Comings, Goings and New Arrivals 0x0A: Hasta La Vista, or Welcome Back. I Guess it Depends...

@Kyriakos nope! This was my username since I first signed up.

Aside from occasionally cringe conservative posting in OT, I was mostly active in the Civ III "Demogame" and "Never Ending Story" subforums. I stopped posting here essentially the same time I went in the Army in 2008.
We still do play and mod civ3. We are also making our own one, possibly with blackjack and hookers!
Hi, after a year of lurking, I decided to try actually interacting!
*sticks a pen into Be Kind Rewind's navel and twists it*
*sticks a pen into Be Kind Rewind's navel and twists it*
I was a little bit disturbed, until I realized you were referencing my name!
I still think you shouldn't be inflicted the Google-style letter avatars, but, well…
I was gone for a few months (became a god over the summer) but I’ll probably hang around here a bit since I’m not using twitter until I see how it shakes out with the terrible new ownership. Consider my return a blessing upon the entire community.
For the last 4 and a half weeks or so I've been recovering from acl reconstruction surgery.. Only recently have I started making my way to my home office.. Up until last week my daily activities mainly consisted of reading in bed, napping in bed, icing & elevating my knee in bed, exercising in bed, snacking in bed, making my way downstairs twice a day to grab new ice and eat food.. and you don't really need to know any of that.. I'm walking around now, without crutches, but it's still kinda stiff.. I see surgeon in 7 days and physio again after that, I think my progress has been good, but we'll see what they say
Let's hope it is all down hill from today. :)
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