Druid03- The ninjas

For scotland yard to work I needed to add

communism , so after BW we will revolt to

slavery + state property

turn1( 4000bc)

Start on a worker in 6 turns due to +6 food

from great merchants . Research to pottery.

Having +6 food in city we can just work

cottages and mines . We need minimal troops

to take city due to sleath bombers. I want

cottages up asap. After pottery research

towards animal husbandry , bronze working

for resources. Either of the resource is

fine combined with collateral by sleath


turn2 (3960 bc)

In between turn automatically war declared

on all 6 civilizations.

Our spies reports

Wangkong (same continent)
building -archer 2 turns
research - bronze working -15 turns

Quin shin huang - (same continent)
building archer-2 turns
research -animal husbandry -10 turns

Stalin- (same continent)
building archer-2 turns
animal husbandry - 10 turns

Hatty - (continent 2 )

building archer-4 turns
fishing -5 turns

Ragnar -(continent 2)

building archer-4 turns
animal husbandry-10 turns

Monty - (continent 3)


Our submarines rapidly exploring the world

for circumnavigation as well as for

scouting. Our sleath bombers on recon

mission in areas surrounding capital for no

fog of war > leading to no barbarians ,

while warrior safely sits in capital .

turn3( 3920bc)

Recon covers a huge area. I don't want

whole con tinent to be reconed every turn .

We want lots of barbs to annoy AI . So I am

selecting a sleath bomber selecting recon

and clicking city square. Lots of exploring

by submarines as no AI is building fishing

boats . Used recon towards wang and found

his scout within our reach. Scout bombarded

to half- health :).

turn4 (3880 bc)

The scout continues scouting at half-hit

points so better stop reconing area to let

babas appear. Then bomb scout to half so

that he is eaten by baba animals . Our

friends change builds to barracks .

Stalin , Wang kong , Stalin finsish archer

in capital and start barracks. Is this is

normal deity reaction or because they were

declared on?. More scouting by subs,

particularly polar subs.

turn5 (3840bc)

Wang-kong has a gem mine next to his

capitaql with worker on it, it costs us

40-90% chance 200gold to try pillaging it.

Maybe if there is no unit on tile odds are

more. So wait .

turn6 (3800bc)

Wang's scout again bombarded to half-hp ,

he still hasn't found 2nd city. More

exploring. Wank-kong's worker finishes

roading grassland gem mine, when he moves

away we will try our first sabotage.

Monty finishes archer-starts barracks
Hatty finishes archer starts settler
Ragnar finishes archer starts workboat

turn7 ( 3760 bc)
An eventful turn . We have circumnavigated

the world and we pillage Wank-kong's gem

mine succesfully for 200 gold .

We pillage quinshi-huang's ivory camp with spy and

bombard wank-kongs and stalins spies to 1/2

hitpoints again. Our worker over another

started as our first worker starts building

road . Once pottery is done both our

workers will be fully busy as our city

grows like a weed with +6 food and flood

plain cottages. We start sending our spies

who have no good land improvements to

pillage in capital to the 2ns cities . Sea

improvements will be taken care of by our


turn8( 3720bc)

Our submarines find that they can't stop an

water tile from being worked !!!. I am

suddenly tensed whether they can pillage

sea improvements. Better safe than sorry.

Our sub's go to positions where they can

kill workboats before they carry out their

work. wank-kong finds a city which is in

range of our bombers so we bombard the

archers in city to 1/2 health along with

wang-kong's and stalins's scouts

Wang's worker starts mining the gem again. Our

sleath bombers have fun bombarding a lion

to half hit points :)).

turn9 ( 3680bc)

Wang-kong finshes gem mine. After worker

moves out to be pillaged. Both stalin's and

wang's scouts get bombarded again .Stalin

is still undecided about his 2nd city

placement. Damn !@#$%$%^&^ spies can't

pillage roads which warriors can do.

turn10 ( 3640 bc)

Stupid wang gets his gems mine pillaged

again. Stupid guy should have kept some

military unit over it. Monty finshes

mediatation and finds buddhism in his 2nd

city. So free border expansion for him.
Stalin's and wang's scouts yet again get

bombarded. Stalin setter-archer pack still


turn 11 ( 3600 bc)

Stalin's settler/archer gang strays near

bombers range and gets its due.

Double scout bombing again. Next turn pottery and cottages.

turn12 ( 3560bc)

still stalin doesn't settle !?. worker

startes cottage on flood plaain , another

worker will join the workforce next turn.

