 Fusion Core per every 10 miles travelled.
Cost: 6,000 Materials
Requisites: Manufactory, Mechanic, Technician, and Engineer

Motorcycle: These land-based powered vehicles are the epitome of fast reconnaissance for scouts. Capable of easily maneuvering through the ruins of the old world at high speed, they offer the ease of quickly transporting one’s scouts through the countryside. Sadly, due to the high speed, they are far more likely to fall prey to traps and are not so good off of pre-war roads. Motorcycles will consume 1 Fusion Core for every 100 Miles travelled.
Cost: 100 Materials
Requisites: Mechanic

Highwayman: These are some standard passenger cars from before the war, best suited for travel on good roads and open spaces. They are not particularly good for hauling goods, just people, and less maneuverable than a motorcycle, but offer somewhat more protection. Highwaymans will consume 1 Fusion Core for every 50 Miles travelled.
Cost: 300 Materials
Requisites: Mechanic

Truck: These lumbering pre-war vehicles are the ultimate land-based supply haulers. Far superior to carts or Brahmin, they can easily carry a large amount of salvaged goods or soldiers across the wasteland. Incredibly sturdy, they can go off-road with ease anywhere except swamps, but are typically best when escorted by friendly infantry or when travelling roads in friendly territory. Consumes 1 Fusion Core for every 20 Miles travelled.
Cost: 400 Materials
Requires: Mechanic

Vertibirds: A standard piece of equipment used by the military and private companies before the war. Possesses extremely hefty firepower and countermeasures against missiles and other ground-based offensive systems. Well suited for the deployment of mini-nukes against ground targets and expends 50 Ammunition per battle fought otherwise. Vertibirds consume 1 Fusion Core per 30 miles travelled. Vertibirds do not require airfields to land. Vertibirds cannot fly without a Technician acting as a designated pilot for each individual aircraft.
Cost: 1,000 Materials
Requisites: Manufactory, Mechanic, Technician, Soldier, Engineer, and Scientist

Unique Weapons and Vehicles

None as of yet.

Important Structures

The following are key structures which are used to expand the capabilities of your faction, in order to secure your safety and prosperity. All buildings are listed in the settlement's stats in which they are built. This is by no means an all inclusive list, and feel free to think of anything else that may have been missed here. Another note is that farms are not included here (beyond hydroponics), and this is because with the exception of automated equipment, I am assuming all gathering takes place from existing farms. Please read the descriptions thoroughly as some structures require a geographic trait. Furthermore, as it is clarified here, your educational level makes a difference on the prices for various things. A detailed summary of this is above under the Education rules.

Spoiler :

New Town: This is the construction of a new settlement of different types, each with their own advantages/disadvantages, as discussed above in the ruleset. New settlements cost varying amounts depending on how/where you build them.
Settlement: Can usually only be built in open territory, but this can also be used to “reclaim” a small town that you have scouted. Best type of settlement for food production. 3,000 Materials to build.
Military Base/Bunker: If you’ve found a military base that you’d like to inhabit, it’ll cost 2,000 Materials to make the needed repairs and secure the place as a community. Usually standard for food production, assuming the area is any good for farming.
Urban Ruin: Can only be built in an heavily urban area. 1,000 Materials to patch holes in the walls and fortify the position. Poor food production.
Cave System: Can only be claimed and built where caves exist. 500 Materials are needed to turn a cave system into a functioning community center. Food production minimal at best, water production is typically doubled that of usual settlements due to easier access to the Florida aquifer.

Radio Tower: This structure allows for broadcasting into the wasteland, music or otherwise. Allows long distance communication and diplomacy with other factions that also have radios. Increases attention of would-be immigrants and raiders to your faction.
Cost: 1,000 Materials
Requisites: Technician

Water Station: This structure combines a purifier with a pump, allowing for mass production of clean water for your community. It is possible to pump a lake dry with years of sustained use.
Cost: 800 Materials
Requisites: Engineer

Farming Equipment: These are any facilities and equipment used for improving agriculture. Assuming your area is suitable for farming in the first place, this will improve the output you provide. After 3 levels of farming equipment, no more food can be provided. Therefore any construction will be ignored.
Cost: 800 Materials
Requisites: Farmer

