[BtS] "Mars, Now!"

You know, instead of hijacking this mod, you could perhaps make a mod-mod.

Otherwise, it wouldn't really be a HUGE issue to have flavour text refer to Mars when you're actually on Titan. Consider it a bonus feature to the original mod, with the original focus being Mars. That is, if The_J was willing to provide the means for switching textures. If that kind of thing pulls you out of your immersion, you may want to consider a mod-mod and changing the flavour references yourself.

Of course, there's nothing stopping you from doing all of this yourself. ;) Aside from not knowing how to do it, of course. :p
Patch M (AtomicGamer)
Alternativer Download from Rapidshare
Attention: Will break savegames

- Bug fixed: The Sneak promotion will now work correctly
- Bug fixed: You will now not more get DNA units instead of great generals
- Bug fixed: Satellites do not more get bonuses through transportation systems
- New Feature: Water roads!
- 1 new leader "Hania Goseyun" (Aggr/Phil) for martians by Methylorange
- 1 new leader "Masao Tanaka" (Spi/krea) for japanese by Methylorange
- New grafics for the Administrator by charle88
- New effect for the genesis weapon (thanks to Civfuehrer)
- New unit "Quadrocopter" by Snafusmith
- New model for the geothermal heatplant by hrochland
- New monolith graphic by mechaerik
- New buttons for the sneak and industry espionage promotions (by TheLadiesOgre)
- All mech units got now flanking
- Added dynamic military adivsor and dynamic foreign advisor (by NeseryozniyVET)
- Mapscript "Full of Resources" (by Sto) converted (it is not guaranteed, that all options work)
- Mapscript "Ringworld" (by ruff_hi) converted
- Changed more events (english Version by Jaraxle)
- Seagarden grafics (by hrochland) changed to a new, better version
- Added female version of the great scientist (by SaibotLieh)
- Added mod component "wonder messages"
- Changed the mechanics for the chinese mines (no UU/no special mines more necessary)
- Raised terraforming by 50% (i hope)
- Made some beauty-corrections in the civilopedia
- turned off Sid's Tips
- Removed all sounds for the technology quotes

Would be nice, if nobody would try to pillage the water roads...and if nobody reports, that units are walking over water without roads. I already know that problem, and i can't fix it at the moment :(.
When I downloaded the .rar file, I noticed it had two uninstall.exe files included. Shouldn't there be an install.exe?
I guess, you mean the .zip file ;).
If you have the file already unpacked, then it doesn't need to be really installed. Cut the whole folder "marsjetzt-v03" out, and paste it into C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Civilization4\BeyondTheSword\Mods (or whereever you've installed civ).

The 2 uninstall .exes are somehow a bug, but not serious :D.
I'll re-upload the zipped version in the next days (hopefully).
one problem though the mutanats look like incan warriors.
BUT OTHER THAN THAT AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:goodjob::goodjob::goodjob::goodjob::D:D:D:D:D:D
Thanks :).
If you think, this is amazing, you also should try Rhye's And Fall, Fall from Heaven 2, Planetfall and Dune Wars, they are way better ;).

Well, the inca...mayas would make more sense :D.
No, serious: Go to your Civ 4 graphics options menu, and activate the animations there (i'm sure, they are turned off). That will fix the issue.
ive got fall from heaven 2 its great, still trying to find all the patches for it though,:cry: but its great, ill try planetfall and dune wars. Planetfall is based of SMAC right.:D any other mods i should try:confused:
Water roads:blush: very cool:banana:


ive got fall from heaven 2 its great, still trying to find all the patches for it though,:cry: but its great, ill try planetfall and dune wars. Planetfall is based of SMAC right.:D any other mods i should try:confused:

Is this not enough for the moment :D?

I'm still thinking about, what exactly i'll do next. I'll organize myself a bit better, and split the patches in themes, so that there's a focus, what i want to change. That should make the developement time shorter, i hope.
But sadly, i don't have enough time now :sad:. Will minimum need one month until the next patch :(.
You know, instead of hijacking this mod, you could perhaps make a mod-mod.

Hijacking this mod?!?
Did you ever heard of these things:
User Idea's :hmm:
Feedback :badcomp:
Positive Criticism :old:

Probably not...
At least i dare to speak my mind :agree:, share my idea's with others :beer:, give new possibility's a chance :assimilate: and do not discredit other persons because i think they undermine and/or disturb others way of thinking :deadhorse:.

The difference to people like me who like to think outside the box and normal people is that people like me cause progress.:trouble:

I think The_J is one of those persons who like to think outside the box, elsewhise i cant imagine how he got the idea to do this spectacular mod. :goodjob::king:
Oh come on...no one's oppressing you here. I'm just saying you can do this yourself, no need to derail the mod or to discard a lot of its flavour.

This is an awfully big post here, and it seems a little unnecessary, you so aggressively asserting your right to make suggestions...just a little over the top and insecure. I'm not calling any of your intellectual capacities into question, nor have I tried to persuade you not to make suggestions, I'm just disagreeing with a point you made. This doesn't need to be a performance or a protest march.

Frankly, I was just worried this would take away from the uniqueness of the mod. A lot of the flavour is wrapped up in the Mars setting, and taking references to Mars out would sack a lot of that flavour, which is half the reason I play this mod.

So yeah, your opinion isn't the only one that matters. Frankly, I wasn't being that harsh. I certainly don't feel I deserved such a dramatic response. If you don't like people disagreeing with you, then too bad. Don't take it personally, I just didn't like one of your ideas, no need to go over the top dramatic on me.
So yeah, your opinion isn't the only one that matters. Frankly, I wasn't being that harsh. I certainly don't feel I deserved such a dramatic response. If you don't like people disagreeing with you, then too bad. Don't take it personally, I just didn't like one of your ideas, no need to go over the top dramatic on me.

Sorry if i overreacted but i got attacked a lot of times for just speakin my mind so im a bit , how do you call it...
A bit irritated to people who tend to "defend" something uneccesary.
So i feel like im a little bit stepped on my toes.

As soon i get a idea people tell me to 'go away' 'do it myself"
Or even some say "dont you think the maker knows better" things.
So maybe you know why i react like that. I feel a bit unappreciated by those people.

So again sorry, my excuses if your that person that took my frustration while not deserving it.
I should hope not. My applause was genuine. I'm sorry if you thought I was being sarcastic. :(
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
who gives this mod "only" a good:confused:? there are not only so many new features in it:cool: Please explain your self!:trouble:
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