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Dungeoneering NES: This Aint Your Moms Basement


Jul 30, 2009
Dungeoneering NES: This Aint Your Moms Basement

Hello, and welcome to DungeoneeringNES! While I would not normally hesitate to call this a game of Dungeons & Dragons, for that is essentially what I want to emulate, it is not exactly that. There will not be a plethora of skills and spells, encounter and daily powers, like you'd find in suCH a game. Instead, there will be much fewer (and in my opinion) streamlined powers, and fewer yet spells, but if you use your imagination and creativity many skills and spells can be used very effectively, or for things no mere peasant could imagine. Without further adieu, let's begin.

Names considered for the NES:

D&DNES -- Massively Multiplayer Online Clustersex
DungeoneeringNES: Welcome to the Clustersex
Dungeoneering NES: Basement Edition

Concept: This is a role-playing game. You do what you want, and along the way you will be assisted or guided by a series of skill checks, to determine what your character is able to do.

To make a skill check, you roll a single die, and add any modifiers you might have. Examples would be your strength modifier; if your character is particularly strong, this will be taken into account when making an action that requires brute strength. An example of this would be bashing open a locked door, or yanking the chain around the neck of a chained dragon, misdirecting his fire breath. Another example would be your character trying to recall history or identify an arcane glyph; his intelligence modifiers and any trained skills he has from his past would aid him in this, in addition to the roll of a single die.

Role-playing: Playing the role of your character can be fun. Are you an escaped mental patient, hiding in plain sight as a rogue? A brainless barbarian with 8 intelligence who merely smashes stuff? Or are you a scheming ranger, with the sole goal of killing your 'allies' and stealing the treasure you've all just collected? While it is not necessary to come up with an elaborate back-story, I would ask that you leave OOC rivalries behind and just have a good time.

Example stats:

-Gender Race Class Level-
Representing -Player-

Str: [modifier]
Con: [modifier]
Dex: [modifier]
Int: [modifier]
Wis: [modifier]
Cha: [modifier]

Et cetera!

What I need from you:

1: Gender and name.
2: Your race.
3: Your class. *for fighters I need a Weapon of Choice chosen as well. (See Weapons Array0
4: Your alignment.

5: See the Abilities Array Table. I need you to say ELTAIN I CHOOSE ABILITY ARRAY #* and then assign those abilities to the slots you want, EG STR, CHA, etc. You can do it in any order that you want. I will apply racial or class-based bonuses MYSELF.

*Where # is incredibly important.

6: An extra language your character speaks. Everyone knows their racial language (except where requested not) and common, plus one other language.
7: Pick 2 Skills that you wish to be trained. (see Skills table)

After that I will whip up stats and post them.

Example of a beginner character:
Spoiler :
I am a male. I don't know my name yet.

Let's see, race: I think Dwarf sounds good, MR ELTAIN THE DM

I will also be a Fighter. Let's see, a dwarf fighter. Let's go with Hadhod Dimrinkles for his name. He is chaotic good, being a dwarvish mercenary who will do .. things .. for money.

I will go with array #2: 14 14 13 13 13 11.

Since I'm a Fighter, and my primary stats might be str>dex>con..

I will go STR 14, CON 14, DEX 13, INT 13, WIS 13, and CHA 11, being the dump, because he is an ugly mercenary, not a diplomat. He's also not stupid but I wanted con and str high.

Also since I am a fighter, I will go with Axe for Weapon of Choice. Let's hope I start with one LOLLOOLOL111

My character speaks Dwarvish, Common and .. let's go with Orcish, because he worked for a few orc tribes during his early years as a mercenary.

His skills should be Knowledge: Military Strategy/Tactics [wis?], and interrogate [cha?]. I think that is all you requested!

Some time later...

