Does the AI ever beat their REF?


Jul 30, 2006
I've played through about two dozen games, all on average difficulty, and the AI has always been slaughtered by their REF. (Although I usually help out by taking a couple of their choicest cities myself.) Essentially an AI colony will try to take all of the political founding fathers while I build my economy. Then the AI colony declares independence without an adequate economic base and gets slaughtered.

Is the AI ever an actual threat to beat you to independence?
They seem to prepare for the War of Independence better after the latest patch. When I was playing on Marathon speed, Governor difficulty, George Washington declared independence around turn 600 and defeated the REF.
well so that aspect is back at least, I remember that from Col, another empire declared independance first you better follow suit immeditly, or you just lost the game
From what i've seen the comp almost never declares independence anyways... they wait until the bitter end, and yes usually get slaughtered. That said, I notice they fight significantly smaller REFs than the human player.
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