Civ Seven Ideas


Jun 8, 2019
U.S.A. land of the free and home of the brave
Things From 5 and 6 That Should Go On:

Districts. Districts are one of the best additions added in civ 6 and need to stay

Governments. A bit underdeveloped but good enough in Civ 6. Would love to see them really revamped.

Governors. A bit bland, but definitely a feature which should be expanded and continued.

Ages. Made Civ 6 so much better. Worrying about whether you have achieved enough.

Ideologies. One of the best things about Civ 5 that I didn’t get to play with enough.

A Living Map. The best change in Civ 6. Worrying about whether your cities are going to get whipped out by a hurricane or volcano adds so much. Would love to see this expanded, allowing the player to change the global temperature (colder/hotter) once in the future era. Other terraforming would also be nice.

Multiple UUs. Something I think was fun in civ 5 allowing for more specialization than civ 6

Leaders. Something that’s here to stay for the civ franchise

Things That Need To Go (For Now):

Religious Victory and Religious Combat. Feels way underdeveloped. Always turn off religious victory as it becomes a pain. Would suggest having an entire DLC focused on religion and making diplomacy a base game victory.

Some Changes + Expanding On Features:

Naval Importance. Navys feel weak in civ 6. I propose a few ways to counter this.

  1. Have ground units be able to be one shot by naval units in the water. (Even those of an era or two behind)

  2. Have naval units far faster in the water

  3. Allow one to attach naval and ground units in the water. (Improving the speed of the ground unit and granting them the protection of the naval unit)

  4. Make sea trade routes far more valuable. Weather by increasing resource gain or by making them faster.

  5. And finally add a sort of marines feature. I’ll expand on this in a bit
Upgrades, Ages, and Techs. The ages feel sooo short in civ 6. You get a unit and then bam, you need to promote it. We need some way to keep the game entertaining, but the ages need to be longer. I think the GDR in Civ 6 may give us a way to fix this. You see it gets promotions by gaining new techs instead of fighting. Which got me thinking, what if we have two ways to improve your units, promotions and upgrades. Here’s a basic idea of it using the Infantry Unit:

  1. Side Arms: +2 CS (5 gold)

  2. Riffles: Base (no gold)

  3. Carbines: +3 CS (10 gold, replaces rifles)

  4. Steel Helmets: Base (no gold)

  5. Kevlar Helmets: +1 CS, +1 movement (10 gold replaces steel helmets, not able to be chosen if Advanced Steel has been chosen)

  6. Advanced Steel Helmets: +3 CS (10 gold, replaces steel helmets, not able to be chosen if Kevlar Helmets has been chosen)

  7. AT Team: +10 CS against Heavy Cavalry (15 gold)
In this example we have three types of upgrades, upgradable, choice, and lone. Upgradable Upgrades replace the past one in their tree, choices force a player to choose “Do I want more movement or combat strength?” “Do I want ranged attack or higher CS when attacking? Ect., lone upgrades just grant their boost and have no side effects. When a unit is promoted it loses its upgrades. Upgrades are unlocked by techs.

How does this tie into era length? Well instead of bouncing from swordsmen to muskets, a player must first research techs that could improve their swordsmen. This allows for players to play around longer with a single unit and lengthen the eras.

Space. It’s the year 2021, many nations look to space as the next frontier. Civ needs to show this. We need to be able to explore the moon and mars. Allowing for civs to dominate multiple terrestrial objects.

For this I propose adding a way, once one studies certain techs, to start bases on the moon and mares. One should also be able to create a space force, orbiting weapons, and asteroid harvesters (such as the sun weapon China may or may not be building). These would allow one to cause massive damage, nuke anywhere, and just completely change warfare. However this would also add a new way to gain energy, resources, and of course completely change the diplomatic playing field.

Better Science Victory. Science victories in civ always confused me as there are multiple fields of science and only one is explored. To fix this I propose a three pronged science victory, focusing on Space Travel, Biology, and Energy. Each of these prongs has three projects the player must finish to win the science victory.

Biology: Boyer-Cohen Project, Jiankui Project, and Project Enkidu

Energy: Tesla Project, Becquerel Project, and Project Whyte

Space Travel: Moon Landing, Mars Landing, Launch an Exoplanet Expedition

Each of these projects would have other bonuses such as improving CS of units, Allowing for new energy sources, increasing population growth/ food from farms, or lump sums of culture.

