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Bug reports and technical difficulties

So, I just finished playing an epic Bactrian game where, as always, I was trying new strategy and a different approach compared to previous tries.

During the game I found a serious bug which I didn't post earlier because it made my game easier and I wanted to win badly :p

I found out that some civs don't spawn at all!!!

Firstly the Kushans didn't spawn. I had prepared an army for them and waited for the epic battle to start. I kept waiting till 100 AD but no sign of them.

Then a Chinese civ didn't spawn. I think it was the Shu (the guys with the magenta colour).
Then the Srivijaya didn't spawn. Nepal, Gokturks, Khazars and Arabs didn't spawn too.

Strangely, some other civs spawned; Ostrogoths and Visigoths, Vandals, Lombard, Huns, Hephtalites and Avars.

In the end, 7 civilizations have left. Everything else was independent!!

the Gökturks spawn already in 577 AD.

However they don't have a capital (the place, where their first city should be, is called "City" and is actually no capital)


Same game, the gold next to Diapolis Magna (in Egypt) is not accessable with units and hence is not counting as a gold resource even when it has a mine and is within the cross.

in the 80 BC map you forgot to place the Buddhist holy city at Bhodgaya
OK, I just downloaded the latest version of this mod, and installed it the way that I normally would, and I get a couple of odd results. First, by using the WBSave 320BC map as a shortcut, I am automatically forced to "start game now!", which starts with me as the Antigonids. Otherwise, if I try to load the mod normally, thru BtS, the scenario folder is blank, and so I can't choose any scenarios or players. Any suggestions, or something I'm not doing right? The configuration that I'm using used to work for the version that I got about November of last year, but the newest version (as of Sept of this year), is not working. Help?
Well, that depends; I've been loading it from the "My Games" folder. Should I be loading it from the Programs/Firaxis/CivIV/Bts folder?

Nevermind; fixed it.
I'm playing as the Seleucids. On turn 500 - 430 Ad the hun empire spawn in the game and for some reason, My Seleucids civilization's gets renamed and relabeled as the Huns but I'm still playing as the Seleucids. There still the correct Hun civilization in the game. Also, my greek civ art changes into steppe nomad civ art. I have the save game if it's needed. I just need to know how to prevent this relabeling of civilizations. Thanks.
found another crazy bug which the numidia re-spawn in Dacia with a Heavy horse archers.

also here a pic of my Seleucids civilization's getting renamed and relabeled as the Huns but I'm still playing as the Seleucids. Also this bug re-name or edit my ruler name to yujiulu

yeah I was thinking that but the Hun already spawn and after 4 turns of the Huns taken dacia. The Numidia re spawned in the Hun controlled Dacia.
This bug which wont let you play as the Seleucids civilization past 400 AD without getting renamed and relabeled as the Huns. I think this will happen also with the other greek civs, so I'm going to try a test them out to see if I get the same problem of being renamed and relabeled as the Huns with the other greek civs. I'm also playing with the Revision 227 on svn
I tested the Antigonids and was correct with my last post about this bug its rename the greek civilization to huns. Playing past 400 AD with any of the greek civ has a bug which rename and relabeled as the Huns civ. I don't even know why it also renamed the leader and changes the picture to some guy name yujiulu.

Is anyone else getting this bug with there greek civ play or is it just me? I'm also playing with the Revision 227 on svn.

Are you sure that EVERY Greek civ gets renamed to 'The Huns' ?

That's weird indeed..

In RiseAndFall.py, the code indicates that the Seleucids should only get renamed as the Huns...

# Huns
		if iGameTurn == getTurnForYear(iHunsInvasion) - 20:
			if pNomad0.isAlive():
				utils.killAndFragmentCiv(iNomad0, False)
		if iGameTurn == getTurnForYear(iHunsInvasion):
			sd.setCivilization(iNomad0, iHuns)
			self.setCivDesc(iNomad0, "Hun Empire", "Huns", "Hun", "Atilla")
			self.assignTechs(iNomad0, iHuns)
			self.provinceAttack(iNomad0, iHuns, [rDacia, rScythianSteppe, rCrimea, rCaucasus])
			CyInterface().addMessage(iHuman, True, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_INVASION_HUNS_SCYTHIA", ()), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iRed), -1, -1, True, True)
			for iEnemyCiv in lEnemyCivsOnSpawn[iHuns]:
				if utils.isActive(iEnemyCiv):
					gc.getTeam(pSeleucids.getTeam()).declareWar(iEnemyCiv, False, -1)
		if iGameTurn == getTurnForYear(iHunsInvasion) + 15:
			self.provinceAttack(iNomad0, iHuns, [rIllyricum])
			self.provinceAttack(iNomad0, iHuns, [rThrace, rNItaly], True)
double post but...


The problem is in the code above from the Huns!

# Rouran
		if iGameTurn == getTurnForYear(iRouranInvasion) - 20:
			if pNomad3.isAlive():
				utils.killAndFragmentCiv(iNomad3, False)
		if iGameTurn == getTurnForYear(iRouranInvasion):
			sd.setCivilization(iNomad3, iRouran)
			self.setCivDesc(iNomad3, "Rouran Khaganate", "Rouran", "Rouran", "Yujiulu")
			self.assignTechs(iNomad3, iRouran)
			self.provinceAttack(iNomad3, iRouran, [rTarim, rGansu, rMongolianSteppe])
			CyInterface().addMessage(iHuman, True, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_INDEPENDENCE_TEXT_ROURAN", ()), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iRed), -1, -1, True, True)
			for iEnemyCiv in lEnemyCivsOnSpawn[iRouran]:
				if utils.isActive(iEnemyCiv):
					gc.getTeam(pAntigonids.getTeam()).declareWar(iEnemyCiv, False, -1)
		if iGameTurn == getTurnForYear(iRouranInvasion) + 5:
			self.provinceAttack(iNomad3, iRouran, [rQin, rZhao])

I will correct the code and I will upload the file, then you could replace yours and hopefully everything will work fine :D

edit: See on main thread please, I will post the correct files there!
I found a two more bugs during my testing of the late game around 400 Ad and found another crazy bug which the numidia dead or alive in the late game they get a re-spawn of Heavy horse archers and Attila warlord unit in Dacia area.

Btw this was as posted on my other early discoveries on the huns bugs that changes the Greek civs to Huns on Dec 14, 2014. Before the fixes that Sitalkas give me on Jan 09, 2015.

the second bug is when fort are build on the cost, ship can dock into the fort.

A couple of days ago, I started a new Antigonids game. I am at 650 AD now, I haven't noticed this Numidians bug, give it a try with the files I uploaded (perhaps on a new game) and let me know if it happens again.

Oh, and the fort isn't a bug! It is intended! For example, you may raze Pelousion, so you don't have its population counting negatively on your stability, and on its place you can build a fort to help you cross the suez canal !

Great empire you have there btw :D
Numidians are supposed to respawn as the Huns, but they're supposed to be force-killed and change leaders before then.
In my game, Numidians were already dead by the Hunnic spawn date. They re-spawned as the Avars though, but again this is no bug, it is intended
quick question Blast furnace give you coal when you learn the tech but coal doesn't shown up anywhere on the map. Also lumber mill for can't be built anywhere, are these bugs or uncompleted parts of the game? :confused:
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