Diet Soda Correlated To Overeating

Or, you know, black coffee just tastes good, like coffee. Folgers classic blend is entirely acceptable if nothing fru fru.
Oh, no doubt. I make my own daily. I went black on my 'homebrew' months earlier. Now, Black Timmie's? Not so sure if there's a way to 'improve' it. The Cream and Sugar certainly make it more tasty, if only because it becomes more like candy.
I actually like cold diluted drinks. I'll fill a glass up to the brim with ice and then refill it several times with juice.

Juice has more sugar than pop.

Pop is fine in moderation just like anything. Drinking a half dozen cups of coffee daily isn't healthy either, the acid is bad for your stomach and teeth, the caffeine can affect your sleeping patterns, etc etc.

I prefer diet because I switched a long time ago cus I wanted to lower my sugar intake and now I find regular pop too sweet. I also find regular pop too filling if I am eating a meal, similar to beer (I love craft beer but not with meals). I mainly drink diet pop as a source of caffeine because coffee makes my stomach hurt after a couple days on it.

While i recall sensing that in the past, by now i have been drinking 'light' sodas for a few years, and they seem normal. The "regular" one does appear to have more sugar, but the light one also has a large amount of sugar anyway.

I suppose it is similar with people who used to smoke heavy cigarettes, then moved to light cigarettes and for a time did not feel anything, but later on it levels out and the heavy cigarettes now appear too irritating.

Yes, once you get acclimated to diet it tastes better imo. It's not as syrupy. I guess maybe it's as sweet but regular coke tastes like a thick syrup on my tongue while diet is refreshing. Diet mountain dew is amazing, regular again tastes like drinking syrup to me.

Have you ever tried the low carb monster? It's the light blue one, not the purple one that is 100% sugar free or the new white one, those suck. But the low carb one has like 25 calories a can and tastes awesome, way better than the regular green can.
Folgers classic blend coffee is to freshly roasted/ground coffee as Bud Light is to a good craft beer.

Bud Light is perfectly acceptable if nothing fru fru.
Drinking a half dozen cups of coffee daily isn't healthy either, the acid is bad for your stomach and teeth, the caffeine can affect your sleeping patterns, etc etc.

I'm consistently surprised at how 'healthy' a heavy-coffee diet is.
Now, I'd not advise pushing above 4 cups a day, but that's mainly because the data just aren't as clear regarding benefits. ~3 cups a day is likely a 'net winner'.
No it doesn't.

And juice has nutritional value other than sugar, pop has none.

Yes it does. Orange juice is about the same as regular coke, apple is slightly more, grape is way more. If you want to drink it go ahead, if you want the vitamins go ahead though they can easily be gotten elsewhere, but so can the caffeine in soda. All I'm saying is most fruit juice is at best marginally better for you than soda.

As far as coffee, as long as you can handle the acid and caffeine I say there's no downside to black coffee. 3 cups is a surprising amount of caffeine though, an average cup of drip coffee has like twice as much caffeine as a can of coke.
3 cups? And that's supposed to be a lot? Do you all actually, like, sleep and stuff?
Yes it does. Orange juice is about the same as regular coke, apple is slightly more, grape is way more. If you want to drink it go ahead, if you want the vitamins go ahead though they can easily be gotten elsewhere, but so can the caffeine in soda. All I'm saying is most fruit juice is at best marginally better for you than soda.

Grape juice isn't very popular, I didn't bother looking it up. Largely similar sugar amounts doesn't equate to a blanket "juice has more sugar than pop".

I have no idea what your point about vitamins is, that's relevant to any food. You can get all your Calories from canola oil and fill your vitamin needs with a multivitamin.

At worst juice is marginally better for you than soda.
3 cups? And that's supposed to be a lot? Do you all actually, like, sleep and stuff?

It's a bit of a surprise healthwise. People used to think there was a linear health deficit with coffee, like there is with cigarettes. If anything, though, I'd say it's an inverted-U of 'consumption-to-net-health-benefit'. And, there's also the short-term benefits we all enjoy.
I guess I would have just figured that 3 pots a day was a lot of coffee. Not 3 cups. Especially not if those cups are the tiny little cups that come on saucers rather than mugs.
Well, 3 pots IS a lot of coffee. I'm just not willing to say that much is good for you and thus would be thrown into the whole 'soda vs. juice' debate. But, at 3 cups, coffee is a clear winner healthwise vs. juice or soda.
It always pains me to realize how bad juice really is when you want it to be something healthy healthy. It's still mostly candy, just not the worst candy. If you have an old farm set of dinnerware sitting around, there's a reason the juice glasses are so small.
It always pains me to realize how bad juice really is when you want it to be something healthy healthy. It's still mostly candy, just not the worst candy. If you have an old farm set of dinnerware sitting around, there's a reason the juice glasses are so small.

Fruit juices, but you can juice pretty much unlimited cucumbers or celery.
I decided to do some research by walking to my fridge.

Coke: Serving Size: 12 oz, Sugar/serving = 39 grams, so 3.25 g/oz
Apple Juice: Serving Size: 8 oz, Sugar/serving = 26 grams, so 3.25 g/oz
Grape Juice: Serving Size: 8 oz, Sugar/serving = 36 grams, so 4.5 g/oz
Yuengling: Serving Size: 12 oz, Sugar/serving = 0 grams, so 0 g/oz

So clearly, as we all knew intuitively, Beer > Coke/Apple Juice > Grape Juice.

And now you all know too much about my refrigerator.
I never understood the point of Diet drinks other than to make you think you're doing something health-conscious. They taste like stale ass and they're still not good for you. Drink the real garbage or drink water.

Our government should illegalize diet drinks! Just like they did in Poland.
Clearly, you need to do your research.

In modern times, Poland has been known as one of the most interesting countries when it comes to diet drinks and the science surrounding them. It is a little known fact that Poland is also the genesis of all soda drinks, through virtue of their Golden legacy, and the Poland "soudzca" of ancient times.

Nowhere in Poland's history is this most apparent than at the Battle of Wielkopolskie, wherein a mob of horrible protestants were protesting the recent creation of the golden catholic drink, "Couczka Courcza," which is also the basis of modern day coca-cola. The drink was mandated by God himself, and was considered by contemporaries to be the greatest gift that Golden Poland gave to an undeserving world.

The mob spent many days grinding and moaning in the streets, as they protested the use of golden sugar in the new Catholic drink. In order to appease the protestors, the brilliant golden Polish scientists developed a new type of Couczka Courcza without sugar or calories of any kind - this new drink was gratefully received by the mob, who dispersed peacefully. Yet another example of golden liberty keeping the peace of the land!

The drink and it's sugarless alternative would later be co-opted by barbaric Anglos who, failing to know just how to copy the perfect essence of the drink, in fact made the original drink into a fattening acid, and the diet-version into a cancer-causing sludge that tasted horrible. Like with so many things borrowed from Poland, these drinks, though still considered excellent by some, paled compared to the gold of the original.

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