More Important Ideologies and Governments. It always rips me from the immersion when faccist, democratic, and comunist civs are just peacefully sitting there. It’s not realistic. So I propose that each civ’s ideologies are more important to its decision making. A communist country is going to build lots of militaristic and production districts. A facist one will do the same with science and militaristic districts. A democracy will focus on economics and culture. (just examples of course I’d like far more governments in civ 7 and this is very basic). Make it so communist countries have a negative opinion of non communist countries and with other communist countries who have different ideologies. Make them have massively more positive opinions of those more like themselves.(Do this with allow government types) Finally make great wars, where multiple civs sharing the same ideologies or government types attack a bunch of civs of a different government type.

Graphics. With Civ 5 being an exception the civ games have alway been a bit more on the cartoony side. While I think this worked in the past and for the older games (with Civ 6 being gorgeous) , I think, especially with the world around us, the graphics should be more realistic, making us feel our actions. Another small note, it would be nice if when one declared war colors became less saturated, giving a more depressing feeling and a darker tone, creating a great divide between war and peace time.

Civs and Leaders:

Base Game: These civs are the ones I think Fraxis should put in the base game.

  1. The Selling Ones (Used by Fraxis to sell the game)
U.S.A: Led by Calvin Coolidge, With The Devil Dog and B17 Unique Units, and The Baseball Park Unique Infrastructure. Focuses on golden age bonuses (being more powerful than others in them), and economy. (I chose Cooldige as he was one of the best presidents of the united states and most people haven’t heard about him. He led the country well and only chose to serve one term)

England: Led by Winston Churchill, With the Ship of Line and SAS Unique Units, and the Royal Navy Dockyard Unique Infrastructure. Focuses on navy domination and art/artifacts. (I chose Churchill as he is one of the best leaders of England and one of the best that the world has seen. I only had one real competitor for leader and that was Alfred The Great, however I thought he’d be better for a dlc focused on religion, culture, and warfare)

China: I’m not very good with Chinese history so if someone could help me with this one that’d be great.

  1. The Old Favorites (Have been in the game forever and need to stay)
India: Led by Gandhi, With The Gurkhas Unique Unit. Besides this I have no idea what to do for India so help would be appreciated.

France: Led by Napoleon III, With the Garde Impériale and Carabinier Unique Units, and the Chateau Unique Infrastructure. Heavily focused on culture and great works. (I chose Napoleon III as I wanted a more unknown yet still great ruler for france. Napoleon III greatly improved France's economy and culture.)

Germany: Led by Otto The Great OR Gustavus Adolphus, With the Panzer and Teutonic Unique Units, and the Burg (German for castle) Unique Infrastructure. Focus on military and production. (I chose Otto the Great as he contrasts well with the other leaders so far.)

Macidon: Led by Alexander The Great, Same UU’s as civ 6, same UI as civ 6. Would be a militaristic civ. (Yes I know I’m soo creative but hey when somethings good how can you change it)

Rome: Led by Aurelian, With the Ballista and Legion Unique Units, and the Roman Road Unique Infrastructure. Focused on military and culture. Very good at early expansion. (Aurelian is one of the greatest emperors in Roman history, indeed in history, and he is not often remmbered )

  1. New Friends (These are civs introduced in Civ 6 that took the community by storm)
Grand Columbia: Led by Simón Bolívar, With the Llanero and Comandante General Unique Units, and the Hacienda Unique Infrastructure. Heavily focused on the military.

  1. Others (Civs I just think should be in the game)
Sweden: Led by Gustavus Adolphus. Don’t know enough about them to make a UU and UI. Focus on economy and diplomacy. (I chose Gustavus Adolphus for obvious reasons. Only competitor was Charles XII)

Norway: Led by Harald Hardrada, With the Berserker and Longship Unique Units, and the stave church Unique Infrastructure. Focused on naval domination and gold. (Harald Hardrada was an easy choice. He’s probably one of the coolest viking kings)

Poland: Led by Jadwiga, With the Hussar and _____ Unique Units, and the Sukiennice Unique Infrastructure. Focused on religion and the military. (I chose Jadwiga as she meshed well with the polish religious play style.)

