Corona Virus multiplayer challenge


Mar 21, 2002
Firstly I hope everyone's safe, well and following the health expert's advice in these trying times. I don't know about you, but I find myself with a whole load of 'free time' (well working from home time, but don't tell my boss) and I'd like to fill some of it with a ToT PBEM game. I was thinking a scenario with a fair few players would be good, to include as many people as are interested.

Any interest, and if so any scenario suggestions?
I think this is a great idea... Curt's latest take on Imperialism, or Bitterfrost might be fun.

Of course if all of you are really bored I'm still waiting to see what two non-designers think of OTR.

I might have to finally get off my butt and finish Midway as well but it's hard when all your free time gets taken up working while the kids are asleep so you can raise them while they're awake :(
I'm up for taking part in a pandemic PBEM - Thanks for listing two scenarios I had a part in making...

American Kingdoms might be another that is fitting for the times...It is a full on battle-and-build mod, suitable for PBEM...:)

Is American Kingdoms your post apocalyptic world scenario? If so, it has my vote if it's TOT!!!

Edit - what tribe starts near Connecticut/ New England? I need me some roleplay and call that one :)
American kingdoms sounds cool if we can get enough people. Likewise OtR if we can't. Let's see if any more turn up
Here;s the link to the latest version...

The American Empire might be the choice if you want to start at the East Coast.

I would choose the Outlaw Bikers.


American Empire
This colonial dictatorship came about due to the ruthless and quick thinking Joe MacRandall.
A captain during the 2003 Gulf War, he returned to NYC with few prospects. However, when the
virus hit, he found himself in command of the Manhattan borough when all other top brass had
died. From this bleak origin, he built up a following and gathered together many survivors.
More than a quarter of a century later, MacRandall has created a colonialist system. Luxury
goods from plundered cities are used to reward cronies and appease his populace. The people
of the empire regard themselves as the "true" Americans, and inheritors of the United States.
The Empire seeks to roll outward and take the Imperial flag to where anarchy reigns.

The authoritarian techo-society of the Confederation is close to that envisioned by the Sci-Fi
author, Robert Heinlein. A regime of progress, with citizenship awarded for military service,
and ruled by scientist-soldier elites. The success of this organisation can be traced back to
the industrialist, Gideon Rove and his tireless work that eventually led to the Mayan-D cure.
With his mass-distribution of a working vaccine, Rove's hometown, Chicago became rich quickly.
Scientists migrated there, from more dangerous states where fanatics and zealots held sway.
The Confederation seeks to bring progress and quality of life to the lawless outlands.

Pentecostal Union
Even before the pandemic, Bill Montanas was spreading his own disease among the middle-class
religious demographic. Making millions from his mail-order relics and megachurches, Montanas
was canny enough to lead the richest of his fanatic flock to a safe-zone in Salt Lake city.
Forcing out the sick and dying Mormons, the Pentecostal Union was formed from the desperate
and terrified god-fearing survivors, who turned to the saintly TV preacher as a divine guide.
Isolation and strict hygene safe-guarded these Christian fiefdoms from the worst of the virus.
The Pentecostal Union now look outward to a land that is in dire need of the Lord's succor.

Outlaw Bikers
Genghis Simmons was already an infamous rock star in the USA before the viral outbreak. While
millions died around the world, he still managed to release records on a dissolving internet.
The societal meltdown on the West Coast suited Simmons perfectly, anarchy being his natural
medium. He worked hard to forge a coalition of drug lords, occultists, bikers and gangsters.
Holding sway over his leather-clad cohorts by a system of rewards and ultra-violence, Simmons
dwells in his Seattle fortress with all the grotesque splendor and excess of a barbarian king.
The Outlaws seek to extend their lucrative criminal empire into the neighboring rebel cities.

Aryan Legions
Wolfgang Sturmer was already growing "internet star" on political forums before the disaster.
He also spoke at many radical rallies attended by many who would perish in the pandemic, but
also those who would help him take over the near-empty city of Los Angeles. Sturmer forged a
powerful coalition of political parties from wildly different extremists and directed a great
effort to help restore LA to some kind of inhabitable state. Many years later, a new system
of racial class is the regime on the US West Coast, with the Aryans predictably at the top.
The Legions wish to expand and seek more underclass to support their growing population.

Supreme Nation
Before the pandemic, Usher Masterman was a young man who had witnessed the devastation caused
by the Katrina hurricane, and the bungled reaction of the US federal authorities. After this,
he spoke at many radical rallies and cemented his creed of extreme racial superiority. When
the disaster struck, he led and organised armed death squads, killing whites in the crumbling
urban areas of New Orleans. By the 2030, the city and surroundings had become an armed camp.
Despite Masterman's claims of progress, the "Nation" suffers from huge poverty and neglect.
The Supreme Nation must expand outwards, and secure lucrative industry and urban centres...

Indian Alliance
A long history of ill-treatment and social damage had affected Indians long before the disaster.
Vincente Victorio was a young PA for a lawyer in New Mexico when the world began to fall. Using
his natural charisma and talent for deal-making, Victorio managed to forge together a very large
confederation of political parties, tribal communities and corrupt Mexican officials. From the
mostly untouched city metroplex of San Pedro, Victorio and his cohorts rule over their domain,
seeking new opportunities to bring more dispossessed people and rebel cities into the fold.
The Indian Alliance should look East, to the rich industrial coastal towns and regions.
If the usual crowd doesn't show up in a few days we can reach out to the off topic group for players.
You can put me down for the Confederationists. Can't wait to show those Canucks who's boss!

Btw, I'm running ToTPP 15.1, so movement is unlimited on roads, rivers etc. I'll modify the Rules txt. and post it.

Curt, do you want to retain X3 movement for road, river and 'all squares as road' units? 0 MF for rail? Any other modifications?
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I'd argue play it with the latest version so we can be consistent, troubleshoot, and figure out what bugs to report when TNO returns from sabbatical
Here is the addition to the Rules txt. It should be added after the @Cosmic fields. All values are the same as unpatched ToT, so it would be compatible with both patched and unpatched games.

RoadMultiplier, 1,3
RailroadMultiplier, 1,-1
RiverMultiplier, 1,3
AlpineMultiplier, 1,3

Here's an alternative that would require all players to have a patched game. Here road and alpine movement is 1/3, railroads are 1/6 movement, and there is no movement advantage for rivers. If everyone had a patched version, other options would be available, such as 'no stack kills', where the loss of one unit does not result in the elimination of the whole stack.

RoadMultiplier, 1,3
RailroadMultiplier, 1,6
RiverMultiplier, 1,0
AlpineMultiplier, 1,3

Let me know your preferences.
Curt are you aware of any bugs that can't be fixed with the latest version?

A little elf may be running around helping people procure copies of ToTPP, and this little elf is helping with the latest version.

I've seen a few folks bring up stability before and I believe each time it has been determined that the issue was correctable, but I could have missed something.
So, the 4 of us enough or do we wait for more?

And for what it's worth it's probably a good idea to get rid of infinite rail movement as you say. Not fussed by the relative movement of road rail and rivers.
I won't be able to participate. The situation has increased my workload, and that isn't conducive to timely play. Have fun.
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