[C3C] COTM147 Austria Emperor -- Spoilers

Più Freddo

From space, earth is blue
Jan 26, 2005
Vienna, Austria
COTM147 Chancellor Joseph Schumpeter of the Austrians Spoilers


In this game designed by your truly Più Freddo, you'll play as Chancellor Joseph Schumpeter of the Austrians. I hope this is not in any way or form controversial, Dr. Schumpeter not being a politician, but one of the economists who created the so-called Austrian school of economics, which seems appropriate enough to me. The Austrians are a Militaristic and Industrious tribe which starts the game with the knowledge of Warrior Code and Masonry. Its Unique Unit is the Hussar, a Cavalry unit that has the Blitz ability, a Zone of Control and is unaware of any movement penalty of flat lands, Hills and Forests.

Starting Location


Game Release Page

After the game is released, the start file will be available here

Spoiler Limit

(This limit will be changed as the game progesses.)

Industrial Times or Game Submitted

Spoilers are allowed covering the game up until reaching Industrial Time or having submitted the game. The results of getting and trading bonus technologies at this stage are a permissible topic as well.

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You could have chosen to make Arnold Schwarzenegger the leader!

Looks like a nice start! Is it worth moving 1SE?
First, a question: Do I need to do anything on my end in the computer to enable the Austrian civilization? Specifically I recall having issues with a misplaced pediacon file when playing as France that disabled the game when I encountered the Austrians.

Now, my strategy:
> I will try for a 20k victory defaulting to Space Race Victory if those dreams are dashed. That style of play so far seems to suit my personality best.
> Emperor difficulty is above my comfort zone, but I will tell myself constantly to move slowly, plan carefully, and be ready for an unprovoked attack from the Ai at anytime.
> Certainly I will settle in place. Two cows and three mountains in my city radius looks like the Garden of Eden.
> I have not played with blitz ability or zone-of-control before, but it sounds like each Hussar becomes its own mini-army with a type of force field around it. If anyone has suggestions about how to use this UU I am all ears! Until I have the Hussar available to me I will not be aggressive, but once I have a small force of Hussars I will attack a neighbor. Probably one that has a resource I need but have been denied. This is not my forté, but it is the world we live in. And victorious armies open up several wonders that I like.
> Ivory is in sight, and will enable the Statue of Zeus. That would help my 20k city but I really dislike that wonder. The ancient cavalry are decent units, but they have several problems that make them a negative for me, not a positive: 1) piling up units is useless unless they attack, and what if I don't want to attack?; 2) they cannot be upgraded, so they must be used when you have them. Kill or be killed; 3) the resources spend on the Statue of Zeus could have been better used for some other wonder, or.... Hussars!

Good luck to everyone, and thanks to Piu Freddo for creating the map and world. I made the PTW scenario this quarter, so I know it's time-consuming and he put effort into it. I hope to honor his work with a victory!
That would help my 20k city but I really dislike that wonder. The ancient cavalry are decent units, but they have several problems that make them a negative for me, not a positive:
If you are going for 20K, then SoZ is the best wonder for you: gives lots of culture, plus you can invest your shields into even more wonders, as you don't have to worry about military: the ACs will defend your empire, while your capital will churn out a couple other ancient wonders! (And it is the ancient wonders that carry you to victory in a 20K game, because their culture quickly doubles. The later wonders only are the icing on the cake, the early ones are the important ones...)
But wouldn't the SoZ need to be in my proposed 20k city for me to benefit from its culture? If the capital produces other wonders but isn't my 20k site then it doesn't help towards victory.
I suppose you are right, and at this difficulty level the ancient cavalry will certainly be put to use, and killed, before they become obsolete.
And I didn't notice right away that the barbarians are raging. That is never pleasant.
If you decide not to do 20k in the capital, build the SoZ in your 20k city. If you don't want to attack while AC are viable units, disband them for shields when you have sufficient other military, but this may be a while - you'll want the early-ish military they provide. SoZ costs 200 shields, but each AC disbanded later gives you back 10 shields; if you disband 20 for shields, you get your whole investment back. Remember, they won't help with wonder builds, but they are nice for cultural improvements.
Thanks. Would either of you recommend building a Temple as the very first thing? I have seen that done in some of the 20k victories reported and the points seem to pile up pretty quickly. The temple gives as many points as a wonder in that instance, but it is unwise to not build a warrior immediately? There does seem to be a grace period initially.
Yes, Temple first, before anything else at all if possible. Building it before any Warrior is of course a gamble. In general, you should build in order of shields per culture per turn, spcpt. The Temple cost 60 shields and gives 2 cpt, so it has 30 spcpt, which is very low and correpondingly attractive.
First, a question: Do I need to do anything on my end in the computer to enable the Austrian civilization? Specifically I recall having issues with a misplaced pediacon file when playing as France that disabled the game when I encountered the Austrians.
Yes. You do need the fixed pediaicons.txt file. Follow these instructions
Do I need to add the pediaicons file before I begin? I have already begun, but haven't gotten far at all. If necessary I could restart and follow the same path I have taken so far. I have records.
Do I need to add the pediaicons file before I begin? I have already begun, but haven't gotten far at all. If necessary I could restart and follow the same path I have taken so far. I have records.