Greece: Led by Lysander and Pericles, With the Hoplite and Trireme Unique Units, and the Acropolis Unique Infrastructure. Focused on culture and military. (I chose Lysander as he is one of the greatest Spartan statesmen and generals. He’s responsible for the defeat of the mighty Athenian Fleet)

The Zulu: Led by Shaka, don’t know enough about them to make two UUs and a UI. Military focus.

The Ottomans: Led by Suleiman The Magnificent, with the Janissary and Sipahi Unique Units, and The Bazaar Unique Infrastructure. Military and Religion based.

The Egypt: Led by Cleopatra, With the Chariot Archer Unique Unit, and the Sphinx and Pyramid Unique Infrastructure. Culture focus specifically wonders.

The Cree: I know nothing about the cree.

The Aztecs: Led by Montezuma I, With the Eagle Warrior and Jaguar Unique Units, and the Tlachtli Unique Infrastructure. Focused on the military and faith.

Korea: Led by Seondeok, With the Hwacha Unique Unit, and the Seowon Unique Infrastructure. (Would have a second but I’m not well versed on Korean history) Focused on science and food.

Spain: Led by Philip II, With the conquistador and Caballeros Unique Units, and the Mision Unique Infrastructure. Focused on naval domination and religion. (I chose Philip II as he is one of the greatest Spanish Monarchs. He finished the unification of spain, and was known as Philip the Prudent)

  1. Prerelease (You know the drill)
Japan: Led by Himiko, With the Samurai and Zero Unique Units, and the Jinjja Unique Infrastructure. Focused on war, culture, with slight faith bonuses.

Saved For Expansions: These civs I really want but the base game got full XD




The Maya

The Inca

The Iroquois


The Huns

The Mongols




Leaders for Base Game: Leaders for the base game civs

Calvin Cooldige: Heavy Economic and Production focus. Something for golden ages

Winston Churchill: Cultural and Militaristic focus.

Gandhi: Religion and Diplomacy

Napoleon III: Economic and Cultural focus.

Otto The Great: Military and Food focus

Alexander The Great: Complete Military focus, mostly early game, maybe his own uu (bringing Macedon’s total to 3)

Augustus: Economic and Cultural

Simón Bolívar: Militaristic

Gustavus Adolphus: Military/religious Focus

Harald Hardrada: Naval focus (mostly early game and please better than civ 6)

Jadwiga: Religion all the way

Lysander: Military-diplomacy

Pericles: Culture-diplomacy

Shaka: Military

Suleiman The Magnificent: Military

Cleopatra: Diplomacy

Montezuma I: Military and culture

Seondeok: Science

Philip II: Religion and culture along with wonder production

Himiko: Religion and Culture

Leader Thoughts For Expansions or Just Should Be In But Don’t Know Civ: Historical leaders I really want or just lots of Ideas for the expansion civs.

  1. Matilda of Touscany

  2. Eleanor of Aquitaine

  3. Alfred the Great
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Really like the ideas for giving units new equipment and having world wars of ideology!
Would also love that each civ had two unique units and an unique infra.
I was thinking more either 2 UIs and 1 UU or 2UUs and 1UI, making civs more specialized toward different gameplay styles. I really focus on the idea of "interesting choices"
Really like the ideas for giving units new equipment and having world wars of ideology!
Would also love that each civ had two unique units and an unique infra.
The world wars is just an idea I got from a civ 5 game I had like almost 9 years ago. Everyone declared war on me and my ally. It was so fun for my young self to try to figure out what to do.
Two things need to have in Civ 7, first the globe should be a GLOBE, not a square map .
Second, need to have the Haiti as playable Civ
The last game gave victory for religious dominance. As we are in 2021. Most major countries house multiple religions, faiths, and beliefs. I think for the next installment. Bonuses should be given for Civs with the most religious diversity. And late game Government changes should include secular components. And since atheists are growing today. Religious dominance should be much less emphasized.

The Ancient Eras have usually started at about 4,000BCE. Most of major continents were reached by about 12,000 years ago. So perhaps an earlier start to the Ancient Era's should give Civs more time to develop and prepare for the later Eras. Also let's decrease the year increments in the pre Modern Era's. That way we are not stuck with still having Archers in the 20th Century.

