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"Reality" is not to be represented by set numbers, especially if said numbers are static, unlike the reality.

with respect, as JFD has said before, if you don't like the crime aspect of this mod you can just deactivate it. Repeatedly telling JFD that is isn't good isn't helping anyone.
Well you have to represent it somehow. This is a game after all. Either by static numbers or by percentile penalties. Though I'm glad that we both agree that Crime was a necessary addition :D.

Static numbers ? Actually reality is closer to math and numbers then most of us likes to admit, did you for instance know that discrete math has uses in life science ? ( although I use it strictly in Computer science )

Just pulling your leg, now seriously though presenting the way mmKay suggest is not bad idea because in games, realism is often presented in gamy way. In this case it's static values that can be dynamically calculated and presentes either as numbers or percentiles penalties.

with respect, as JFD has said before, if you don't like the crime aspect of this mod you can just deactivate it. Repeatedly telling JFD that is isn't good isn't helping anyone.

Wait: I reply to a person, then a second person comes in and then a third person says I'm actually talking to a fourth person? Not saying that you aren't allowed to reply, but please don't ignore the context: I was replying to a person that was talking about something I brought up as a personal opinion.

(Also, realism, as most terms brought up in this discussion, is a subjective term. I don't see buildings having their effects reduced outright is realistic, but I'm not going to request JFD to change that since he already expressed his opinion on the matter)
Is the Jail supposed to be from Trapping in v27? Because I don't think that makes a whole lotta sense.
Is the Jail supposed to be from Trapping in v27? Because I don't think that makes a whole lotta sense.

It's at Trapping if you're not also using RtP, which adds the Code of Laws tech.
I've got some problems after a fresh install(I've no idea if there are any gameplay bugs or not, but I've noticed some text ones). I'm using the newest CBP(from 17February), full install with EUI via installer, and also using CiD and ExpEnhanced (I did the steps listed this thread, I mean, copy files from the EUI folder in CiD to the Overrides), and here's how it looks
Spoiler :

EDIT: Guess I should point out what I meant:, in the first two screenshots I mean the "TXT_KEY_JFD" Under the Loyalty meter, and in the second two, when I put the cursor over the Culture bonus from Philosophy(third screen) and Gold bonus from Currency(last screen), they have no description
It's at Trapping if you're not also using RtP, which adds the Code of Laws tech.

Well, I HAVE RtP, that's why it makes no sense.

I've got some problems after a fresh install(I've no idea if there are any gameplay bugs or not, but I've noticed some text ones). I'm using the newest CBP(from 17February), full install with EUI via installer, and also using CiD and ExpEnhanced (I did the steps listed this thread, I mean, copy files from the EUI folder in CiD to the Overrides), and here's how it looks
Spoiler :

EDIT: Guess I should point out what I meant:, in the first two screenshots I mean the "TXT_KEY_JFD" Under the Loyalty meter, and in the second two, when I put the cursor over the Culture bonus from Philosophy(third screen) and Gold bonus from Currency(last screen), they have no description
Yes, these errors have been reported, I think JFD even mentioned the first one himself. The missing text for all specialist yield increases from technologies got fixed at some point when he was messing around with EUI compatibility files that weren't actually needed or used by CBP and apparently lost them when he reverted the changes that he really didn't need in the following version. At least it did work for me in one of those quick hotfix versions...
Well, I HAVE RtP, that's why it makes no sense.

Load order quirk. When updating RtP, you should deselect and re-select CID first.

I've got some problems after a fresh install(I've no idea if there are any gameplay bugs or not, but I've noticed some text ones). I'm using the newest CBP(from 17February), full install with EUI via installer, and also using CiD and ExpEnhanced (I did the steps listed this thread, I mean, copy files from the EUI folder in CiD to the Overrides), and here's how it looks
Spoiler :

EDIT: Guess I should point out what I meant:, in the first two screenshots I mean the "TXT_KEY_JFD" Under the Loyalty meter, and in the second two, when I put the cursor over the Culture bonus from Philosophy(third screen) and Gold bonus from Currency(last screen), they have no description

Please post your logs - see OP - although i'll see if I can re-create the issue.

