[NFP] Civilization VI: Possible New Civilizations Thread

It's also possible that the map is a continent map, in which case the Americas seem most likely. At this point I think we can rule out a Middle East map since I don't think we are getting more on top of Babylon in NFP. Africa is still fair game but a longer shot I think.
I'm not too sold on it being a new map based off of a region of the world. It says that we are getting only one new map type and if they give us an Americas or Africa map they would have to release an Americas or Africa TSL as well.
I'm not too sold on it being a new map based off of a region of the world. It says that we are getting only one new map type and if they give us an Americas or Africa map they would have to release an Americas or Africa TSL as well.

Seems like a semantic technicality they could market around without spoiling that one map is actually two. Kublai theoretically doesn't need R&F to work but it was easier to describe it as necessary than to get mired in details. Plus I think most players would complain if they were told it was two new maps and instead just got two variants of the same map.

All that said, you're not wrong. I just am not reading too specifically into what "one map" means, given how past content has been described.
Seems like a semantic technicality they could market around without spoiling that one map is actually two. Kublai theoretically doesn't need R&F to work but it was easier to describe it as necessary than to get mired in details. Plus I think most players would complain if they were told it was two new maps and instead just got two variants of the same map.

All that said, you're not wrong. I just am not reading too specifically into what "one map" means, given how past content has been described.
This is one situation where I wouldn't mind being proven wrong. :mischief:
The thing with Louis Napoleon is that his foreign policy was an unqualified disaster from start to finish, but his domestic policies were, on the whole, effective. One might say he was a middling leader but an effective administrator. At any rate, Civ is clearly willing to explore options that were "interesting" rather than successful (I mean, CdM also presided over the demise of the Valois dynasty). I could see Napoleon III being given some kind of penalty for combat offset by a boost to building districts and improvements or something to that effect.

Instead of a direct penalty in Combat, the weakness of the French Army under Napoleon the Latter was that it was a long-term professional force, and so the opposite of the mass armies his uncle used so effectively and that Prussia/Germany would use to destroy his regime. It simply couldn't be 'mobilized' or expanded rapidly.
A possible way to reflect that, and result in an effective Combat Unit Penalty, might be to double all Unit maintenance Gold requirements under The Nap and make it impossible for him to buy units with Gold or Religion, while for a Diplomatic Penalty simply increase the cost of Envoys (Time between receiving any) by 33 - 50%.
The other side of that might be a really effective UU for the Industrial Era (reflecting the Professionalism of the army at the time) and he allows all of his cities to build one extra District or his Capital to have no population limit on Districts (that, though, would probably be 'way OP)
A cultural victory with Jamaica has potential, I actually wouldn't mind Haiti or Cuba too. I'm all for postcolonial Caribbean representation and believe the region has much to offer, the prospect of additional natural wonders and new exciting ways to play. Game developers would be taking a chance of course! But continuous base game appearances isn't essential, paid DLC's (Civilization & Scenario Pack) to test the waters, could certainly be considered. Particularly for console players who are unable to access mod content.


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If there ever is a Caribbean civ, I know it's a longshot but the Pirate Republic would be so cool. The UU is obvious, and there's a lot of interesting things that could be done with the UA. There's also no shortage of leaders to choose from. Not to mention Firaxis already has plenty of experience making piracy into a fun game mechanic... :mischief:
If there ever is a Caribbean civ, I know it's a longshot but the Pirate Republic would be so cool. The UU is obvious, and there's a lot of interesting things that could be done with the UA. There's also no shortage of leaders to choose from. Not to mention Firaxis already has plenty of experience making piracy into a fun game mechanic... :mischief:
Eye! The Black Pearl ;) :mischief:.
UA: At World's End: New Naval Units Ability that makes a Unit disappear for 3 Turns to come back with another Naval Unit.
(If you make Fantasy stuff for Civ VI, then make good ones!)
On the talk of Pirates, Koxinga has some potential, right?
On the talk of Pirates, Koxinga has some potential, right?
I don't think we could have Pirates as a Civ. Maybe as a Province with the potential Colonisation Mode, but I doubt that since we already have a Pirate Scenario (and we have Black Death Scenario since quite a while now and we didn't get the plague systeme integrated into the vanilla game afterwards, or as a Mode).
I don't think we could have Pirates as a Civ. Maybe as a Province with the potential Colonisation Mode, but I doubt that since we already have a Pirate Scenario (and we have Black Death Scenario since quite a while now and we didn't get the plague systeme integrated into the vanilla game afterwards, or as a Mode).
Koxinga was a Chinese Ming loyalist and whose father was a pirate, so I might have mixed up the two. Kings and Generals made this video about him and his mentioned father, Zheng Zhilong. He could lead the kingdom of Tungning.
Koxinga was a Chinese Ming loyalist and whose father was a pirate, so I might have mixed up the two. Kings and Generals made this video about him and his mentioned father, Zheng Zhilong. He could lead the kingdom of Tungning.
I would love to see Pirate Factions as Sea Barbarians and Zheng Zhilong as an Unique Admiral for China with the Ability to control Pirate Barbarians without them counting to your Civ (cause some chaos to other Civs on the sea).

