City State Diplomacy Mod (Updated)

CSD v. 25 uploaded.

- Slight upward tweaks to AI diplomacy flavors (encourage 'friendly' behavior)
- Removed leftover CS production/growth/science values (were causing CS unit explosion ca. 500BCE)
-Slight upward tweak for Diplomat and Ambassador diplomacy flavor.

Should be 100% compatible with latest patch, TBC, etc.

Make sure to clear your cache before you install this mod!

Post if you have any problems!

I just want to say that I do not play Civ V anymore without your MOD as one that I have loaded during game play. So many thanks to you for your hard work.

I have noticed maybe a small problem with the lastest update though. CS production of units seems to be very low now. I will admit before this update CS seemed to be over productive of units, but now it just seems to low.

Thanks again for all your hard work!!!!
I seem to have to Load this mod 15 times before I finally get it to start working. Everytime I update any other mod in my list CSD tends to break. (The actual Envoys don't show up in the tech tree, cannot build them).

So I go to mods folder.
Delete Cache Folder.
Delete ModData Folder.
Open Civ.
Download latest version od CSD.
Check it.
Startup new game and nothing.

Am I doing it right? Eventually it seems to "Take", but it takes several tries before it does. Just wondering if there is some other way, or something that I am doing wrong. I don't seem to have this problem with any of the other mods.

Info Addict, Civ Williard, TBC, CSD, RED, End Turn Civ IV Style.
I seem to have to Load this mod 15 times before I finally get it to start working. Everytime I update any other mod in my list CSD tends to break. (The actual Envoys don't show up in the tech tree, cannot build them).

So I go to mods folder.
Delete Cache Folder.
Delete ModData Folder.
Open Civ.
Download latest version od CSD.
Check it.
Startup new game and nothing.

Am I doing it right? Eventually it seems to "Take", but it takes several tries before it does. Just wondering if there is some other way, or something that I am doing wrong. I don't seem to have this problem with any of the other mods.

Info Addict, Civ Williard, TBC, CSD, RED, End Turn Civ IV Style.

That's odd. I've never seen it take that many attempts to work correctly. I wish I knew the answer!

I just want to say that I do not play Civ V anymore without your MOD as one that I have loaded during game play. So many thanks to you for your hard work.

I have noticed maybe a small problem with the lastest update though. CS production of units seems to be very low now. I will admit before this update CS seemed to be over productive of units, but now it just seems to low.

Thanks again for all your hard work!!!!

The values are now at 'vanilla' level, so that may be why it seems so much lower. If a serious issue I may adjust the values slightly to compensate.

With VEM v104 and CSD v25 I'm experiencing massive wars early on in the game. Its total war with AIs ganging up with City States and declaring war all over. Most wars only last a few rounds. Some times I can have 25-30 notifications per round about wars between AI civs/CS.

I'm running a lot of mods including my own where I modified the effects of a number of diplomacy triggers (lowered the diplomacy penalty of having a CIV denounce you, building numerous wonders, ...), but I suspect that this is an effect of either VEM or CSD.

Has anyone else experienced this?


(Double post on CSD thread)
That's odd. I've never seen it take that many attempts to work correctly. I wish I knew the answer!

Yes it is strange. Seems that if I load CSD after the other mods the Diplomat unit doesn't show up. Got to have something to do with the order that it gets loaded I guess.

I ended up loading just CSD. That finally made it work. Then I added all of my other mods afterwards. Took a couple of resets but they all seem to be working now.

Just need to add R.E.D.
I'm not sure about the CS issues. I ran a few tests with just CSD and TBC and though there was some fighting over CSs, it was pretty normal. My values are equivalent to vanilla, so the only problem I could imagine is that, early game, CSs won't receive quite as much money in gold gifts from the AI as usual. But that shouldn't be too big of an issue.


Regarding the loading issue, I'd recommend putting a post on the RED thread or TBC, as their mods are much more involved and, as a result, more prone to compatibility woes than little old CSD. :)
I'm not sure about the CS issues. I ran a few tests with just CSD and TBC and though there was some fighting over CSs, it was pretty normal. My values are equivalent to vanilla, so the only problem I could imagine is that, early game, CSs won't receive quite as much money in gold gifts from the AI as usual. But that shouldn't be too big of an issue.QUOTE]

I seem to recall that you lowered the number of units CS's have in v25. Since I never saw that kind of fighting with v24, I'm wondering if the "total war" could be a result of the AIs considering the CS's so weak now that they declare war on them..? :confused:

If so this could drag all the AI allies into the war.

In my last two games everyone was at war with each other by turn 150-200 (save me). As said before most games lasted only a few rounds but as soon as possible everyone declared war on each other again. I had massive diplo hits as I was friends with everyones enemies but on the other hand also some diplo boosts as I of course also had some DOF's.

Hi there.
Good job for the mod !

I did a french translation for the latest version of the mod, let me know if you re interested.
I'm not sure about the CS issues. I ran a few tests with just CSD and TBC and though there was some fighting over CSs, it was pretty normal. My values are equivalent to vanilla, so the only problem I could imagine is that, early game, CSs won't receive quite as much money in gold gifts from the AI as usual. But that shouldn't be too big of an issue.QUOTE]

I seem to recall that you lowered the number of units CS's have in v25. Since I never saw that kind of fighting with v24, I'm wondering if the "total war" could be a result of the AIs considering the CS's so weak now that they declare war on them..? :confused:

If so this could drag all the AI allies into the war.

