Demogame III discussion

Another thing: we simply DO NOT have enough people. We can barely fully staff a single democracy, let alone three or four.
The thing about an intra CFC-DG is that the teams do not need to be full. 3-4 teams of 10-15 players should be enough and each team could create its own Constitution. We would have a problem getting private forums here, but I'm sure they would be easy to get at CDG.
3-4 teams of 10-15 people? suurrreeee.............

That ain't gonna happen. But I say that the MSDG is our PTW demogame for civ3 - lets just play vanilla civ, but with those flavour graphics mods. e.g. every civ has a different look for their units.
I think we should play the way we did the game, but I think we should use am mod. I cant see how using ptw gets so many people out of here.. even tough they cant use the saves they can still participate. I think 1.21 is out of the question. A lot of people are going to get angry and be even mader at the americans.. There arent only people from the us here you know...
Personally I agree with Shaitan that Civ3 1.29f is our best bet. It keeps the possible pool of participants as wide as possible, since all Civ3 players will be able to join in fully. Given that we have participation problems as it is, this seems infinitely more desirable than having a few extra civs in the game.

As to the idea of people being able to play without the save, I fully disagree. I for one do not find myself connecting with the game properly unless I look at the save on a regular basis, and certainly find concocting plans much harder when I do not have all the game information at my fingertips - something I can never get from the fora no matter how impressive the beaurocracy that underlies the game.
Any game at CDG has nothing to do with the CivFanatics DG3 so any plan that requires that site does not need to be discussed here.

Using PTW will cause a significant number of our players to not be able to look at a save. They would never be able to be President or DP. It would be very difficult and cumbersome for them to manage an office. Yes, there have been Leaders in the past who could not load the game. For some of the very low intensity positions (Judiciary, Science) this is not a great issue. For the higher Council positions and all Governor I cannot conceive how a Leader could do their job without looking at the save game.

The idea of a multiplayer PTW game is attractive but again this should be viewed as a separate entity from the demogame. donsig and other proponents, I'd be happy to help you get that started and perform moderator duties on those forums if they are approved.

What we are left with for Demogame 3 is a choice between PTW and Civ3. The major benefit of PTW is multiplayer and that isn't needed for the democracy game. The rest is candy (new civs, units, improvements). I am not willing to shut out a large number of our players just to have those additions. If anybody still has a compelling reason why we should use PTW then I will listen, otherwise I consider this a closed issue.
After the arguments posted recently, Ive changed my stand in this issue. I agree with using 1.29. Its the most resonable thing to do...
1.29 - Monarchy

that's all I really have to say on the matter
Originally posted by naervod
We would have a problem getting private forums here, but I'm sure they would be easy to get at CDG.

That's one way to get Thunderfall to put up a forum here. ;) Remember the MSDG forum?

"Let's give them a forum so they don't become refugees. :p" - TF

Anyway, I knew there would be a "Let's do what Apolyton's doing!" line again. Deity on Civ3 is both harder and easier than Civ2 (even though I haven't played deity on Civ2). The Civ2 demogame did it too, but, atleast in Demogame 2, you can get a tech just by taking a city (thus eliminating the need for research). Not as easy in Civ3.

We should go for regent or monarch, and probably a standard world. I think tiny and small would be too small. Maybe 8 provinces max, and most would be corrupt. On a tiny map, it's possible for all of the civs to be on the same island/continent, thus making for a VERY quick game. That's a case where we could consider respawning.
Originally posted by Chieftess

That's one way to get Thunderfall to put up a forum here. ;) Remember the MSDG forum?

"Let's give them a forum so they don't become refugees. :p" - TF
Encouraging coersion of the forum admin, Chieftess? Shameful behaviour... :nono:

There woudnt be much point in a privat forums as anyone can register and join there...
Yes, but what keps players from joining two teams under different nicks...
Originally posted by Sir John
Yes, but what keps players from joining two teams under different nicks...
ME :evil:

Anybody caught cheating would be permanently banned and their team would be penalized. Some people thought they could do that in the RPG during this game and found out the hard way that mods can catch DLs.
Originally posted by Shaitan

ME :evil:

Anybody caught cheating would be permanently banned and their team would be penalized. Some people thought they could do that in the RPG during this game and found out the hard way that mods can catch DLs.

Hehe... Shai, I remember when you almost banned me once for using a DL so I could check the forums in peace after the FNL incident... you gave me the option of deleting Grandmaster and using my other name, but I turned it down. Those were the days.... ;)
Originally posted by Shaitan

The idea of a multiplayer PTW game is attractive but again this should be viewed as a separate entity from the demogame. donsig and other proponents, I'd be happy to help you get that started and perform moderator duties on those forums if they are approved.

I have no interest in trying to set up an intra-CFC team demogame that would have to compete for with DG3 for both players and forum space. I suggested it only because there seems once again to be cries of *we don't have enough people in the demogame*. It seems to me DG3 will have to rely on alot of new blood. The choice seems to be between diety and monarch (or lower) levels. Diety would restrict the available strategies and dampen demogame participation. Monarch or lower will not be much of a challenge and carries the risk of losing players who won't feel challenged. The idea behind a team demogame is to maximize participation by attracting new players, holding the interest of the current players and maybe even getting some ex-players re-interested.
Originally posted by Shaitan

ME :evil:

Anybody caught cheating would be permanently banned and their team would be penalized. Some people thought they could do that in the RPG during this game and found out the hard way that mods can catch DLs.

Remember Boris? :rolleyes: (I bet Stuck does). "Permission to kick!"
I have asked Thunderfall about the feasability of a multi-team demogame. It is possible but not yet. When the Forums are upgraded to vb3 we can do it. That is expected to be ready in a month or two.
Originally posted by Shaitan
I have asked Thunderfall about the feasability of a multi-team demogame. It is possible but not yet. When the Forums are upgraded to vb3 we can do it. That is expected to be ready in a month or two.

Vb3! I didn't even know it existed! Back on the subject, I say 1.29, Large, Emperor, Continents.
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