Civ 5: Civilizations/Leaders Wanted!


Leader: Pedro II
Capital: Rio de Janeiro
Starting Bias – river/jungla/plains
UA: INDEPENDENCE OR DEATH – Construction time for railroads reduced by 50%. Cost of factory, seaport, public school and hospital reduced by 10%
UU1: Guarda Nacional (replaces riffleman) - +25% strength if fighting 2 or less tiles away from a brasilian city
UU2: Guarda Imperial (replaces wwi infantry) – double defense if is being attacked in a jugle/hills tile.
Colour: 1- green; 2- black
Symbol: The globe in brazilian flag


You should have seen the suggestion I created of Brazil,with a little help from other people,before posting them :

Leader: Dom Pedro II
Capital: Brasília
Starting Bias: Plains/Hills
Music Theme: Trenzinho Caipira (modified version) or Guarnieri's Abertura Festiva
Unique Unit: Bandeirante. Strength 16. Movement 2. Gains a 20% combat strength bonus when fighting within 2 tiles of a luxury resource. Starts with Woodsman promotion.
Unique Unit: Independence Dragoons. Replaces Lancers. Doesn't have defense penalties, unlike Lancers, but is weaker. Cost 220. Strength 20. Movement 4.
Unique Ability: Ordem e Progresso. Double duration of "We Love the King's Day" event and less penalties for Unhappiness (like no loss of GA points and less penalties on strength of units)

About your suggestion:

Capital: Rio de Janeiro

Nowadays,Brazilian capital is Brasilia . Rio de Janeiro was a former capital and I'd be very awkward if such city become a capital of Brazil(If Civ5 were released in the 1950,it'd make sense,but it doesn't make sense now) .

Starting Bias – river/jungla/plains
UA: INDEPENDENCE OR DEATH – Construction time for railroads reduced by 50%. Cost of factory, seaport, public school and hospital reduced by 10%

Such suggestion would make sense if there were plenty of railroads in Brazil . But there are too few Railroads in Brazil(even tiny European countries have more Railroads than Brazil) . Also,this name(Independence or Death) would fit better for an achievement than a UA,IMO .

UU1: Guarda Nacional (replaces riffleman) - +25% strength if fighting 2 or less tiles away from a brasilian city
UU2: Guarda Imperial (replaces wwi infantry) – double defense if is being attacked in a jugle/hills tile.

Too bad suggestions,because both don't have any historic accuracy,unlike any other UU .
Nowadays,Brazilian capital is Brasilia . Rio de Janeiro was a former capital and I'd be very awkward if such city become a capital of Brazil(If Civ5 were released in the 1950,it'd make sense,but it doesn't make sense now)

One thing that annoys me about China in Civ is exactly this. Beijing is the Capital, and the city names are all modern cities. But in Wu's time, Chang'an was the capital, Shanghai was a fishing village, and Beijing was called Youzhou (Ji). I personally think they should base the city names and capitals based on when the ruler was. So if they have; for example, Brazil, Dom Pedro II as the ruler, then I'd see no problem for Rio being the capital.
Leader: Robert I
Starting bias:
Music Theme:
Unique Ability: Scotland Forever - Melee Units ignore enemy defensive terrain modifiers when attacking. +2 gold for tiles worked with Cattle or Sheep.
Unique Unit: Highlanders - Replaces Longswordmen. Cost 100. 16 stength. Promotion: Highland Charge. Ignore hill movement penalty and 50% combat bonus when attacking from a hill.
Unique Improvement: Hill Forts - Forts build on Hills incorporate the tile to the empire. Can be build on top of luxury/strategic resources and connects them.
One thing that annoys me about China in Civ is exactly this. Beijing is the Capital, and the city names are all modern cities. But in Wu's time, Chang'an was the capital, Shanghai was a fishing village, and Beijing was called Youzhou (Ji). I personally think they should base the city names and capitals based on when the ruler was. So if they have; for example, Brazil, Dom Pedro II as the ruler, then I'd see no problem for Rio being the capital.

Something similar also happens with Greece and USA . Their city-list includes Sparta,but the Hellenic league made it very clear that Sparta wasn't a member of them during the rule of Alexander . About the USA,most of their city-list includes cities founded much after the Death of George Washington . But the main reason for making Brasilia as a Brazil's capital is because there too many stupid people out there who thinks that the current Capital of Brazil is Rio de Janeiro . And that is the same reason why the devs chose to put Rio de Janeiro in Civ5 as a city-state,instead putting other "real" city-states from South America,like Buenos Aires,Bogota,Panama city,etc .
people out there who thinks that the current Capital of Brazil is Rio de Janeiro

At least Rio is a Brazilian city. I often hear Buenos Aires or Montevideo as the Brazilian capital...