In my last two games everyone was at war with each other by turn 150-200 (save me). As said before most games lasted only a few rounds but as soon as possible everyone declared war on each other again. I had massive diplo hits as I was friends with everyones enemies but on the other hand also some diplo boosts as I of course also had some DOF's.


I reset the CS values to vanilla levels. I'll look at it this weekend if I have time. I'm not sure (I should ask Thal) if he alters the CS values.
Hi Gazebo

Any update on this?


Ran ~10 tests yesterday, and, unfortunately, didn't really see anything out of the ordinary. The second game there was a cascade of DoWs on CSs around 500BC, but that was the only one.

I did the tests with just CSD activated, so it leads me to believe that something else might be causing the problem.
v26 is posted! Mainly small, behind-the-scenes changes, though I did fix one rather nasty bug that was causing major slowdowns when played with Thal's balance mod.

Also, the Inn is (once again) called a Forum (to match the icon) and the Guildhall is now called the 'Grand Piazza' (to match the Forum).

Lastly, I added in promotions for the units so, when building a unit and you research an obsoleting tech, the unit-in-production SHOULD automatically transition to the new unit.

Hey Gazebo,

Been using your mod for ages, really love it - just got a mistake to report on v26, namely, while you've changed the names for the buildings themselves, they're still regerred to by their old names in the policies.

Two questions, as well:

For a while now, in the Civilopedia, the hammer cost for diplomatic units is stated as "FREE", although they don't function this way when actually building them. Just wondering why that is?

Secondly, the 1% trade increase given on diplomatic buildings seems incredibly underwhelming. You very, very rarely pull in any more than 20 - 50 or so gold via trade, and 1% of this is less than 1 gold.
Hey Gazebo,

Been using your mod for ages, really love it - just got a mistake to report on v26, namely, while you've changed the names for the buildings themselves, they're still regerred to by their old names in the policies.

Two questions, as well:

For a while now, in the Civilopedia, the hammer cost for diplomatic units is stated as "FREE", although they don't function this way when actually building them. Just wondering why that is?

Secondly, the 1% trade increase given on diplomatic buildings seems incredibly underwhelming. You very, very rarely pull in any more than 20 - 50 or so gold via trade, and 1% of this is less than 1 gold.

The policies are an oversight- I'll change the names when I get a moment. Also, if the units are showing up as 'free,' try deleting your cache beforehand.

Lastly, though the individual +1% trade route income is small on a building-by-building basis, keep in mind that each additional Forum/Press/Foreign Office/Grand Piazza will increase the %– so, for example, if you have 5 Forums, you will gain +5% trade route income.

Thanks for the suggestions– I'll fix the typos soon.
Using version 26 with Thal's mods I cannot build a Messenger with Writing. It does not show up in the build list at all.
Clear that cache! Its in your My Documents/My Games/SM Civ5/Cache folder. Always a sound rule when loading a new mod.

Nope, that's not it. I always clear my cache when installing mods. Apparently v26 is no longer compatible with City States Leaders, v3 by Mihaifx. V25 was compatible with this mod. I have used the two together for months now until this update.
I have had this problem half a hundred times. I'm not 100% sure how to fix it but I am currently running CSD with VEM without any problems.

Try reloading, clearing the cache again. Stick with it... eventually it will work. I think I actually loaded CSD first then VEM to finally get it to work.

When you first start up a game. Build a city and choose your first tech. Go to the tech tree and look to see if the messenger icon is on the Writing Tech if so it is working. If not try again.

Clear Cache, Mod User Data Folders, Old Save Games.
I have had this problem half a hundred times. I'm not 100% sure how to fix it but I am currently running CSD with VEM without any problems.

Try reloading, clearing the cache again. Stick with it... eventually it will work. I think I actually loaded CSD first then VEM to finally get it to work.

When you first start up a game. Build a city and choose your first tech. Go to the tech tree and look to see if the messenger icon is on the Writing Tech if so it is working. If not try again.

Clear Cache, Mod User Data Folders, Old Save Games.

Does it still take multiple resets of the cache for you to make it work, or has that problem been resolved?

Nope, that's not it. I always clear my cache when installing mods. Apparently v26 is no longer compatible with City States Leaders, v3 by Mihaifx. V25 was compatible with this mod. I have used the two together for months now until this update.

I can't imagine why it would stop being compatible. I didn't add anything to CSD– I simply cleaned up the code. Did v3 of that mod change recently?

It generally takes me a couple of weeks to play a game as I don't play marathon sessions. A couple of hours a night. So I tend to upgrade everything at the same time. It seems to be harder to upgrade several mods at once rather than just one.

Typically I clear my cache mod user data, old saves and remove all of the Mods from the Mod folder. Then I add them in one a time and load them as I go.

I used to do Info Addict and Willard first (as well as End Turn Civ IV style and Better Trading Posts), followed by VEM then CSD then RED.

But Last time that didn't work so I cleared everything out several times until I finally loaded CSD then VEM leaving RED out, and it worked.

Last week I took out VEM and upgraded to the latest leaving all of the other mods loaded but still cleared the cache etc and that seemed to work, then I loaded RED on top of it all and that worked as well. (But I'm not sure about the new units in RED).

So to put it bluntly... I don't know what the hell I am doing and a loud cheer goes up in my gaming room everytime I get all of the mods to cooperate nicely! :crazyeye:

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