Crossroads MOD (BTS) bug

Sep 7, 2005
When playing Crossroads, there is a bug that makes it almost unplayable. When the game loads, everything is normal but the first time I enter the City Screen display, things go weird. See images below for "before" and "after" appearances. The city display never goes away, although you can see central window is not showing the City terrain squares but is back to the regular landscape view. The games still works but only through this small window, and the mis-behaving parts hide the main viewer info panels.
Running BTS 3.19, OS 10.6.2; MBP 2.8Ghz, 4 Gb RAM, have BUG mod installed, but the issue predates that.

Anyone had this? Thoughts?



  • before.jpg
    441.5 KB · Views: 93
  • after.jpg
    403 KB · Views: 89
I'm going to assume that the mod doesn't include a custom CvGameCoreDLL.dll file. If it does, that may be the problem, as the Mac version doesn't work with custom DLLs.

If no DLL, then probably a bug in the Python, possibly Mac-specific. The Mac version of Civ4 uses an older version of Python than Windows, so some commands don't work.

If you open the ~/Documents/Civilization IV Beyond the Sword/CivilizationIV.ini file in TextEdit and change one line in the file to read:

; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 1

Then reproduce the failure, you may see some error text appear in ~/Documents/Civilization IV Beyond the Sword/Logs/PythonErr.log. If so, post that text here for possible clues about the cause of the problem.
As far as I can tell, removing the file fixes this. You can't see all of the corporations in the city screen, but it's a small price to pay.
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