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Diplomatic Relations

Kickin'dabooti said:
For example, if we give the Nutters WC so they can head toward their UU, that is a tech that TNT doesn't have. Are we willing to give it knowing that it may be part of a D'Nut bargaining chip for peace?
Since we know what TNT and Donut have we are at a big advantage right now since they don't know what each other have. If I may use a term we can play arbritrage between them the two of them. 2 fers galore!!!!11!!eleven!1!
Bootilicious said:
Or do we simply let the war that has begun run its natural course and then size up the terrain on the other continent and go from there?
I say yahtzee on that!

bootiscrumptious said:
A) Do we (KISS/MIA) seek to engage ourselves in as active a defens of the D'Nuts as possible with the hope of propping them up to continue to fight TNT?
Sure if they think we can help which they don't as of now.
hootibooti said:
B) Do we 'hands off' it, allowing the war to runs it course with the understanding that the Green Continent will eventually take beligerent status against TNT?
That's the perfect world IMIO.
Boot ems said:
C) Just trade with Nuts and get as much as possible while letting them do their own thing?
Kickin' it said:
I would still like to know exactly what the battlefield looks like at this point. Two or three Immortals could wipe out the Nuts in a dozen turns.
True but with a despotic GA and it will take...20ish turns to get there.
PhiloBootlike said:
Also, for the experienced PBEMers, where does psychology fit in at this point? If it looks hopeless will the Nuts simply loose players through lack of interest. Will they take the attitude of "From Hell's heart I stab at thee," and GIVE stuff to MIA and KISS so that we can stick it to TNT? Would they actually become a vassal state of TNT for continued existence (better than death in real life, but not much fun for a game...).
They will be very angry that TNT did this and will do everything in their power to make sure they don't win. My .02
Shell question guy said:
Sorry, I'm just full of questions.

Remember, I don't contribute much but atmosphere :D
I love you guys, man! :cry:
that's 8 nicknames from the same quote!!1!!1!!11!eleven!!!

Niklas, that's me :D ! Ok, I'll make some adjustments regarding # of tiles, OK on camps and admin's ability to check if we are doing "legal" GH whacking in reference to the deal.

Here is what I send to MIA:
Spoiler :
OK friends, we have some desired adjustments to the deal. Since none of us has the other ones map, we cannot tell if it is a "legal" pop or not depending on how foggy the popping teams map is. To prevent misunderstandings and unintentional breaking of the deal, we suggest a screenie is sent to admins when we pop a hut without seeing neighbours borders. Admins can then, on request, confirm that it was a "legal" pop. We also feel 5 tiles is a bit too much and that barb camps always are OK to whack wherever they are. So, here goes:

Draft of the proposed Hut Popping Agreement

Ettiquette for the 'popping' of Huts Goody and Camps Barbaric.

KISS and MIA agree to the following ...

On discovering a Goody Hut which lies within 2 tiles from the known cultural boarder of either KISS or MIA, the discovering team shall inform the other team and await instructions on how to proceed. These instructions must be obeyed or the team will forfeit one turn.

The team popping a Goody Hut without seeing neighbours border should post a screenie of that event to the administrators so that they, on request, can confirm that the agreement was followed. Barbaric Camps are allowed targets anywhere on our shared continent.

Please revise this or just print it on that fancy pergament and we will sign it. Another deal to strengthen our continent.

All the Best
Daghdha of the Celts
I thought that that was you but wasn't sure... Amended version sounds good since the GH's will be gone soon and then we can just expand out the barbs
I don't like the barb camp part. If we had a barb camp two tiles from our boarder and MIA wanted to take it out. That is fine with me. Most GH should be gone by now. I don't think we need this agreement.
Sir Bugsy said:
I don't like the barb camp part. If we had a barb camp two tiles from our boarder and MIA wanted to take it out. That is fine with me. Most GH should be gone by now. I don't think we need this agreement.
I don't see how the "Barb camp part" can be to your disliking if you want the ability to whipe them out? That's exactly what is in there now.
We have contact with all three teams!!1!!!!eleven!!1! :D

I can't get to gmail right now... IT seems to be cracking down on "certain" websites that I visit... The man is keeping me down!