Energy Generator: This is a basic nuclear reactor that can be constructed with a significant background in education or the ability to learn it from other sources. Generators convert raw energy from scavenged materials into Fusion Cores at an exchange rate of 10 Materials for each Fusion Core. Fusion Cores are used by a variety of vehicles, armor, and buildings for power.
Cost: 1,500 Materials
Requisites: Technician and Engineer

Ammunition Converter: This facility allows you to convert Materials into Ammunition for use on the battlefield. Conversion is done at a cost of 1 Materials into 1 Ammunition.
Cost: 1,500 Materials
Requisites: Gunsmith and Engineer

Fortifications: Fortifications are any sort of purpose-built defensive works that protect the settlement in question. Ten levels of fortification can be built at any particular settlement or outpost. Each level represents essentially adding +1 Military Skill to any defenders of that settlement. It is assumed that any existing settlement has a basic level of fortifications, these structures are anything that could be considered additions. This could include, but is not limited to: pillboxes, additional walls, parapets, and interior strongholds.
Cost: 500 Materials
Requisites: None

Manufactory: Manufactories are used solely for the production of particularly high tech and complicated sorts of equipment and arms.
Cost: 2,000 Materials
Requisites: Technician and Engineer

Automated Defense System: This powered facility is a series of automated defense turrets, which increase the defense capacity of your base and reduce the need for a garrison. Systems use no ammunition, recycling their own over time.
Cost: 1,000 Materials
Requisites: Technician and Soldier

Clinic: This is a place for treatment for radiation poisoning and wounds of all sizes and types, as well as the creation of chems to enhance and aid wastelanders. Improves survival chances for victims of attacks on the settlement, and opens up new options in regards to Challenges.
Cost: 600 Materials
Requisites: Doctor

Jail: This is a fortified structure that offers a place to contain those who disrupt the harmony of a settlement. Halves standard settlement morale penalty from 2% a turn to 1%. Also can open up new options in regards for Challenges and reduces risk of slave revolt or escape.
Cost: 400 Materials
Requisites: Sheriff

Brothel: This is a location for the practice of the oldest profession for males and females alike, helping people find an escape from the woes of the world for a brief time. Produces 2% morale per turn.
Cost: 300 Materials
Requisites: Entertainer

Inn: This is a family-friendly location for people to visit for a drink or conversation. A favorite place for traveling wanderers and adventurers, and will produce 1% morale per turn, and increase odds of receiving a Challenge that will allow for recruitment of a new specialist.
Cost: 400 Materials
Requisites: Entertainer
Player Faction Stats

The 500: Omega124
Leader: Champion Jeff "Earned-Heart" Wallace (Mechanic)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: Speedway
Total Population: 300
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 795 (+0)
Water: 795 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 300
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 500
Military Equipment: 150 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 25 Highwaymans
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

Speedway (Urban Ruin; Daytona Beach, FL):
-Population: 300
-Structures: None
-Armory: 50 1-H Guns, 25 Highwaymans

All Nite Aces: Blaze_Injun
Leader: Dixie Summers (Entertainer)
Faction Morale: 86%
Capital: Hard Rock
Total Population: 405
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 1,695 (+0)
Water: 1,695 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 1,000
Ammunition: 1,000
Military Equipment: 200 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

Hard Rock (Urban Ruin; Hard Rock Hotel, Clearwater FL):
-Population: 405
-Structures: Inn, Brothel
-Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons

Bartow Chem Dogs: Zappericus
Leader: Bill Crowley (Doctor)
Faction Morale: 67%
Capital: Gainzville
Total Population: 1,100
Slaves: 40
Specialists: None
Food: 2,500 (+0)
Water: 2,500 (+0)
Chems: 300
Fusion Cores: 12
Materials: 700
Ammunition: 0; 3 Mini-Nukes
Military Equipment: 500 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 1 Fat Man
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

Gainzville (Settlement; Bartow, FL):
-Population: 1,100
-Structures: Clinic
-Armory: 500 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 1 Fat Man

City 33: Thomas.berubeg
Leader: Overseer Sybill Hancock (Technician)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: City 33
Total Population: 410
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 1,190 (+1,000)
Water: 790 (+1,000)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 110
Materials: 300
Ammunition: 150
Military Equipment: 100 1-H Guns
Robots: 10 Mr. Handys, 5 Sentry Bots
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