Fwiw, Lime did a pretty fun Buccaneers Civ mod.
Eye Love that Mod!
Unique ability: Disney copyright lawsuit: Immediately destroys game civ and costs $2M gold.
Well, I guess we can have a pirate civ led by Jack Sparrow or Elizabeth Swan in a few years when Disney-Taco Bell-Pizza Hutt-Pepsi-Radisson-Texas Instruments-NASA owns 2k along with the rest of the world. :mischief:
I would love to see Pirate Factions as Sea Barbarians and Zheng Zhilong as an Unique Admiral for China with the Ability to control Pirate Barbarians without them counting to your Civ (cause some chaos to other Civs on the sea).

This. "Pirates" should fall into the same category as Barbarian Hordes on land: overall direction and leadership marginal, but potentially a massive distraction for anyone attempting to make a living from the sea.
And although the 17th - 18th century Caribbean pirates are the most famous (at least in the West) the Philippine/South China, Classical and Renaissance Mediterranean Pirate swarms may have been even more influential.

To be done right, a Pirate emphasis in the game should really include specific Pirate Ships (Ancient/Classical Galley or Liburnian, Medieval Xebec, Renaissance Sloop or Barque, for instance) that are generally weaker in combat but can all raid the coast and are faster than their Naval opponents and the game needs to include the option to pay them to leave you alone (like, specifically don't raid your coast or trade routes), or hire their ships as Privateers.
because Civ6 has a hammerlock of my subconscious, I woke up this morning what a potential Haudenosaunee civ could look like, and I remembered back in Ye Olden Days of Civ that roads themselves would provide gold, and we haven't really seen this since Civ3 (I think?). So maybe roads on passable features in Haudenosaunee territory provide gold (or food, or production, or some combination thereof).

Also, the Haudenosaunee (like many First Nations people) used controlled forest burns to help fertility. Perhaps they could be resistent to negative effects from forest fires, and all farms/plantations adjacent to forests provide additional food and housing.
This. "Pirates" should fall into the same category as Barbarian Hordes on land: overall direction and leadership marginal, but potentially a massive distraction for anyone attempting to make a living from the sea.
And although the 17th - 18th century Caribbean pirates are the most famous (at least in the West) the Philippine/South China, Classical and Renaissance Mediterranean Pirate swarms may have been even more influential.

To be done right, a Pirate emphasis in the game should really include specific Pirate Ships (Ancient/Classical Galley or Liburnian, Medieval Xebec, Renaissance Sloop or Barque, for instance) that are generally weaker in combat but can all raid the coast and are faster than their Naval opponents and the game needs to include the option to pay them to leave you alone (like, specifically don't raid your coast or trade routes), or hire their ships as Privateers.
Yes, they basically are the same as Barbarian Hordes, and with the latest Barbarian Mode Diplomacy Options, the only thing left, beside unique Pirate Ships for "Sea Barbarians", is to make Barbarians plunder Trade Routes in a targeted manner, that should make them more Influential with each Plunder (and decrease the conversion rate to CSs).
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