No, you can add it later, but before any of the specific Austrian units appear. Please change the file between sessions and play on as usual. It is just a text file that is read by the game at start-up.
Well, 20k is the realistic or best option because for a complete cultural game 100k it's better to play a religious civ. Level is too low for other conditions like diplomatic or space race.

Of course it's a fine start at all, so domination or conquest victory will be no problem. But it should be reached before the Husars come up. :p
OCN or Size 12

Spoilers are allowed covering the game up until reaching the optimal city number, i.e. being allowed to build the Forbidden Palace, or reaching the size 12, in one of your cities, whichever comes earlier.

No spoiler information from after fulfilling the spoiler requirement is allowed!
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4,000 BC Asbury Park is founded in place. In this game we will name our cities after Bruce Springsteen songs or albums, so we begin at the beginning. I was torn between building a temple immediately to facilitate a 20k victory vs. building a warrior to prevent a 3,500 B.C. defeat. After much vacillation I choose to build warrior/warrior/settler. I thought at the time that this would probably scuttle my plan for a 20k victory right at the starting line. Only later did I realize that our ignorance of ceremonial burial precluded building a temple.

I research Alphabet at 100% with the intention of researching Mathematics next and building the Statue of Zeus. Am I still dreaming of a 20k victory? My worker is sent to irrigate the cow then build a road.

3,700 BC Rioting in Asbury Park! Every turn matters and my people are wasting time recklessly looting our capital. So this is life at the Emperor difficulty level. I turn the luxury slider up to 20% from zero; the town is not garrisoned, so the populace must be bought off. They settle down on the next turn. Asbury Park expands just as the second cow is irrigated and the worker builds a road that way. A second warrior is under construction.

3,300 B.C. Asbury Park riots again! I turn the luxury slider up to 30%, but I must get these restless citizens the luxury goods they crave. I should also be paying more attention to CivAssist, now that it is installed on my computer.

My warrior finds the first goody hut and pops out three irate Iberian barbarians. He kills two and the other wanders off. The barbarians are raging in this world so I expect all future goody huts to be just as dangerous and unrewarding.

3,100 B.C.: My settler is spawned. There are several nice locations to send him. I see a hill region on the ocean to the southwest with a river behind it that would be easy to defend and yield good shields. To the southeast there is flood plain and grassland that could be a population booster. I decide to send him northwest towards the Ivory so that I heed the advice of the sage Lanzelot. The luxury will be good, but I mostly want to grab that resource before another does in case I still want to build the Statue of Zeus.

Soon my wandering warrior encounters two more goody huts. I approach with trepidation, but these are much better. I get pottery, then ceremonial burial. Now I can build a temple! But I don’t. I think I should have.

2,900 B.C. Second city settled: Nebraska. The region is forlorn. Soon I connect the Ivory to Nebraska and Asbury Park and begin developing the Statue of Zeus.

Treasury running dangerously low. I turn science down to 40% and keep luxury at 30%.