Unique Unit: Highlanders - Replaces Longswordmen. Cost 100. 18 stength. Promotions: Ignore hill movement penalty. 50% combat bonus when attacking from a hill.
Unique Improvement: Hill Forts - Forts build on Hills incorporate the tile to the empire. Can be build on top of luxury/strategic resources

The 50% attack bonus is too much, and the Hill Fort could use an additional bonus or effect.
Bandeirantes are often associated with Brazil. I don’t want to start a historical debate over this, but I’m sure the Bandeirantes were and are more important and close to Brazil than to Portugal. They could include the Bandeirantes as a Portuguese UU in a similar way they did to Sweden and Denmark (with Brazilians cities in their city list, and so on). I don’t think that would work, tough.

Bandeirantes were groups of portuguese captains, brazilian natives and african stalves who, UNDER PORTUGUESE RULE explored interior Brazil in order to discover new luxury resources.
Bandeirantes were groups of portuguese captains, brazilian natives and african stalves who, UNDER PORTUGUESE RULE explored interior Brazil in order to discover new luxury resources.

The Bandeirantes were individuals, the Bandeiras were the groups. Also, not every single leader was Portuguese, many of them did not even speak Portuguese at all.

Previously you said the gold they discovered in Brazil was important to the Portuguese development; I'd say it is the explanation for the Portuguese underdevelopment, since most of the gold was used to buy manufactured goods from England, delaying the Portuguese industrial revolution.

And giving emphasis to the fact that Brazil was under Portuguese rule doesn't change anything. The Bandeirantes were far more important to Brazil, and still is (as a national symbol; I don't think the Portuguese give them any importance nowadays).

But really, I'm not going to discuss this. The guys at the 2k Forums had an extensive argument over it, you can read it here.
I wrote a suggestion for a Tupi civilization. To be honest, the Tupi are somewhere near the bottom of my list, but they’re often taken into account and are one of the few possibilities to the currently empty eastern South America. Little is known about them (albeit they’re not so obscure as some may think, and had a great impact in Brazilian culture, especially in folklore, religion, language and cuisine), but I guess they can offer some interesting and unique features.


Leader: Cunhambebe

Music Theme: Forest of the Amazon

UA: Anthropophagic Rites. Units gain 1/5 of the cultural progress (in %) toward a new social policy as a combat bonus, and double experience for killing enemies.

Notes: If you’re half way of getting a new policy, then your units have a +10% Combat. If you’re just 1 turn from getting a new policy, then your units have a bonus of almost +20%. If you just got a new policy, then your units get a negligible bonus (or no bonus at all).

Trivia: Anthropophagy is a fancy name for cannibalism, but it’s more accurate than the later due the cultural meaning it had to the Tupi; they didn’t eat their enemies (usually war captives) as a daily eating habit, but they believed that, by doing so, the strengths and knowledge of the defeated would be absorbed by them. This behavior is described by some anthropologists as a “bellic-sociological cannibalism”. War was an important element to the Tupi societies, often encouraged by a whole complex of cultural values.

UU: Tamoio Warrior. Replaces Swordsman. Does not require Iron to build. +5% combat from each Tamoio within 2 tiles who was trained in a different city.

Notes: Two Tamoios from the same different city doesn’t count for a +20% bonus. The ability is lost if the Tamoio is upgraded.

Trivia: The Tamoios (“elders” or “grandfathers” in Tupi) were a branch of the Tupinambá people, famous for assembling several tribes in a military alliance against the Portuguese and their allies. The Tamoio Confederacy imposed severe losses to the Portuguese colonizers and settlements. Eventually it had French support, but the Tamoios were ultimately defeated by the Portuguese. Cunhambebe was one of its leaders.

UI: Aldeia. Unlocks with Trapping. Must be built on Jungle, with no additional Aldeias in the adjacent tiles. Yields: +1 Production, +1 Culture; +1 Faith for every 2 adjacent Jungle tiles.

Notes: Works like a Lumber Mill in gameplay terms, but may be built in Jungle tiles and yields a small cultural and faith bonus. The faith bonus can stack up to +3 (with 6 adjacent jungle hex), but that would be rare. By preserving the Jungle, the Aldeia could yield +1 Culture from the “Sacred Path” Pantheon, and +2 Science from Universities.

Also, "Aldeia" is just Portuguese for "Village". We usually call them "Aldeia Indígena", and their huts "Ocas". I'm not sure, but I believe the Tupi name for it is "Taba". The Yanomami call it "Shabono", but they aren't Tupi-Guarani speakers.

Trivia: Most of the Brazilian Indigenous people are semi-nomadic tribes, engaged in hunting, fishing, harvesting and in incipient agricultural practices. Many tribes established themselves in temporary villages to explore the nearby jungle’s resources, developing a rich social and cultural life, as well as many mythological elements based on the surrounding nature.

Spoiler Aldeias :

It's an interesting idea but it's overly complicated and, I think, overpowered.

