[NFP] Civilization VI: Possible New Civilizations Thread

The release date of Civilization VI is in 2016, while his Portugal / Assyria assignement on his resumé was made between 2011 and 2013. It doesn't work.

Portugal and Assyria were in Civilization V, in the Brave New World expansion, which happens to have a release date in 2013. It is more likely that he worked on Portugal and Assyria for Civilization V.

Does it mean they are thinking about a new Pass, and even put some work to look if it feasible?

@AntSou: It is quite possible. Even sure! I have to search for translation for most of the word used in the picture, because I didn't understand them. My bad! But I don't understand why the Portugal / Assyria part was underline. Can someone explain it to me? I thought he thought Anton worked for Portugal / Assyria for Civilization VI.
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The release date of Civilization VI is in 2016, while his Portugal / Assyria assignement on his resumé was made between 2011 and 2013. It doesn't work.

Portugal and Assyria were in Civilization V, in the Brave New World expansion, which happens to have a release date in 2013. It is more likely that he worked on Portugal and Assyria for Civilization V.

I think you misunderstood the post.

I'm just pointing out that the lead designer for New Frontier Pass just happens to be the same person who designed Portugal and Assyria for Brave New World.
The release date of Civilization VI is in 2016, while his Portugal / Assyria assignement on his resumé was made between 2011 and 2013. It doesn't work.

Portugal and Assyria were in Civilization V, in the Brave New World expansion, which happens to have a release date in 2013. It is more likely that he worked on Portugal and Assyria for Civilization V.
I'm pretty sure what @AntSou meant was that since Anton designed Assyria and Portugal in Civ 5, and he headed the NFP, there is probably a chance that Portugal is the last Civilization in the NFP. It's all assumptions, though.
If our speculation with the leftover trade route ability from the files turned out to be true, I suppose that anything else we could possibly still find there would be as certain of a clue as anything can be. Has anybody tried compiling a list of unused content and things like that (like Genoa, or Kublai's ability before it was announced)?
If our speculation with the leftover trade route ability from the files turned out to be true, I suppose that anything else we could possibly still find there would be as certain of a clue as anything can be. Has anybody tried compiling a list of unused content and things like that (like Genoa, or Kublai's ability before it was announced)?

Seeing how quickly members like Infixo and Laurana tend to find those, I'd think if there were any left someone would have mentioned it by now.

It's only a couple more weeks of waiting anyway.
Seeing how quickly members like Infixo and Laurana tend to find those, I'd think if there were any left someone would have mentioned it by now.

It's only a couple more weeks of waiting anyway.
One more week, you mean.
One more week, you mean.

If we're lucky we get a tweet this Friday saying to turn on our notifications for next week.

But January DLC arrived on the 28th, and February's update on the 25th. So I think the 25th of March is a more likely date.

Edit: Nvm, you're right! They should reveal one week before release.
Haudenosaunee should be led by Jikonsase.

Civilization Ability:


Civilization receives no population loss from wildfires. All districts placed on Woods, or Jungle, do not remove either feature. Woods and Jungle tiles expend all movement points of enemy units. Units ignore terrain cost for Woods and Jungle, and receive +4 Combat Strength in those tiles. Improved Camp resources provide an additional +1 Food, +2 Gold and Culture bomb adjacent tiles.

Leader Ability: Mother of Nations

+10 HP recovered per turn in Haudenosaunee territory for units belonging to any Alliance with this Civilization. Alliances provide +2 of their respective yields City-States, of which you, or an allied player, are Suzerain, cannot have Envoys sent to them by players you are at war with.

Unique Building: Longhouse

Unique improvement, available only to the Haudenosaunee. Available at the Writing technology. +1 Culture. +1 Housing per adjacent district. +1 Production per adjacent Woods, or Jungle tile. Provides +1 Food, +1 Culture and +1 Amenity to each adjacent worked Lake tile. May only be built on Woods, Jungle, or adjacent to another district, or Lake tile. Cannot be adjacent to another Longhouse.