Then we can grow. The debate is animal

husbandry vs bronze working . Chariots are

fast cheaper and with sleath bomber support

can take over easily cities and we have

cows. On other hand BW gives us slavery

which is nice in ouir high food- start .

Axes get a free combat 1 promotion and

workers can mine. BW route gives us

production by mines and slavery ,

chopping.animal husbandry gives us more

food not needed right now

After deciding we go to mining>bronze

workig . Monty has an interesting situation

, here is his capital

. An all Flood plain city nightmare start

and heaven middle-game , end-game.

turn9 (3520 bc)

second worker joins cottaging and we let

city grow by starting barracks. Mining in 6


wang- BW-2 turns,
Quin - fishing-2turns over AH
Stalin- fishing 2 turns over AH
Hatty - AH-1 turn , ovr fishing
Ragnar- mining- 2 turns over AH
Monty - mining 2 turns over meditation.

turn10 (3480 BC)

hatty has an irrigated corn with a worker

on it. When he leaves we will pillage it.

Our first cottage online. Spot 2 baba

warriors archer near capital so bombarded

them hopefully leaving them in a perma

bombard state. ragnar has pig pasture

covered by worker, Quin starts pasturing


turn11( 3440 bc)

Finally stalin settles, in our sleath

bomber range .

We pillage ragnar's pig


turn12 (3400bc)
. Desroy a bombarded baba warrior in our

territory with 95% odds.

Pillaged corn of hatty. Build switched to granary.

Pillage cow pasture of wang and move our

spy on a mined gold of ragnar. destroy

ragnar's workboat as well.

turn14( 3320 bc)

We win a crucial battle at 81.5% odds of

victory defending with our injured warrior

our capital against injured baba

warrior.If we had lost it would have been

game over.Destroyed gold mine of

ragnar.Mining over Bw in 12 turns .Babas

have started pouring into the Ai


turn15( 3280 bc)

Our city grows to size 3 working 3

floodplain cottages. Pillage ragnar's pigs

again. Spy moving to sheep pasture of quin

in his 2nd city. Barbarians are doing the

pillaging job for us.

turn 16(3200 bc)

Pillaged quin's sheep pasture. Capital gros

to size 4 and we start a settler. Warrior

will be inserted in que after we mine a

hill. We bomb all scouts this turn when

they have finslly fully healed. So they

will start healing again .
turn17(3160 bc)

We bombard 2 scouts on a tile next to a baba

archer so that the archer can do the work

for us .

Our fourth floodplain cottage completed so we are producing settler

working 4 cottages.

turn18 (3120 bc)
Started mining grassland hill. Qin starts

sheep pasture again. One of the scout is

killed by a baba archer . Good

co-ordination between allies. I bombard

enemy units babas kill the injured units.

Good team effort!!.

turn 19(3080 bc)

Our ally archer kills the second scout too

good work mate. ragnar finishes BW and

starts masonary. We bombard wang kong's

and stalin's 2nd city garrison's to half

health to help babas who will attack.

turn20(3040 bc)

We work plains mine and 3 Fp cottages to

get warrior in 3 tuns and then we can

resume settler production. Ragnar gets his

pig pasture pillages again. Stalin's work

boat gets destroyed.

Playing extra turns since BW is in 3 turns

and depending on location of copper our

team startegy could change.

turn21(3000 bc)

Quin starts Iron working,wang sailing.Hatty

in deep trouble due to babas.

turn22 (2960bc)

Pillaged ragnar's gold and killed a

workboat. Bw and warrior in 1 turn.

turn23 ( 2920bc)

Copper is near. We start sending our

warrior towards it and revolt to

slavery+state property. Killed quin's



  • ninjas2.CivWarlordsSave
    116 KB · Views: 73
What an unusual first set.

Whats the roster?
druid, I spotted the setting for no tribal villages after posting my question. It makes good sense not to do it. My first thought when I saw how you'd revealed most of our continent using the stealth bombers was "kewl, now we can dash directly to all the huts" and was disappointed when I could see none. ;)

chessplayer, feel free to stick around and kibbitz. I suspect we'll be learning a lot about detailed city management under Deity's lack of bonuses. For sure, we'll have to be very selective about city siting and in deciding whether to keep or raze AI any cities we capture. I'm not sure 100,000 gold is enough to play this one using a Prince or Monarch mindset.

heh, I never thought I'd see the day where Monarch level play might be considered sloppy, but this is Diety, after all.
Wow, this sounds like fun. I assume I'm up next? (when there's doubt, I always assume I'm next ;) ) I'll pick it up and play 10 turns tonight.

