Do you like Germany

Do you like GERMANY?

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Some of your poll options are wrong, E-Raser.

the 4th one, "Da" should be spelt "Да".

Answer 12, "Hai" should be spelt "はい".

Also, I saw no Chinese answer. These mistakes are unforgivable. I will have to destroy you. :sniper:


Germany is awesome, by the way.
Well, judging by the poll options, y'all are cocky, and so that has swayed my opinion of your country enough to attempt a "no" vote. :p
yeah, the people from the 'big canton' are usually ok :smug:
nonconformist said:
Yes, we forgave you. Then you "visited" again.

...and again and agan and again. Although I must say, I do enjoy their cars (well, except for VW)
MattJek said:
...and again and agan and again. Although I must say, I do enjoy their cars (well, except for VW)

I guess it's time for another visit, then, hu? :evil: [tank]


edit: I can't beleive this - thery stole my tank smiley! It is time for a visit, but in the US rather than in Britain....... :mad:
Yes I like Germany for several reasons, one of them being that I am partly German(One of my grandfathers was in Norway on "vacation" 1940-45).
Do you like Germany

My true glorious and heroic spiritual homeland.

Despite the tragedies of the 20th century, the honour and pride
of Prussian blood and iron lives in my heart. When I stand on
German soil, it seems so correct and pure that tears of pride
fill my eyes. Deutschland über alles!

Hope this answers the question.
My favourite European country after the North, of course I like it! Now if you guys could just stop apologizing for wars you (as in; the current population) didn't take part in and place yourselves in the EU driving seat it would be great. :p
luceafarul said:
Yes I like Germany for several reasons, one of them being that I am partly German(One of my grandfathers was in Norway on "vacation" 1940-45).

Some vacation, huh?

Yes, I like Germany. Mainly because of the language.
thetrooper said:
Some vacation, huh?
You bet. Some of those stationed here was sent to the Eastern Front. He, as a fully fledged scoundrel, deseted in the right moment and saved his butt.
According to some, I am pretty similar in character to him...:mischief:
No speed limit in autobahn. :goodjob:
Thorgalaeg said:
No speed limit in autobahn. :goodjob:

bah, those places have become hard to find - and once you hit one there's gonna be a truck at 91 kph overtaking another truck doing 90.5 kph, overtaking (if there is a third lane) a third truck doing 90 kph. :mad:
I'd like to change my answer: I like germans, as long as they aren't anywhere near a car --> instant madness ;)
I lived 6 months in Germany at Nürnberg when i was 5, i only have good memories left :)

Went back during Collège in a students exchange program, i was amazed at how cool they have it at school! No school the afternoon for a starter..! I was in Kirchzarten near Freiburg, beautiful place.
I like Rammstein. And German beer. And Bavaria was nice when I visited. And the language is cool. And some nice people.
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