• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civilization 6: Ideas

wish they would include the choice to play either the regular-standard type game, from 4000 BC into the postmodern eras as well as a chance for players to choose to play only 1-2 era game which would include the same number of turns as regular civ game.
What I mean is that many of us enjoy playing the Ancient, Classical and Medieval Era's style-mainly of combat for myself- games. Lasting as many turns as a full game and ending at a specific date, let us play our era long enough to fully establish our cities, explore the globe, finish expansion-for the most par, build the ancient and medieval wonders, build scores of ancient and later medieval units and enjoy victory in our palaces.
I mean give everyone the chance to enjoy each of their favourite eras more.
I have heard from a secret source that Ireland will be in the game
UA- Potato Famine
Is able to gain +3 food through trade routes with other civilizations. This is a one sided trade however and can and will cause starvation in another civ should they not have a +3 total surplus
UB- Shamrock Shrine- Replaces Temple- +1 culture from every 2 food in the city
UU- Leprechaun- Is able to pillage without causing war, severe diplomatic penalties however.

(Note this is fake. It is racist BASED ON HISTORY AND STEREO TYPES IN A NON OFFENSIVE WAY and suppose to be funny.)
I have heard from a secret source that Ireland will be in the game
UA- Potato Famine
Is able to gain +3 food through trade routes with other civilizations. This is a one sided trade however and can and will cause starvation in another civ should they not have a +3 total surplus
UB- Shamrock Shrine- Replaces Temple- +1 culture from every 2 food in the city
UU- Leprechaun- Is able to pillage without causing war, severe diplomatic penalties however.

(Note this is fake. It is racist BASED ON HISTORY AND STEREO TYPES IN A NON OFFENSIVE WAY and suppose to be funny.)

:lol: Oh my.

I don't even know how to respond to this.
I want to see in civilization 6:

Migratory movements
Military and economic alliances
Vassal states
Barbarian camps may develop into cities
Ecology / environmental concerns
Groups of the guerrillas unhappy with the government
Social Welfare
Disease outbreaks (For exemplo: Black Death)
I want to see in civilization 6:

Migratory movements
Military and economic alliances
Vassal states
Barbarian camps may develop into cities
Ecology / environmental concerns
Groups of the guerrillas unhappy with the government
Social Welfare
Disease outbreaks (For exemplo: Black Death)

I remember reading somewhere that the Firaxis likes to "take out one old feature for one new one" which to me seems bit.. lazyish

But the question begs to be asked is... why is Civ so afraid to become complicated? THERE is way to make a game fun without making it Paradox-esque.
:lol: Oh my.

I don't even know how to respond to this.

Oh dear. Have I used the R word too freely. Racism is not primarily offensive (I swear to god I do not wanna hear why I'm wrong from the oxford Dictionary or whatever) and is instead a bias or change of treatment of someone or something based on the Nationality IE

Calling a Black Person as a Hooplah would be considered Racist and Offensive

Teaching a class about, lets say, Jim Crow Laws, is racist, but in a circumstantial and non offensive way

Calling Shaka a black turd (If your dark skinned and offended I am so sorry) is considered a Non Offensive racism.

Before the great mods come and ban me for disturbing the general peace I ask that the Racism part is not followed up by anyone in a post :(

Moderator Action: Indeed. This is not the forum to discuss what is, and is not, considered racism. If you want to have that discussion, please take it to Off-Topic.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
ok then... back to the topic then, what are the chances of seeing spherical maps in civ 6?

Depends on what tile format they use.

I kind of would love if we had the ability to gain research from Antarctica/Ice caps. Allowing the game to take advantage of spherical maps (unless I'm getting thsi wrong)
I still am waiting for my Innuit. We never had a proper Tundra/Snow oriented nation yet.

I agree, I hope a civilization with benefits focused on snow, though perhaps there to Finland or Norway as competitors, but I think that the Innuits have many chances to Civ 6.
I'm curious to know.. are people done with Civ 5? I feel like it, It's still very well alive but I think it's the common idea is that with Beyond Earth and Starships that the life on Civ 5 is now done, with perhaps a surprise patch in few years (akin to cIV)
Most of the posts seem to be more in line with how to fix Civ V rather that what would be cool to explore in a new game, which is fine, but I would like to see a more dynamic game where players are not limited to pre defined civilizations. I'd prefer to design my own civilization and have the opportunity to make decisions over the coarse of the game which would have dramatic effect on how my civ develops. I would like to have the opportunity to choose what my unique components are and be able to choose their appearance (from a list of choices) on reaching milestones throughout the game.

I would also like to see NPC civs change through time. Leaders and strategies should change as the world changes. Civ rise and fall, split, combine and fracture. Civil wars and revolutions are fought. Government types change (original civ had government types changeable).

Random events as well as consequents based events would be interesting. Spread to far to fast, loose a war or city, work your citizens to the bone, overtax, etc as well as famine, disease, pollution (another original civ component) natural disasters etc.

