Brennus the Immortal


Aug 12, 2012
I am not a good Civ player.
I am not a good writer.
I am not historically accurate.
This is my first Civ story.
This is my second post here.

Anywho, I am excited! I have enjoyed this forum and especially this Stories and Tales section for years now and have always wanted to play a game and write a story on it. BTW, if anyone knows how to make a table of contents that has links to other posts in this thread (where the links have a title displayed instead of the URL) I would very much appreciate detailed instruction :D

Constructive criticism is welcome!

This game is Civ 4 BTS, a random, Standard size Tectonics (70% water) map at Marathon speed on Noble Difficulty. I am playing as Brennus of the Celts.

Brennus the Immortal

Table of Contents

Brennus of Celtia
Masters, Slaves and Confucius

Brennus of Celtia

I am Brennus, every one I have ever known has died, where as I have lived many lifetimes, I am an immortal!

For millenia I have lived as a mighty warrior who lead his band to plunder whatever settlement we desired. None have been strong enough to stop us. One night a thought came to me, we take whatever we want, but this lifestyle is hard, we don't always live easy and many of my friends have died young in our raids. There must be a better way.

Instead of raiding, we would settle down amongst our victims and demand regular tribute. No longer would we come out of the night and with violence take whatever we could, we would lounge fat and happy.

We settled near the headwaters of a river the locals called Condatis in the village of Mirobriga.

Spoiler :

After hundreds of years I had learned many skills that went with this lifestyle of stationary banditry. The most important of which was to control the mind, not the body of my victims. Language was an instrumental tool for this, I was not a Bandit, I was Chief. The people of Mirobriga were not my victims, they were my people, my tribe. I did not loot them, they paid taxes. They paid taxes not for my personal benefit, but for their protection against the evils of the world. After a while I began to believe the fiction myself!

Out of boredom we would go out looking for trouble and treasure, we found another tribe who we forced to teach us how to craft and use bows and arrows. But what I would later learn was more important, we explored.

The mighty Condatis spilled out into a sprawling, dry grassland called "Celtia" I dreamed of many villages across this vast continent all rendering unto Brennus!

Spoiler :

Our scouts crossed hills higher then any I had seen, which Celts close to the area called the Agrona Mountains. Beyond there we met someone that shook my very being. ANOTHER IMMORTAL! He called himself Kublai Khan and he was Master of the Mongols. I wanted him dead, but knew it would not be easy.

Spoiler :

After millenia, our scouts had uncovered a vast world. There was the West, the East, and Celtia at the center of it. I was training settlers to conquer this dangerous wilderness in my name. I would send them to the Agrona Mountains first, to guard the pass against Mongolian incursions into what was rightfully mine!

I lay awake many nights hoping Kublai Khan would not enter Celtia before I could fortify the pass. There were also disturbing rumors of the Mongolian Master feuding with another peoples called the Khmer.

Spoiler :

As you see, Mirobriga will be famous for its hamburgers.
BTW, if anyone knows how to make a table of contents that has links to other posts in this thread (where the links have a title displayed instead of the URL) I would very much appreciate detailed instruction :D

1. In the upper-right corner of the post, click on the number and open it in a new tab.
2. Copy the URL, and type in *insert link here*
3. Type the desired title after the second bracket.
4. Type in [/url] in brackets after the desired title.
:clap: Great story! It's good enough that I'm actually saying this to you before my Epic Welcome Message. :D

Welcome to the forums! :band: :band: :band: :band:

We won't eat you, of course. :mischief:

If anyone tells you that they are more Epic than I am, they are lying. Especially if the person's name is Tambien. :p
Welcome, Young writer, to the land where the strong control all and the weak "cultured" people burn, where the advanced destroy the primitive, where the UN is a tool for world domination, where democracy is just a means of building things quicker while communism is the most effective economy for large empires more often than not, where those who conquer the quickest and than keep control of their spoils are the most respected, where men love to start as cavemen on their trip 2 the cosmos, the heavens fall twice with incantations of unbelievable power, where the ultimate religious authority is a white, radioactive rock that can burst forth sometimes with the radiance of a thousand suns[1], where the forecast is continued war in a hell-hole of eternal war against EurasiaEastAsia with a 100% chance of mushroom clouds, or have been forced to abandon their own home due to thermonuclear warfare for the stars. All at the dance of those voyaging writers, who place with the lives of trillions for the purposes of their game.

This is Civfanatics. Only The the strong will flourish under its members iron rule and titanium fists. The weak will be perished, the strong ganged on, the cunning survive.
Do you have what it takes?

