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Dungeons & Dragons: Mystara

try either the Links in post # 454 or #456.
darkedone02 said:
i downloaded it and give me a damage or unformatted error...
I'm going to try to get the downloading issues taken care of soon, but I've always been bad about saying "soon" and then not getting done "soon." A problem I have been trying to get past for a while.
I would just like to say that my girlfriend and I thoroughly enjoy this mod. It's actually our first (because we got bored with plain C3C, which we've been playing since the beggining of December). So thank you, for making this really pretty and well-developed mod.

A few things that I love about it are the noticeable differences between civs (in terms of units, worker actions, tech trees, etc.) The original game would have benefitted from that a bunch.

Two problems we had, though (and I know this mod is no longer being developed, but still curious), are listed below.

First, there was a chronic problem with a swordsmanfortify sound file. We fixed it by copying the file over into the directory were the sound was supposed to be found, and the errors went away.

The other thing is that we noticed the Thoth-Ath have a misfunctioning unit, it seems. There's a shaman unit that is unique to the Jennites, and in the Civlopedia it mentions that they're advisors and they can be used to build armies. It's kind of silly, though, because they end up being a 1/1 unit that you get every so often and they aren't really very helpful at all. I think I could play with this in the editor to get it working it right, but I was just curious if anyone had noticed this before or if we just don't understand how to use the unit correctly.

Thanks again for still keeping an eye on your old post, and I hope you take some pleasure in knowing that even after so much time has passed, there are still players who are relatively new to Civ 3 and to your mod, and that they appreciate what you've done. Super neat. ^^

Thanks, I do appreciate that. This thing took me 2 years to make and it would never have been done with some of the help I got. Arghis recon1591 and several unit makers out there. They all did great work to help me get this thing in working condition. THere are a couple things that have come up after the mod was released that are problems, including that shaman thing. I get e-mails from one of the beta testers who still only plays this mod. Thanks for the compliments.
i have downloaded this mod several times and it appears that the pediaIcons text file is incomplete, everytime i try to load it finds a missing entry in this file, i add teh necessary entry and it find another and so on. instead of just adding more and more filler entries i was wondering if you could just post the correct file here?
This mod looks fantastic! But I have to third what Zapata78 and Son of Heaven said - I too get the PediaIcons missing file error and the game exits. I may not be extracting correctly though...everyone seems to have this ...Infogrames folder in which Civ3 is installed, but my Civilization 3 is installed in the root of a secondary hard drive. I've extracted to Civilization 3, no luck. When I tried one level up, and just extracted to the root, I got a Mystara folder by itself. It doesn't help that in one place (in this thread) instructions say to download to Civ3, someplace to download to Civ3/Conquests, and elsewhere there's reference to instructions on a mysterious Downloads page that I can't find. I have managed to install a couple of other mods successfully.

So what I've got is D:/Civilization 3/Conquests etc. Exactly where do I extract these mod files (I have the single huge *.rar). Thanks...I'm really eager to play this mod.
Okay, it's so great to see that I'm not the only gamer left still playin Civ3. Hell I still play Civ 2 occasionally, and I just bought Test of Time. Each one of the Civ games (and Alpha Centauri, if it worked for Windows XP) are each an incredibly unique game with countless years worth of replay value due to their unmatched ability to be modified. Mods are absolutely what I love the most about these games. Never has a modpack enticed me this much since the impossible to now find Star Trek mod for Civ 2 on the (now defunct) Ultimate Civ 2 site. And never before have I gotten more frustrated with trying to get a mod to work before. So one HUGE (but actually really tiny, seems to be about 225kb or so) request for me and the others that have posted about this (and the even more who don't have accounts and/or haven't found the download link yet because it's on the 23rd page of this thread), please could someone either:
a. Upload the correct PediaIcons.txt file to the thread
b. Send me a PM or message so we can arrange to have the file emailed to me.

This is totally bogus that a mod this friggen huge is implayable without hours of work rebuilding that damn file. There has to be someone on here who still has it. I realize that the creator is very busy these days and kind of out of the scene now. Understandable, people have their lives. But I find it so hard to believe that it's impossible for anyone to put a tiny file on here to complete what Recon1591 did by hosting the whole thing back in December. Unless I haven't figured something out yet, that means that no new people since who knows how long ago have been able to play this highly recomended mod.
I hope this will help Zapata and SoH as well as you, Vulchor, cause I do finally have the mod running fine, and it may not be that difficult a fix. The problem doesn't really seem to be with the PediaIcons file, it's rather with a couple of unaccounted for errors in the original Civ file. For convenience, I'll call the root file Civ3 -- mine's called Civilization 3, but I'll use Civ3 for brevity; use whatever your base folder is called.

