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City cannot get culture from kill under strategic view.[v4.31]


Feb 2, 2011
Under normal view, when I kill a barbarian,
one of my city and my total culture pool get culture from kill.

When under strategic view,
total culture pool get the bonus,
but none of my city get culture bonus.

Maybe there is no Events.EndCombatSim under strategic view?
I edit BL - General.lua, changing SetLevel(LOG_WARN) to SetLevel(LOG_TRACE).
Logger print a lot of trace info under normal view,
but nothing print/happen when strategic view.
Thanks for reporting this, I was not aware the 'end of combat' event didn't fire in strategic view. I'll search for the appropriate event in that view.
Thank you for your patience with this. It's odd nothing is printing... are you playing CiV v1.0.1.167 on a PC?

Let's try updating completely instead of a single file. This means your savegame won't work anymore, though. :undecide:

Again... thank you for being patient with this! I'm just trying to figure out where the problem might be. :goodjob:

I am replying to this here so as not to clutter up your previous thread, since it may be the same problem. I am indeed playing CiV C101167 on PC, no mods other than yours.

I started a new game with v4.31 and used the tuner to test out the Aztek ability. It worked perfectly. Also, I was getting a normal reading from the tuner lua thing (similar to examples you posted).

I then loaded up my old save (which still loaded perfectly by the way) and tried it again. The culture from kills now only went to my global pool (not in cities), and interestingly the readings from the tuner lua thing no longer worked ('lots of warning: cache not shared'). Strange. But at least the mechanism works as intended in new games.
I've been researching this further, and it appears to be impossible to detect combat in strategic view. This is a vanilla problem we can't solve as modders. Until Firaxis fixes this, it is advisable to avoid strategic view for combat situations or between game turns.
As an update to this, the "quick combat" setting in pre-game options is also bugged for the same reasons. Until this bug is solved by Firaxis or we get access to the c++ as modders (so we can fix it ourselves), please avoid use of quick combat. I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause, we've just gotta work around the bugs in Civ. :)
Is this issue solved by Firaxis by now, or is Civup_Options.sql still the way to set quick combat on or off ?
Firaxis made this worse in G&K. We can't detect killed units at all anymore without core modding... so it doesn't really matter if you use strategic view or not now. You can just use the regular quick combat settings in the Options menu.
So you can't detect if a unit is killed and you also can't detect how much health the unit has lost after fight? As far as i can remember the partisan rally thing still works.
I'm just trying to understand the implications.
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