Sorry if I sound I bit surreal or anything. However, my welcome message basically describes us in general. To writers, the Lives of those in the nations we play and those we conquer mean nothing. efficiency is more important than morality to us. Never trust anyone In a realpolitik, IOT, democracy, Or a NES game. Most of us care only about victory.
Thank you all so much for the epic welcome and help! If anyone ever tells me they are more epic then you I will be certain to remind them that they are liars whose pants are on fire and whose name is probably Tambien. You definitely got me psyched about civ 4 stories! Onto Chapter 2 of Brennus the Immortal.

I don't know if I have what it takes Daedwartian. For one thing, my band and assorted groupies are no where near as large or cool as yours. But I do have paranoia and a total lack of trust going for me.

Masters, Slaves and Confucius

My brave settlers were first to the Agronas and founded the mountain village of Camuldonum. Camuldonum would be the gate between Celtia and Mongolia and I would shut it in Kublai's ugly face!

Spoiler :

Kublai Khan taught me something. The master/slave relationship needn't be confined to immortals and subjects. The benefits of this system can be extended, so that the ruler is a master of masters who in turn rule their own slaves. The benefits are that the people will be divided in two, one master class and a slave class. The slave class can be driven to any feat of labor, even unto death and the rest of society will not care.

He taught me this with out knowing. I experimented with this slavery system by driving the new slave class to dragging gigantic stones into a circular position and erecting monuments of myself in all Celtic settlements. Shockingly arrogant and cruel yes? Ah but there is a functional purpose to such a thing. It increases my legitimacy in the eyes of people, their rate of mental surrender to my right to rule.

The treacherous Mongols settled Beshbalik on the Southern Sea not far from Camuldonum. Apparently Kublai is a "creative" individual and this alone inspires Mongols to spread his influence to the frontiers surrounding his settlements. Let the culture war begin.

Spoiler :

A small boat showed up off the southern coast of the Agronas with a crew of "Native Americans" representing yet another Immortal named Sitting Bull! I was not sure what land they hailed from.

Spoiler :

After the slaves had built the "Stonehenge" the Celtic peoples focused on using Copper to build weapons of war and on training a great horde of warriors the likes of which the world had never seen. A foppish scholar told me that I was the mightiest of them all, and apparently there were several.

Spoiler :

My soldiers in the Agronas found an old Mongolian man by the name of Confucius living in a cave. They took the old coot into custody and I personally interrogated him on the state of the Mongols and Kublai.

He babbled on for hours about how I should run my state and how people should conduct themselves. Confucius bored me greatly but his appearance was rather amusing so I caged him in the square of Camuldonum. From there he rambled on night and day. What shocked me was that people actually listened to him! Not only did they listen, but they exalted me and my state as a moral benefactor for distributing punishments justly and keeping my decrees in line with natural ethics. HAHAHAHA, people will believe whatever will make them feel better about the world. They called my decrees "law", and were so convincing of the goodness of my so called laws, that they persuaded Mongol cattlemen to pay taxes to me!

What they failed to realize is that I did not punish thieves and murderers out of any sense of justice. I did this because I despise all competition. Above all things, I must monopolize crime. From that base of power, I can monopolize the arbitration of disputes, currency, religion...everything.

Some bureaucratic busybody calling himself a Confucian prophet built a "Kong Miao" in Camuldonum which must be Mongol jibber jabber for give Brennus more money. Confucians quickly spread their state worshipping doctrine to Mongol lands and Kublai became a "firm believer."

Spoiler :

I direct the founding of another village on the northern ocean to the west of Mirobriga. I name it Peniarth, because its cool. My devoted settlers drag a monument of me with them.

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More immortals and foreigners are showing up in boats. Mental note: Get these boats! This mustachioed fop calls himself Peter, Despot of Russia, wherever that craphole must be.

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My Celtic Empire is on the rise, its army strong, the culture expansive, and my gold pile is large. But I am not content, there are many threats to contend with, not the least of which is a barbarian pollution throughout southern Celtia. Visigoths, Olmecs, Navajos, Kushans, all scum! These stupid fools will regret settling my lands.

Spoiler :
A late welcome! I will be following.
I like your style; you are a good storyteller. Don't leave us hangin'.
Yikes, where'd all those barbs come from? And subbed.
Erm, I think it's dead...
Wow, I did NOT notice that date. Well, someone here is guilty of necroposting... and it's not me.
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