City 33 (Vault; Boca Raton, FL): +1,000 Food, +1,000 Water
-Population: 410
-Structures: None
-Armory: 100 1-H Guns

Cognate Corporation: J.K. Stockholme
Leader: Auto MkIV (Technician)
Faction Morale: 70%
Capital: Cognate HQ
Total Population: 300
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 1,600 (+0)
Water: 1,600 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 1,000
Military Equipment: 150 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 100 Laser Weapons
Robots: 20 Protectrons
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

Cognate HQ (Bunker; Chandler’s Crossing, Jacksonville, FL):
-Population: 300
-Structures: None
-Armory: 150 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 100 Laser Weapons, 20 Protectrons

Department of Combat Archaeology: Seon
Leader: Doctor Roosevelt (Adventurer)
Faction Morale: 70%
Capital: The University
Total Population: 800
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 3,100 (+0)
Water: 3,100 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 500
Military Equipment: 150 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 50 Stealth Boys
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

The University (Settlement; University of Central Florida, FL):
-Population: 800
-Structures: None
-Armory: 150 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 50 Stealth Boys

Empire of New Spain: Tyo
Leader: Herman Cortez (Soldier)
Faction Morale: 70%
Capital: Fort Barrancas
Total Population: 300
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 2,100 (+0)
Water: 2,100 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 1,000
Ammunition: 2,650
Military Equipment: 50 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 250 Laser Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 5
Spoiler :

Fort Barrancas (Urban Ruin; Pensacola, FL):
-Population: 300
-Structures: None
-Armory: 50 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 250 Laser Weapons

Floridian Skylords: Shirogane
Leader: Wing General Ann McCarron (Technician)
Faction Morale: 70%
Capital: McCarron Sky Fortress
Total Population: 300
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 1,100 (+0)
Water: 1,100 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 2,500
Military Equipment: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 300 Laser Weapons
Robots: 5 Sentry Bots
Military Skill: 5
Spoiler :

McCarron Sky Fortress (Bunker; MacDill Air Force Base, FL):
-Population: 300
-Structures: None
-Armory: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 300 Laser Weapons, 5 Sentry Bots

Grand Republic of Saint Augustine: TheLastJacobite
Leader: The Knowledgeable Thomas Graham (Blacksmith)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: Flagler College
Total Population: 290
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 1,810 (+0)
Water: 1,810 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 1,000
Ammunition: 925
Military Equipment: 200 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 200 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

Flagler College (Saint Augustine, FL; Urban Ruin):
-Population: 290
-Structures: None
-Armory: 200 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons

Highlanders: Decamper
Leader: King Braveheart (Adventurer)
Faction Morale: 67%
Capital: Scootlund
Total Population: 1,065
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 3,335 (+0)
Water: 3,335 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 1
Materials: 130
Ammunition: 0
Military Equipment: 500 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons
Robots: 10 Mr. Gutsys
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

Scootlund (Settlement; Scotland, FL):
-Population: 1,065
-Structures: None
-Armory: 500 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 10 Mr. Gutsys

Kingdom of Hogwartz: <nuke>
Leader: Queen Minerva I (Technician)
Faction Morale: 66%
Capital: Hogwartz
Total Population: 285
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 815 (+0)
Water: 1,055 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 6
Materials: 90
Ammunition: 2,320
Military Equipment: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 290 Laser Weapons
Robots: 14 Mr. Gutsys
Military Skill: 5
Spoiler :

Hogwartz (Bunker; Universal Studios, FL):
-Population: 300
-Structures: None
-Armory: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 290 Laser Weapons, 14 Mr. Gutsys

Machabees: Ahigin
Leader: Doctor Simon Flaks (Doctor)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: Samaria
Total Population: 710
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 2,485 (+0)
Water: 2,220 (+0)
Chems: 400 (-5)
Fusion Cores: 40
Materials: 340
Ammunition: 260
Military Equipment: 150 1-H Guns, 75 2-H Guns
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

Samaria (Settlement; Palm Beach Gardens, FL):
-Population: 710
-Structures: Clinic
-Armory: 150 1-H Guns, 75 2-H Guns

Ocala Tribe: Terrence888
Leader: Chief Salty Blackhand (Blacksmith)
Faction Morale: 70%
Capital: Salt Springs
Total Population: 1,100
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 3,600 (+0)
Water: 3,600 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 0
Military Equipment: 700 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 200 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