Spoiler Finished stats yay :

Hadhod Dimrinkles
Male Dwarf Fighter LVL 1
Chaotic Good
Representing Eltain, the Not-DM

Str: 14 [+2] |
Con: 16 [+3] | (14+2 from Dwarf)
Dex: 13 [+1] | Fort: 13 (10+3 from Con)
Int: 13 [+1] | Ref: 11 (10+1 from Dex)
Wis: 13 [+1] | Wil: 11 (10+1 from Wis)
Cha: 13 [+1] | (11+2 from Dwarf)

17 AC [10+7 from scale]
31/31 HP
2/2 Healing Surges
7 Healing Surge Value

Dark Vision, Stand Strong

Weapon of Choice: Axe (+2 to rolls)


1 Battleaxe [1D10 dam] [+2 WC + 2 PROF + 2 STR for rolls]
Scale Armor [+7 AC]
Clothes and shyt
Adventurer's pack
10 foot pole
Spoiler List of Races :


Dwarves are short, stocky, bearded, and often drunk.

They gain +2 Constitution and +2 Wisdom.

They have Dark Vision and are resistent to being pushed, pulled or otherwise physically moved against their will.


Elves are tall, lithe, dextrous, and hippies.

They gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Wisdom.

They have Low Light Vision and gain a +2 to Perception checks.


Half-Elves are tall, with Elf-like features and figure, and are capable of growing facial hair. Manly, manly facial hair.

They gain +2 Constitution and +2 Charisma.

They have Low Light Vision and gain a +2 to Diplomacy checks.


Halflings are short. Like, really short. Like, your mom. They are prone to plump, but are quick.

They gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Charisma.

They have +2 on Saving Throws and +2 to Bluff checks.


Half-Ogres are giant, fat, slow, ugly muscle machines.

They have +3 Strength, +2 Constitution and -2 Charisma.

They have +2 to Intimidate checks and when healed gain +1 more than usual.


Half-Orcs are large, muscular, and crazy.

They gain +3 Constitution, +2 Strength and -2 Charisma.

They gain +1 Initiative when they outnumber their opponents, and when bloodied [at half HP or below] can enter a Feral Rage.


Humans are human like. All of them are either supermodels or old hags.

They can add a total of 4 extra points to any ability score they wish.

They gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves.

Spoiler List of Classes :


-Clerics are magic users that specialize in the divine magics.
-Clerics have proficiencies in Cloth, leather, hide and chainmail armor.
-Clerics have proficiencies in simple melee and simple ranged weapons.
-Their key abiities are Wisdom, Strength and Charisma.
-Their Hit Points are 12 + Constitution score. They gain 5 per level after.
-They have two and a half times their level + 5 in healing surges.

-Clerics gain +1 AC, +1 Willpower, and +1 Fortitude vs opponents of a different Alignment.

-Clerics can expend their healing surges on allies or other creatures as a minor action, and gain +1 temporary Hit Points in the process.

-Divine Presence

--Once per turn, when a Cleric makes a melee or ranged attack against an Undead creature, hit or miss, they deal 1d8 + wisdom modifier in divine damage.

-Armor of Ardor

--Once per turn, a Cleric can expend energy to create a shield of devotion around the target, giving it +10 temporary hit points, which last for 3 turns.


-Fighters are combatants that specialize in the melee arts.
-Fighters have profiencies in cloth, leather, hide, chain and scale armor types and all shield types.
-Fighters have proficiencies in simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, and military ranged weapons.
-They key abilities are Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom and Constitution.
-Their Hit Points are 15 + Constitution score. They gain 6 per level after.
-They have two times their level in healing surges.

-Fighters get a +2 bonus to attac rolls when using their weapon of choice, marked on their character sheet. Weapons of choice (as opposed to Weapon Proficiencies) are based on weapon group, EG heavy blade, light blade, polearm, heavy blunt, etc.

-Combat Awareness

--Once per turn, or each time that a Fighter attacks an enemy, hit or miss, they may set that target as Marked. A Fighter may only have one target marked per turn. Each time the Marked target makes an attack against said Fighter, the attacker takes a -2 penalty to their attack roll.


-Rangers are fighters that specialize in ranged and multi-weapon combatives.
-Rangers have proficiencies in cloth, leather and hide armor.
-Rangers have proficiencies in simple melee, military melee, simple ranged and military ranged weapons.
-Their key abilities are Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom.
-Their Hit Points are 12 + Constitution score. They gain 5 per level after.
-They have two times their level in healing surges.

-Rangers get 1 free actions during ambush rounds.

