Dry Docks, Shipyards Question


Sep 26, 2008
The dry docks and shipyards say that they give food bonuses to water tiles. I've built these buildings in all my games and have yet to see any increases in food production. My fisherman still produce the same as if there is only a dock. Is this bonus not cumulative?

On a somewhat related note, I've built an arsenal before too, and it says in the description that you can then build artillery units. I'm still only able to produce cannons. What's the deal with this? I would assume I should be able to build the same artillery that the REF uses.

Thanks for the replies in advance.
That confused me too. What actually results is that a dock adds more food to a water tile and when you replace it with a drydock it will still retain that added food, but it won't add any more.

If you look at the 'pedia for artillery you will see thay can only be built in Europe so that arsenal description is wrong.
Maybe if king captures your city then he is able to build artillery with your armory/magazine/arsenal.

The drydock and shipyard thing confused me too but now I build them only for ships.
I have a guess on the dock/drydock/shipyard thing. When you build the next level structure, it doesn't simply augment the old one, it replaces it. So when you build a drydock, the dock and its food bonus disappear, so the drydock has to have the same bonus. Its not cumulative, its just the same bonus repeated at each level. :p

As for the artillery, its probably just one of the many errors in the 'pedia.
It felt weird in the beginning as well...
The point is, these +2 food are not cummulative. A Shipyard replaces the Dock, so you dont get +2 from dock and +2 again from shipyard.
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