It is complex, but I don't think very overpowered.
The UA works on a 'next-turn Strength increase' mechanism linked to Social Policy generation. Simply put, depending on how far into the next policy, the strength of the units fluctuate; this particular system reduces the resulting current/target culture fraction to 20%. An obvious road to maintaining a high rate of strengthened units is that which similar to achieving a Cultural Victory; few cities, wonders and artists, beeline to and through Piety, but to fully utilize military strength the Unique Unit helps to slow down the effect.
The affects of the UU is conditional on where each unit is made. On the face of it it is frightening power, but the additional note illustrates that the ability requires all units in the radius to be from completely different cities; that requires a tall civ, contrary to the UA strategy. The full possible extent of the military bonus is +200%, a Social Policy in the next turn and one UU surrounded by UU's from 18 cities; in theory it's very powerful, but in practice having +200% in combat is impossible. Never mind the fact of losing two tiles to let a unit slip in to be crushed by the compounding effect; only the dumbest AI would fall for such a transparent trap, instead the opponent would kill two tanks with one spear and attack the outer UU's first and eat into the center. I will say however that this particular ability can be overpowering and modify one condition, since bace Combat Strength isn't outlined I would consider dropping the base number as much as -4 or -5 - to 6 or 7 - that or cut the multiplier to +5%, reducing the fpe of military bonus by -90%, of the range of influence by 1, reducing the fpe by -120%.
An obvious road to maintaining a high rate of strengthened units is that which similar to achieving a Cultural Victory; few cities, wonders and artists, beeline to and through Piety

Actually that would not maintain the bonus elevated. If you have a high cultural output, your units would get strong as fast as they'd get weak. It'd only accelerate the cycle, being predictable as always, but also too much inconsistent.

But you're right about the Tupi being a wide empire. Not only because of their UU, but slowing the progress toward a new policy would give more consistency to their bonus, so the player could plan better, waging war in it's "culturally" convenient so he would have enough turns to enjoy a high bonus before it resets to 0%. Of course things never go as we planned, and we don't choose when the enemy (specially our beloved crazy AI) DoW at us. So if I had to oversimplify the UA, I'd say it's an average +10% bonus to combat. If that's overpowered (there's also the doubled experience from kills), we could limit it in the time. Pre-Gunpowder units, something like that.

The full possible extent of the military bonus is +200%, a Social Policy in the next turn and one UU surrounded by UU's from 18 cities; in theory it's very powerful, but in practice having +200% in combat is impossible. Never mind the fact of losing two tiles to let a unit slip in to be crushed by the compounding effect; only the dumbest AI would fall for such a transparent trap

It'd be a funny situation indeed:

But as you said, it's utterly impossible. You'd need 17 cities (in the classical/medieval age) capable of building the unit (or spend gold to buy them). Then there is the logistic issue, and since we're talking about a melee unit, this is an important issue to be taken into account. Personally, I would hardly be able to assemble 5 UUs from different cities around a single point to gain a +40% bonus. But I concur that it's a possibility, and it'd be overpowered if it happens. Reducing the bonus to +5% seems to be a nice solution, I'll edit that.

Any word about the UI? I'm bad with numbers and balance...
Technically you'd need only two cities, but only 1 unit would get the full bonus

Actually no, the example he gave in the original post said that any two Tamoios from the same different city don’t count as a +10+10% bonus. What that means is if there are two UUs are present around another UU and those two are from the same city, the bonus doesn't compound. In order to achieve the big bonus, you'd need a lot of cities to do it. But that doesn't matter now.

For the UI; it's a cool idea, and the no adjacent UIs rule makes planing on building these interesting, one has to plan the positioning of the improvements to get the most out of them. Good idea to place a no adjacent UI rule with the faith/jungle mechanism.
I'm pretty annoyed the way they designed the Celtic civ it pretty much knocks out the ability to have a Scottish,Welsh, or Irish civ and its not completley authentic celtic special units or bonuses
Collected ideas from the CFC threads and the one in 2K Games Forum. Many thanks to everyone involved. Fan ideas for Confirmed Civilizations in the Gods & Kings Expansion Pack and Brave New World Expansion Pack (to be released July 2013) can be found in POST 16.

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Civilization V Reference Chart

Leader: Mangas Coloradas
Capital: Warm Springs
Starting Bias: Plains/Desert/Mountains
Music Theme: Apache Sun Dance Song
Unique Building: Wickiup. Replaces Granary. Same benefits as Granary but also gives additional +1Food from Desert tiles and 1+Gold from Flood Plains and Oasis.
Unique Unit: Raider. Replaces Cavalry. Strength: 26. Movement: 4. Starts with Evasion(50) promotion. Gains extra Gold from Pillaging tile Improvements. Has a higher combat strength and extra movement point.
Unique Ability: Cactus Life. Desert tiles provide +1Food and +1 Production and Garrisoned Units can attack Twice a Turn.