Salt Springs (Settlement; Salt Springs, FL):
-Population: 1,100
-Structures: None
-Armory: 700 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 200 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons

Peanut Island: commanderkai
Leader: Colonel Grant Sherman (Soldier)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: Peanut Island
Total Population: 305
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 795 (+0)
Water: 995 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 10
Materials: 40
Ammunition: 2,650
Military Equipment: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 350 Laser Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 5
Spoiler :

Peanut Island (Bunker; Peanut Island, FL):
-Population: 305
-Structures: None
-Armory: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 350 Laser Weapons

Most Pious and Holy Union of America: Grandkhan
Leader: Grand High President of the Union Kennedy Benjamin (Mechanic)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: Fort Liberty
Total Population: 315
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 785 (+0)
Water: 785 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 294
Materials: 300
Ammunition: 2,380
Military Equipment: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 315 Laser Weapons, 5 Trucks
Robots: None
Military Skill: 5
Spoiler :

Fort Liberty (Bunker; Camp Blanding, FL):
-Population: 315
-Structures: None
-Armory: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 315 Laser Weapons, 5 Trucks

People&#8217;s Republic of Florida: spaceman98
Leader: Supreme Leader Shui Wen (Mechanic)
Faction Morale: 70%
Capital: Fortress Revolution
Total Population: 820
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 2,530 (+0)
Water: 2,530 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 316
Materials: 345
Ammunition: 1,910
Military Equipment: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 195 Laser Weapons, 4 Trucks
Robots: None
Military Skill: 5
Spoiler :

Fortress Revolution (Settlement; Pinetta, FL):
-Population: 820
-Structures: None
-Armory: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 195 Laser Weapons, 4 Trucks

Romero's Roving Reavers of Rust: Tolni
Leader: Ralph Romero (Mechanic)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: The Shipyard
Total Population: 295
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 1,805 (+0)
Water: 1,805 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 285
Materials: 5
Ammunition: 955
Military Equipment: 200 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Gun, 25 Laser Weapons, 40 Motorcycles
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

The Shipyard (Urban Ruin, Springfield, Jacksonville, FL):
-Population: 290
-Structures: None
-Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Gun, 25 Laser Weapons, 40 Motorcycles

Seminole Tribe: Quisani
Leader: Chief Truman Cypress (Farmer)
Faction Morale: 70%
Capital: The Rez
Total Population: 800
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 3,100 (+200)
Water: 3,100 (+100)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 500
Military Equipment: 150 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

The Rez (Settlement; Big Cypress Indian Reservation, FL): +100 Food, +100 Water
-Population: 800
-Structures: None
-Armory: 150 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns

Spartan Security Consultants: Immaculate
Leader: Colonel Corazon Santiago (Soldier)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: SSC Compound
Total Population: 820
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 2,080 (+0)
Water: 2,080 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 1
Materials: 460
Ammunition: 1,340
Military Equipment: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 250 Laser Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 5
Spoiler :

SSC Compound (Myakka River Valley, FL; Settlement):
-Population: 820
-Structures: None
-Armory: 50 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 250 Laser Weapons

Vault 41: SouthernKing
Leader: Overseer Brian Rider (Technician)
Faction Morale: 70%
Capital: Vault 41
Total Population: 1,405
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 195 (+1,000)
Water: 195 (+1,000)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 105
Materials: 1,100
Ammunition: 0
Military Equipment: None
Robots: 94 Mr. Handys, 175 Protectrons, 41 Mr. Gutsys, 50 Sentry Bots
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

Vault 41 (Vault; Lakeland, FL): +1,000 Food, +1,000 Water
-Population: 1,405
-Structures: None
-Armory: 94 Mr. Handys, 175 Protectrons, 41 Mr. Gutsys, 50 Sentry Bots

Vault 57: Lord_herobrine
Leader: Overseer Michael Oliver (Engineer)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: Vault 57
Total Population: 940
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 760 (+1,000)
Water: 1,360 (+1,300)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 115
Materials: 520
Ammunition: 200
Military Equipment: 105 1-H Guns
Robots: 10 Mr. Handys
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

Vault 57 (Vault; Burnt Store Marina, FL): +1,000 Food, +1,000 Water
-Population: 940
-Structures: Water Station
-Armory: 105 1-H Guns