-Rangers get a +1 on attack roles when dual-wielding or or when using a ranged weapon.

-Hunter's Instinct

--Once per round, a Ranger can designate the nearest enemy as their quarry. They may only have one quarry at a time. Each attack said ranger makes against said enemy gains +1d6 in damage, if the hit land.


-Rogues are fighters that specialize in stealth and multi-weapon combatives.
-Rogues have proficiencies in cloth and leather armor.
-Rogues have proficiencies in daggers, hand crossbows, slings and short swords.
-Their key abilities are Dexterity, Strength and Charisma.
-Their Hit Points are 12 + Constitution score. They gain 5 per level after.
-They have two times their level in healing surges.

-Rogues get +1 on attack rolls vs any creature that has not yet taken any action during an encounter.

-Rogues get a +1 on attack rolls when using daggers or knives.

-Rogues get a +1 on attack rolls when throwing weapons.

-Sneak Attack

--Once per round, when a Rogue has combat advantage against an enemy OR an enemy that is not aware of the Rogue, and lands a hit, using a crossbow or light blade, the attack deals +2d6 damage in addition to the regular damage dealt.


-Mages are magic users that specialize in the Arcane magic.
-Mages have proficiencies with daggers and staves.
-Mages make no rolls when attempting the use of an orb, staff or wand.
-Their key abilities are Intelligence, Wisdom and Dexterity.
-Their Hit Points are 10 + Constitution score. They gain 4 per level after.
-They have two times their level in healing surges.

-They start with the trained skill Arcane Knowledge, but can train it additionally in character creation for an impressive +10.

-Mages start with the spell Magic Arrow, which is a wisdom vs fortitude check, and deals 1+1d4 damage.

-Eldritch Anchor

--Once per round, a Mage can cast a spell which magically anchors any thing or anyone to any place the Mage desires. The effects last until a saving throw is made, or the Mage falls unconscious or cancels the effect.


--Once per round, as a minor action, a Mage can cause any thing or anyone to float, preventing fall damage, which lasts for 3 round after. It cannot be cancelled without magical dispelling.

Spoiler :
#1: 14 13 13 13 13 13
#2: 14 14 13 13 13 11
#3: 14 14 14 12 12 11
#4: 14 14 14 14 12 8
#5: 15 14 13 12 12 11
#6: 15 15 13 12 11 10
#7: 16 15 12 11 11 10
#8: 16 14 14 12 11 8
#9: 16 16 12 10 10 10
#10: 16 16 12 11 11 8
#11: 17 15 12 11 10 8
#12: 17 14 12 11 10 10
#13: 18 13 13 10 10 8
#14: 18 14 11 10 10 8
#15: 18 12 12 10 10 10

Spoiler :
Ability Score | Ability Modifier | Ability Score | Ability Modifier
1 | –5 | 18–19 | +4
2–3 | –4 | 20–21 | +5
4–5 | –3 | 22–23 | +6
6–7 | –2 | 24–25 | +7
8–9 | –1 | 26–27 | +8
10–11 | +0 | 28–29 | +9
12–13 | +1 | 30–31 | +10
14–15 | +2 | 32–33 | +11
16–17 | +3 | and so on . . .

Spoiler :

Examples of FREE actions:
-Speech; a few sentences or shouting warnings
-Drop or release anything/anyone
-Spend an action point to gain standard action
-Delay your turn in the initiative queue ["turn order"]

Examples of MINOR actions:
-Draw or sheathe a weapon
-Drop to the ground for cover
-Load a crossbow (notching arrows is generally part of the standard action)
-Open or close a door
-Pick up or stow an item
-Drink or eat

Examples of MOVE actions:
-Stand or wake

Examples of STANDARD actions:
-Attacks, spells, etc. Readying an action with a trigger for later requires a major action. Things that require major physical or mental effort.
Examples of MOVE actions

Each "round", combat or otherwise, grants you 1 minor action, 1 standard, 1 move and as many free as you like. Standard actions be surrendered for minor or move, and move can be surrendered for minor, but minor cannot be exchanged for any.

Spoiler :

Skills are used for skill checks, which your character makes when attempting any item. If you are trained in a skill, you have a natural +5 bonus to it. Having these skills trained are not necessary to use them.

