Brexit Thread VII - Revenge of the Brexiteers

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Westminsteros is a great place to film. ^_^
Whatever way it goes in regard to Brexit may as well do it together.

They won't of course.
My sympathies are currently with the ditch:


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Heheh. :)
This is like watching the UK constantly punching itself in the balls and blaming the EU
While the EU keeps saying to just stop punching yourself in the balls

The reasons they that UK orginally wanted to leave for are already so long ago by now that it dosnt even make sense.
The Immigration crisis, free trade agreement with the US, I guess the EU keeps sending money to like Greece which I agree should be ejected from the EU already. EU funds should be spent on rebuilding other projects instead.
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Well, given that they were thrown out for the heinous crime of voting against no-deal, I don't see it as much problem that they were invited back. It's not as if they resigned from government or dramatically quit the party or anything, is it?
Well, given that they were thrown out for the heinous crime of voting against no-deal, I don't see it as much problem that they were invited back. It's not as if they resigned from government or dramatically quit the party or anything, is it?

So now they support the deal they downvoted? Or is this just the tory indifference to sleaze.
MPs are the only people in the country allowed to change their mind, remember? Everyone else is locked into Remain or Leave forever and will be constantly judged for their choice during a single day over three years ago.
So now they support the deal they downvoted? Or is this just the tory indifference to sleaze.

Now they (I'll let off the ones who are retiring at the next election) are worried they won't get back in to parliament if they stand as an independent.
So will you be voting libdem or private-eye level libdem? :p

As I've said before, my constitutency is a two-horse race, so unless something major changes, I will be voting Labour as always. (Because, again, letting the public actually make different choices is bad...)
As I've said before, my constitutency is a two-horse race, so unless something major changes, I will be voting Labour as always.

Going by a recent interview, poor Tony Blair is in the same predicament. Though I suppose he will in secret vote libdem, cause it is in his character to be a creep.
Given you have an election coming...

(Ali G refers to MP candidates) "You think a person is fine and then you learn they iz sleeping with horses"

Also, Tony Benn was great :) Pity his relative in parliament is such a pos.
Happy Brexit Day!

It's funny, the big question now will be what will be finished earlier, Brexit or the BER (Berlin Airport). I will get a Brexit Advent Calendar this year, you know, one that I can fill up with chocolates again when I get to the end and start over. You've all seen the one with the British Premier Minister going to Brussels in 2353 and nobody knows why. Or the one about the kid saying "When I grow up, I want to be a Brexit negotiator, like my dad and granddad before me". Oh my god, there are so many jokes...
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