While I'm thinking about it. I know specialists in general give a small amount of Crime, but do Unemployed Citizens give more Crime? Seems like they should. You got to keep your people gainfully employed or they might turn to a life of crime to survive.

Are unemployed citizens ever really a thing in people's games? I could, but it's a bit of extra work for perhaps no gain?
Load order quirk. When updating RtP, you should deselect and re-select CID first.

B-but I updated CID, always clear my cache before updates and CID is even getting selected before RtP. D:

But if it's just that, good to know. Just confused me for a while.
Any reason why I would be getting this upon re-loading the game? I have the newest CP now, looks like it could be something to do with E&D, anyway I've seen other people talk about this bug and how you can't navigate past it.


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Alright, I've got the logs, sorry for such a hold-up. There's a Database.log and Lua.log . Should I post them in some other way? BTW, I've no idea whether it matters or not, but I've changed one setting, so that the research costs are the same on standard as on marathon(about three times as high)View attachment Database.txt

View attachment Lua.txt
@Forwe Thanks! I actually found the TXT_KEY issue myself and have since fixed it. For the life of me, though, I can't fix the Specialist tooltip, as it still persists even when I disable my own mods; so I'm honestly not convinced it's a problem isolated to CID/RtP - unless I'm doing something wrong when installing CPP. In any case, the TXT_KEY fix will have to wait, as in the next update I want to release Health, which awaits the next CPP DLL.
Well, happy to be of service ^^ But I've a question, the specialists DO get the +culture/gold/w.e. from a given technology, it's just the tooltip's that's bugged, right?
Got a problem with wars and rebelliousness in cities. Seems despite absolutely and conclusively winning wars, i get a -42% loyalty to all my cities for "losing a war". Problem of course this means that as soon as someone declares war on me, i automatically get given -42% for "losing" which means I'm on a very very tight time schedule to end the war before cities start revolting. Of course this time limit is most often shorter than what the AI will be willing to accept a Peace deal. Never mind a peace deal that I would be satisfied with.

THis has made war pretty much unfeasible. I'm fairly sure it's not intentional though.
Hey JFD, is there a seperate thread where we can post our suggestions for the mod? Or is that what this thread is for? Everytime I post a suggestion, there are about 20 threads that appear afterwards regarding glitches with the mod.

Great work with the mod so far :D. I'm ecstatic for Health to be implemented.
Is there supposed to be no way to integrate colonies as normal cities without Events and Decisions? Since without it, there are no great magistrates. And while I still have great dignitaries, 'cause claims and stuff, they don't have the "integrate colony" ability, which I am reasonably sure they do with E&D. Am I mistaken there?

Edit (I love how I always forget half of what I wanted to report): Colonies still also do not return to being colonies if you reclaim them after a revolt. They turn into a strange half-state, where you can choose what the city does, but retain the deficits of being a colony (governor's mansion, reduced unit pool without a drill academy, decreased loyalty from distance).

Edit 2: Aaaaaand because this just happened, might as well append it. I just received 6(!) pikemen per city as levies at the outbreak of a war. The only way the game could come up with these numbers is if it counts Portugal and its two city-state allies as different entities, but even then I should only get two per city, right?

[919930.236] JFD_CID_Provinces_Functions: Maria I has declared war on Dido, who is involved in how many wars now? 1
[919930.298] JFD_CID_Provinces_Functions: Riga has declared war on Dido, who is involved in how many wars now? 1
[919930.376] JFD_CID_Provinces_Functions: Budapest has declared war on Riga, who is involved in how many wars now? 1
[919930.407] JFD_CID_Provinces_Functions: Monaco has declared war on Dido, who is involved in how many wars now? 1
[919930.485] JFD_CID_Provinces_Functions: Budapest has declared war on Monaco, who is involved in how many wars now? 1
[919930.501] JFD_CID_Provinces_Functions: Budapest has declared war on Maria I, who is involved in how many wars now? 1

Edit 3: And now my new city-state ally received, if I am not completely mistaken, 10 levies for joining my war. This is actually quite baffling.
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