Civ2 Source Code Petition

Thanks, and I completely agree with you about the fan base. We could also point out that the code might allow us to explore other possibilities with the format, which Take2 might not have the inclination to do. The advantage to them is a test bed and extra testing for the format. Defo increase the number of civs as well.

There's probably loads we can do, just look at SMAC to see how far it went, but I for one would like to steer away from changes that have already been added to the series, and try out different possibilities.

I'm sure once we get the ball rolling we can dig up suitable expertise and advice. Take2 might even assign someone to help us out! That would be cool.
I got another mail from Reynolds today. May be because I over flattered-him, calling civ2 his Sistine Chapel :D, or just that he is a straight up jovial fellow. :)

Anyway, This is what he vouched for us to pass on to 2K:

(...) You're welcome to pass the following along if you think it will help.

I'm enthusiastic about the idea in principle, and if Firaxis and 2K
Games pursued it then I'd certainly be happy to participate by making
some benevolent statement as one of the original creators, or answer
some questions about ways the source code was developed, or whatever.
But clearly Firaxis is the spiritual owner of the Civ franchise these
days, and their parent company 2K Games owns all the legal rights, so it
would take someone there getting excited about it to drive the process.
There have certainly been a number of examples lately of big franchises
releasing source to their earlier versions, as a publicity-generating
and fanbase-building thing, and given how far the Civ franchise has come
since then I can't imagine what harm the Civ 2 source code could do to
their franchise, however that's absolutely for the franchise owners to
I think we have enough arguments to start with. Once we got their attention we can probably start thinking about the details... Though it would be handy then to ask if they're okay with you posting/summarising their e-mails here.

Excellent work Eivind. :bowdown:
I've done some changes to the inital letter, adjusted it to fit in Reynolds' endorsement, and various other changes, and will send it on Monday. I figure it will be easier to spot our email when the Firaxis PR & Marketing director checks the mail box Monday morning.

So cross your fingers, gentlemen.
Good show Eivind. I have noticed more and more 'new' Civ Fans coming out of the woodwork recently, both here and at Apolyton. I think the source code would benefit more than just a small hardcore of diehards, the game has such a lasting appeal that many would benefit from this endeavour!
I've sent the same mail twice with no respond. DanQ, head of, who has actually met the people in question, has agreed to forward the petition on our behalf. Let's see if it gives any results.
For some reason I have never been added to the petition even though I signed it twice a few years back. If you're going to send the petition, put me in there, Eivind. Thanks.
Happy new years, everyone! :)

Without raising expectations too high, DanQ has reached the PR director of Firaxis which I failed to get a respond from. She said she would gladly(!) forward the letter to 2K and see what comes out of it. She will keep him (DanQ) posted, and he will let me know if anything comes out of it. But as we have met nothing but closed doors up to this point, I think it's important to curb any hopes of an immidiate breakthrough. 2K Games are the ones with the last word in this matter.

But here's to thinking positive! :beer:
Good work Eivind/DanQ

I know there are not many people posting in this thread but I know a LOT of people would benefit if the source code is released to the community. I wait with baited (not held) breath!

And it could also be a wise business decision on part of 2K Games, which would pay off in even increased interest for the Civilization series as a whole.
Which was one of the main points made in the petition letter. Let's just hope they are as wise as we are. ;)
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