Leader: Robert_Menzies
Capital: Canberra
Starting Bias: Grassland/Hills/Coast
Music Theme: Waltzing Matilda
Unique Unit: Light Horse. Strength 24. Cost 225. Movement 4. Promotions and Bonuses: Can Dismount, (-6 :c5strength: Combat Strength, -2 :c5moves: Movement, Negates all Bonuses and Penalties), Penalty vs Mounted, No Terrain Defence Bonus, Can Move After Attack, -1/3 vs Cities.
Unique Unit: ANZAC Infantry. Strength 36. Cost 320. Movement 2. Promotions and Bonuses: Anzac Spirit <Combines the Disipine bonus and the Sacrifical Captives ability> :)c5culture: Culture from destroyed units equal to :c5strength: Combat Strength of destroyed unit. +10% :c5strength: Combat Strength when adjacent to a friendly unit.)
Unique Ability: Lucky Country. Luxury Resources produce +1 Gold, modified resources also provide +1 Happiness. Stock Exchanges produce +17% (+1/6) Gold.

Leader: John A. Macdonald
Capital: Ottawa
Starting Bias: Forest/Lakes/Tundra
Music Theme:
Unique Unit: Lumberjack. Replaces Worker; Receives no penalty while moving through Forest tiles. Work 20% Faster on Forest Tiles.
Unique Building: Hockey Rink. Replaces Stadium; +4 Happiness, +3 Culture.
Unique Ability: Peacekeeping. All units gifted to City-States, and military actions taken for a City-State provide extra Influence.

Leader: Blas Valera
Capital: Kuelap
Starting Bias: Jungle/Hills/Mountains
Music Theme:
Unique Improvement: Peri Chullpas. May be built on mountains. Provides +2 Food, +2 science, +2 Production in Mountains. For every unit killed next to this tile the plot will provide +1 culture (maxes out at 4).
Unique Unit: Chachapoyan Macescout. Replaces Spearman. Starts with promotion (+40% Defensive bonus vs non-iron melee units) Loses Bonus vs Mounted units.
Unique Ability: People of the Clouds. Units may move through/onto Mountains. (Enemy units can not attack your units in Mountains. You may not attack enemy units with range from mountains, but you may attack with melee from mountains) Jungles provide + 1 production.
(Clarifications: Cities can not be built on mountains. Mountains comes with a base +1 production. Mountains only cost one movement point to cross through.)

Leader: Ostenaco
Capital: Echota
Starting Bias: Grassland/River/Mountains
Music Theme: Cherokee Morning Song
Unique Building: National Council. Replaces Courthouse. Cost 120. Maintenance 1, not 5. +3 Culture. Eliminates extra Unhappiness from an Occupied City. Lowered Build cost and Maintenance cost also gives extra Culture. Note: Like Courthouse can only be build in occupied cities.
Unique Unit: Chickamauga. Replaces Musketman. Cost: 120. Strength: 18, not 16. Starts with Scouting I promotion.
Unique Ability: Adaptative Culture. Culture cost of Acquiring new tiles reduced by 50%. Also River tiles give addional +1 Food and extra defense for attacked Cherokian Units. +2 Gold from Deer resources.

Leader: Raja Raja
Capital: Gangaikonda Cholapuram
Starting Bias: Coast/Grassland
Music Theme: Carnatic Music
Unique Unit: Thirisadai. Replaces Frigate. A melee ship with +30% Strength against naval units. -2 Movement from frigates.
Unique Unit: Jalathipathhi. Replaces Great Admiral. +2 Movement. Wider range and bonus.
Unique Ability: Traders of the South. Bananas, Ivory, and Spices all have +1 Gold Trade Routes with overseas cities give +2 faith.
Scenario: Fall of the Chola Empire. Play as the Chola Empire and fend off from the Majapahit and Siamese, or play as one of these empires themselves.

Leader: Quanah Parker
Capital: Comanche
Starting Bias: Plains/River
Music Theme:
Unique Building: River Camp (replaces Stable): +20% (+5%) Mounted unit production, Mounted units start with 15 exp (+15), Pastures provide +1 Production and +10% Defense bonuses.
Unique Unit: Comanche Raider (Replaces Horseman) 11 str (-1) , +5 movement. Promotion Tu Motso: Every strategic resource pillaged adds +1 strength to your units who use that resource for up to 35 turns (or if the resource is fixed)
Unique Ability: Comanche Moon. Every unit killed gives a set amount of gold (Stacks with Honor abilities). Pillaging a luxury resource gives you that luxury's bonuses for a set period of time or until resource is fixed.

Leader: C.G.E. Mannerheim
Capital: Helsinki
Starting Bias: Forest/Tundra/Lakes
Music Theme: Finlandia
Unique Unit: Runonlaulaja (&#8221;Rune Singer&#8221;). Replaces Scout. When explored 100 tiles and returned to the capital can be used to gain 100 culture towards Social Policies. Cost: 30. Strength: 4. Starts with Survivalism I promotion.
Unique Building: Sauna. Replaces Garden. Cost 120. Maintenance 1 gold. Happiness +2 and +33% Great People generation in City. Each worked Lake tile provides +1 Culture. City must be built next to a River or Lake.
Unique Ability: Northern Stalwart. Tundra tiles provide +1 Food and +1 Gold. Specialists provide +1 Production. Free Social Policy when Discovering Education.

