Civ 5: Civilizations/Leaders Wanted!

Greetings,today is presidential election day in Mexico

Leader: Porfirio Diaz

UU: Guardia Rural. Replaces Cavalry. Strength 34. 200 production. 25% combat bonus on Farms/Plantations tiles. Pillaging gives double gold.
UI: Hacienda. Replaces Plantation. Produces +1 gold for every worked adjecent farm.
UA: Porfiriato - Golden Ages require 50% less points and are 50% shorter.
Greetings,today is presidential election day in Mexico

Leader: Porfirio Diaz

UU: Guardia Rural. Replaces Cavalry. Strength 34. 200 production. 25% combat bonus on Farms/Plantations tiles. Pillaging gives double gold.
UI: Hacienda. Replaces Plantation. Produces +1 gold for every adjecent farm.
UA: Porfiriato - Golden Ages require 50% less points and are 50% shorter.

Happy election day! :D
Cool idea. Interesting balance with the UA, very unique ability for the UU - if you don't mind may asking, why exactly you went that way with the combat bonus? The UI seems a bit overpowered, the maximum bonus you can get therefore is +6 gold. Unless you were aiming for that number I think making it 1 gold for every 2 adjacent farms would be a better balance.
Happy election day! :D

If you don't mind may asking, why exactly you went that way with the combat bonus?
I dont really know,I thought it would be appropriate since the Guardia Rural was in charge of patrolling the countryside.
Originally, I wanted to put a UU that could pass through other civ's cultural borders when accompanied with a Great General to pillage improvements without having to declare war (to symbolize Pancho Villa raid on Columbus,NM),but I thought it was to fancy

The UI seems a bit overpowered, the maximum bonus you can get therefore is +6 gold. Unless you were aiming for that number I think making it 1 gold for every 2 adjacent farms would be a better balance.
the UI will get +1 gold if the farms are getting worked, im editing it now.
sorry guys,I really like making Latin America countires into civs
Perphaps Guatemala could be added in the corporation DLC if it ever is planned?


UU: Kaibiles - Replaces paratrooper. 375 production. 75 stength. Promotions: Jungle Warfare - 50% combat bonus on Jungles.
UB: Small Museum - Replaces Library. 75 production. Gives additonal +1 culture and +1 faith per 2 citizens
UA: Banana Republic - 50% of Food Surplus of cities also turn into gold, 100% when Refrigeration is researched. Declaration of Friendship gives 5% food growth on the capital to both civs.
I dont really know,I thought it would be appropriate since the Guardia Rural was in charge of patrolling the countryside.
Originally, I wanted to put a UU that could pass through other civ's cultural borders when accompanied with a Great General to pillage improvements without having to declare war (to symbolize Pancho Villa raid on Columbus,NM),but I thought it was to fancy

the UI will get +1 gold if the farms are getting worked, im editing it now.

Oh, okay, I understand that now. It would be interesting and very unique to see that in action.

Ah, okay. That would also be interesting to see, a dynamic mechanic based on where citizens in a city work.
As long as we are talking about American civs, why not Texas?

Leader: Sam Houston
UA: Remember the Alamo: Forts and Citadels grant +50% defensive bonus. Oil rigs discovered at Steam Power and produce +3 hammers until Information Era.
(No UUs but I'm open if someone can think of one)
UB: Saloon - replaces Theater, grants 1 extra happiness and is maintenance free
UI: Cattle Ranch - can only be built on desert tiles. +2 food.
sorry guys,I really like making Latin America countires into civs
Perphaps Guatemala could be added in the corporation DLC if it ever is planned?


UU: Kaibiles - Replaces paratrooper. 375 production. 75 stength. Promotions: Jungle Warfare - 50% combat bonus on Jungles.
UB: Museum - Replaces Library. 75 production. Gives additonal +1 culture and +1 faith per 2 citizens
UA: Banana Republic - 25% of Food Surplus of cities turns into gold, 50% when Refrigeration is researched. Declaration of Friendship gives 5% food growth on the capital to both civs.

