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Druid03- The ninjas

I thought I covered all loop holes by saying we can't use US till we discover democracy. Forgot to cover mass warrior > axe upgrade ala civ3 , warrior> sword upgrade :lol: . Ok new rule we can't upgrade any unit with less than 5 exp or which has not seen combat . We're getting the 100k. After taking over continent it would be a steady stream of our ninjas ala spies on invisible sub's to the other continent.

With our brand bombers we don't need Great Wall . Any baba unit reduced to half hp can be killed by our axe/sper/archer /chariot. Babas are just experience pots. Select 1 city for heroic epic and cottage every other city. Use capital as GP farm > wall street . Later 1 coastal production city for iron works. No more military production we require. Mass something like 5-10 axes/chariots bomb down enemy city defence to 0% and bombard units inside to 1/2 hp take over city , re base sleath bombers to captured city rinse and repeat .

Make first GG a medic 3 chariot as healing slows our city taking spree down more than combat odds/ instructer's higher experienced units . Chop out all forests for axes . With our huge food in capital we can mass workers > mass chop forests which anyways would be replaced by cottages. No need of barracks in new cities. Just chop axes directly . Only capital and or heroic epic city need barracks.
With our brand bombers we don't need Great Wall . Any baba unit reduced to half hp can be killed by our axe/sper/archer /chariot. Babas are just experience pots.

Yes babas can be killed like that but that takes bombers and units away from the main fight. Especially if we hook up the stone, the GW is really better value and then we can just ignore that area until we're ready. I won't build it w/o consensus but I think it is worth it. We can always go whack some for XP if we want to--it would just be good I think to be able to use all our bombers. Sounds to me like this strategy takes 1 SB to scout/FB, and one plus some units to keep the remainder under control. Given how many units the AI will have for defense I think better build the GW and use all 6 to pound.

Don't underestimate the value of the single GE point--since it comes so early there really is a decent chance of popping a GE which depending on when it comes could give us the pyr, GL, or boost for SL.

By the way, my prediction is that our spot is too big and we win this easily.
I thought I covered all loop holes buy saying we can't use US till we discover democracy. Forgot to cover mass warrior > axe upgrade ala civ3 , warrior> sword upgrade :lol:
Seems contrary to the spirit of things to build obsolete units--I would vote no building warriors anymore period.
By the way, we're doing some kind of odd improvements. Kyoto working 2 tiles due to unhappy, workers building 5th cottage but 2 unmined hills (one of them being worked). At this stage of the game with our food bonuses mined hills are important and I will correct that.
Also it is inefficient to whip repeatedly--20 extra unhappy turns not worth it except in emergencies.
To keep things limited can't build obselete units at all (once they become obselete). Upgrading existing units is not an obscure practice (tho its unusual having money for mass upgrades). Lvl3 as minimum upgrade qualification sounds reasonable for future reference.

I've already posted in favour of GW. Its fairly easily available and will allow us to focus attention on the AI rather than spending every turn scouring the map in case barbs are pillaging.

Edit: I was aiming to keep the forests for chopping wonders (hopefully with some kind of production bonus) and was thus using whip to speed unit production. I'm still a mid-level player and have a lot to learn about micro-management particularly at higher difficulty levels.
Ok go to great wall if it doesn't require much turning of focus from conquering our continent. By the way we need not bombard cities every turn . Use Bombers on babas on most turns and just the turn city is being taken concentrate on bombing cities. BTW since I have played the first turnset and don't know the current situation , how scary the babas are now my vote is for the player playing this turnset to decide on the great wall . Good luck. Since we are mostly CE mass whipping is discouraged .

@ frankcor: If any one keeps on stop growing its better he/she mentions in game report. And this being an Sg and 10 turns set I expect everyone to check all cities once a while.
OK--I'm up. I'll try and play tonight but may not happen. I'll go towards GW--obviously not far on a 10 turn set.
Edit: I was aiming to keep the forests for chopping wonders (hopefully with some kind of production bonus) and was thus using whip to speed unit production. I'm still a mid-level player and have a lot to learn about micro-management particularly at higher difficulty levels.
Nothing wrong with using the whip, especially as we have a rather unusual food bonus in cap. However, to overwhip is inefficient, as instead of losing 1 pop cap for 10 turns we lose it for 10+turns remaining of unhappy. You can check when looking at whipping--if it says 1 unhappy for 12 turns for example then we have 2 turns of whip unhappy remaining. 1 whip gives 30 prod. per pop. What you want to do is whip a unit so that it uses two pop--hence giving you 60 prod for 1 unhappy. However, you get penalized for whipping if you have no hammers invested so it can take some MM to get it right. This is ideally done every 10 turns (although I can rarely manage that). What you don't want to do is whip one pop when you already have substantial whip unhappy as then you are paying a lot for 30 hammers in lost production over time. Since we have 6 extra pop, Kyoto should be working mined hills which normally are compromised due to their lack of food but here are our best squares.
Anyways don't lose sight of oracle slingshot to monarchy . Lots of warriors in capital can allow it to grow to size 20+
OK- here we go.
2200 inherited turn. Switch Kyoto to max prod--trade 2c for 2h.