Leader: Muwattali II
Capital: Hattusa
Starting Bias: Plains/Hills
Music Theme:
Unique Unit: Heavy Chariot. Replaces Chariot Archer. Cost 100, not 56. Strength 12, not 3/7. Movement 3, not 4. -25% combat penalty VS Cities removed. +20% combat bonus in Open Terrain (Shock I). Movement penalty when entering Rough Terrain.
Unique Building: Lion's Gate. Replaces Walls. Cost 80, not 75. Defense +4. Gold +2. Culture and Gold costs of acquiring or buying Tiles reduced by 25%.
Unique Ability: The First Iron-workers. Half cost for researching Iron Working; Each excess source of iron (not being used to equip a unit) provides +1 happiness until the discovery of Rifling.
Scenario: Battle of Kadesh. Ultimate Chariot battle with forces of Egypt and Hittite.

Leader: Matthias_Corvinus
Capital: Budapest
Starting Bias: Grassland/River/Hills
Music Theme:
Unique Building: Corvinae. Replaces Library.+1 Science for every 1 (not 2 like regular Library) Citizens in this City. Gives additional Tech boost to every completed Research Agreement. Note: The amount depends on how many Corvinaes are build in the Hungarian Empire.
Unique Unit: Hussar. Replaces Lancer. Cost: 220. Strength: 22. Movement: 4. Starts with Survivalism I promotion. "Fast moving horsemen used for scouting or raiding".
Unique Ability: Royal Connections. Every Embassy established generates Happiness to Hungarians. Gold Bonus from cities with trade route to the Capital. Note: Apart from his regular network of relations with his neighbours, as well as the Pope and Kingdom of Naples, Matthias established regular contacts with France, Burgundy, Switzerland, Florence, most German states, Russia and, occasionally, with Persia and Egypt. High taxes, mostly falling on peasants, to sustain Matthias' lavish lifestyle and the Black Army.

Leader: Apanuugpak
Capital: Iqaluit
Starting Bias: Snow/Coast/Tundra
Music Theme: Throat singing
Unique Unit: Qamutik "Snow sledge". Replaces Chariot Archer. Cost 70, not 60. Strength 4. Ranged strength 7. Range 2. Movement 4. On tundra and snow the qamutik has 5 movement, 5 strength and 8 ranged strength.
Unique Improvement: Ice trap. +4 Food. Can only be build on snow tiles adjacent to water or river tiles. Available at the Discovery of Sailing.
Unique Ability:People of the Arctic. +1Food from every Tundra or Snow tile within 3 tiles of the City. The tile does not have to be worked, and one tile can be shared by one city and both will still get the bonus.

Leader: Solomon
Capital: Jerusalem
Starting Bias: Plains/Coast/Desert
Music Theme: Hatikvah
Unique Unit: Sayeret. Replaces Paratroopers. Cost 360, not 350. Strength 44, not 40. Movement 3, not 2. Expends no movement cost to Pillage and has an extra Movement point.
Unique Building: Synagogue. Replaces Temple. Cost 145. Maintenance 2. Culture 4. +10% science.
Unique Ability: Promised Land. +50% Great People generation in all Cities.

Leader: Ziebel
Capital: Atil
Starting Bias: Grassland/River
Music Theme:
Unique Unit: Khagan Bek. Replaces Great General. Upon spawing a Great General, there is even chance that it is a Khagan or a Bek - The Bek gives a larger bonus to nearby troops than the regular GG. The Khagan does not benefit troops at all, however it improves tile yields for friendly cities within the same radius of effect. Note: They get randomly chosen upon spawning, they can't flip from being Khagan to Bek - it's one or the other. It was intended to be chance when it was spawned, and then remained either Khagan or Bek throughout its life.
Unique Unit: Varangian Mercenary. Replaces Pikeman. Cost: 100. Strength: 14, not 10. Movement: 2. Note: Armed with halbred, this mercenary unit does devastation against mounted units, but also has high combat value against melee units.
Unique Ability: Pax Khazarica. Resources from friendly City-States doubled. Receives Military Units from friendly City States double the usual rate when Piety Social Policy is enabled.

Leader: Jayavarman VII
Capital: Yasodhapura
Starting Bias: Jungle/Grassland/Forest
Music Theme: Dengue Fever.
Unique Unit: Ballista Elephant. Replaces Trebuchet. Movement: 2; Strength: 15; Ranged Strength: 20; Range: 2; Cost: 170 hammers; Required: 1 Iron. Note: Khmer Ballista Elephants are units that don't need to be escorted and can walk directly up to cities. It's slower speed reflects the fact that it's carrying a giant contraption on its back and means it's the same speed as the Siamese Elephant.
Unique Building: Prasat. Replaces Temple. Cost: 100. Maintenance 2. Culture 5, not 3. Also generates Faith.
Unique Ability: Pearl of Asia. +2 Production when constructing Culture or Faith-producing buildings.