Vault 98: Everblack
Leader: Overseer Altes Parker (Scientist)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: Vault 98
Total Population: 890
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 1,210 (+1,500)
Water: 710 (+1,000)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 100
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 150
Military Equipment: 25 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 1-H Guns
Robots: 7 Mr. Handys
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

Vault 98 (Vault; St. Teresa, FL): +1,500 Food, +1,000 Water
-Population: 890
-Structures: None
-Armory: 100 1-H Guns

Vault 99: Golden1Knight
Leader: Overseer Robert Carlson (Adventurer)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: Vault 99
Total Population: 925
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 675 (+1,000)
Water: 1,675 (+2,000)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 106
Materials: 340
Ammunition: 200
Military Equipment: 100 1-H Guns, 40 Stealth Boys
Robots: 10 Mr. Handys
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

Vault 99 (Vault; Bradenton, FL): +1,000 Food, +2,000 Water
-Population: 925
-Structures: None
-Armory: 100 1-H Guns, 40 Stealth Boys

Vault 119: arya126
Leader: Overseer Simon Shepherd (Gunsmith)
Faction Morale: 63%
Capital: Vault 119
Total Population: 1,565
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 520 (+1,000)
Water: 435 (+1,000)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 90
Materials: 630
Ammunition: 335
Military Equipment: 255 1-H Guns, 95 2-H Guns
Robots: 8 Mr. Handys
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

Vault 119 (Vault; Titusville, FL): +1,000 Food, +1,000 Water
-Population: 1,545
-Structures: None
-Armory: 255 1-H Guns, 65 2-H Guns

Vault 136: Dunebear
Leader: Overseer Marijus Petrovics (Gunsmith)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: Vault 136
Total Population: 910
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 690 (+1,000)
Water: 690 (+1,000)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 98
Materials: 340
Ammunition: 600
Military Equipment: 300 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 5 Small Boats
Robots: 10 Mr. Handys
Military Skill: 0
Spoiler :

Vault 136 (Vault; Eufala, AL): +1,000 Food, +1,000 Water
-Population: 910
-Structures: None
-Armory: 300 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 5 Small Boats

Vorilhon: Sonereal
Leader: Guide of Guides Mikelo Nikolao (Mechanic)
Faction Morale: 68%
Capital: Vorilhon
Total Population: 825
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 2,775 (+0)
Water: 2,675 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 300
Materials: 680
Ammunition: 500
Military Equipment: 155 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons, 5 Trucks
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

Vorilhon (Settlement; Jupiter, FL):
-Population: 825
-Structures: None
-Armory: 155 1-H Guns, 50 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons, 5 Trucks

Yesterdayland: Civ&#8217;ed
Leader: Travis McCormick (Entertainer)
Faction Morale: 83%
Capital: Yesterdayland
Total Population: 405
Slaves: 0
Specialists: None
Food: 2,045 (+0)
Water: 2,045 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 1,050
Ammunition: 1,000
Military Equipment: 10 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 200 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons
Robots: None
Military Skill: 3
Spoiler :

Yesterdayland (Urban Ruin; Magic Kingdom, FL):
-Population: 405
-Structures: None
-Armory: 10 High-Tech Melee Weapons, 200 1-H Guns, 100 2-H Guns, 25 Laser Weapons

NPC Stats

New players are welcome to take over existing NPC factions if you choose.

Spoiler :

Location: Bithlo, FL
Structures: Fortifications
Population: 150
Specialists: Scientist
Food: 1,000
Water: 1,000
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 50
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 500
Military Equipment: 100 1-H Guns, 5 Heavy Weapons

Location: Polk City, FL
Structures: Fortifications (2)
Population: 200
Specialists: Mechanic
Food: 1,000
Water: 1,000
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 100
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 500
Military Equipment: 100 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 1-H Guns, 20 Motorcycles

Location: Georgetown, GA
Structures: Fortifications
Population: 100
Specialists: Blacksmith
Food: 1,000
Water: 1,000
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 0
Military Equipment: 50 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 25 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, 2 Low-Tech Siege Weapons

Location: Havana, FL
Structures: Fortifications
Population: 200
Specialists: Spy
Food: 1,000 (+0)
Water: 1,000 (+0)
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 0
Military Equipment: 100 Low-Tech Melee weapons, 50 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons

