Civilization Pacific Scenario


Jul 23, 2011
I've noticed that pacific civilizations are usually ignored in civilization games. Sure there was a Polynesian add-on in civ5 but it didn't do much justice. On top of that, I don't think there was an in-depth Australian aboriginal civilization. I've been planning a scenario for quite some time, here's the setup:


Koori (Western Australia)
Noongar (Eastern Australia)
Palawah (Tasmania) (Unplayable)

Philippines (Unplayable)

Papuan (New Guinea)
Fiji (Unplayable)

Maori (New Zealand)
Tonga (Unplayable)
Rapa Nui (Unplayable)
Micronesia (Unplayable)

Unique Units
Koori- Crocodile Warrior
Noongar- Boomerang Soldier
Indonesia- Keris Swordsman
Malaysia-Elephant Cavalry

I know there are a few Polynesian units but none of them have any Polynesian weapons. They are all necessary units as well (spearman, swordsman). Any suggestions for the Papuan units? Any civilizations that should be added?
I like the idea.

I have plans for a pair of Maori units on my list. One with a mere and one with a taiaha.

As for the rest, if you have any pictures of what you are imagining, post them in this thread and I'll take a look, although I can't guarantee that they'll be done. Australian Aborigines would likely be easy if I had some pictures.
Polynesian. Main 3 (4) in the South Polynesia Area are NZ Maori, Samoan and Tongan. There are many other small Races. But the closeness of Samoa and Tonga give then quite a bit of history with each other. Add to this Mix the Fijians (4- Melanesian) who are not so far away from Tonga, also have a brutal history with them.

NZ Maori are not just one people. There are 26 Iwi ( Tribes ) throughout NZ, mostly very independently proud of their own histories. I think Te Kooti would make a great leader of the Maori.

PNG is also a major Player, and don't forget the Southern Micronesians. This could be a very good adventure. I have many pictures and even some Military figurines of NZ Maori which would be good to take a guide from.

Will be keeping a close watch on this tread and its progress.
@ Balam-Agab
Thanks, I set a few requests.

Thank you for the suggestions. I have added them. I won't be able to make several Maori civilizations because this scenario is already pretty chaotic and imbalanced due to its setup. Imagine if there were several Iroquois tribes or Celtic Tribes in the original game. Micronesia will work, and I've added Papua New Guinea as the Papuan.

Well, here's a mini-map of the scenario. I hope it works as it seems a little rough and out of scale. What do you think of it?

I've decided to make this the setup for the civilizations:
Aboriginals have the most land, but it is poor and has less resources than the other groups. They are also the least advanced. Unlike the aboriginal tribes, the Polynesians have to move from island to island, making it more challenging even though they are more technologically advanced. Melanesia has a similar objective, although it is less urgent. Indonesia and the SE Asian countries probably have the easiest objective. They have the most cities and strongest military technology.
There are some old threads that have some things you may find useful - Hawaiian Mod (unfinished but good discussion and links to LHs units, etc.). Resource set including many for Pacific scenarios.

Post some pictures of what you're looking for - units may already be made but lurking around under a different name.
This is something I'd be interested in playing
Micronesia is mysteriously absent here. Why not include the Chamorros of the Marianas Islands?
Aboriginals have the most land, but it is poor and has less resources than the other groups. They are also the least advanced. Unlike the aboriginal tribes, the Polynesians have to move from island to island, making it more challenging even though they are more technologically advanced. Melanesia has a similar objective, although it is less urgent. Indonesia and the SE Asian countries probably have the easiest objective. They have the most cities and strongest military technology.
Keep in mind that the game map doesn't need to be precisely accurate geography. The smaller islands are already huge compared to their actual size. The goal is to encourage the desired style of play. Some game balance problems can be solved by selective distortion of the map. Examples -

  • Shift part of the map from it's actual location: shifting Australia to the West & cropping part of it reduces the land available to those factions. Lessens the need to artificially restrict them by unfairly limiting resources or inhibiting technology to their development. Also makes the area less attractive to an advanced civ for building a large colonial base.
  • Change the scale of part of the map: shrink Australia - somewhat the same game effects as above but allows for a bit more accurate placement of resources or special victory locations.
  • Distort an area in one dimension only: SEA rescaled only horizontally reduces their land area without distorting the distances between islands on other parts of the map. Combined with resource/vp placement this might focus those civs more on naval conquest rather than a large continental base.
  • Place victory points at artificially remote locations (not shown): shifting Rapa Nui to the extreme bottom right corner of the map increases the effective remoteness of it. Placing a sole vp there makes it an attractive goal. Same goes for a unique resource required for a space race victory. If Rapa Nui is remote & unplayable it can be populated by barbarians. No faction could win by just sitting on it from the start.
  • Combine effects: The example shown is a shifted Australia & horizontally distorted SEA. Another version would be a shifted Australia & scaled down NZ.

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