Leader: Nkuwu Nzinga
Leader Scene Concept: An excerpt from Blood River: A journey to Africa's Broken Heart; "The ManiKongo, which was called Nzinga a Nkuwu, staged a royal welcome that fits the most lavish stereotype of a first meeting between white and black. Surrounded by his various wifes, princes and courtiers, the ManiKongo sat on a wooden throne inlaid with Ivory, which had been placed on a raised platform. He dressed in cloth woven from Raffia, and the Portugese visitors noticed that he was also wearing a piece of damask, a remnant of the tribute left for him by Cao a decade earlier. In a gesture of welcome to the Portugese group, he bent down, picked up a handful of dust, and pressed it against his chest."
Capital: Mbanza-Kongo
Starting Bias: Jungle/Grassland/River
Music Theme: Missa Luba
Unique Unit: Bantu. Replaces Worker. Cost: 50. Movement 3. Note: Much cheaper to build than regular Worker unit and has +1 Movement.
Unique Unit2: Congo-Bowmen. Replaces Archer. Strength: 6 (7 in Jungle tiles). Ranged Strength: 6. Range: 2. Movement: 2. Cost: 70. Note: Much stronger than regular Archer in combat (+2) and in Jungle tiles (+3).
Unique Ability: Jungle Lore. Jungles provide +1Food and +1Production and Resources in Jungle tiles produce extra +1Gold. All Military units take 25% less Damage from Ranged attacks.
Scenario: Battle of Mbwila
Note: Kongo would make a excellent Double Civ + Scenario Pack with Portugal.

Leader: Kanishka
Capital: Peshawar
Starting Bias: Plains/Hills/Desert
Music Theme:
Unique Unit: Steppe Cavalry. Replaces Horseman. Cost: 80. Strength: 12. Movement: 5, not 4. Heals much quicker on Oasis tiles and gains Gold from killing Units; random value from 1 to 30 Gold per unit.
Unique Building: Tasam. Replaces Stable. Cost: 100. Maintenance 1. +25% Production when building Mounted Units and +25% Gold. Note: Addition to Stable's normal effect Tasam also is used for the exchange of commodities and bargaining in markets.
Unique Ability: Silk Road. Receives Free Great Merchant at the Discovery of Currency and Earn Great Merchants at double the usual rate. Half the maintenance cost from Roads.
Scenario: Silk Road : Establish a road network between all City State cites, from Coast to Coast, on this Pangaea map. Send Great Merchants and Great Explorers to visit Distant Cities.

Merina ( Madagascar )
Leader: Ranavalona I
Capital: Antananarivo
Starting Bias: Coast/Island/Grassland
Music: ?
Unique Unit: Sakalava. Replaces Pikeman. Cost: 90. 10 Movement: 3, not 2. They have no cost when upgrading to more advanced units and pay just 1 movement point to move from sea to land.
Unique Building: Slave Market. Replaces Market. Cost 120. Gold +4 instead of +2 and + 25%. Production + 1. Each disbanded Civilian unit in Merina city with Slave Market gives double amount of Gold.
Unique Ability: Freedom of Religion. When a Religion spreads to Merina City they can choose if letting it to spread or not and their own Religion spreads over water tiles double the usual rate/range. Public Schools cost half the usual (150 instead of 300).

Leader: Porfirio Díaz
Capital: Mexico City
Starting Bias: Plains/Hills/Mountains
Music Theme:
Unique Unit: Federales. Replaces Rifleman. Strength 25. Movement 2. 30% combat bonus on farms/plantations. Can pillage farm/plantation tile improvements with no movement cost.
Unique National Wonder: Chapultepec Castle. Replaces Heroic Epic. Requires Military Academy and Castle in a city and Barracks everywhere else (execpt puppet cities). No maintenance cost. Cost: 200 production. Adds 15% morale bonus. +5 culture. Every time a unit is made in the city, all XP combined from buildings that give experience to units in the city goes toward Great General production as well.
Unique Ability: Porfiriato. When entering a Golden Age, all cities (including puppet cities) receive an additional: +20% gold,20% science and -1 unhappiness per citizen working on farms/plantations.

Leader: Tuskaloosa
Capital: Moundville
Starting Bias: Hills/River/Grassland
Musical Theme:
Unique Building: Platform Mound. Replaces Monument, +3 Culture and increases the cities attack range to 3 spaces. Also has a Great Engineer slot.
Unique Unit: High Priest. Replaces Missionary. Generates +1 Culture when Garrisoned in Mississippian City. Also adds +2 Faith and +1 Science to the tile yields of Landmark (Great Artist) improvement when fortified in the tile.
Unique Ability: Mound Builders. Cities can form Trade routes through Rivers. +2 Culture for all specialists and for all Great Person tile improvements. Receives a Culture boost each time a cultural building/Wonder is built in the Mississippian capital.
New National Wonder: Serpent Mound. Note: Linked to have Astronomical significance and connection to Ancient Astronauts

Leader: Medeciater
Capital: San Lorenzo
Starting Bias: Jungle/Grassland
Music Theme:
Unique Unit: Olmec Warrior. Replaces Warrior. Cost: 40. Strength: 6. Movement: 2. Starts with Medic promotion and can Heal units in adjacent tiles 1 Additional HP per turn. Also can build Mines and Quarries.
Unique Building: Head Works. Replaces Stone Works. Double effects that the normal Stone Works has; +2 Happiness and +2 production, and +2 production for each source of Marble and Stone worked. Requires Marble or Stone.
Unique Ability: Colossal Heads. Stone and Marble Resources have Double the normal effect; Stone gives +2 Production, Marble +4Gold and +30% towards Wonder Production. Marble Resources also provide Double Quantity.