Location: Nocatee, FL
Structures: Fortifications
Population: 400
Specialists: Farmer
Food: 1,000 (+100)
Water: 1,000
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 0
Military Equipment: 200 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 100 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons

The Pens
Location: Yucca Pens Unit Wildlife Management Area, FL
Structures: Fortifications (2)
Population: 350
Specialists: Spy
Food: 1,000
Water: 1,000
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 500
Military Equipment: 200 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 50 2-H Guns

Location: Bradenton, FL
Structures: Fortifications
Population: 500
Specialists: Farmer
Food: 1,000 (+100)
Water: 1,000
Chems: 0
Fusion Cores: 0
Materials: 0
Ammunition: 0
Military Equipment: 300 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, 150 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons
This here be the reserve post for future use. Also, a warning that the rules have been substantially changed since 2.6, and that you should reread them before assuming that you can do everything the same way you did previously.

You may post after this post.
Faction Name: The Grand Republic of St Augustine

Leader: The Knowledgable Dr Thomas Graham

Profession: Blacksmith

Starting Location: Flagler College, St Augustine

Background: The Knowledgeable Thomas Graham is the fourth leader of the Grand Republic of St. Augustine. The death of Charles Bell last year left a vacancy in the leadership of the Grand Republic. Thomas Graham, as a popular man and a community leader as the town blacksmith, was put forth by his peers to go before the Student Council as a candidate for The Knowledgeable Leader of St. Augustine. He proved his worth and with the Council&#8217;s blessing, stood for election before the whole population. He easily beat the other two candidates and now, upon ascending the Golden Steps of Office, hopes to lead his people to new glory.

Origins: Survivors

Capital Type: Urban Ruin

Background: When the bombs fell 80 years before, the isolated city of St. Augustine was mostly spared. Too far south of Jacksonville to be awash in radiation and too small to be an important target, it was largely left whole. Many of the city&#8217;s leadership had been attending a county meeting at the time of the nuclear strike and never made it back to the city, their fates unknown. Those civil servants left were quickly overwhelmed and cracked under pressure. Much of the population evacuated to many of the supposed government camps that rumors said had sprung up around the state never to be heard from again. The only significant population that remained were the students of Flagler College.

Centered in the aging Ponce de Leon Hotel in the heart of the city, many students fled with the other refugees, hoping to find their families and a way home. However, a large portion, led by Dr. William Scott, elected to remain behind. Dr. Scott convinced a number of participants at the local living history museum and some influential townsfolk to also remain. Working quickly, they established the College campus as a fortified walled community that thrived in the harsh environment of the wastes. Scavenging parties brought in numerous weapons, augmented by the blacksmiths Dr. Scott had wisely sought to include. Even as the rest of the city collapsed around them, they continued to survive. Now, under the guidance of a new leader, they look to expand and grow even more.
Vault 33
Leader: Mayor Sybill Hancock
Profession: Technician
Location: if you'll allow it, under the Boca Airport, otherwise under belle glades municipal Airport.
Background: later, but descend from affluent Boca and palm beach residents.
Capital type: Vault
Background: N/A
Spartan - "Strategy and Solutions Consultants"​
Faction Name: Spartan Security Consultants- Florida Subsidiary
Leader Name: Corazon Santiago
Leader Profession: Soldier
Starting Location: Rural community near Sarasota
Leader Background: SSC maintains its corporate-military structure and Santiago may simply be the most brutal and ruthless of a band of brutal and ruthless thugs that could almost be called professional soldiers. That said, she is a charismatic speaker and occasionally expounds well-considered ideological values that center on militarism, neo-darwinism, and self-sufficiency.
Officially her tittle is something like 'General Manager Combat Operations Florida' but her followers simply refer to her as 'Sir' or 'Colonel Santiago'.

Man has killed man from the beginning of time, and each new frontier
has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future
be different?
Origins: Pre-War Military
Capital Type: Settlement
Background: Spartan Security Consulting was contracted by the US government throughout the 'Last War' for a variety of functions. SSC's Florida division was involved primarily as counter-insurgency and intelligence services and they gained a reputation for being ruthlessly effective at their jobs. After the bombs fell the weapons and military training of the SSC allowed their numbers to survive where others did not. When the SSC compound ran out of supplies the group descended on a relatively unguarded farming community and 'adopted' it.
While the SSC began as a PMC, increasingly it is united by a unique 'Spartan' ideology based on Santiago's ideas of survivalism and human arete.