Some thoughts occur from reading your report, druid:

-- Barbarians can spawn in areas you have recon'd in the previous turn. If I read the tips correctly, a barbarian can spawn in any tile in fog, even if you checked that tile in the preceding turn. So flying recon missions shouldn't interfere with barbarian spawnings.

-- Submarines can pillage fishing nets and get gold for doing so. I don't think they get experience points from sinking workboats (same as military capturing workers). I propose it will always be better to wait for the nets to get cast, then pillage them for the gold. There's no downside to waiting.

-- When you bombarded units, do they stop moving and try to heal? That's always been the case in my games that last long enough to train fighters and bombers but I've never bombed a lion before ... heh heh heh If that's true, I propose it will be best to not bombard approaching units until they are within safe striking distance of one of our units, ensuring a safe escape route if our unit gets injured (meaning we need to build defensive road networks around our cities). At that point, hit 'em hard then kill 'em. That way our units get some almost-free experience points while the AI keeps wasting hammers sending units to the slaughter.

This looks like fun!

1. druidravi(just played0
2. frankcor (up)
3. pigswill99 on deck)
4. ungy
5. open
6. open

Advice to team do not pillage tiles with units on them it increases chance of spy being discovered. Pillage only special tiles like pastures, farms on special resources , quarries , gold , silver, gem mines etc . Do not use spies to sabotage production not worth it unless when we are building Great Library and AI might complete it before us.

Francor find our second city so that copper is in radius without border expansion. Recon works differently. Recon gives you no FOW in the entire turn . So no babas sprout in recconed areas. One sleath bomber select recon and target our city central; square he reveals lots of tiles near the city but not enough to stop babas from appearing near the Ai cities. When baba archers , axes are attacking AI cities bombard the Ai city to help the babas win the battles.

When copper is connected keep 1 shield in axe and whip it for 60 shields >2 axes one for each city. First city continues working cottages while 2nd city can create the token military to take out AI cities.

We need only 1 strong production city for producing army. Rest of cities cottage spam and or/ generate GP's . Taking over continent shouldn't be tough with sleath bombers to help . Main problem would be keeping up with the Ai's in research .

Our research should be mystism(for monumnet in 2nd city), after mystism if no one has started polytheism ( Only monty had mystism) then start it ourselves to find hinduism. Remember we can check what the Ai researches by spies.

So far the Ai's have researched hunting , archery (freebie techs) , mining ,BW , animal husbandry , fishing for Ai's with coastal resources. Next player keep track of Ai's research and keep team informed . Do not research hunting. We will lose our ability to build warriors then .

If Polytheism not being started by any Ai go mysticm> polytheism otherwise mystism > agriculture > animal husbandry > polytheism > priesthood (oracle) >monarchy (free tech) . The strat is to produce cheap warriors use hereditary rule to allow capital to grow to size 20+ to work all cottages in capital. Cottage everything including plain square, grassland hill etc in capital . Sometime after writing we need to generate a scientist for academy in capital. Later with big cottaged capital+ academy + buearcracy our research will be huge.

edit: @ frankcor : we have a grand total of 2 warriors for 2 cities . So there was no way I wanted any scout to come and see our pathetic defences. It will change once copper is connected and we can whip axes .
Inherited turn (2920 BC): My first thought as I opened the game was “kewl! We have Industrial Age workers in leather overalls being guarded by nearly naked warriors. What a fashion statement!”

There wasn’t much to do because we’re in anarchy, revolting to Slavery and Representation. It took me several minutes to locate all our forces to double check to make sure none of our spies or submarines were sleeping. The health bars on the submarines are pretty impressive!

IBT: Wow, you have to have good eyes to capture all the action between turns. With 6 spies and 6 subs, there’s a lot of AI activity revealed with “Show Enemy Moves” selected.” At this point, it was mostly workers moving and barbarians invading around the world. I’ll bet it takes a lot longer when the AIs have build large armies.

Turn 1 (2880 BC): We came out of Anarchy and here was the situation in Kyoto:

I celebrated the end of Anarchy with a good old-fashioned whipping> I hopee we would get enough overflow to get a Warrior the following turn. We had bogies incoming.