I meet my first foreigner, a French warrior. I don’t know where France is, but Monsieur is friendly and willing to trade:

My Pottery & Ceremonial Burial (which I got from huts) for their Alphabet & 10 gold. That seems like a good deal; I had 28 turns left on Alphabet!

2,750 B.C. Germany identified to my northwest. They haven’t sent anyone exploring yet that I have seen. They are willing to trade:

I give my native Masonry for their Bronze Working & 10 Gold. I am satisfied.

2,350 B.C. My first warrior, known as Asbury Primus, is killed attacking a barbarian encampment. He was at nearly full strength and I thought he would make it, but he died. Also, mine is the happiest nation in the world! Time to turn down the luxury slider to 20% from 30%.

2,310 B.C. Every turn I check for available trades, and now I see Germany has discovered Iron Working. I trade them Alphabet and Pottery for this valuable knowledge, and they also give me 20 gold. I am up to speed technologically and happy about that.

With the new knowledge of iron working I see iron ore in the hills to the north. These are far away, and I would need to cross a barren desert to reach the iron deposit. I have a settler nearly ready and I consider sending him on the trek north with a warrior to settle the hills but I think better of it. It is too far away, they would probably be slaughtered, and I cannot connect them by road to my empire yet. The iron must wait, but I know now that I must expand to the north towards the iron and take it by settlement or war. Where is France? Probably near the iron.

Also, I begin to think the raging barbarians promised (threatened?) us by Piu Freddo will soon begin to appear at my borders. It is certainly time to beef up my military. All I have now is three warriors.

2,150 B.C. My third settler is spawned. I send him SSE towards the fertile flood plains with the intention of creating even more settlers. Now I must produce archers, warriors, and spearmen.

2,110 B.C. I trade France Iron Working and 45 gold for The Wheel.

2,030 B.C. The River is founded SE by the flood plains. There is good land here!

1,625 B.C. My fourth city, Atlantic City, is founded to the SSE between the river and the ocean. Workers are dispersed to connect my towns by road, build mines, etc….

1,500 B.C. Kazakh barbarians swoop in out of nowhere and destroy two of my unprotected workers. My fault for not having a guard with them. I hate barbarians.

1,250 B.C. France demands 22 gold in tribute. I pay.

1,200 B.C. Two more workers destroyed by barb horsemen. My spearman was in escort, but he overran them and they were undefended because I was carless with my mouse. Also, I pay Bismark 20 gold in tribute. So now I’m paying off all my neighbors.

1,125 B.C. The Statue of Zeus is mine in Asbury Park! Soon I will no longer be paying tribute. I thank Lanzelot for encouraging me to build the SoZ. I set my city to building the Great Library. A guy can dream!

975 B.C. I bite the bullet and send a settler into the north to found a town adjacent to the iron. I want it, I will need it, and I can defend it. Soon I will have it.

690 B.C. I am the first to Philosophy, surprisingly, but I did not set up the Republic slingshot because I didn’t expect to get there first. I take Construction as my free technology because it takes the most turns to research. The Republic would have been nice; I am still in despotism.

630 B.C. Earlier I built a curragh and now it discovers the Inca. They have much, but not construction. I give them Construction and 40 gold for Literature, Horseback Riding, Map Making and Mysticism. I think that is a good deal.

I sell Literature to Germany for 109 gold. I sell Writing to France for 44 gold. These will not help their military and they will get it eventually, and now I have the gold.

370 B.C. I sell Map Making to France for 75 gold. All she has.

270 B.C. Great Library completed in Asbury Park! Now I am thinking, again, that a 20k victory is a possibility.

250 B.C. Thunder Road is settled as my northernmost town.

190 B.C. My curragh is sunk by barbarians. It served me well and nearly circumnavigated my continent. Hmmm. Come to think of it there are still six other civilizations I haven’t met, probably on two other continents. If there is only one other continent they are sure to be more technologically advanced than us.

