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spa said:
If you can call the dismal failure to take Canada despite larger numbers and despite the fact that Britain was too busy dealing with Napoleon to do anything a victory :rolleyes:

The only US victory was managing to avoid getting thumped out of existence in the counter attack.

PS I can't believe I walked into this sterotypical American/Canadian debate but damn it I just couldn't resist.

Our close borders spark tensions.

No, seriously, I love Canada. The whole Dominion thing is so cute!
I'm risking that everybody before me said the same, but:

In a game like Civ you play a Civ from 4000 BC to 2050 AD. So you'll need Countries with a bit of history, who where there for a long time and contributed something.

Well, that's why a lot of people don't like the USA in the game since they were only there between something like 1700 until now AD. Same thing for Canada, but they had even a lot less impact on the world than the USA, so when someone laughs at Canada in the game, I'd say... yeah it would be pretty weird.
Despite the utter pointlessness of this thread...
Despite the fact that it has all been discussed a billion times before...
Despite the fact that I know Canada won't make it into the official version of Civ, but I also know that eventually someone will create a bonus leaderhead and Mountie unit and I will mod them in and play as them constantly...
Despite all of this, and more, I'm going to wade into this freakshow and say "Give us a hundred years."
Give us a hundred years, and we will make our stamp on history. I hereby swear that one way or another, we will be the top pick for inclusion in Civilization Fifty when it is released in the year 2105.

Oh. And Michaelle Jean should be our leader (and I didn't even like her prior to about two weeks ago).

And also: Don Cherry is a Prat
Willem said:
Yeah right, that's why we have more troops than anyone else besides the US in Afghanistan. :mad:

During the war in Iraq your ambassador commented that it was ironic that we weren't in the war since we had more ships/troops in place in the region than most of the other so-called allies.

Ahem, uh...I was actually referring to the fact that people don't seem to be flocking from the shores of
canada out to destroy various parts of the Archetecturial landscape to do homage to twisted views of religion.
elderotter said:
Ahem, uh...I was actually referring to the fact that people don't seem to be flocking from the shores of
canada out to destroy various parts of the Archetecturial landscape to do homage to twisted views of religion.

You must forgive us.
We're paranoid about accusations of being soft on terrorism.
Canada should not be in the game because in few years Quebec will eventually separate (im not sure its a good or bad thing, anyways..) and without Quebec, Canada's aint much except for the oil in Aberta$$. Also almost all PM for the last decades were from Quebec. Well i have nothing else to say but:
«Vive le Québec libre!»
lucky donkey said:
Canada should not be in the game because in few years Quebec will eventually separate (im not sure its a good or bad thing, anyways..) and without Quebec, Canada's aint much except for the oil in Aberta$$. Also almost all PM for the last decades were from Quebec. Well i have nothing else to say but:
«Vive le Québec libre!»

Ummm....Toronto is one of the largest cities in North America, and it is in Ontario.
lucky donkey said:
Canada should not be in the game because in few years Quebec will eventually separate (im not sure its a good or bad thing, anyways..) and without Quebec, Canada's aint much except for the oil in Aberta$$. Also almost all PM for the last decades were from Quebec. Well i have nothing else to say but:
«Vive le Québec libre!»

First of all people have been saying that since before the FLQ debate, and I personally believe that quebec will never become a separate nation due to poor thinking py PQ leaders.(non canadians need not understand).

While Canada did not really conquer any countries, one must remember that no other prominent modern country was created by the leaders of several countries agreeing to merge together (from fear of american landgrabs:rolleyes: ).

As for the world stage let us remember that the U.N. was created by a canadian (Lester B. Pearson) who later commited suicide because of accusations of working for communism. Maybe one could have U.N. peacekeepers as a U.U. for Canada or alternately the Avro Arrow.
lucky donkey said:
Canada should not be in the game because in few years Quebec will eventually separate (im not sure its a good or bad thing, anyways..) and without Quebec, Canada's aint much except for the oil in Aberta$$. Also almost all PM for the last decades were from Quebec. Well i have nothing else to say but:
«Vive le Québec libre!»

Quebec uses it's threat to seperate as a 'distinct society' as leverage to get more money out of the federal government. And it does work [or it did in the past], but they are in no way prepared to seperate from canada. I am not a quebequois, but if they were to seperate, it would throw their largest city [montreal] into chaos, as that city is half english half french, and basically shoot themselves in the foot economically in the process, leaving them with a metric tonne of purely french small towns, isolated from any major area of commerce in north america [much like the eastern provinces today]. Not only that, but a lot of the northernmost areas of quebec are native lands, and they support canadian federalism. Seperate? I think not, but quebec still likes to make noise.

And no, Canada shouldn't be a civ, nor should america. It's also funny how this thread was started and very few canadians are actually supporting the notion of canada to be included. Can you say 'unfounded generalization'?
ya the seperation wont happen IMO because well the whole idea is stupid they want to seperate but only in title they still want to use canadian money and have all the benifits of being part of Canada but get to make there own laws. (Not that it would be much diffrent then now lol ) also if Quebec ever did manage to pull it off probably about 1/3 - 1/2 of Quebecers would leave.
Tactician Zhao said:
Some of your info isn't completely wrong, but I would suggest you look it up too ;)

Well I was just trying to get the facts from memory here so if Im off abit it's to be expected. so what IS wrong with my info?
ya the seperation wont happen IMO because well the whole idea is stupid they want to seperate but only in title they still want to use canadian money and have all the benifits of being part of Canada but get to make there own laws. (Not that it would be much diffrent then now lol ) also if Quebec ever did manage to pull it off probably about 1/3 - 1/2 of Quebecers would leave.

Just popping in to point out that the word you're looking for there is Quebecois, plus the two accents which I have no idea how to insert on this keyboard.
Well actually Quebecer is just in english, Quebecois is in french . and I have no idea to put the things in either and I have no idea how to spell it either so I will just call them things lol.
Being half Canadian and schizophrenic I get to argue with myself in an ignorant self righteous manner. Hey if you want Canada why not create the mod? Good Luck!
Mcpaperman said:
Being half Canadian and schizophrenic I get to argue with myself in an ignorant self righteous manner. Hey if you want Canada why not create the mod? Good Luck!
Are you Half-Canadian, Half-Schizophrenic? :p ;) j/k
A civ must have profound influence in the long river of history, so what Canada does? Although it goes without doubt that Canada is a beautiful and
attractive country, but it is not enough to be added in Civ
Half Canadian (Dad was from NS), Fully schizophrenic. The good thing is when I argue with myself, I never lose the arguement. I say have another Labatt's and pound on your enemies with a mackerel. I just want to Play Civ IV!
lucky donkey said:
Canada should not be in the game because in few years Quebec will eventually separate (im not sure its a good or bad thing, anyways..) and without Quebec, Canada's aint much except for the oil in Aberta$$. Also almost all PM for the last decades were from Quebec. Well i have nothing else to say but:
«Vive le Québec libre!»

Reminds me of what a friend said:

His wife says, "that she is going to leave him and take him for half of everything they've got". His response was, "great go ahead you already are speading three quarters of what we got".
Mcpaperman said:
Half Canadian (Dad was from NS), Fully schizophrenic. The good thing is when I argue with myself, I never lose the arguement. I say have another Labatt's and pound on your enemies with a mackerel. I just want to Play Civ IV!

good to see I am not the only schizophrenic Civilization fan (not that I would wish it on anyone :( )

though I can't relate to the Canadian blood.. I'm quite jealous of that :D
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