Across the Sea.
Civ III remains the best overall in terms of Naval and Shipping activity. We should allow ship embarking for earlier ships. After all The Ancient Phoenicians used this to establish trade colonies. As well as Raising Carthage.
Settling cities overseas was a great way to establish influence. Amphibious Warfare needs to return. Lets bring back Transports. Capable of embarking troops and vehicles for overseas combat. Also include a Helo Carrier. An amphibious Unit that can load transport choppers.

Zone of Control.
let's bring back what we had in Civ III. Able to settle anywhere not occupied by a rival Civ. And the ability to settle cities within our own territory. This was a great function. An effective way of stealing strategic resources as well.

This was a concept in Civ IV. As Culture Victory is important. Attracting citizens from other Civs could be a big component in winning Culture. And a bonus should be for the Civs that attract more from different Civs. Diversity is another key for Culture and even diplomacy.

There must be a better reward system for building Wonders. These Wonders take up turns that would go to key city/district buildings and units. Maybe award a free building or unit once a Wonder is completed. There should be a great bonus for the Civs that build the most Wonders.

New Civs:
Mexico-Benito Juarez
Venezuela-José Antonio Páez
Argentina-Juan Domingo Perón
Cuba-Fidel Castro
Jordan- King Hussein
Lebanon-Bechara El Khoury
Israel-David Ben-Gurion
South Africa-Nelson Mandela
Afghanistan-Amanullah Khan
Ireland-Michael Collins
Romania-Vlad Dracula

New Leaders for other Civs:
America-Dwight Eisenhower
Russia-Nikita Khrushchev
Egypt-Abdel Gamal Nasser
England-King George III
Colombia-Rafael Núñez
France-Raymond Poincaré
India-Jawaharlal Nehru[/QUOTE]
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The last game gave victory for religious dominance. As we are in 2021. Most major countries house multiple religions, faiths, and beliefs. I think for the next installment. Bonuses should be given for Civs with the most religious diversity. And late game Government changes should include secular components. And since atheists are growing today. Religious dominance should be much less emphasized.

The Ancient Eras have usually started at about 4,000BCE. Most of major continents were reached by about 12,000 years ago. So perhaps an earlier start to the Ancient Era's should give Civs more time to develop and prepare for the later Eras. Also let's decrease the year increments in the pre Modern Era's. That way we are not stuck with still having Archers in the 20th Century.

Across the Sea.
Civ III remains the best overall in terms of Naval and Shipping activity. We should allow ship embarking for earlier ships. After all The Ancient Phoenicians used this to establish trade colonies. As well as Raising Carthage.
Settling cities overseas was a great way to establish influence. Amphibious Warfare needs to return. Lets bring back Transports. Capable of embarking troops and vehicles for overseas combat. Also include a Helo Carrier. An amphibious Unit that can load transport choppers.

Zone of Control.
let's bring back what we had in Civ III. Able to settle anywhere not occupied by a rival Civ. And the ability to settle cities within our own territory. This was a great function. An effective way of stealing strategic resources as well.

This was a concept in Civ IV. As Culture Victory is important. Attracting citizens from other Civs could be a big component in winning Culture. And a bonus should be for the Civs that attract more from different Civs. Diversity is another key for Culture and even diplomacy.

There must be a better reward system for building Wonders. These Wonders take up turns that would go to key city/district buildings and units. Maybe award a free building or unit once a Wonder is completed. There should be a great bonus for the Civs that build the most Wonders.

New Civs:
Mexico-Benito Juarez
Venezuela-José Antonio Páez
Argentina-Juan Domingo Perón
Cuba-Fidel Castro
Jordan- King Hussein
Lebanon-Bechara El Khoury
Israel-David Ben-Gurion
South Africa-Nelson Mandela
Afghanistan-Amanullah Khan
Ireland-Michael Collins
Romania-Vlad Dracula

New Leaders for other Civs:
America-Dwight Eisenhower
Russia-Nikita Khrushchev
Egypt-Abdel Gamal Nasser
England-King George III
Colombia-Rafael Núñez
France-Raymond Poincaré
India-Jawaharlal Nehru

I like a lot of these Ideas
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