I like this idea but there is one problem. I've seen the link and I get why you went for the Museum as a UB, but the problem is there is already a Museum building in Civ V. Unfortunately I can't really think of an idea to rectify the issue, but I'm sure you're more than capable. :)
As long as we are talking about American civs, why not Texas?

Leader: Sam Houston
UA: Remember the Alamo: Forts and Citadels grant +50% defensive bonus. Oil rigs discovered at Steam Power and produce +3 hammers until Information Era.
(No UUs but I'm open if someone can think of one)
UB: Saloon - replaces Theater, grants 1 extra happiness and is maintenance free
UI: Cattle Ranch - can only be built on desert tiles. +2 food.
Cattle Ranch is underpowered, I think. It's no better than a Civil Service farm as it is. Has to be +3 food at least, and should probably go up to +3 food, +1 trade at fertilizer.

How about this for a UU?
Frontiersman, replaces Musketmen. Does not count toward unit maintenance.
I can now put up my idea for my Mali civ.

Mali - Mansa Musa
Muslim Scholarship - Cities with your Religion as the Dominant Religion receive 20% :c5science: Science. Scientists produce 2 :c5faith: Faith.
(I want a faith icon! :D)

Possible Unique Elements
Skirmisher - Unit; Mali employed a massive force known as skirmishers, used to defend the main force. Lightly armed but very skillful in marksmanship. Very likely. Replaces the Archer.
- Accuracy bonus
x Consider -1 / 2 Combat Strength

40 :c5production: Production or 80 :c5faith: Faith
4 :c5strength: Combat Strength
(5 - 1)
7 :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Strength
2 Range

2 :c5moves: Movement
-Promotions and Bonuses-
May Not Melee Attack
Accuracy I
Ton-Tigi - Unit; Early army created from 16 noble clans known as 'ton-ta-jon-ta-ni-woro', or 'the sixteen slaves that carry the bow'. They were quiver-masters who fought as cavalry. Very likely. Replaces the Chariot Archer.
x Consider Accuracy bonus
x Consider Ranged Attack bonus.

56 :c5production: Production or 112 :c5faith: Faith
8 :c5strength: Combat Strength
(6 + 2)
12 :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Strength (10 + 2)
2 Range
4 :c5moves: Movement
-Promotions and Bonuses-
No Defensive Terrain Bonus
May Not Melee Attack

A small note; in the recent revisit into the stats of the Ton-Tigi, this is in fact based on the Hunnic Horse Archer, instead of giving it Accuracy I this horse archer gets a bigger boost in overall strength.
Kélé-Koun - Unit; Part of the infantry of the army, little else is known of the unit. Very unlikely. Replaces the Spearman.
x Consider bonuses.

56 :c5production: Production or 112 :c5faith: Faith
13 :c5strength: Combat Strength
(11 + 2)
2 :c5moves: Movement
-Promotions and Bonuses-
50% vs Mounted units

I'm mostly interested in the reaction to the Ton-Tigi idea, but all feedback would be great. My next idea is Portugal and I'm very interested in rolling out the Ribauldequin idea, my first try at a siege unit! :D
I can't believe no one has developed the idea of the Indus Valley Civilization (also known as Harrapan). They're one of the earliest major civilizations we know to have existed. Crash Course on YouTube devoted a whole video to them.
(Can't figure out how to imbed the video.) we go!

The Harrapan/Indus Valley Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization, a river based civilization in the Indus Valley of India and Pakastan. They seemed to thrive on trade, but evidence suggests that they placed little emphasis on military.
Leader: Pashupati. This one's...tough. AFAIK, we don't actually know who any of the people in the Indus Valley were. We can't translate the Indus writing. We do, however, have lots of seals featuring this guy. He could be mythological, but so could Dido...and we have less to go on here. Plus, he could have a tiger. Awesome.
Unique Ability: The Indus Valley - +1 :c5happy: from cities built on rivers. +1 :c5gold: from river tiles within city borders. Trade routes produce +1 :c5gold:. Aquaducts are 10% more effective.
Capital: Harrapa
Unique Unit: Harrapan Priest - Replaces the Inquisitor. Provides +1 local :c5happy: and a 10% combat bonus to nearby cities.
Unique Building: Great Bath - Replaces the Water Wheel. +3 :c5food:. +1 Faith. +25% great people in this city. (Unlike the Water Wheel, does not provide production.)