Pagan ( Burma )
Leader: Anawrahta
Capital: Bagan
Starting Bias: Plains/Hills
Music Theme: ?
Unique Unit: Palace Guard. Replaces Knight. Movement: 3; Strength: 18; Cost: 150 hammers; Required: 1 Horses. Can garrison up to two Palace Guards in each city. If the unit starts a turn garrisoned, it gain a movement and strength bonus for that turn.
Unique Building: Hollow Temple. Replaces Temple. +3 Culture, 1 Gold maintenance. Multiple Hollow Temples can be built in each city, with the penalty of -1 Culture for each existing Hollow Temple and no new GP slots.
Unique Ability: Ten Thousand Temples. Bonus production and/or faith towards Religious Buildings construction.

Leader: Manuel Quezon
Capital: Manila
Starting Bias: Jungle/Grassland/Forest
Music Theme: Carinosa (Peace) and Singkil (War)
Unique Unit: Katipunero. Replaces Rifleman. Strength 25. Movement 2. Cheaper Rifleman, with a 20% combat bonus when in enemy territory.
Unique Unit: Moro Warrior. Replaces Spearman. Strength 7. Movement 2. Starts with Drill I promotion.
Unique Ability: Pearl Of The Orient Seas. +2 Culture and Happiness from cities post-Rennaissance. Each resource within the empire gives +1 Production.

Leader: Pygmalion
Capital: Tyre
Starting Bias: Coast/Plains
Music Theme:
Unique Unit: Bireme. Replaces Trireme. Cost 75, not 60. Strength 9, not 6. Ranged strength 4. Range 2. 5 Movement, not 4.
Unique Building: Canaanite Archive. Replaces Library. Cost: 80. Maintenance: 1. Addition to the Great Scientist slot this Phoenician unique library has also a Great Merchant slot.
Unique Ability: Thalassocracy. In peace time, all naval units contribute +0.5 happiness. In wartime, all naval units gain +2 ranged strength. Also 25% of Gold spent on Research Agreements is converted into Culture.

Puebloan ( Anasazi )
Leader: Popé
Capital: Taos
Starting Bias: Plains/Desert/Hills
Music Theme: Hopi women's eagle song
Unique Improvement: Kiva. Available at the Discovery of Masonry. +2 Food and +1 Culture from the tile.
Unique Building: Pueblos. Replaces Barracks. Cost: 80. Maintenance: 1. +30 XP, not 15, for all Land Units. Also gives +1Food. Cities with Pueblos and a Road connection to the Capital give additional +1 Happiness.
Unique Ability: Adobe Dwellings. Cities and Forts (tile improvement) built within a 2 tile range of a Mountain gain a +20% Defense Bonus. Citizens can also work Mountain tiles ( 2 Production & 1 Gold) and earn +1 Production from Desert tiles.

Romania ( Dacia )
Leader: Vlad Tepes
Alternate Leader: Mihai P&#259;tra&#351;cu
Capital: Bucharest
Starting Bias: Grassland/Forest/Mountains
Music Theme: Doina ciobanului
Unique Unit: Peltast. Replaces Pikeman. Cost 120. Strength 12. Movement 2. Has a unique Enslave promotion; Each Melee unit killed has a chance to turn to a Dacian worker. Starts with Charge promotion.
Unique Building: Sanctuary. Replaces Temple. No maintenance. Culture 2, Happiness 2, Gold +10%. Cost 120.
Unique Ability: Order of the Dragon. 25% Attack Strength inside Cultural Borders and Each active Defensive Pact increases unit production by 5%.

Leader: Coeehajo
Capital: Wewoka
Starting Bias: Marsh/Jungle/River
Music Theme: Green Corn Stomp (preferable) dance or a Snake Stomp Dance
Unique Improvement: Chickee +3 food and +2 gold. Can only be constructed on Marsh or mangrove tiles. Note: Workers can only rebuild marshes on grassland/river tiles. Takes 10 turns to rebuild.
Unique Unit: Maroons. Replaces Crossbowman. +50% Defensive bonus in marshes, Unit may attack twice in marshes. When fortified on a tile, tile produces +1 gold and unit costs no maintenance. (360 production) Ranged Strength 10, (-2) Strength: 9 (+3). May Melee Attack
Unique Ability: People of the Swamps. Mangrove and Marsh tiles cost 1 movement point. There is a 25% chance that any enemy unit on a marsh or mangrove tile within your territory will defect to your empire. Workers can rebuild marshes.
New Scenario: Seminole Wars. Ultimate marsh, jungle and lake map! Note: "The Seminole Wars, also known as the Florida Wars, were three conflicts in Florida between the Seminole &#8212; the collective name given to the amalgamation of various groups of native Americans and Black people who settled in Florida in the early 18th century &#8212; and the United States Army. The First Seminole War was from 1814 to 1819 (although sources differ), the Second Seminole War from 1835 to 1842, and the Third Seminole War from 1855 to 1858."

