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Danization (Danish MOD)

indeed my westlandic freind, indeed.. I have tryed it a couple of times, and to be hornest, I don't find it so amusing.. I still like civ3 better..

but this is proberly not the thread for that discuss, I guess.. Well I will just keep on waiting for your mod :D
William GBTW said:
I'll download it when its ready; two made it doesn't include Sweden.
Thanks, but "two made".... "too bad"? Actually I thought of making a Scandinavian mod at some point but I gave up the idea. Mostly because I would need a team of people from Sweden and Norway and maybe some more Danes. And I don't have that. Besides, finishing this mod will be the last modding I will do for Civ3 for a long time. Actually I'm not doing any modding this summer. Well, maybe I'll make a small adventure game using Chris Jones' Adventure Game Studio but not any big things like this mod.
William GBTW said:
I can't find one for C3C.

That is because there is no one, yet. :D

Juul's original mod was only for "Play the World". The final mod that he is making rigth now will be the first, and proberly only, version for "Conquest". :)
No, it hasn't been closed. I've just been spending most of my time on evil exams, the good weather and other stuff like that. But I understand why you are asking, considering the fact this this project has been "almost finished" for almost a year or so. But I'm working on it. I promise to have this finished before the "staying inside because it's raining all the time"-season.
Didn't know the Danish weather is too good to mod in the summer! LOL
From my European days I know Danmark in September and October... perfect weather for sailing around the Danish isles, but a little on the windy and rainy side otherwise. In fact, I hope you're not into sailing, because then you "could" spend some time on your mod. ;)
Actually it was raining when I posted yesterday, but it should get warmer the next few days... and with "could" I suppose you mean "should"? :)
Anyways, I just wanted to mention that I have finally finished all the missing building graphics, made sure that Civilopedia and City Screen graphics looked the same and corrected the pallete to make the graphics work in the game. I also made a few other changes yesterday, so now there is only 17 things on my to-do list and most of them are relatively simple. So you won't have to wait for long.
JuuL said:
So you won't have to wait for long.

don't rush it, you might miss something on the way... I belive we here are most loyal, so we will sit put and wait...

and wait

and wait

for as long as it takes :D
Hej JuuL, fed Mod!!!

I have a few problems though... often when i often when i talk to the other civ's the game crashes, can I do anything about it?
Hej to you, too, Ladz64 - it's nice to see some new people here.
The leader crash is an old bug, which was caused by my lack of understanding of the Civ3 editor. The mistake have been corrected in the soon-to-be-released Conquests version of the mod. If you can't wait for that, the method for making this right has been explained in an earlier post. I can't find it right now, but I'll look for at again later and post a link.

By the way, I hope you don't actually live in "Cpoenhagen"... you must have been in a bit of a rush when writing that.

edit: it was Post # 131... it took some time to find it.
Thanks for the help JuuL, I'm looking forward to the C3C version of the mod... I've played a couple of hours now, and it's about the best mod i've tried. GOOD WORK! I think i will play my game to the finish before i try to make the changes, because I would hate to loose my saved games:)
I'm glad to hear that you like the mod, Ladz64 - and I think you will like this too:
I do hereby announce that Gesta Danorum - the Deeds of the Danes is now fully playable. All you have to wait for now is for me to finish the advisor graphics, expand the civilopedia and a few other minor issues. The mod itself is finished. Don't hold your breath, though - with weather like this (30 degrees celsius today... man, it's hot!) I'm not going to be working a lot on this. But then again, with weather like this you are (hopefully) not all that eager about sitting in front of your computer.
Wow another crazy good mod about to drop!! Id been cool if you had a random world that the danish tribes could fight to conquor aswell as the original homeland takeover scheme. Oh well I'll still be clearing a spot on my Civ CONTENT shelf for this one. Thanks ,I can bet the Pedia will be up to par on this gem. appreciate that !
Sweet, JuuL!!!:goodjob:

I'm looking forward to play your new mod too...

I hear it should rain the next cuople of days, so you should be able to stay indoors:D
Holy Smokes! Great news!! Ya i love discovering new worlds with differant leaderheads units and improvments at my side, instaed of being confined to the same map every time--not that theres anything wrong with that, from a historocal standpoint, it makes sence to play on the Danish map ;)

Im more of a adventurer!!, off to discover new lands!! :viking:
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