2160 sabotage near Uppsala.

2120 random bombing.

2080 same

AH in --mas (almost completed)

2040. Wang Kon is about to hook up horse. We bomb pasture.

Kill Egyptian WB. Remember it is better to pillage so wait to do that.

2000 masonry in--research poly. Pillage Chinese fishing boat--not sure if that is correct.

1960 send 3 axe toward Wonsan. Bomb pasture again. Egypt building stonehenge in Memphis. I guess that's OK

1920 Kyoto Axe-GW. Koreans build WB I let it go. That will be ours soon enough.

1880 Shanghai is building GW. Judiasm FIDL. Capture Wonsan.

1840 heal up.

1800 Kill Viking galley. Pillage Egyptian WB. Fog bust. Sabotage mine near Shanghai. Leave rest of turn.
Note: decided to leave horse near Seoul--I think it will be ours soon enough but can always be bombed if not sure
save is here:


  • druid BC-1800.CivWarlordsSave
    144.2 KB · Views: 55
only really important thing to do is Shanghai is building GW and will beat us w/o sabotage of some sort. I was planning to take out the other mine and then pop in for a look. Also planning to whip when we get close.
Took out capital of wang kong and another city. Now he is reduced to a 1 pop occ. Built Great wall and started on oracle ragnar, Hatty ,monty ,stalin , quin get pillaged a lot . 5000 more gold added to treasury. Lots of fishing boats pillaged. Continue working mines in capital till oracle is over take monarchy and let capital grow to size 20 with cheap warriors. Don't research hunting otherwise we can't build warriors anymore. Connect up the horses and use chariots to take over continent. Once oracle over whenever capital is growing build warrior at hapiness limits build workers. Cottage spam every city . pre chop one of the cities for GL with high food . A few chariots and more axes will be enough to take over whole continent.

Ragnar's gold mine

Monty's rice

Ragnar's fishing boats

Spoiler :

Logging by Ruff's Cobbled Mod Pack v2.0.4 (Warlords v2.08) - New Log Entries
Turn 56/460 (1800 BC) [10-May-2007 19:02:39]
Kyoto begins: Stonehenge (6 turns)
Osaka finishes: Axeman


Turn 57/460 (1760 BC) [10-May-2007 19:14:27]
While attacking in Japanese territory at Wonsan, Axeman defeats (2.20/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 98.5%)
While attacking in Japanese territory at Wonsan, 1st Warrior of Kyoto (Axeman) defeats (5.00/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 98.9%)
Axeman promoted: Medic I
A Fishing Boats near Moscow was destroyed by Japanese Submarine
Osaka begins: Granary (10 turns)
Osaka begins: Axeman (6 turns)


Turn 58/460 (1720 BC) [10-May-2007 19:40:20]
Tech learned: Polytheism


Turn 59/460 (1680 BC) [10-May-2007 19:41:55]
Kyoto begins: Worker (5 turns)
Kyoto begins: Axeman (35 turns)
Kyoto begins: The Pyramids (250 turns)
Kyoto begins: The Great Wall (79 turns)
Research begun: Priesthood (3 Turns)


Turn 60/460 (1640 BC) [10-May-2007 19:47:54]
While attacking in Japanese territory at Wonsan, 2nd Warrior of Kyoto (Axeman) defeats (5.00/5): Russian Archer (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in Korean territory at Seoul, 1st Warrior of Kyoto (Axeman) defeats (3.20/5): Korean Archer (Prob Victory: 94.4%)
While attacking in Korean territory at Seoul, Axeman defeats (4.25/5): Korean Archer (Prob Victory: 99.8%)
Captured Seoul (Wang Kon)
A Farm was built near Osaka
Seoul begins: Monument (30 turns)
Kyoto finishes: Axeman

