[RD] Daily Graphs and Charts II: Another 10,000 to come.

How often males are rejected by females : The Gauss scale comparison :

addendum : my interpretation ;) zero is "Chad" level ;) so obviously x i "the man" , read : too much is not always good.
Mostly not that surpring. Although not sure why Hungary and Romania have such a love for Germany, besides potential immigration, but for that normally Spain or France have a higher priority for Romanians.
For Sweden I'd also rather have expected one of their neighbours.

Spoiler Division of the Militarized Budget and discretionary and non-discretionary spending :

I'm having trouble connecting the 3rd figure to the first 2, since the numbers don't seem to add up :/.
There must be some differences in definitions, but I think what is labelled "Pentagon ($687b)" is close to that labelled "Defence ($676)". Everything else in the top 2 are "Nondefense ($661)".

It kind of demonstrates the hypocrisy of it all when you think that ICBM's are considered a defence but not Homeland security.
If you want to go into details, then the Pentagon also supports the TOR project and various non-military research institutes... so I'd not go into details, this can only be seen as a rough indicator (indicating for sure that the US spends a ton of money on the military).
Very sophisticated visualisation of marriages in 2019 by the Bureau here

Turkey preparation method selection chart. A bit late for Thanksgiving, which it seems to be designed for, but in time fro Christmas.

Spoiler Rant :
The whole thing is driving you towards the Joule Turkey, which:
  1. Is not easy. Sous vide requires a controlled temperature waterbath. While you can bodge this, it is pretty hard to get right without the kit, and to buy the kit is expensive.
  2. Means cooking your food in plastic, with has to end up with significant chemicals leaching fro the plastic.


  • zyz3UFIHTbmvhkUA2jNW_chefsteps-turkey-select-o-matic-1-1.png
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Turkey preparation method selection chart. A bit late for Thanksgiving, which it seems to be designed for, but in time fro Christmas.

Spoiler Rant :
The whole thing is driving you towards the Joule Turkey, which:
  1. Is not easy. Sous vide requires a controlled temperature waterbath. While you can bodge this, it is pretty hard to get right without the kit, and to buy the kit is expensive.
  2. Means cooking your food in plastic, with has to end up with significant chemicals leaching fro the plastic.

I prefer:


The Neolithic Transition in Europe at 50 Years: Working Draft, Albert J. Ammerman, 1 Nov. 2020.

When I read some interchanges here on CFC between Greeks and Turks, I wonder whether I'm the only one who wants the Trojan
War to continue forever. Not so, apparently!

Prof. Ammerman, a colleague of the famous population geneticist Cavalli-Sforza, seems to be encouraging tensions between the
old rivals when he writes on p. 19:
With the usual Greek spin on things, the article has its chauvinistic touch: not much is said about western Anatolia or Turkey - the previous
step in the spread of early farming
(Mathieson et al., 2015).

Well done, Prof!
Troy wasn't in central Asia, so no ties to Turkoy :jesus:
Lost me there, K. What has Central Asia to do with the map and Ammerman's encouragement?
Lost me there, K. What has Central Asia to do with the map and Ammerman's encouragement?

How can I lose you?

Commenting on Ammerman's claim of chauvinism, when the Anatolia of the era wasn't in any way tied to turks.
As Erdogan states, this happened later, when in 1071 the turks were defeating Romanos Diogenes who "was looking for people with a lamp"* :D

*Any Diogenes will do, apparently.
How can I lose you?

Commenting on Ammerman's claim of chauvinism, when the Anatolia of the era wasn't in any way tied to turks.

Too early in the "day" for me to make that connection to Central asia :)

As Erdogan states, this happened later, when in 1071 the turks were defeating Romanos Diogenes who "was looking for people with a lamp"* :D

*Any Diogenes will do, apparently.

I guess Erdogan can afford to order in Diogeneses by the barrel.
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