• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Box Art for Brave New World being revealed

They need to stop this at 5k likes. Someone didn't put much thought into that 10k threshold. Currently at 4.88k and the likes seem to be coming in slower and slower.

While I agree it's slowing, it is at 5.5k right now. I think the target time to finish is about three hours from now. I certainly can see it reaching 8k by then. If they wait until tomorrow you might get 10k.

We were spoiled by the quick reveals early. Who knows how fast they intended this to go.
2K Kate is pounding the war drums on Twitter trying to get people to like it. She must want to go home tonight.

Actually, it's going to slow down a bit here, but when the east coast US gets off work, things should pick up some.
Hey, in the meanwhile let's have the photoshop-oriented people draw up what they think is in the fog.
Does the shape of the fog itself mean anything? If I squint my eyes just right, I can see the Atlantic Ocean, or a bug-eyed alien coughing up something.:lol:
And I thought I was going to miss something when I went to my swimming class about 2h ago... 10k went a BIT too far.
Even this thread has run out of steam. See, 2K? We need stuff to talk about, or we'll wander off and start living our own lives. Quick! Someone start analyzing that smoke to figure out its chemical composition! It may be a clue!
This thread pretty much died when we realized there's no leaders revealed in the fog.
There's pretty much nothing new being revealed by this box art, from what it looks like. Though one guy on Facebook thinks it says "Beyond the World". So, you know. At least one person is about to have their mind blown.
There's pretty much nothing new being revealed by this box art, from what it looks like. Though one guy on Facebook thinks it says "Beyond the World". So, you know. At least one person is about to have their mind blown.

Then he will do some research and come to this forum to post all the "new" things he learned.
clicking a button a few times isn't my definition of work. I do feel like I wasted some of my limited attention span on this though.
It'd be funny if it never reaches 10k and they don't release the box art until release day.
I always get a kick out of people's comments on things Civ posts on Facebook, like when they announce new civs there always a handful of people who guess its a civ already in the game.
When they first announced the game on March 15, there was a guy saying that the Byzantines must be in, that is was ridiculous that they weren't in already. Yeah, a few months late bro...
You would expect differences between civ 'fanatics' and normal facebook users
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