Remember, these are merely examples, and you can have a skill trained in almost anything.

Long jump
High jump


General Knowledge

Once again, these are merely examples. You can use them, or you can make up [almost] WHATEVER you want.

Spoiler :

-AC is Armor Class, or the benefit you gain from wearing the armor.

In case anyone wants to know, armor class is determined like this: 10+your armor items, and if you're wearing cloth, add your int or dex modifier.

-Check is the penalty to physical skill checks that you take when wearing this armor.

-Speed is the speed penalty to physical skill checks and actual movement.

Item | AC | Check | Speed | Type | Weight
Clothing | - | - | - | None | 3LB
Leather armor | +2 | — | — | Light| 15 lb.
Hide armor | +3 | –1 | — | Light | 25 lb.
Chainmail | +6 | –1 | –1 | Heavy | 40 lb.
Scale armor | +7 | — | –1 | Heavy | 45 lb.
Plate armor | +8 | –2 | –1 | Heavy | 50 lb.

Item | Bonus | Check | Speed | Weight
Light shield | +1 | — | — | 6 lb.
Heavy shield | +2 | — | –2 | 15 lb.

Spoiler :

-Weapon of Choice is based on weapon group, EG Light Blade, Axe, Polearm, etc.

-High Crit weapons deal an additional 1d[W] when they strike a crit.

-Light Thrown weapons use Dex modifier instead of Str for rolls and damage.

-Loading ranged weapons can either be a free action or a minor one, depending on the weapon.

-Off-Hand weapons are considered light enough that should you have the ability to wield them in your off hand, in addition to a primary weapon in your main.

-Reach weapons are weapons of sufficient length that you can hit enemies a good distance away. Examples include spears and polearms.

-Ranged weapons are listed as such below. The first number: 40f/100ft, is the optimal firing range. Anything before that and the projectile will not have accelerated enough for full damage, and anything beyond, up to 100 feet, the second number, is considered slightly too far. Anything beyond 100 feet, again in this example, is considered to be out of range for that weapon, unless magically or otherwise augmented.

Simple Melee Weapons


Weapon | Prof. | Damage | Weight | Group | Properties
Club | +2 | 1d6 | 3 lb. | Mace | -
Dagger | +3 | 1d4 | 1 lb. | Light blade | Off-hand, light thrown
Javelin | +2 | 1d6 | 2 lb. | Spear Heavy | thrown
Mace | +2 | 1d8 | 6 lb. | Mace | Versatile
Sickle | +2 | 1d6 | 2 lb . | Light blade | Off-hand
Spear | +2 | 1d8 | 6 lb. | Spear | Versatile


Weapon | Prof. | Damage | Weight | Group | Properties
Greatclub | +2 | 2d4 | 10 lb. | Mace | —
Morningstar | +2 | 1d10 | 8 lb. | Mace | —
Quarterstaff | +2 | 1d8 | 4 lb. | Staff | —
Scythe | +2 | 2d4 | 10 lb. | Heavy blade | —

Military Melee Weapons


Weapon | Prof. | Damage | Weight | Group | Properties
Battleaxe | +2 | 1d10 | 6 lb. | Axe | Versatile
Flail | +2 | 1d10 | 5 lb. | Flail | Versatile
Handaxe | +2 | 1d6 | 3 lb. | Axe | Off-hand, heavy thrown
Longsword | +3 | 1d8 | 4 lb. | Heavy blade | Versatile
Scimitar | +2 | 1d8 | 4 lb. | Heavy blade | High crit
Short sword | +3 | 1d6 | 2 lb. | Light blade | Off-hand
Throwing hammer | +2 | 1d6 | 2 lb. | Hammer | Off-hand, heavy thrown
Warhammer | +2 | 1d10 | 5 lb. | Hammer | Versatile
War pick | +2 | 1d8 | 6 lb. | Pick | High crit, versatile