Attitude Change: Montezuma(Aztec) towards Qin Shi Huang(China), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Montezuma(Aztec) towards Hatshepsut(Egypt), from 'Furious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Montezuma(Aztec) towards Stalin(Russia), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Ragnar(Vikings) towards Wang Kon(Korea), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'
Attitude Change: Wang Kon(Korea) towards Qin Shi Huang(China), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Wang Kon(Korea) towards Hatshepsut(Egypt), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Wang Kon(Korea) towards Stalin(Russia), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 61/460 (1600 BC) [10-May-2007 19:53:34]
1st Warrior of Kyoto (Axeman) promoted: City Raider I
While attacking in Japanese territory at Seoul, Axeman defeats (2.85/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.8%)
While attacking in the wild near Seoul, Axeman defeats (3.40/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.1%)
A Fishing Boats near Nidaros was destroyed by Japanese Submarine
While attacking in Japanese territory at Kyoto, Axeman defeats (5.00/5): Barbarian Warrior (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
Osaka grows: 3


Turn 62/460 (1560 BC) [10-May-2007 19:59:29]
Seoul begins: Granary (60 turns)
Seoul begins: Monument (30 turns)
While attacking in the wild near Seoul, Axeman defeats (3.40/5): Russian Scout (Prob Victory: 99.7%)
A Pasture was built near Kyoto
Tech learned: Priesthood
Osaka finishes: Axeman

Attitude Change: Hatshepsut(Egypt) towards Ragnar(Vikings), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 63/460 (1520 BC) [10-May-2007 20:05:02]
Research begun: Writing (7 Turns)
Osaka begins: Granary (7 turns)
Osaka begins: Axeman (4 turns)
Axeman promoted: Medic II
While attacking in the wild near Seoul, Axeman defeats (2.80/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.6%)


Turn 64/460 (1480 BC) [10-May-2007 20:10:01]
While attacking in the wild at Seoul, 1st Warrior of Kyoto (Axeman) defeats (5.00/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.9%)
Kyoto finishes: The Great Wall


Turn 65/460 (1440 BC) [10-May-2007 20:15:07]
Kyoto begins: The Oracle (15 turns)
While attacking in the wild at Seoul, 1st Warrior of Kyoto (Axeman) defeats (3.40/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 98.0%)
While attacking in Korean territory at P'yongyang, Axeman defeats (3.20/5): Korean Archer (Prob Victory: 93.9%)
A Fishing Boats near Novgorod was destroyed by Japanese Submarine
Wonsan finishes: Monument


Turn 66/460 (1400 BC) [10-May-2007 20:20:13]
While attacking in Korean territory at P'yongyang, Axeman defeats (4.20/5): Korean Archer (Prob Victory: 99.2%)
While attacking in Korean territory at P'yongyang, Axeman defeats (0.80/5): Korean Archer (Prob Victory: 76.7%)
Captured P'yongyang (Wang Kon)
P'yongyang begins: Monument (30 turns)
Wonsan begins: Granary (20 turns)
A Fishing Boats near Thebes was destroyed by Japanese Submarine
A Fishing Boats near Beijing was destroyed by Japanese Submarine



  • ninjas.CivWarlordsSave
    161.1 KB · Views: 51
Nice work, druid! I'll pick up and play in about 4 hours from now. I haven't looked at the saves in a while but I recall that Wang's capital had lots of food (3 seafood resources) and could well be the right place for the Great Library assuming there are sufficient trees around.
I took a look at the military situation to develop some kind of plan:

P’yongyang was like the bull’s eye on a target. Our army--uh ... exactly 4 Axemen more than what we need to keep one in each city--was scattered out north east of P’yongyang. All of them were wounded.

I know we don’t need a huge army but I wanted a few more Axes so we can keep 2 in each city on the front. To keep that front as short as possible, thereby, reducing the requirement for defensive/counterattack units, it made sense to keep the front on an east-west axis and drive it southward until we sweep the continent at its southern tip. To get an east-west axis, we’d need to take St. Petersburg and Pusan. At that point, we can take a look at where any new cities pop up and decide which way to proceed from there.

So kewl, I had a plan.

I should probably remind everyone that I opposed building the Great Wall because it would seal off the northern tundra and prevent all those barbs from harassing our rivals. Well, I was wrong. While my concern is valid, by sealing off the tundra, we can give the Barbarians time to build 1 or 2 additional cities up north (there’s 1 there already) and improve the terrain. Building the Great Wall also eliminated the need for any garrisons in our core cities beyond any warriors needed to raise the happiness cap. I think it was a very smart move.