Leader: Sitting Bull
Capital: Yankton
Starting Bias: Plains/Grassland
Music Theme:
Unique Unit: Deerfoot. Replaces Archer. Strength: 5. Ranged Strength: 7. Range: 2. Movement: 2 (+1 in Open Terrain.). Cost: 70. Note: This unique Sioux Archery unit gets +1 in Combat and Ranged Combat strength. Additionally +1 movement in the Open Terrain only.
Unique Unit: Wahpekute. Replaces Knight. Strength: 9, not 18. Ranged Strength: 12. Range: 2. Movement: 4, not 3. 50% Bonus vs Mounted and 50% Bonus vs Siege Units.
Unique Ability: The Hunters Way. All Cattle and Sheep worked by a City provide +1 Food, all Horses provide +1 Gold, and all Deer provide +1 Production.

Leader: Gilgamesh
Capital: Eridu
Starting Bias: Desert/River/Plains
Music Theme: from Music of the Ancient World
Unique Unit: Phalanx. Replaces Spearman. Techs with Mining, not Bronze Working. Cost 56. Strength 8, not 7. +100% combat bonus VS Mounted Units.
Unique Building: Ziggurat. Replaces Temple. Cost 120, not 100. Maintenance 2. Specialist 1 Artist. +3 Culture. +25% Science.
Unique Ability: Puppet Dictator. Instead of puppeted city-states producing buildings they will produce soldiers. This ability can be changed back to buildings by going into the 'View City' screen. Once the puppeted city begins producing buildings you cannot change it back to units. To produce units you must annex the city.+15% bonus to unit production.

Leader: Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso
Capital: Lhasa
Starting Bias: Mountains/Grassland/Hills
Music Theme: Snowy Land of Tibet
Unique Unit: Warrior Monk. Replaces Swordman. Cost 80. Movement 2. Strength 10. +100% Strength when Defending. -25% Strength when Attacking. Does NOT require Iron.
Unique Building: Stupa. Replaces Temple. Cost 120. Maintenance 2. +4 Culture. +3 Culture for every Mountain within Three tiles of the City. Also gives +2 Science when Warrior Monk is garrisoned in the City.
Unique Ability: Nonviolence. Any Nation that attacks Tibet takes 1 Unhappiness for every Turn the War is maintained.

Leader: Tamerlane
Capital: Samarkand
Starting Bias: Plains/Grassland
Music Theme:
Unique Unit: Spy. New unit doesn't replace anything. Availabe after Discovery of Chivalry. Cost: 50. Type: Recon Units. Combat 8. Movement 2. Invisible to all Units. Can be detected if Unit is moved to same tile. Has ability to enter rival territory even if Open Borders agreement isn't signed. Can pillage tiles, damage units, stall city production, steal maps, stall research and steal cities treasury. Note can not steal technology, only new Great People unit Great Spy can do that.
Unique Building: Registan. Cost: 200. Maintenance: 0. Defense: 10, not 7.5. Culture +5. Note: slightly stronger than a regular Castle it also gives large amount of Culture.
Unique Ability: War Propaganda. Timurids have a unique ability to see what other Civs are building in their Cities, what they are Researching and fog of war is removed inside borders of other Empires when Open Borders is signed. Also receives Military Units from Militaristic City States double the usual rate when Autocracy Social Policy is enabled.
Note: Timur's military talents were unique. He planned all his campaigns years in advance, even planting barley for horse feed two-years ahead of his campaigns. He used propaganda, in what is now called information warfare, as part of his tactics. His campaigns were preceded by the deployment of spies whose tasks included collecting information and spreading horrifying reports about the cruelty, size, and might of Timur&#8217;s armies. Such psychological warfare eventually weakened the morale of threatened populations and caused panic in the regions that he intended to invade.

Leader: Lê Thánh Tông
Capital: Hanoi
Starting Bias: Jungle/Forest/River
Music Theme: Ca nhac dan toc ve Mien Quan Ho
Unique Improvement: Trap. May only be built in forest or Jungle tiles. Upon an enemy unit entering the tile, there is a 33% chance they lose half their remaining health, rounded up (So a unit on 3HP loses 1, a unit on 5hp loses 2. Available after discovery of Trapping.
Unique Unit: Fire Lancer. Replaces Crossbowman. Strength: 8. Ranged Strength: 14. Range 3, not 2. Note: this Vietnamese unique ranged unit is stronger in combat and ranged combat than a regular Crossbowman. Also has +1 in range. Very deadly.
Unique Ability: Guerrilla Warfare. City bombard range is extended by +1. Improvements in Jungle tiles do not cost maintenance.
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