EDIT: I realized I basically recreated the Spartans from Alpha Centauri so I just adopted the faction name and leader in an homage to that excellent video game. I hope thats okay.
Remember, the game takes place a little less than 80 years after the bombs fell. So chances are, those who were around during the war are long since dead, in most cases.
@Thomas.berubeg: Your vault experiment is that no one was allowed to preregister and the profile was kept fairly low, causing much fewer residents than your average vault. Otherwise, as far as the overseers have known, it is a normal vault.
Faction Name: Yesterdayland
Leader Name: Travis McCormick
Leader Profession: Entertainer
Starting Location: I guess what we'd call Tomorrowland in Disney World, more specifically, Space Mountain.
Leader Background: McCormick is the Mayor, Governor, and President of Yesterdayland. Previously considered the High Lapine for his worship of the Rabbit Idols of Yesterdayland, McCormick seems to have convinced even people from outside Yesterdayland that the world is turning back, that the world will be functioning as Yesterdayland foretold.
Origins: Survivors
Capital Type: Urban Ruin
Background: What is now Yesterdayland must have once been a great monument to those who achieved. As sure as men shot through the Mountains of the Cosmos, so we shall too one day, but for now, we are on the ground.

We abhor those Barbarics, who cannot see the glory of Yesterdayland. Though her pearly gates have long collapsed, and though her Concessions have long wasted away into the Gods of the Park, it is Our sovereign duty to return the world, to turn the clock back, and to return to Yesterdayland.

(Basically, they're a bunch of people stuck in disney world that refuse to believe that the world cannot go back to pre-war conditions.)
@Thomas.berubeg: Your vault experiment is that no one was allowed to preregister and the profile was kept fairly low, causing much fewer residents than your average vault. Otherwise, as far as the overseers have known, it is a normal vault.

I can deal with that.

What's my location? Boca?
@thomas: Yeah, Boca is your location.
Hey, EQ - I have a background question. Since the Great War in Fallout universe started in 2077, is it safe to assume that many of the post-1950s personalities and events took place before the Great War? For instance, did Martin Luther King, Reagan, collapse of the USSR, War on Terror, etc. happen in that timeline, or did the US get stuck in a century-long 1950s epoch? I realize that you can't be the source of canon here, but you're the GM, so I'll follow whichever assumption you have.
Well, we do know that the Reagan presidency took place in canon. Also, based on canon we can assume civil rights did take place and were fairly successful by 2077, to the point where race (besides the Chinese) was a nonfactor. Chinese of course were all godless commies to be rounded up into camps. Presumably Russians too, as the USSR never collapse. As the first post recommends, take a look at the wiki as most of your questions were answered there.
Well, we do know that the Reagan presidency took place in canon. Also, based on canon we can assume civil rights did take place and were fairly successful by 2077, to the point where race (besides the Chinese) was a nonfactor. Chinese of course were all godless commies to be rounded up into camps. Presumably Russians too, as the USSR never collapse. As the first post recommends, take a look at the wiki as most of your questions were answered there.

Iiir, the Soviets were allies to the US, strangely enough.
I'm not sure, I know the Soviets were against the Chinese, but based on PAM's database in FO4, it sounds like they weren't exactly US allies. Based on the fact that Europe and the Middle East apparently collapsed, my assumption has always been that Russia has had plenty to deal with thanks to chaos on all of their frontiers except for China, and were thus a nonplayer in the larger political sphere.
I'm not sure, I know the Soviets were against the Chinese, but based on PAM's database in FO4, it sounds like they weren't exactly US allies. Based on the fact that Europe and the Middle East apparently collapsed, my assumption has always been that Russia has had plenty to deal with thanks to chaos on all of their frontiers except for China, and were thus a nonplayer in the larger political sphere.

That's possible. They did have a US embassy, though
Any pyramids/Egypt park type things around this area? Maybe Epcot?

Also are slaves still providing that 1 mat per turn?
There's Holy Land, I think that has pyramids
The Holy Land Experience does not have pyramids as of last time I drove by.

No, slaves no longer produce 1 mat a turn, but do collect double resources when sent out to salvage or farm. Also they still do not require food and water.

EDIT: @Nuke:
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