• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Danization (Danish MOD)

Thanks for the encouraging words, both of you.
Ladz64, about the weather: I just checked vejret.tv2.dk and your right. The weather forecast mentions a few showers (is that the right English word for byger?) and lower temperatures. So maybe I will have more time to work on this.
T. A JONES, you're right about random maps. It's always nice to have the choice. And just out of curiosity: where are you from?
Hey Juul , thanks for asking. Im born 'n raised in a city (1000000) on top of lake superior, called Thunder Bay N.Ontario, known for some of the fiercest Thunder activity on the N hemispere.
I actually spent last night listning to some big claps then discovered my internet cable blown out this morning!!!.(left it on again!) luckly a little unplug-plug-in did the trick!;)
Theres all kinds of preventive modding incidents as related to the weather, Id just rather It be your kind (to Hot!):cool: . Heres to you project,l can't wait to play. Truly T.A
Well, that was another month and no finished mod yet. But I have been working on it. Just not a lot. However, I did just finish the civilopedia.txt, which included reading "metres" of text and changing small words like "world map" and references to changed and/or removed buildings, wonders etc. Very annoying work. I've also begun working on the smaller version of the map, but just realised that I haven't got any more isometric paper, which will make the process slower.

If you get bored while waiting, check out the British one man game developer company Positech at http://www.positech.co.uk. They have great, quickly downloading demos of great games with no need of registering as a user or anything like that. I can specially recomend the games Democracy (advanced and detailed turn-based politics simulation) and Kudos (interesting "Sims"-like game, but turn-based and with focus on larger decisions instead of micro-management.).
:viking: Hey Juul thanks for the UD. Its sounding all the better, Im glad your taking your time to refine.
I truly appreciate the extra support your pouring over your Civipedia. With All the new content Im sure to be flipping through pages, catching up on some of your cool history (Canada's is a lil bit :sleep: in comparrison,and I know the in-game pedia by heart, so you know what I mean) Another good read is all the more reason to look forward to your release day. Again, thanks and please keep us posted with the latest.
Thanks, T.A Jones, but when I said I finished the civilopedia I actually only meant the Game Concepts part of it (though I realise now that I made the impression of something else). I still haven't expanded the civilopedia descriptions of wonders and techs, which is what I am going to do now. most wonders only have a files lines of description, and I was hoping to expand that to half a page. Unfortunately my English skills are not what they used to be so it would be nice if somebody would volunteer to reading them and fix mistakes/make suggestions for changes.

Btw, a piece of advisor to other mod-makers: Always remember to write the name of the creator when you download something. I now have a credits list full of "???" instead of names. That's going to be a lot of work that I could have done along the way while downloading.

And I simply have to repeat my recommendation of www.positech.co.uk
No worries I never read much into the history so it would be a good bonus to include a adapted pedia but when it comes to doing it why not, Ok heres it comes :cringe: .. copy from the Internet encyclepedia!

. Its not like its being lazy. I hear sometimes its inaccurate, but thats in a few minor cases not on a historical level Im sure.

I mean all you do is look up each improvment and cut and paste whats there. Anything missing just fill in with your own words.

Id love to help edit, but heck, youve been reading a few of my posts lets get serious. Lets just say The grammer police have come down hard on me more then a few times so my record isn't distinguished enough to be assigned such a honarable task. :)

Im just happy to see everything is going smoothly. Later man
Thanks, T.A.

I just wanted you to know that I've finished the smaller version of the map - and I think it's a lot more interesting than the large map. I mean, you may be able to build a small peaceful kingdom on one of the island, but Jylland is a battlefield. From Ribe to Århus and Lemvig the maximum distance between the starting locations of the different civs is four squares. Four! And that's 11 civs that are so close.
Now I just need to make a Multiplayer version of that map (right now it has the right amount of resources for 31 civs - not the 8 civs that's the maximum in MP). And then there's always the Civilopedia. But I'm getting closer to being finished.
Good, Good!, Now about your all your maps!... heres this!

T.A JONES said:
Wow another crazy good mod about to drop!! Id been cool if you had a random world that the danish tribes could fight to conquor aswell as the original homeland takeover scheme. Oh well I'll still be clearing a spot on my Civ CONTENT shelf for this one. Thanks ,I can bet the Pedia will be up to par on this gem. appreciate that !

And this! :)
T.A JONES said:
Holy Smokes! Great news!! Ya i love discovering new worlds with differant leaderheads units and improvments at my side, instaed of being confined to the same map every time--not that theres anything wrong with that, from a historocal standpoint, it makes sence to play on the Danish map

Im more of a adventurer!!, off to discover new lands!! ! :viking:

Well? I Hope your considering it anyway ;) :goodjob: Relax, and I hope you enjoyed your summer!
Actually I have made I random map version. I must have forgotten to mention it. The only problem is what to do with the impassable Foreign Land ("jungle") that will appear randomly... well, since you can't start in that kind of territory I guess it will just be another challenge - some places you will simply have to sail to get to the other end of a continent. Or you could just plahy on arid, cold maps - they shouldn't have that much jungle.
JuuL said:
Actually I have made I random map version. I must have forgotten to mention it. The only problem is what to do with the impassable Foreign Land ("jungle") that will appear randomly... well, since you can't start in that kind of territory I guess it will just be another challenge - some places you will simply have to sail to get to the other end of a continent. Or you could just plahy on arid, cold maps - they shouldn't have that much jungle.

Can't you just in some remove the impassable Foreign Land from the Random map, so it wont put it when randomizing..
I mean, the map is borderd by its egdes anyway.

And happe to seer your still alive..
Thanks, T.A

Chilolo said:
Can't you just in some remove the impassable Foreign Land from the Random map, so it wont put it when randomizing..
I mean, the map is borderd by its egdes anyway.

And happe to seer your still alive..
I'm relatively sure that it's not possible to remove a type of terrain from a random map (I think that would require changing the basic coding of the random map generator). Maybe I should just remove impassability for Foreign Land on the random map?
And I, too, am happy to see that I'm still alive :)
Danmark map all the way... that's what I say.
TopGun69 said:
Danmark map all the way... that's what I say.
Hes going to do even better! Both will be included. I want to try both. Juul has been busy on this two maps measn I can apreaciate more, Thanks Juul for considering everbodys tastes and catering to them. You bring us together, the great historians, :coffee: (Thats a smiley reading a historic document) and the great explorers :viking: (Random option)
Latest update: Still working on the civilopedia. Also discovered that I hadn't made the tech tree arrows yet, so that will have to be done to. But it's really easy, so I should be done with them today or tomorrow. And the MP map needs a little edited, but that's also just a small job. If only I had more spare time or more energy when returning from work...
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