Our spies continued pillaging our enemy resources. I’d like to hear everyone’s ideas about prioritizing what to pillage. I would guess strategic resources first, luxury resources being a close second. Is there any sense in sabotaging health and food? With 40-90% odds of success, we can expect to lose our spies pretty quickly.

Wang Kon seemed to be feeling a bit crowded at this point.

Too bad – that’s a sweet city site.

IBT: Amazingly, Kon’s wounded Archers survived and the city is still standing.

Turn 2 (2840 BC): Kyoto trained a Settler, started a Worker(1) (whew!). A Barbarian Warrior and Archer were at out city walls ... er ... I wish we had walls.

IBT: Our mine at Kyoto got pillaged by a barbarian warrior.

Turn 3 (2700 BC): Kyoto trained a Warrior, started another(4).

Our 1st Warrior of Kyoto killed the pillaging barbarian at 97% odds.

It was now time for Kon’s third city to feel a pinch.

That’s our Warrior/Settler pair preparing to found our copper city.

IBT: Our garrison at Kyoto survived an attack by a wounded archer. Wosan’s lone archer survived the barbarian stacks too.

Turn 4 (2760 BC): Osaka was founded:

You can see we arranged a meeting between a wounded Chinese scout and a wounded Barbarian. I’m sorry now that I bombed him but he had been threatening our Warrior escorting the settler. That’s a wounded archer standing on the rock outcroppings outside of Osaka

Turn 5 (2770 BC): We discovered Mysticism, started Masonary(6).

I rebased 3 of our bombers to Osaka. That permitted a larger Recon range.

Turn 6 (1772 BC): A Korean scout landed on the same tile as the wounded Russian one – both survived the attack by the barbarian warrior. Incensed by our plans failing, our wounded Warrior in Kyoto killed the Russian Scout himself.

Turn 7 (2680 BC): Kyoto trained a Warrior, went back to work on the Granary. I whipped the Granary because the city was unhappy. This is a problem – there’s no way to stagnate growth in Kyoto with all those Merchants.

Whipping the Settler may have been a mistake. We’re going to have to build Workers in order to keep the city under its happiness cap. I think we may want to prioritize building the Pyramids, possibly at Osaka?

I switched from the Barracks at Osaka to a Monument to pop the borders. I should have done that 2 turns ago :smoke:

Our still-incensed Warrior killed the Korean Scout. That dude has anger issues.

Our Spy in Russia was captured attempting to pillage a Farm north of Moscow. Ratz! Our first loss.

Turn 8 (2640 BC): Work began on our Copper Mine.

Turn 9 (2600 BC): Our mining operation was interrupted by the approach of a Barbarian Archer. Our garrison Warrior can only get 60% odds on him because he’s on a hill. The Workers moved off the copper to wait the outcome.

I stopped growth at Kyoto by starting a Worker. The Barracks had only 1 turn to go but our capital city would be unhappy again if we let it finish building the barracks.

One of our Warriors at Kyoto killed a barbarian Warrior attempting to pillage a cottage west of Kyoto.

I quit after 9 turns to have a round number year. Here's The Save: druid_BC-2600.CivWarlordsSave Have fun!
Looks like I started playing prior to reading your advice. Ragnar had already completed Polytheism before we finished Mysticism. So I went with Masonry next. Stone is available adjacent next to Osaka along with the copper. Do we want to try for the Pyramids?

I reconned our neighborhood every turn and in every turn, new barbarians kept appearing. As far as I can see, recon missions do not prevent barbarians. The steady stream of them arriving from ouir north is testimony to that. Unfortunately, with our 2 cities positioned the way they are, we've cut them off from the rest of the continent. boo hoo
good turnset , remember we don't need masonary since it is AW deity inspite of variant bonuses we need troops not big stones. If no one has started research on polytheism research it so we can get free border expansion in our 2nd city. Wonder we should try is oracle and getting monarchy with it. Monarchy helps our food heavy capital grow to work max cottages .

We revolted to state property + slavery . State property as I had to add communism to allow Scotland yard to work. So no distance upkeep from palace. So do not raze any city as we will not have distance maintenance costs.

edit :polytheism over, so better research to agriculture.animal husbandry> poly> priesthood and chop oracle for monarchy. frankcor there is a stop growing button at the bottom of city screen.

@ next player: check for those priesthood researches and oracle builders. Since we have good money pillage their oracle if we are going to miss ours since we have a large cash bank. Spies will be caught from time to time so use them to pillage food resource farms, pastures, metal mines . Sabotage only when there is no other unit on that tile.

