[BtS] Rise of Mankind 2

Hey there. I have been playing this mod for a day now and i love the new content. However, this is one of the single most unstable mods i have ever played in my entire life. And i play Fallout 3 with loads of mods...

Constantly getting memory Allocation Errors.

Also cities are always complaining about wanting the countryside. Always. :rolleyes:
Rise of Mankind is a massive mod and will strain even the best computers' processing power. A simple hint when playing RoM - play one size smaller map and one timescale shorter than you usually do and you should find that your usual stability will return.
I had a few ideas for the next update to address(if they haven't been implemented/suggested.)
One was to lower the industrious perk from 50% wonder production to 25% since 50% seems a little to rigged to me.
Second was to improve the automated worker mechanics(if possible) so they will build land improvements that allow you to reep the benefits of resources instead of building forts on them(Examples I've encountered: Salt, Incense)
I had a few ideas for the next update to address(if they haven't been implemented/suggested.)
One was to lower the industrious perk from 50% wonder production to 25% since 50% seems a little to rigged to me.
Second was to improve the automated worker mechanics(if possible) so they will build land improvements that allow you to reep the benefits of resources instead of building forts on them(Examples I've encountered: Salt, Incense)

You will find that the Industrious perk doesn't work out to be as much as it seems by reading "50%". It speeds up wonders and I'm not entirely sure of the formula, but it's not as huge as it seems.

When the automated workers put a fort on a tile it DOES give you the benefits of the resource, if that tile is within the cultural borders. If the tile is within the city limits, a fort would give you the resource, but working the tile with a farm or plantation or mine (whatever is appropriate) will also give you the benefits of a worked tile and is preferable. Forts do a lot more than you might think!
auronic1, BTS had the automated workers building forts on resources that weren't in any city's fat X, that's not the mod. Though it would be nice if zappara could make the workers smarter or put more specific orders in the options menu. For example, I'd like automated workers to not replace existing improvements, unless a resource becomes visible. It's also not clear to me if the 'leave forests' option gets in the way of building mines on forested hills (it shouldn't) or turning it off lets workers remove those forests when building mines (which I don't want them to do).

I'd like some limited terraforming options. Not to turn everything into grassland, but to make tundra and deserts equivalent (even if they're still called something different) to plains. And I'd like to get some use out of mountain tiles.

I don't know if the modern mine is there to give workers one more thing to do, but I'd rather shaft mines develop into it once it became available. If that's possible, I'd also like to see towns unavailable before medieval times, and a further increase in the industrial era (suburbs?) and modern times (urban sprawl/eminant domain?). I'd also like to see cottage growth spread out from a city, so that cottages could only become hamlets if another hamlet or the city was adjacent, and so forth.

I'd also like to see the 'World's Greatest [building]' brought back (from discussions predating Civ3). For every standard building in the game, there would be a Greatest version of it that provides double the usual benefits (where doubling makes sense, like the granary's health benefit, not a coal plant's power benefit) and 1 gpp of an appropriate type. It would cost double the base building and would replace it and each city could only have one (or you could count it towards the national wonder limit). Unlike wonders, it could be replaced by another civilization which paid triple the production (and quadruple, quintuple, etc.).

On a minor note I just got around to picking up Colonization. I noted it has an 'exit' button on the city screen. I'd really like to see that brought over so I don't have to hit Esc every time (or cancel my population allocation).

Don't get me wrong this is a great mod (aside from those memory allocation errors that keep killing my game). I just wanted to add to the brainstorming.

Arakhor, when you say 'one timescale shorter,' do you mean more or fewer turns?
Fewer turns, i.e. Marathon -> Epic, Epic -> Normal, Normal -> Quick. That said, I think Zappara has been playing around with the game length options anyway :)
Going up to 4gb has benefit because it maxes the capacity available to XP (Vista is irrelevant to this discussion). Unless you're mixing & matching SIMMs you have to have multiples of 1gb or 2gb, so your choices are 2gb, 4gb, 8gb, 16gb. And mixing and matching is generally a bad idea. So, going to 4gb does indeed have significant value.

And, the game will use up to 2gb, so if you only have 2gb, then you're not giving the game the full amount because XP itself plus all the other processes you're running will eat up >1gb by themselves.

So, don't pay any attention to these naysayers. Besides, memory is cheap these days.
I agree with this. About in May, I upgraded my RAM from 1GB. to 3GB and had a small speed improvement because of the bottleneck caused by my ATI x300 128MB. Graphics card. I just upgraded to the ATI HD 4670 512MB. and now have a large speed increase.
I continue to get stuck turns on many games, even using the most recent version of both BTS and the RoM mod.

Attached is my most recent game; if anyone could tell me what happened it would be greatly appreciated. I don't know nearly enough about this stuff to be able to tell what the problem is.

I love this mod, but it's so frustrating to have your work wiped out like that and if I can't find out what the problem is I'll just go back to regular BTS.


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I just wanted to say that I also love this mod, but yeah the memory allocation crashes are soooo frustrating! Late game I can only go about 10 turns before 'poof'! That's with 2gb of RAM on XP.

Guess I will try a smaller map and quicker speed, glad I came and checked here (I love lurking here, you folks are wonderful :goodjob:). Get another couple of sticks as well when I have some spare cash as well.