I tried to give the Indus a massive economic advantage and a bias toward wanting to found cities on rivers. The unique unit is based on that priests were the local leaders and coordinators of Indus Valley towns...and since the Indus Valley had no military to speak of, the unique unit needs to be a civilian unit.
Cattle Ranch is underpowered, I think. It's no better than a Civil Service farm as it is. Has to be +3 food at least, and should probably go up to +3 food, +1 trade at fertilizer.

How about this for a UU?
Frontiersman, replaces Musketmen. Does not count toward unit maintenance.

Probably scratch the cattle ranch idea. But I like your idea for a UU.
I would think it would be better to replace rifleman, after all we are talking mid 1800's. I don't know if the oil ability is balanced, I just wanted it to reflect the Texas crude oil industry.
That would probably be fair. It's an awful lot of faith generated but IIRC you don't get any scientist slots until Universities so by the time you gain access to it I don't think it would be OP.

Goodie! The science from religion idea has been the Achelles heel for this one. I tried going for 50% in cities with your religion as dominant. :blush: No matter.
I keep thinking Carthage's UA would fit better under Argentina

Leader: José de San Martín

UU: Grenadiers - Replaces Rifleman. 240 (15 more production). 38 strength (4 more strength). Promotions: Siege: +50% Bonus vs Cities.
UB: Bullring - Replaces Amphitheater. 110 production. 2 gold maintenance. +4 (1 more culture) culture and +1 hapiness per cattle.
UA: Army of the Andes - Free barracks on first four cities. Units may cross mountains after the first Great General is earned, taking 50 HP damage if they end a turn on a mountain.
I haven't an idea for the UA:

Modern Israel:
leader:David Ben Gurion or Yitzhak Rabin
UU1: Merkava. Replaces Tank. 400 :c5production: pruduction, 75 :c5strength: strength, 5 :c5moves: movement, 3 golt maintenance. Promotions: Can Move After Attacking, 20% Bonus vs Armored Units.
UU2: Palmach Warriors. Replaces Great War Infantry. 350 production. 53 strength, 2 movement. Promotions: 50% vs Gunpowder Units.
I haven't an idea for the UA:

Modern Israel:
leader:David Ben Gurion or Yitzhak Rabin
UU1: Mercava. Replaces Modern Armor. 750 :c5production: pruduction, 85 :c5strength: strength, 4 :c5moves: movement, 3 golt maintenance. Promotions: Can Move After Attacking, 20% Bonus vs Armored Units.
UU2: Sayeret. Replaces Paratrooper. 350 production. 43 strength, 3 movement. Promotions: May Paradrop, 20% Bonus vs Paratroopers.

I'm definitely a proponent of an Israel civ, but such late units would make the Civ useless. The only way late era units can compete with early game units (where you get to keep updrages throughout the ages) is because the late game unit is significantly better than its peers.

And no one uses Paratroopers right now. Or did ever.
And no one uses Paratroopers right now. Or did ever.

I do, they're brilliant when promoted right (blitz), I took a whole continent with nothing but paratroopers, nukes and bombers.

As for an Israeli civ, I think an Ancient civ trumps the modern civ, and any Israeli civ should have a primary focus on the ancient eras. Besides, they'd just be courting controversy by adding the modern state of Israel.
I'm thinking a religious UA, we can't give them a free belief, but how about giving them the power to gain a second religion at the cost of having two simple religions, each with the same pantheon belief, one founding belief, one follower belief, and no ability to be enhanced in any way? Their first Great Prophet founds the first religion as usual, their second Great Prophet, instead of enhancing the first religion, can found a second religion, and from their the rest of the Great Prophets act as normal, with no ability to enhance either religion.
Would this be considered overpowering?
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