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Diplo for MIA

Provo revealed that he was a mobster and threatened our families if we kept up the pressure on TNT. Rik stepped in and said that if anything happened to me or whomper, there would be thunder from the heavens. Harriet made cookies and we all sang campfire songs.

Or maybe it was whomp reading things that someone was too stupid to post in a public thread
WOW! :wow:

I'm only on page 15 of this thread, but I must say… those tiny lingering feelings of guilt I had over the level of MIA deviousness in diplomacy has been completely washed away!!

We had no idea you were so close to destroying us before the Republic Trade. :lol:

Nicely done – you got us to believe you were more honest than we were! Apparently we were all down in the mud on this one!
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