Unique Unit: Kanien'kehá (Mohawk Warrior)

Class: Melee
Movement: 2

Available at Construction. 44 Combat Strength. +7 Combat Strength in Woods or Jungle, and ignore fortification bonuses from enemy units on those tiles. Defeated enemy units grant Culture equal to their Combat Strength, as well as Population +33% growth to the nearest Haudenosaunee city.

T1 Bias: Forest, Furs, Deer, Honey.
T2 Bias: River, Lakes
T3 Bias: Jungle

Pipedream, but as someone who is Mohawk that's what I would like to see.

Iroquois wasn't done any justice whatsoever in V honestly lol
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Ambiorix ranked 6th on the list of The Greatest Belgians. That's your Gallic connection with Belgium.

Belgium, if ever set to appear, should appear either as a Medieval Era Mercantile Trade Power (in which case it's better to just name the Civ "Flanders" and retain Brussels as a City state as it is geographically located outside of Flanders), a renaissance Cultural Influence Power (not too fond of that because it's just the Dutch except with nunnaries instead of polders. lol. Italy would do this way, way better anyway) or their Industrial Era Great Power side.

Those are the 2cents from the guy who actually lives in Belgium x0x0.
But Belgium doesn't exist in the Medieval Era and if you want Civ based on medieval Flandres it should be called Flandres. Modern Belgium was established in 1830 and anything called Belgium in Civilization should refer to this period in my opinion. XIX Century was the time when modern National-States were born. Either from scratch (like Belgium or somehow Germany) or based on existing ones (France). Many historical figures were incorporated into new "Nations" and its legacy. Belgium is no exception. Vercingetorix and Gaul history was incorporated by French, Celtic heritage by Scots and Irish (Although some countries didn't exist on a map, there was a strong national movement that was born there that time), etc. This is rather a consequence of XIX Century politics than a real historical connection. ;) Same way fascist Italy in XXth Century claimed to be a continuation of Roman Empire.
So here's a curious bit of information I found:

I'm not saying, I'm just sayin'...


Now, the real question is: what's the UU, UI, UA, and leader? I'm guessing the UU will probably be another caravel stand-in, as it should be. UI and UA will likely be focused around trade routes again. Personally, I they should always be portrayed as a naval and commerce powerhouse, but maybe they'll switch it up and give them a diplomatic focus this time? I'd prefer Sebastian but I'm quite certain they'll get a woman leader so NFP has 3 total like R&F and GS, perhaps Maria II.

Or I could be totally wrong and Ashurbanipal comes back to take everyone's books for himself.
Portugal and Assyria in Civ V doesn't mean Portugal is confirmed yet lol
What matters on these forums is our feelings, not facts! Speculation is our thing, we take the littlest details we can find and blow them out of proportion! :crazyeye:

To be serious in this conversation, while there isn't much basis for the claims that @AntSou had made, other than the tweet and the history of Anton Strenger's previous work, merit does exist in his thesis.
I think you misunderstood the post.

I'm just pointing out that the lead designer for New Frontier Pass just happens to be the same person who designed Portugal and Assyria for Brave New World.

I think the more important take away is the bit about pioneering the season pass model. What good is a model if it's only done once? It implies repetition and more content.
I think the more important take away is the bit about pioneering the season pass model. What good is a model if it's only done once? It implies repetition and more content.
And given the fact that NFP has brought back many staple Civilizations, the speculations that Portugal will be the last Civilization do hold metaphorical water.
Instead, I'd rather have one true Celtic representative (Ireland), instead of zero.
I mean, the Belgae were probably Celticized Germans, it's true, but aside from Male Boudicca everything else about the Gauls is 100% Celtic.

Ambiorix ranked 6th on the list of The Greatest Belgians. That's your Gallic connection with Belgium.
It's normal for patriotic enthusiasm to overrun common sense and claim past peoples' heroes as one's own. Victorian propaganda compared Victoria to Boudicca. Americans get all excited about Tecumseh even though, aside from being a Native American who assembled an anti-American confederacy, he fought for the British in the War of 1812. Saddam Hussein called himself the new Nebuchadnezzar (as well as the new Sargon). It's just a thing people do. :dunno:
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