I suggest that--until we eliminate the AI rivals--we bypass any barbarian cities and avoid bombing barbarian assets unless our units are threatened. Then we can take over operation of those cities from ... err ... shall we call them our sub-contractors?

After Writing came in, I selected Iron Working. P’yongyang has a lot of jungle to be cleared.

That same turn, we got Wang’s Gem mine operational adding 1 happiness, buying us a few turns to train some happiness Warriors.

Espionage: Egypt building Pyramids in Heliopolis; 43 turns at 1320BC.

The other Civs researched:
China: Sailing, Horseback Riding
Egypt: Iron Working, ?
Vikings: Pottery, Monarchy
Russia: Mysticism, Meditation, Priesthood
Aztecs: Sailing, ?

Sabotage: Aztecs were building Oracle in Tlatelolco with 5 turns left while Kyoto still had 12 turns for 386 gold. Two turns later, Tlatelolco had 6 turns left on its second build of Oracle while Kyoto had 7. Unfortunately, our Spy was captured in a bungled attempt at sabotaging the production again. :mad: Our Spy in Egypt also got captured. :mad: :mad: With the entire continent in range of our Stealth Bombers, our Spies in China and Russia were only snooping on cities so I sent them to replace their lost sisters.

We popped a Great General. I used him to promote our Medic II Axeman to a super-medic:

I deviated a bit from the plan:

I formed another mini-stack of Axemen and took a Chinese city in the middle there.

I’m going to suggest we don’t put Submarines to sleep or on guard. I found several sleeping at the start of my turn-set but I didn’t see that we had one sleeping outside of Seoul until my final turn. I sent him south to replace the one in China that is transporting our spy to visit Monty. That one can start patrolling the west and north coast of Monty’s continent.

Next, our Western force can finish off Russia then join up with the Eastern force to finish off China. It won’t take very long.

Spoiler Ruff’s Log :
Logging by Ruff's Cobbled Mod Pack v2.0 (Warlords v2.08) - New Log Entries
Turn 65/460 (1400 BC) [10-May-2007 21:34:27]
Osaka finishes: Axeman
Seoul finishes: Monument


Turn 66/460 (1360 BC) [10-May-2007 21:34:55]
Osaka begins: Axeman (4 turns)
Seoul begins: Work Boat (15 turns)
While attacking in the wild at P'yongyang, Axeman defeats (1.80/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 97.4%)

Civics Change: Montezuma(Aztec) from 'Despotism' to 'Hereditary Rule'

Turn 67/460 (1320 BC) [10-May-2007 21:55:10]
Axeman promoted: City Raider I
Osaka finishes: Axeman


Turn 68/460 (1280 BC) [10-May-2007 22:12:50]
Osaka begins: Granary (7 turns)
Leonidas (Great General) born in Kyoto
While attacking in Japanese territory at Seoul, Axeman defeats (4.15/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 95.2%)
Tech learned: Writing

Attitude Change: Hatshepsut(Egypt) towards Ragnar(Vikings), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'

Turn 69/460 (1240 BC) [10-May-2007 22:30:54]
Research begun: Iron Working (11 Turns)
1st Axeman of Osaka (Axeman) promoted: City Raider I
While attacking in Korean territory at Pusan, 1st Axeman of Osaka (Axeman) defeats (2.90/5): Korean Archer (Prob Victory: 80.9%)
While attacking in Japanese territory at P'yongyang, Axeman defeats (5.00/5): Korean Archer (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in Japanese territory at P'yongyang, Axeman defeats (4.35/5): Korean Archer (Prob Victory: 100.0%)


Turn 70/460 (1200 BC) [10-May-2007 22:48:26]
1st Axeman of Osaka (Axeman) promoted: City Raider II
Axeman promoted: March
Axeman promoted: City Raider I
While attacking in Japanese territory at P'yongyang, Axeman defeats (1.00/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 98.3%)
While attacking in Japanese territory at P'yongyang, Axeman defeats (4.20/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 98.3%)


Turn 71/460 (1160 BC) [10-May-2007 22:57:52]
While attacking in Korean territory at Pusan, Axeman defeats (0.40/5): Korean Archer (Prob Victory: 95.4%)
Captured Pusan (Wang Kon)
Korean Empire has been eliminated
Pusan begins: Monument (30 turns)
Axeman promoted: Combat II
Kyoto finishes: The Oracle