CivBE introduces a satellite layer which presents a lot of creative possibilities. Eventually space stations and spy sats, orbital weapon platforms and even orbital cities. A similar layer for the oceans would be neat. Undersea mining, submersed and floating cities, traulers, and oceanic energy development.

With the interesting approach to the tech tree in BE there is the possibility to change the way tech works so that if you are first to build the tech you get a bonus to developing the sub techs or only have the choice to develop one of the sub techs. Unique units could be tied to these choices.

It would be nice to see the game go way into the future. Don't like the game ending where it does with the future tech so release DLC that adds eras to the game. If modders can do this why not the developers.

Make NPC civ more ambiguous. Are the Roman you encounter from a roman city state or from a full blown roman civilization. Spawn new civ constantly as the game progresses, perhaps using historical spawning dates as an option. Units should look unique for any given civ like many of the mods available.

Black ops could be used to affect the game anonymously. Pay pirates to raid shipping. Assassinate leaders to throw the government into disarray or kill of great people. Sabotage city buildings. Inside revolt. Use propaganda. Establish binding treaties with real consequences for betrayal.

DLC should be more diverse. Alien invasion, global warming, impending astroid impact — can you work together to avoid extinction. Resource depletion, over farming, erosion.

I've never done a mod, but from what I've seen there aren't really any impossibilities listed above given the state of the game as of CivBE. Everything above should be possible. The trick is to have everything balance.

I put this together quickly and have not put any time into details — I've just rambled on what has come to mind over the last few minutes, so please treat me kindly.
I have few ideas

Overall vision is to allow more wider choices, more micromanagement, people don't like that? They can be given the option to simplify the game if they wish (like a new version of difficulty based on how many features will be active, you want to sprawl and conquer without worry? Turn off 90%, want to be smart about how you respond to a city-state? turn it all up.


1. GOVERNMENTS - Like in Civ 3, these give a pernament state of abilities, allowing your empire to adjust to your given situation, wheter it is to take benefit of your empire by becomign a Monarch, or by allowing your people to give you random benefits through Democracy.

2. POLICIES - Adopt new concepts and ideas for your empire sby adopting Policies split up into several types of trees, from Patronage allowing you to negotiate better with City States to Expansion allowing your empire and become the Empire of the Never Setting Sun.

3. CIVICS - (this is a though one) switch between small bonuses so you can freely adapt to what's going on in your short-term gameplay


1. UNIQUE ABILITIES AND BONUSES - Each Leader has ONE Unique Ability, wether it is Pacal's ability to pick a Great Person every X years to wether you can pick a extra belief as Byzantium. However, as you reach a new era you are given the choice to pick an additional boost, something smaller, how about free Shrines in each city as Byzantium? And for every new era you get to pick one additional belief that can suit your style and your circumstance

2. BIGGER RELIGION - You don't just enhance your religion once and that's it, as your religion grows you get to pick more beliefs, Pick a State Religion Belief that enhances something within your empire. Pick a City Bonus that changes the way your cities grow. Or simply add a Founder belief that allows you to gain something as your religion spread abroad.

3. RANDOM EVENTS - Nothing is predictable, because that plague could wipe out your entire population. Or Tornado destroy that Mine that plummets you into unhappiness

4. BETTER ESPIONAGE - Steal Technlogy, rig elections, instigate wars, create propaganda, anything you want as long as you don't get caught! Diplomats included

5. APOSTOLIC PALACE/UNITED NATIONS/WORLD COUNCIL - Vote on resolutions that sway the tide of the game. Embargo that pesky Montezuma or ban Nukes so Ghandi can't surprise you!
I'm curious to know.. are people done with Civ 5? I feel like it, It's still very well alive but I think it's the common idea is that with Beyond Earth and Starships that the life on Civ 5 is now done, with perhaps a surprise patch in few years (akin to cIV)

Civ V is all I'll play in the meantime, simply because time is mean to me.
I have thought of some ideas for great people:

Great diplomat: It would be a great person directed to diplomacy, could send him to a city-state to make it ally, or use it to create a delegation at the World Congress. Enim, would depend on how would the diplomacy system in civ 6.

Great sculptor: It would have a similar function with the great artists.

Great philosopher: I do not know exactly how it would work, maybe a mix of the science and culture.
I have thought of some ideas for great people:

Great diplomat: It would be a great person directed to diplomacy, could send him to a city-state to make it ally, or use it to create a delegation at the World Congress. Enim, would depend on how would the diplomacy system in civ 6.

Great sculptor: It would have a similar function with the great artists.

Great philosopher: I do not know exactly how it would work, maybe a mix of the science and culture.

Great Philosopher could work with a new sort of mechanic like ideas or concepts, maybe helping develop policies quicker.
How about a Great Psychologist for a permanent +10 happiness boost? Alternate ability: smooth over relationship with another civ, especially one with a differing ideology.
I have thought of some ideas for great people:

Great diplomat: It would be a great person directed to diplomacy, could send him to a city-state to make it ally, or use it to create a delegation at the World Congress. Enim, would depend on how would the diplomacy system in civ 6.

