• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

COVID personal experiences

I'm glad I did haircut right before this thing started. Now it can wait until May at least.
My hair is as now long as it’s been in almost 20 years.

If any of the Japanese staff at my company complain about me not going to get it cut, I will use a three-word phrase that includes the words “go” and “yourself.” The key word is in the middle!
This is becoming an issue for me, too. I usually walk about 30-40 minutes on the way to work and another 30-40 minutes on the way home, but the last two weeks I've been out for longer than a few minutes maybe 5 times. I tend to sleep worse when I haven't gotten any exercise - yesterday I overslept, 9.5 hrs, but today I slept only about 5 hrs - and that's screwing up my sense of time. My bedroom is on the front of the building, so I have blackout curtains to keep the streetlights out, and let me tell you, they work - when it's not sunny outside, you can't even tell what time of day it is. I even forgot what day of the week it was the other day.

Just think about the movie Papillon
Walking in his cell a few steps all the time from wall to wall
@warpus Try to stay connected to as many people as you can, either via text of better yet, something like Facetime or Google Hangouts. Others are in the same boat and need the support and external stimuli, just like you do.

You'll find that it might take some of the isolation feelings away.

I fully agree.
I think in the last 2 week I have at least chatted with 5 different "instances" each day (I have 4 more active whatsapp groups), nearly every second day I talk to my ex, and sometimes I have other random calls with friends. I'm feeling mentally surprisingly fine, despite that I haven't talked to anyone in person for 2 weeks.

I even forgot what day of the week it was the other day.

Honestly, does it matter that much right now?

A friend of mine has a day rhythm of 24h+ (like me too). He gave up on everything. Last time we talked he said he went to bed at 7 AM and woke up at 4 PM. He's still working from home though.
I try to maintain a constant daily rhythm, but for me that's going to bed at 1 AM and waking up at 11 AM. Kinda works. I'm saving the environment by not showering or wearing new clothes each day though, so that's me going slowly feral ^^.
Tango, tangor, ergo sum.
"I touch, I am touched, so I am,"

A statement by the German philosopher Wilhelm Schmid (1953), who publishes a lot about love, happiness and art of living. A striking variation on cogito, ergo sum, I think, so I am. Schmid's quote is also liked to be quoted by haptotherapists and masseurs.

Skin hunger, the craving for physical contact. A baby feels that hunger from birth, lying on the warm skin of the mother.
"I just want to have a belief"

Sitting at the bar of a local pub, sipping my beer, I wake up and look to the left of me, a heap of misery sitting there
"I just want to have something to believe in, you know"
Not in the mood to talk I suggest just to follow our current strongman President
"No, no... I am the victim type... I do not want to be a Superman or support them"
As it happens the newspaper of that day has an article on the emergence of a new kind of shrinks: companies that do assessments to find the best fitting solace & self empowerment.
Not the usual last hyped psychology, yoga or lifestyle trends, etc, but more like a "Total Recall" treat based on a scientific assessment... like some dating sites.
The company "Find yourself in your true belief" advertising with the slogan: "Do you also feel victim of the world around you ? We have the perfect solution for you. Do our online scientific assessment test for only 10 USD or drop by for a full oneday roleplay assessment.

A couple of weeks later I see him again in a local shop. He is busy but gives me a big thanks before hurrying on.
The next day I read in the newspapers:
UK phone masts attacked amid 5G-coronavirus conspiracy theory

Police investigate possible arson attacks as officials reject rumours that 5G causes Covid-19
Three recent mobile phone mast fires around the UK are being investigated as possible arson, amid concerns that people are attacking telecoms infrastructure because of a conspiracy theory linking 5G technology to the spread of coronavirus.
The mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, also revealed he had received threats relating to the “bizarre” theory, which has gained traction on social media.
On Friday, emergency services were called to reports that a 5G mast was on fire in Liverpool shortly before 11pm. Police confirmed they were investigating the blaze at Spencer’s Lane, Aintree, close to the M57 motorway.
Fire crews managed to get the fire under control quickly and were photographed parked outside the field shortly after it was extinguished.
The media regulator, Ofcom, said on Thursday it was monitoring broadcasters who spread the discredited conspiracy theory, although coverage has spread more widely on social networks, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and Next Door.
ust hours before the reported incident in Liverpool, Anderson dismissed the theories as “bizarre”. He said he was amazed by the amount of traction the conspiracy was getting on social media, and that all scientific and government advice showed the technology posed no harm to people.
Speaking to the Guardian, the mayor revealed he had received threats relating to the theory and had reported them to Merseyside police.
“The suggestion that Covid-19 is somehow linked to 5G is patently beyond the realms of credibility – utterly bizarre,” he said.

Bizarre, insane or last straw survival ?

This has been a persistent problem I've had since I started working from home.

You need to restructure your time !
and most of all make it visible

Just like with people in first phase dementia
(they lose time structure awareness)
Buy that big 20 inch railway clock, have that whiteboardand note your "meetings", etc. within eyesight, next to the TV or in line where you usually sit.