190 A.D. Inca demands, is denied, declares. Bring it on. My ancient cavalry is ready.

230 A.D Republic discovered. We enter the purgatory of anarchy.

Inca sends 8 archers and one spearman to my lands. They are destroyed by my Ancient Cavalry stack with no loss of life on my part. Smoke rises from all my cities.

300 A.D. The Austrian Republic is founded after 8 turns of anarchy, widespread looting, and destruction of the barracks in Atlantic City. And so I enter the Middle Ages.

Plans for the future:

1) I must surrender my dreams of a 20k victory. I would not reach that until 2198 A.D., and there is no likely prospect of me reducing that enough to make it a viable goal. It is now the Spaceship Victory that I must aim towards. I presume this means I need four or five potent cities to make the components, so my tactics will shift accordingly.

2) Should I attack Germany or France? I would like to have an army and I need to spawn a military leader. The only way to do that is to wage war. If I do get a leader I will save him until I can make an Army of Hussars. I would prefer to attack the Incas, but France is in between us and I can never seem to get right of passage, though the Ai always gets it. I think that is just the way Sid Meier made it. Of course I will choose to attack Germany. Bismark would attack me soon enough anyway. So…

1. Use the Alerts feature of CivAssist II. It tells you before cities are about to riot.
2. Recall Arnold is not an Austrian anymore, but Thuh Quvurnuea uf Galufuanea
Going for Conquest, hoping for no one-tile islands.

So far things are going pretty well, though I've made no progress toward conquest. There is still a lot of land open around me and I've been settling at a pretty good clip. I'll need to go to war in earnest soon, though.

I haven't had much trouble with barbs, which I appreciate.

Settle in place, worker to cow to road and irrigate, start on alphabet at max.
First warrior goes south, 2nd forts. Road and mine 2nd cow.
Hut gives maps
Warrior 1 goes east along coast, 3rd warrior heads north. Start a settler.
Hut gives worker.
Northern hut gives barbs
Warrior promotes, killing 2 of them, one heads toward Vienna
Hut gives barbs
Settler heads toward coastal hill by cow
2950 See blue borders, it will take several turns to get over to meet them.
2750 Make it over to meet Germany. Up masonry, down BW and CB.
2710 Meet France, trade WC for alphabet, BW, and 10 g. Hut gives barbs.
2510 Vet warrior dies trying to disperse a camp with a 2/2 barb warrior on flat ground. :(
2430 meet Russia, trade for pottery and iron working
2390 meet Inca
1990 trade for mysticism and the wheel
1200 learn republic, revolt 5 turns
Hut – 50 g
1100 now a republic
IBT: Inca demand, I refuse, they declare. I ally France (they pay!) and Germany. This is mostly a phony war. Unfortunately, I had a prebuild going for SoZ and the Inca are the only ones who know math.
My prebuild ends up being the Colossus, which I guess I can live with. I swap another build to start a new prebuild.
Disperse barb camp
825 Destroy Incan town with 4/4 warrior which promotes but is likely to die. Hut gives barbs.
Elite warrior survives attack by archer and Chasqui scout :)
After alliances run out, make peace with Inca for a town.
470 SoZ completes, galley crosses ocean. My Forbidden Palace will soon be complete.
I'm going for 100K in this game. So I managed to built an early Artemis temple, and I also got the Colossus and SoZ, like CKS. SoZ will not be that great, as I beeline for Military Tradition, so it'll expire soon, but the Colossus will provide some steady income until the end of the game... I don't plan to ever research Education, and I even already burned the Inca town that built the Great Library, in order to make sure I will ever learn Education by accident. ("We don't need no education...!")

The drawback of this is of course, that I haven't met the other continent yet. I sent out a few suicide galleys, but they all sank before meeting anyone. One galley was able to see a border (probably Ottomans) in the distance, but it sank, before it got there :( I will keep trying, whenever I have nothing else to build than a galley, but with my luck, I will probably end the game without ever getting to know the other continent... (Unless they find me...:D) I think that would be a first-time ever for me, ending a game without knowing all the AIs...
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I end lots of games without knowing all the AIs. Most of my Sid attempts have ended this way.;)

I don't think I've won a game without knowing all the surviving AI, though.
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