Great sculptor: It would have a similar function with the great artists.

Great philosopher: I do not know exactly how it would work, maybe a mix of the science and culture.

Of these only sculptor doesn't really fit in, covered with great artist, the other 2 would be good additions to the game, in my opinion.
Most of the posts seem to be more in line with how to fix Civ V rather that what would be cool to explore in a new game, which is fine, but I would like to see a more dynamic game where players are not limited to pre defined civilizations. I'd prefer to design my own civilization and have the opportunity to make decisions over the coarse of the game which would have dramatic effect on how my civ develops. I would like to have the opportunity to choose what my unique components are and be able to choose their appearance (from a list of choices) on reaching milestones throughout the game.

I would also like to see NPC civs change through time. Leaders and strategies should change as the world changes. Civ rise and fall, split, combine and fracture. Civil wars and revolutions are fought. Government types change (original civ had government types changeable).

Random events as well as consequents based events would be interesting. Spread to far to fast, loose a war or city, work your citizens to the bone, overtax, etc as well as famine, disease, pollution (another original civ component) natural disasters etc.

CivBE introduces a satellite layer which presents a lot of creative possibilities. Eventually space stations and spy sats, orbital weapon platforms and even orbital cities. A similar layer for the oceans would be neat. Undersea mining, submersed and floating cities, traulers, and oceanic energy development.

With the interesting approach to the tech tree in BE there is the possibility to change the way tech works so that if you are first to build the tech you get a bonus to developing the sub techs or only have the choice to develop one of the sub techs. Unique units could be tied to these choices.

It would be nice to see the game go way into the future. Don't like the game ending where it does with the future tech so release DLC that adds eras to the game. If modders can do this why not the developers.

Make NPC civ more ambiguous. Are the Roman you encounter from a roman city state or from a full blown roman civilization. Spawn new civ constantly as the game progresses, perhaps using historical spawning dates as an option. Units should look unique for any given civ like many of the mods available.

Black ops could be used to affect the game anonymously. Pay pirates to raid shipping. Assassinate leaders to throw the government into disarray or kill of great people. Sabotage city buildings. Inside revolt. Use propaganda. Establish binding treaties with real consequences for betrayal.

DLC should be more diverse. Alien invasion, global warming, impending astroid impact — can you work together to avoid extinction. Resource depletion, over farming, erosion.

I've never done a mod, but from what I've seen there aren't really any impossibilities listed above given the state of the game as of CivBE. Everything above should be possible. The trick is to have everything balance.

I put this together quickly and have not put any time into details — I've just rambled on what has come to mind over the last few minutes, so please treat me kindly.

Excellent ideas. Most of them I completely agree with. I wrote about the needed introduction of customization for tribes, leaders and units before so I know where you're coming from. I liked the way in CIV2, with governments there's a clear economical bonus to be gained by switching to Monarchy(from Despotism) once you researched it, same with The Republic Later on and Democracy thereafter, even Fundamentalism offered a good financial (but slow science) boost when wanting to go to war in late eras, as well as providing Fanatics-units not requiring any maintenance.
Not only nations could split up as a result of civil wars or colonization, also Religions could too, creating additional divisions and more wars.
Spawning of new nations would be interesting, this means that the US wouldn't appear on maps until Renaissance? not sure how this would work with civs but with great barbarian tribes it really could.
For example around 100 AD (or rather a specific turn number) Huns would appear on the game map, somewhere in a spot still untouched by civilization, with nearest civilized cities quite far away(radius would have to be worked out). At first they would have only a settler(or civilian-peasant) capable of working land or establishing an encampment and one of their unique unit(s) with them (Horse Archer). Huns set up their first encampment, in there they build more civilians, foot archers-for encampment defence and Horse Archers or Battering Rams-their unique units. They could also build wooden palisades for defence, as well as granaries to grow the encampment into a village and then into a city. Huns already possess the necessary techs to be able to produce their unique units and are capable of further (although much slower than the more advanced civs of their time) technological research, mostly military. Because their civilian unit costs the same as a worker to produce(although works the land slower than a civ worker), or about half the cost of a civ settler, but also can settle new encampments, the Huns spread out quickly and soon start threatening the closest nearby nations with impending war. Their best and perhaps only option to win the game is by military domination/conquest.
If Horse Archers are available to all (or some) other tribes to build in Civ6 then the Hunnic Horse Archer would have to be made to be less costly to produce at the same time being more powerful, just to make the Huns chances of success better. Of course as human player you could also choose to play as them, only you wouldn't be starting at turn 1 but later on, on a predetermined game turn.
Again, such options would work best if CIV 6 allowed Era Games, which would start and end at end of specific historical eras while including same or similar number of turns to play.
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