If someone could check the email on gmail and post it here that would be great!!!
This is the very Fine letter we just got from Da Nuts:

Gmail-box said:
Greetings to the people of KISS,

Our Curragh has spotted a fine band of your warriors on the shore fine
tuning their fighting skills. We come with the hand of friendship
extended. We are willing to trade some of our fine technologies for
some of yours. We welcome you to come and sit down with us so we can
discuss the possibility of a trade. We look forward to hearing from

Robi D

Foreign Affairs Consul, Team Doughnut
Oh, boy! This should become intriguing now, especially if we are IMing with multiple teams. Do we need separate threads to track discussions with each team? or would all teams by topic make more sense? or just keep them all together?

If we spend even half as much time diplo chatting with Dnuts and TNT as we have with MIA, it may be hard to follow and to remember who said what to whom. :crazyeye:
:dance: Nice. This is very good news!

I garee with Gram H. the only thing I would like to do is make sure it's a coordinated effort between threads. If we make up a thread for each country(the details) I would like it to be summarized here or Beorn's thread. There is an extremely good possibility of 2 fers here.
OMG, don't tell me I missed a page again :mad:

Good to meet them all. TNT and MIA are the only ones that haven't met eachother, right?

Separate threads would be a good idea, simply because of avoiding confusion. I'd say one thread for each team, and keep this one for summary and things that concern more than one team.
Tubby Rower regarding Whomp said:
that's 8 nicknames from the same quote!!1!!1!!11!eleven!!!


I am humbled by the attention. This is why Whomp is POTKISS. Long Live the King!!! :king:
A modest proposal.

I will in no way be offended if the team rejects this.

For team consideration:
1. there has been no reply to our howdy; this is considered quite rude (as in throw down the expletive gauntlet) in generally accepted circles;
2. he who has no name, but is generally despised, already hates me (us);
3. think of how much fun it would be if he had to put everything in single syllabus words;

therefore for team consideration, I request (i.e. tantrum with kicking feet) that I be named sole contact for relations between KISS and TNT for at least the next 20 turns.

cons have been detailed above.

pros, igor would have fun and do nothing without team approval. it would po the evil one.

I would however request that crakie and kickbooti be assigned as my (our) minders.

<igor waves the olive branch of diplomacy, does something unspeakable to it and runs cackling into the sunset> :crazyeye:

@mist - can I have a whilybird thingy for the beanie?
Alright, if the purpose of this is to have fun, I can think of no better way than the good Admiral's proposal.

Having read the transcript of the IM with Robi D, it seems like the D'Nuts are a decent sort. I know its early, and I know my animas for the Namless One could cloud my judgment, but putting some deep hurting on TNT sounds enjoyable.

I support the admiral's proposal with one caveat: We need to make sure it is wise to put the smackdown on TNT this early. If we have to deal with TNT - then Igor might get in the way. If we want to wave the bloody beer coaster of war - then I can think of nobody better than the dynamic duo of AK and Igor (with Crakie and I in the front row)

So my final word is I WANT this to happen really bad, we just need to decide if it SHOULD happen.

(Oh please oh please oh please)
My oh my do I feel dull, but I'm not sure we should totally screw our "relation" with TNT at this early stage. I would enjoy transcripts of a tete a tete btw the two certain elements enormously, but I think our options to manipulate this game will be fewer if we lock ourselves in a position. I would like the possibility of, in a rather sneaky way, switch positions vs. both Nuts and TNT. What could be an alternative is to pre-decide that we are "friendly" with Nuts and MIA are "friendly" with TNT. Our first contact with Nuts seem promising in that regard, especially when considering their approach to MIA. If we choose, together with MIA, to play it that way I'll vote for AK/Igor as TNT amb-ass-adors 8 days a week :lol: .
Moved from the turnplay thread.
Nikodemus said:
That's one concern. Another one is that (if i've understood correctly) MIA has let Nuts believe we don't really have that close a relationship. If we both learned writing on the same turn it'd look a little contradictory to say the least. So I'd find out if MIA needs writing right now.. if they don't, delay sending it to them a little.
I think MIA made it clear to Donut that writing was off the table, hence us researching it, but we probably shouldn't give MIA CoL or philo yet (which they really don't need). Then they can start on Mapmaking and it will look transparent when we get techs from MIA. This will likely need to be explained to MIA that we will gift them CoL and Philo as they finish other techs. Then it looks like we are tech trading with them.

It would also give me a lot more confidence in our farmers gambit that MIA won't suprise attack us if we hold these out for a little bit.
The surprise attack won't come from MIA... They have an average military compared to us. right now we have 6 warriors and 1 curraph. They have 1 curraph and presumably ~5-6 warriors/hoplites.

Although a stack of 5-6 warriors would reak havoc on our core, I doubt that they have their mini-SOD walking north and leaving their homeland undefended.
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