Turn 72/460 (1120 BC) [10-May-2007 23:09:41]
Tech learned: Monarchy
Kyoto begins: Warrior (2 turns)
While attacking in the wild near Guangzhou, Axeman defeats (5.00/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.8%)
Leonidas (Axeman) promoted: Lead by Warlord
Leonidas (Axeman) promoted: Medic III
Leonidas (Axeman) promoted: Leadership
Leonidas (Axeman) promoted: Morale
While attacking in Japanese territory at P'yongyang, Axeman defeats (3.90/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.9%)

Civics Change: druid(Japan) from 'Despotism' to 'Hereditary Rule'

Turn 73/460 (1080 BC) [10-May-2007 23:28:33]
While attacking in Chinese territory at Guangzhou, 1st Warrior of Kyoto (Axeman) defeats (4.20/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.1%)
Axeman promoted: Combat II
While attacking in Chinese territory at Guangzhou, Axeman defeats (5.00/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 96.9%)
Captured Guangzhou (Qin Shi Huang)
Guangzhou begins: Monument (30 turns)
While attacking in the wild near Guangzhou, Axeman defeats (1.00/5): Chinese Archer (Prob Victory: 99.1%)

Attitude Change: Qin Shi Huang(China) towards Stalin(Russia), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'

Turn 74/460 (1040 BC) [10-May-2007 23:38:22]
While attacking in Russian territory at Moscow, Submarine defeats (24.00/24): Russian Galley (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
Axeman promoted: Combat II
While attacking in Chinese territory at Beijing, Submarine defeats (24.00/24): Chinese Trireme (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in Russian territory at St. Petersburg, Axeman defeats (4.10/5): Russian Archer (Prob Victory: 96.0%)
Osaka finishes: Granary


Turn 75/460 (1000 BC) [10-May-2007 23:54:33]
Osaka begins: Warrior (2 turns)
While attacking in the wild near P'yongyang, Leonidas (Axeman) defeats (5.00/5): Russian Archer (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in Russian territory at St. Petersburg, Axeman defeats (3.25/5): Russian Archer (Prob Victory: 91.9%)
Captured St. Petersburg (Stalin)
St. Petersburg begins: Monument (30 turns)

By my count, we won 18 combats out of 18. Nice kill ratio.

Here's The Save: druid_BC-1000.CivWarlordsSave Have fun!
Nice going!

To be honest, I think the spot was too large. I think we'll win easily.

With 100K we can settler spam, cottage spam, and run 100% research.
We'll be miles ahead of deity especially with our subs whacking their navies and pillaging all their nets. Then we can invade with modern units and crush them easily.
I forgot to mention:

- One of the workers outside of Seoul is pre-chopping a forest in preparation for building the Great Library there. Keep an eye on him and stop him with 1 turn left. There are 2 other workers there roading the forests and can start pre-chopping more. I wouldn't chop any of those forests completely except for the grassland hill to build a mine and boost the Library production. Seoul had suffered from so much unhappiness, it couldn't grow at size 2 and spent most of my turnset simply working on a fishing boat. It's growing now and as soon as the boat is complete and the borders pop, it can start growing a lot faster. I suggest it start on a Library followed by GL.

- There is a Barbarian Axeman between Wonson and Seoul. I've left him alone hoping he can make his way to cause trouble for Chiha. Wonson's borders are due to expand next turn and I think he'll be trapped there. But depending on how the game moves him when the border expands, he could be in position to pillage the roads that connect Seoul and it's Gem Mine to the rest of the empire. Keep an eye on him -- he may have to be killed. There are several more barbarians trailing behind him but they'll be blocked from advancing south when Wonson's borders expand.

- I marked a sign for a potential city site west of Kyoto that would give us a good production city on our northwestern coast. We're going to need some good cities for building a navy. Six submarines can't possibly sink 3 or 4 stacks of Frigates and Galleons if they all come at us simultaneously.

- I noticed something disturbing last night. A Submarine was parked outside of Bejing. When a Chinese Galley left the port, it entered the same tile as our sub. Instead of sinking the Galley, the sub got repositioned 2 tiles away, outside China's cultural border and the Galley proceeded on to the next tile. Am I correct in assuming that our subs cannot be used to escort Galleons because AI vessels don't trigger combat with a sub when entering the sub's tile?
Looks like I'm UP. However I'm working overtime at present which cuts into my civ time but should be able to play sometime in the next couple of days. I'll post a got it once I've got time to get it.
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