Your regular Wednesday online cards with friends.
Your regular Friday evening binging online with your evening out friends. And do prep with drinks and snacks... sing together... get drunk together :)
Make a walk at the same time just waving at some people (waiting for that) behind glass
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the scariest thing about quarantine is how little everything has changed. yeah, I miss going to concerts, galleries, the theatre and my favorite restaurants and meeting friends, but aside from that next to nothing has changed for me. not really feeling any symptoms of isolation or craving social contact, just obsessively working on my personal projects. I still go out to the market, go take a walk, go to my favorite bakery every other day, have a chat, visit the cheesemaker, my routine seems hardly different. I'm not losing track of time, nor what day it is, and my sleeping schedule is only slightly worse than it usually is, but only because it was pretty screwed up already. this genuinely feels like a much needed vacation for me and I'm kinda into it. sorry for everyone who is suffering from quarantine, I hope things live up for you :)
Pretty much the same, I am the only one working before the outbreak which means our finances are a little more shaky then some but it also means our expenses are better managed already then most. Trying to work with the hospital on stretching out PTO days because all of the loss of our outpatient services. I'm good for probably 2 months and then I will have to revisit all this or start defaulting on non collateral debt.
My lived experience has been hijacked by normal people. It's been unamusing to see them lament their lot in life when, before, that lot was merely hypothetical and not something that existed. The isolation, inaccessibility, and the haranguing by their peers is just the standard for disabled people, yet in the past we've been almost universally ignored or had our issues downplayed. "It can't be that bad, surely you could just do x?" Our problems were abstract, the solutions unrealistic.

Now that they're facing some of the same problems, solutions are "simple," accessibility is a necessity, and things need to change. I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth and am not at all opposed to having my lot in life improved indirectly, but it's interesting that disabled people are still ignored through this. All the reliefs and changes are for the normal people, and we're still ignored.

This is largely understandable; after all, normal people make up the bulk, and disabled people aren't really contributors to society—while normal people very much are. So getting the normal folks back up to speed is integral. But it's still a bit grating to have an insurmountable, exaggerated experience suddenly become a very real thing that just needs to be addressed because able-bodied people are suddenly experiencing it themselves... and that despite the similarities, they're only intending to fix it for themselves and not for the people who've been stuck with that experience since, well, forever.

I either already had COVID-19 last month and I'll spend months recovering from it, or I've yet to have it and it'll kill me if or when I do get it.
being a loser loner somehow greatly helps . Short of a total lockdown my life hasn't changed the slightest . Buy the bread , do the shopping , my mother was unhappy with me going out to buy the newspaper so its lack does great things to my bloodpressure , so can't call that a loss .
I’ve been seeing an increase in online orders. I’m fortunate enough to be in the retail sector that is slated essential (big box hardware store).
I had a nasty cough a couple of days ago. The kind I get almost every winter but called my GP just in case.
Stayed home and observed symptoms. Better now, and no other typical covid symtoms.
Probably just because of the cold weather and smoking indoors.
Still scared me enough to shave my beard because facial hair is a good virus storage.

My hair is as now long as it’s been in almost 20 years.

I might just shave my head too. Not because of hygiene, but because long-haired men look silly if they don't have a beard.
Good time to stop smoking anything, shave the beard and get that blood pressure under control.

Breakfast time. Oats sigh.
Good time to stop smoking anything, shave the beard and get that blood pressure under control.

Breakfast time. Oats sigh.

Without fresh fruit, berries, etc:

Oats with sugar
Oats with cane sugar
Oats with brown sugar
Oats with dark syrups
Oats with raisins
Oats with prunes (dried and then soaked in water) (main food for Dutch Republic sailors including the ones that discovered New Zealand, the oats also barley. )
Oats with apricots (dried and then soaked in water)
Oats with sugar and cinnamon
Oats with dried powdered apple fibre (super healthy ofc)
With Almond slivers
With chopped pecans
With chopped walnuts
With granola
With fresh apples
With cinnamon

With any of these and Hrothbern's in various combinations. :D
Heh don't eat them plain.

They're flavored and I eat them with fresh blueberries or canned peaches.

Have canned blueberries as well.
With Almond slivers
With chopped pecans
With chopped walnuts
With granola
With fresh apples
With cinnamon

With any of these and Hrothbern's in various combinations. :D

And don't forget that salt is a taste amplifier !
That's why so much salt is addedt into commercial bread.
And if you are afraid to eat too much salt... which is really very difficult to achieve when cooking yourself with unprocessed ingredients... you can use salt with one-third Sodium chloride and two-thirds Potassium chloride (and if possinble buy it with Iodine)
Without fresh fruit, berries, etc:

Oats with sugar
Oats with cane sugar
Oats with brown sugar
Oats with dark syrups
Oats with raisins
Oats with prunes (dried and then soaked in water) (main food for Dutch Republic sailors including the ones that discovered New Zealand, the oats also barley. )
Oats with apricots (dried and then soaked in water)
Oats with sugar and cinnamon
Oats with dried powdered apple fibre (super healthy ofc)
You forgot milk powder! :)
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