Once we are reduced to 3 spies we can build additional spies in capital
as maximum game defined limit is 4. Our submarines have ability to carry spies to the other continent cities. Our continent we can keep in contol due to sleath bombers .

As we have huge food bonus not to waste food keep on producing workers and make them pre chop oracle around one of our cities.
It is discouraged to use stop growing in SG's and anyway, it just reconfigures your tiles to get 0 food. There is no way you can get 0 food in your super city.
It is discouraged to use stop growing in SG's and anyway, it just reconfigures your tiles to get 0 food. There is no way you can get 0 food in your super city.

But even if you are one turn from growing, if that option is checked, then the city will not grow. The food just dissapears.
Got it. May have time to play and post today. Definitely have time to play and post tomorrow(unless computer blows up, I'm struck by lightning etc.)
I'd build more units. We need to guard our improvements. Also check tiles being worked in Kyoto (should work two cottages).
I'm afraid that I'm not going to give a blow by blow account of the set. Lots of recon, lots of units getting bombed and weakened, workboats being sunk, only one act of sabotage (viking goldmine).

Despite all these wonderful and advanced units we still only had four warriors to do the defending and killing. Even with recon enough barbs slipped through. Didn't lose any units but 2 floodplains got pillaged. Did some pre-chopping and starting to restore villages on the floodplains. I've been working the FP cottages at the expense of production in capital.

In 2400bc the copper mine finally got working and roaded. I then discovered that warriors upgraded to axes for a mere 80gp so we ended the set with four axes and another being built.

Techwise switched to agric and AH as advised; now halfway through AH.

Barbs haven't taken any AI cities though AIs ain't having huge luck with improvements. No sign of anyone building Oracle. AIs continuing to expand regardless.

Happy is unsurprisingly becoming an issue (or rather the short supply of it).

I suddenly had this crazy thought. "Build the Great Wall" is how the thought went. We've got stone, masonry is half-researched. Once we've got GW barbs are no longer an issue for us (but would be for the AI) so we could soften defences with SBs and capture with axes. If its a nice city keep it (and not worry about barbs), if its not a nice city then raze it (and not worry about barbs).

The Save: http://forums.civfanatics.com/uploads/90414/druid_BC-2200.CivWarlordsSave
With Axemen, Barbarians should be no big issue for us, especially if they're bombed to 50% strength. In not too many more turns, most of the continent will be deffogged for the AIs in the south. I think our biggest problem with Barbarians is that our geographic location cuts the largest area with potential for forming barbarians (the northern tundra) off from our AI rivals. We are, in effect, our rivals' Great Wall.

I vote we let someone else build Great Wall while we focus on building a research-oriented economy. We do not want to fall behind Hatty and Monty in research (Ragnar got dealt the poorest hand of those 3). We do not want to be invading those continents with Macemen when they're defended by Infantry. Remember, our Stealth Bombers can't help us secure a beachhead there.

Have Russia, China or Korea discovered a religion yet? That would sure help us until we can get to Calendar. Gold and Ivory are the only 2 pre-calendar luxury resources on our continent.
lurker's comment: a very interesting game. i will have to watch...good luck
1. druidravi (on deck unless we have a new sign-up)
2. frankcor
3. pigswill99 ( played)
4. ungy (up)
5. open
6. open
How about if we use any automation during a turn-set, we place a sign on it to call attention to the other players? For example, put a sign "Avoid Growth" on a city when it's used, or point out a unit that has been given "GoTo" orders so the next player can check to see if the destination is still appropriate.
Question: Are we really going to take the full 100K? If so, the strategy seems pretty clear--wipe our continent clean with the bombers and axemen, keep most of the cities unless there is a much better placement, then cottage spam. Our subs will keep the other AI stunted somewhat and should be able to keep the AI away until destroyers. Do not sabotage the AI on our continent, we'll get them soon enough anyway. We actually will spend through the $ as the game will go a while so I wouldn't waste it sabotaging once the AI gets more developed.
Use the $ to run 100% research on a large empire and we can stay ahead of the AI even on deity. Should have choice of VC.

I would actually argue for building the Great Wall. Babas are going to be quite a pain and that will free up all our bombers for offense. I'd go mas next and hook up the stone. Plus the eng point is always a good thing, we could get lucky and pop an eng and get a key wonder.

I'll wait for some feedback before playing.
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