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CIV5 - so is it worth of playing after those patches?


Master of Orion
Feb 9, 2003

I bought civ5 in a day of premiere. But as you remember AI was so crappy then. So after so many patches I would like to ask all players. Is Civ5 playable? Is AI smarter? Or does it still put its archers on front line without any support just to get it killed by player units?

What do you say? Should I try to play Civ5 or is it still waste of time because of punny AI ?
Is the AI perfect? No, they still do some dumb stuff. But they're a lot smarter than at launch, which isn't saying much, but still. They'll actually launch decent invasions (on land at least). They generally arrange their units better and move they in formation together.
It's a great game, plus the expansion announced today will overhaul the combat system and add zounds of stuff.

Still the AI even today manages to do good attacks once in a while, especially after the early eras.
Better question ... the AI's never going to be good, but is the MP fixed?

At launch, the game was unplayable over the internet. It constantly crashed and there was no way to save the game. Even over a LAN, there were no combat animations, no combat log and no game replays. MP basically wasn't implemented and at the very best, totally unplayable.

What I will say is that Civ V has the potential to be a great tactical strategy game, but bugs, lack of being feature complete and broken functionality made it one of the worst games ever released.

I looked over the 2011 patch notes and am wondering if I should re-dl it from steam and give it another shot though?
Online has some issues for me, but that's because my net sucks pretty hard. I regularly play LAN games with my brother and it's incredibly fun :)
Better question ... the AI's never going to be good, but is the MP fixed?

At launch, the game was unplayable over the internet. It constantly crashed and there was no way to save the game. Even over a LAN, there were no combat animations, no combat log and no game replays. MP basically wasn't implemented and at the very best, totally unplayable.

What I will say is that Civ V has the potential to be a great tactical strategy game, but bugs, lack of being feature complete and broken functionality made it one of the worst games ever released.

I looked over the 2011 patch notes and am wondering if I should re-dl it from steam and give it another shot though?

I'd wait til the expansion is out before you bother. The game atm is still as broken and featureless as its original release.
Multiplayer is worth it if you have time (but max multi can handle is 8 people).

Expansion looks great, so you may want to wait for that.
Also to play online you would want a couple guys you know so you can co-ordinate play time and make some guidelines :p
There are also a few groups on steam where committed players (skilled non quitters) congregate. I enjoy the game much more in MP than SP now.

Firaxis really needs to fix that MP lobby
Didn't know that, my experience has been people rage quitting and griefing :(

Maybe I should find one of these steam groups and get a game going
I think the game has greatly improved since release. The AI is better than it was initially (but it's not good in the way that, say, GalCiv2's or AI War's AIs are good, and not even good compared to Civ4), and I actually think that for probably 80%+ of gamers it's perfectly fine and adequate (but those are not typically the players who post here -- people here tend to be stronger and more hardcore, so weaknesses get amplified).

The upcoming expansion seems to address various AI issues as well, so there is more in the works. Plus, MP is improved compared to what it was like at release. Again, that's not very hard and it's not what it could be, but there still has been improvement.
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