Can't declare war after peace treaty


Sep 27, 2010
Pictures speak for themselves:

It looks like peacy treaty actually never expired. Is there any solution for this problem?
Yep, i didn't notice it in BUG section when I posted, my bad. Now, after 1.20 patch, I got Peace Treaty canceled notification 5 turns in a row :D At least, it's better than previous situation.
A side question beside the obvious bug : what's the point of declaring war instead of simply attacking a unit ?
You can't attack unit because peace treaty is still on (altough it expired).
It's more dramatic on the leader screen? :D I doubt attacking unit is considered backstabbing more than declaring war on the leader screen. Maybe if its far away civ, and you want to befriend with another civ waging war against the first one.
The bug is definitely not fixed. This happened to me just yesterday. In fact there were THREE civs I can't declare on. One of them eliminated one of the others, though.

So much for the domination victory I was going for.
It's more dramatic on the leader screen? :D I doubt attacking unit is considered backstabbing more than declaring war on the leader screen. Maybe if its far away civ, and you want to befriend with another civ waging war against the first one.

I think that declaring war via diplomacy gives the enemy more time to react than simply attacking all of a sudden a unit on the field.
it's not fixed.. in my game a canceled deal actually gives me 5 extra horses per turn (I was up to 148 horses last night)... now only if that were oil :)
It happens to me, too. I cannot fix it. I have now three AI I cannot declare war on, eventhough in the relationship list it's said "PEACE TREATY 10 turns" only. It is now over 300 turns, not 10 turns.

Anyone know where to find the patch to fix this bug?
It happens to me, too. I cannot fix it. I have now three AI I cannot declare war on, eventhough in the relationship list it's said "PEACE TREATY 10 turns" only. It is now over 300 turns, not 10 turns.

Anyone know where to find the patch to fix this bug?

Steam patches automatically and the bug has been fixed in the patch.
It happens to me, too. I cannot fix it. I have now three AI I cannot declare war on, eventhough in the relationship list it's said "PEACE TREATY 10 turns" only. It is now over 300 turns, not 10 turns.

Anyone know where to find the patch to fix this bug?

are you on a mac? the bug may not have been fixed in the mac version yet
are you on a mac? the bug may not have been fixed in the mac version yet

I am not a native speaker and not an IT pro. What does "a mac" mean? I am using Win 7, and my PC is much stronger that it's needed to play the game.

The fact is that I am an extremly good player in Civ3, alway playing Deity Level and winning the game before getting to Industrial Era (believe it or not?). I skipped Civ4 until I read an article about Civ5. Thus, I bought the disk, installed it and played right away "immortal level, huge map, max AI player and city-states..." (of course after playing the tution game to see how to control funtions).

I immeditately found out the way to win highest-difficulty-level games in Civ5, which was by "cheating other AI' golds". After setting up the game, I negotiated with other AI, providing them gold in turn and geting and amount of cash. I used cash to buy military units right away to build a stronger army than that AI, declared war on it to avoid paying gold in turn. When my army is stronger than that AI, it is easy for me to negotiate peace with it (some even pay me to have peace in some cases), and I do the same to other AI. I believe that, by using this strategy, it's not too difficult for me to win a deity-level game.

Now, problem occurs. After several times declaring war and negotiating with an AI (and making money from it as well), I no longer could re-declare war on it eventhough the peace treaty was 10 turns only. If it was for one AI, it would be not much a problem; but after a while, it happened again with another and another AI (almost the strongest AI, from those I used to make golds). I believed it is a bug of the game, as it is not the Alway_Peace_Option; and I lost interest in it and gave up playing until today.

Yesterday was X-mas weekend, I was at home alone having nothing to do, and tried to search on Internet to see if there's any patch to fix this bug. It's seem to me that there's none yet. I indeed want to restart the game, and that's why I posted up the msg to ask for help from everyone here.

Besides, I am wondering if Firaxis has fixed the bug. If they do not do it, it's quite a pity for such a good serial game to have this kind of bug.
I am not a native speaker and not an IT pro. What does "a mac" mean?

:lol:...sorry :D.
A Mac is a computer from the company apple (iPhone, iPod, etc). These computers normally don't rund with Windows, so they can't run windows programs. Same for Civ5, the Mac users have a "special" version, which isn't patched to the same state like the windows version.

Ooop, I did not see your reply. My apology! How can I find the patch?

You can't, it's automatically applied ;).

Is maybe a deal still going on? Could you upload a savegame, so that someone else can take a look at it?
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