But this mod IS the greatest thing since sliced bread. Although, I am unsure what's so special about sliced bread... It's not that hard to slice it yourself... Mod still rocks though.
Just a couple quick questions. I can't seem to build manors, what civic am I supposed to use? The civilopedia says 'aristocracy' but there isn't any such. Also, I never see any silk in my terrain or available for trade. Has that been removed, or should there be a tech that reveals it or what?
The first post in this thread mentions a "multiplayer fix", and links to another post. However, there is no multiplayer fix in the linked post. Are any multiplayer fixes necessary for 2.71? If so, where can I find them?
I believe that the multiplayer OOS bug has been fixed, but it is still good policy not use RevDCM, DynamicCivNames or BarbarianMod when playing multiplayer. Also remember that RoM is a huge mod and you will need to adjust your map size and game speed accordingly.
I have been playing on a Huge map for a while now but it has gotten to the point that "revealing" the whole map caused an instant crash. Are you sure it is because the mod is huge and not that the seemingly excessive number of mods you are adding into it arnt causing conflict?

Also, is there anything i can do to prevent the crashes other than start a new game on a smaller map? Really, i shouldnt have to. Is there a way to turn off the "upgraded" terrain/water graphics? They are not needed.

If not, then im just going to uninstall. It seems you are trying to do too much and are just making it more and more unstable. Just because you can add something, does not mean that you should.
I need some help! I originally posted this on this thread where I go into a bit of detail of the problem. To sum up, I have been trying to play the GEM with Esnaz's mod and not having any luck. I found this mod (with the GEM included for it) and the CivPack expansion for RoM (which includes many of Esnaz's civilizations plus more). Anyway, I wanted to post this here too as it pertains to this mod and I hope somebody will be able to help me. Please read on for the problem I am having:


After getting frustrated with this, I decided to look for other options. I downloaded the newest version of "Rise of Mankind" (2.71) and installed that. There, I found the Giant Earth Map included, modified to work for this mod. But it didn't have as many civs. So I looked further and found the Civpack for RoM which included many of the civs and leaderheads from Esnaz's mod, plus more. Great!!!

So, I edited the GEM to have no preset civs and attempted to load with the civs that I wanted (with the idea in mind to move them around appropriately once I got into the map). The good news, it allows for more than 19 civs to be selected. The bad news, whenever I attempt to launch the game after selecting the civs and the options that I want, I get an error saying:
CvLSystemLoadError: LSystem XML subsystem failed to load. This is probably due to a schema error.
When I press OK, the whole game closes. I am at a loss! The only other modification I have done was I added the RoM Religion add-on. I will try removing that, but if that doesn't work, does anybody have any other ideas?
Re proteus gripe. IMHO:

This mod is solid. I've only played a few but this is one of the better balanced, well-structured and thoughtful mods.

I'm addicted to 'huge' maps and I do get crashes, but I think they are almost all to do with 'MAF' and almost certainly very few to do with ROM. There may be some issues with RevDCM because I switch most of those options on (but not stack attack!!). If you want a lecture about Civ and MAF go find some of the posts by TAfirehawk. I have autosave set to '1' and try and remember to hit shift-F5 at the end of every late-game big turn so that when I do crash out I just double-click the savegame and I'm back up.

Zappara is doing a great job. And we get all the fantastic work that Zappara and all the other crazy people do 'for free!' (I'm also a Keldath-worshipper) They need encouragement and helpful suggestions and feedback, not sulky comments like "...then im just going to uninstall." Really.
Thorburne, Turn on logging in the ini file if it is not already, start your game and keep going until you are back at your desktop. go the logs folder of
\MyDocuments\MyGames\BTS. There will be an xml.log file. go through that and see if you can find what file failed to load and go look at that file.

Did you edit any xml files yourself? If so that's probably where your problem is. If you have XMLSpy do an xml check on those files.

Are you sure there no errors in the map file itself? Use WinMerge to compare the original map file with the one you are using.

I've been playing 2.70 and 2.71, having returned to the Civ world after a multiple-year self-imposed exile. :) This is a great mod, and adds a lot of enjoyable depth. I hope I'm posting a concern in the right place, however. If not, someone point me in the right direction?

I do have to issue a pretty vigorous complaint about 2.71:

Flood Plains/Plains.

Respectfully, these are a badly out-of-balance tile. Starting by these gives you a 4/1/1 tile to work - and they'll normally come in twos and threes, though I've seen as many as twelve :eek: at a starting area. That's five "worker/settler production" units and some commerce thrown in.

Comparatively, no base tile gets more than three - meaning that each of these tiles is giving you a 140% advantage over someone who does not have such a tile.

For perspective, one of these tiles UNWORKED gives you more than farmed grassland rice - it's the equivalent of starting with a farmed wheat tile in your capital! Would any of us consider it a reasonable and fair start if our opponent started out with six wheat tiles in their capital, all pre-farmed?

True, these tiles cannot be mined - but picking up the one extra production from them when you're growing that swiftly means you'll be matching others in production in no time - you're size 5 when they're size 2, after all. True, these tiles give unhealth - but especially at game start, there's always a health resource (or two or three) nearby, and healer's huts and granaries are swift builds.

I love the mod, don't get me wrong - and I love the ingenuity and neat ideas in the mod. (Well, aside from the staggering, world-war-inducing rarity of stone, but I'm sure that's been brought up elsewhere.) As someone who plays the mod in MP, though, I can't really go in and tinker with the files as I might like. I'm just hoping the next version might tone these down a bit. As it stands now, the handicap of not having the tiles are huge - and god help you if someone better than you gets the Floodplains-Plains supercapital. You may never see the light of day again.

Respectfully submitted for an excellent modder's consideration.

Yes they are highly productive. I always put cottages on them as that gives the same improvement as a farm (although farms will produce more food with later techs) as they give you lots of food to support other tiles, like mined hills. The commerce bonus over time is terrific. This is also historically accurate as early civs tended to flourish along rivers with flood plains, as in the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Mississippi and many others.

Of course, the same applies to grassland – causing one to pause and think, shouldn't there be a trade off between more food/more commerce from regular grassland/plains from the start.

If you don't like the way it set up, though, feel free to jump into the xml files and fix the way you think it should be. Just like I may do with grassland/plains.
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