Weapon | Prof. | Damage | Weight | Group | Properties
Falchion | +3 | 2d4 | 7 lb. | Heavy blade | High crit
Glaive | +2 | 2d4 | 10 lb. | Heavy blade, polearm | Reach
Greataxe | +2 | 1d12 | 12 lb. | Axe | High crit
Greatsword | +3 | 1d10 | 8 lb. | Heavy blade | —
Halberd | +2 | 1d10 | 12 lb. | Axe, polearm | Reach
Heavy flail | +2 | 2d6 | 10 lb. | Flail | —
Longspear | +2 | 1d10 | 9 lb. | Polearm, spear | Reach
Maul | +2 | 2d6 | 12 lb. | Hammer | —

1. Halberd; 2. Longbow; 3. Handaxe; 4. Short sword; 5. Shortbow; 6. Longsword; 7. Maul; 8. Greataxe; 9. War pick; 10. Bastard sword;
11. Warhammer; 12. Flail; 13. Battleaxe; 14. Throwing hammer; 15. Scimitar; 16. Glaive​

Simple Ranged Weapons


Weapon | Prof. | Damage | Range | Weight | Group | Properties
Hand crossbow | +2 | 1d6 | 30ft/60ft | 2 lb. | Crossbow | Load free
Sling | +2 | 1d6 | 30ft/60ft | 0 lb. | Sling | Load free


Weapon | Prof. | Damage | Range | Weight | Group | Properties
Crossbow | +2 | 1d8 | 45ft/90ft | 4 lb. | Crossbow | Load minor

Military Ranged Weapons


Weapon | Prof. | Damage | Range | Weight | Group | Properties
Longbow | +2 | 1d10 | 60ft/120ft | 3 lb. | Bow | Load free
Shortbow | +2 | 1d8 | 45ft/120ft | 2 lb. | Bow | Load free, small

YEAH I'm gonna go ahead and change that reserve to something else.
Edited for reasons
Go ahead and post. AESOP!

Male Human Fighter, Level 1
Neutral Evil
Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Blade
Representing talonschild
Ability Array 5: 15, 14, 13, 12, 12, 11: STR, WIS, CHA, CON, DEX, INT
Racial Bonuses: +2 STR, +1 CHA, +1 CON
STR: 17 (15+2)
INT: 11
WIS: 14
DEX: 12
CHA: 14 (13+1)
CON: 13 (12+1)
Bonus Language: Don't care, assign at random
Skills: Diplomacy, Fighting Multiple Opponents At Once
Only 2 skills at the start, except for mages. Also, I will wait until you are decided on a character to whip up stats.
OOC: I'd argue that this type of game would best work in an actual, real-time chat environment. Have you considered using our resources to run a campaign for players on the IRC server? We have a dice bot, among other things, for just that purpose.
I have, but I want people who would normally be asleep at the times I could host to be able to participate. I am not saying you're wrong, but I thought about it and think I'd prefer to do it this way. Thank you for your input, Lucky. It is appreciated.

Edit: I see now that a character has been edited and decided upon. I will get to work then.
Healyana Maior
Female Human Cleric, Level 1
Lawful Evil
Ability Array #15: 18 12 12 10 10 10
Str - 12 +4 (Human)
Con - 10
Dex - 10
Int - 12
Wis - 18
Cha - 10
Skills: Intimidate, Puzzle-solving
Languages: Common, Ancient Eldritch Runes of Doom(?)
I have, but I want people who would normally be asleep at the times I could host to be able to participate. I am not saying you're wrong, but I thought about it and think I'd prefer to do it this way. Thank you for your input, Lucky. It is appreciated.

Edit: I see now that a character has been edited and decided upon. I will get to work then.

OOC: How will this game be run? Will you roll dice as required? Will the players write stories or short descriptions of theirs actions, requesting skill checks from you as they go? Will people be forced into parties, as is traditional? What does the world look like? How will it behave? Is it traditional high fantasy or something more? How will you keep people in line from abusing actions or gaining treasure?

Normal. Yes. No. Partially. We'll see. Normal? Something more. Chugga chugga, choo choo.
Oh, the poor schmuck who tries to be Good...

LoE - You have one 12 too many and one 10 too few.

Likewise, yours is confusing to me. You want #6 in the order STR, WIS, CHA, CON, DEX, INT?
Well, #6 is 15, 15, 13, 12, 11, 10, but you have listed 15, 15, 13, 12, 12, 11 + modifiers.
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