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Conan moving up, Fallon's following behind


Apr 14, 2003
What do you guys think of Conan O'Brien replacing Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon filling in for Conan's former spot?

I've liked O'Brien ever since I started watching him 10 years ago. However, I have never watched him regularly due to the airing time of his show. I think he would be a fine replacement for Jay Leno and I can't wait to see him get more exposure and better ratings as he moves up an hour.


Fallon, however, worries me. I've never found him very funny and he's pretty annoying most of the time. He has this grin that makes me wish someone would punch him in the mouth. However, this is NBC we're talking about and I'm sure they've put a lot of thought behind Fallon replacing Conan. I don't expect Jimmy to follow Conan's path obviously, but I do hope he can live up to what Letterman and O'Brien has built that show up to be.


Oh yea, Fallon's a red sox fan when was on the cast of SNL... What an A-hole.
Also, Leno is moving up to prime time. The whole thing is rather weird, with 3 late night shows per night!
Conan, okay, cool. Fallon, eh, not exciting but at least it's not Jimmy Kimmel. I don't usually watch the stuff anyway.
Ferguson is the best, so I don't expect I'll turn to Fallon in that time slot.

I don't tend to watch any of the late night programs at school where I have cable though.
I hope Fallon crashes and burns that way the people that keep giving him a jobs will realize that he just isn't funny.

As for Conan I hope he can turn The Tonight Show with Jay Leno into the Conan O'Brian Show, and not have it wind up being more like The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Guest Hosting Conan O'Brian.

He's a really funny guy that is just naturally talented to entertain people. Ferguson is funnier but thats cause it seems he just doesn't give a crap and will do anything, his best work is the odd stuff like Magic Week
Conan is funny and is perfect for late late...but for just a late show, I think he will just do fine! He knows what he's doing.

Fallon....who? lol he doesnt even look funny....
Conan is funny and is perfect for late late...but for just a late show, I think he will just do fine! He knows what he's doing.
They said the same thing when Letterman moved up his time slot. It was one of the big "concerns".
It goes Colbert > Stewart > Letterman > Conan > Chevy Chase > Magic Johnson > Leno
And Jon Stewart is better then Letterman!

that's not really fair, is it? nobody trumps Jon. it's like saying the Swiss national soccer team plays some decent football ('soccer' for our overseas friends) but Germany is better...

uncalled for, mate!

I also second Ferguson for a runner up spot to being awesome.
Probably a combination of the lighting and the visible veins.

Conan is a national hero in Finland for a reason...

I wholeheartedly approve Conan movin' on up. I always preferred him to the other late night shows.
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