First, make sure the two D&D .biq files (in the D&D text folder) are in the Civ3\Conquests\Scenarios folder. Also within that folder should be the D&D-Mystara folder, with all its subfolders. If you've been able to select D&D from the Civ Content menu, you're okay here.

Next, go to your Civ3 folder (mine's called Civilization 3, but I'll use Civ3 for brevity; use whatever your base folder is called). In Civ3\Art\Units\Swordsman, find a file called SwordmanFortify .wav -- right, there's a space before the separator. Copy it someplace else (I used my base Civ3 folder) and rename the copy SwordmanFortify.wav (without that pesky space). Copy the renamed file back to the Civ3\Art\Units\Swordsman folder. Now you have two SwordmanFortify files -- one with a space and one without. This alone may solve the problem. Try it out by running the mod, cause the last step is time-consuming, but may be necessary if you don't have the outer Infogrames folder (I don't) and you're still getting those errors.

You should now be good to go. Note that InfantryDeath .wav in the original Infantry folder is similarly misnamed, but I haven't fixed mine and it seems to be working okay (but it doesn't look like D&D uses the Infantry files). I haven't checked, but I suspect the original PediaIcons files took the spaces into account.

I did take one additional step, but I'm virtually certain it was unnecessary, so I won't document it. If you still error out of the game though, post here with the name of the item that's cited in the error message, and I'll check to see if it appears the last step I took would be helpful (it won't take hours though -- only about 20 minutes).

Yeah, it's a pain (and the last step I mentioned above is time-consuming, but really easy -- shouldn't be necessary though), but worth the minor inconvenience to have this great mod up and running. I'm having a blast with it....

And thanks to Lord Helmchen for clarifying where to extract the files to.
Thanks for trying to help Whipsilk, but I changed the SwordmanFortify .wav file like you said, and I'm still getting an error. The error that I get has to do with a missing entry in the PediaIcons.txt file for ICON_BLDG_Timber_Palisade. I confirmed that no where in the PediaIcons.txt file is there an entry to for that. Nor can I find what was supposed to be there so that I could rebuild it. I'm at a complete loss, and very jealous that your having an awesome time playing this bad ass mod. I would much so appreciate some help with this. Thank you again Whipsilk. Zapata. Son of Heaven, are you guys still having trouble too?
Well, actually, the TimberPalisades error was the first error I got. In my case, it was because I had extracted the files to the wrong place, or the wrong way. Try deleting all the D&D folders/files from Civ3 and extract again directly to Civ3\Conquests\Scenarios. You'll have to move the two .biq files from the text folder directly into the Scenarios folders. And as someone else has said (I think it was the author), you won't be able to just move the folders (which is what I had done at first) -- for some reason you actually have to extract to the right place to begin with. After I did that, I no longer saw the TimberPalisades error. You're right...there's no entry for TimberPalisades in the PediaIcons; I have no idea where that entry came from or why it's no longer an issue, but my suspicion is that TimberPalisades isn't actually used by D&D-Mystara, and that the game is actually trying to reference the wrong PediaIcons file because the one for the mod is in the wrong place.

You may also end up having to take the final step I took. In the D&D-Mystara\Art\Units folder, you'll find a bunch of folders that end in the word ...Orig (about 12 or 15 I think). They only contain .ini files. I actually hunted those folders down in their original spots (some are in Civ3, some in C3PTW, and some in Conquests) and copy the appropriate folder to the D&D-Mystara\art\units folder. In a couple of cases you may have to look at the ini file itself to determine what original folder to copy.

And I understand your frustration. It almost seems that every mod installs slightly differently, and that's an issue that many don't address well. And it's the install that seems to make all the difference between success and frustratingly unhelpful error messages. I've got four mods installed now...each one installed slightly differently, and none that I recall were really clear on installation. Two of 'em required help from the forums (but at least people here DO try to be helpful -- apparently lots of people still play Civ3).

If you simply cannot get D&D to work, try the WarHammer mod. Practically a new game, with a huge number of modifications (even more than D&D as far as I can tell) and enormous fun. And as I recall, I didn't have any installation issues with that one.

Good luck! Let us know how you make out.
Nope still doesn't work. I still get that pediaicons error with the Timber Palisades. The only question I'm wondering is when you copied the Orig files, did you overwrite the ini files too?

I just found out I can play the game when I set it to random map, but just not when I try the world map. Odd huh?? So I'm just gonna have to go with that. Thanks for the help though. If anyone else has any ideas, let me know.

peace all
As I'm a bit of a perfectionist, I had one more question for you whipsilk? You are using the large download that was on page 24 of this thread, correct? THe reason I wonder is because I reread the discussion between tjedge1 (the creator) and jimkirk on page 4 and 5 and tjedge said that the original rar file was created with the full path. Winrar tells me that the path on the rar that I have was just for the subdirectory D&D-Mystara and it's subdirectories. I wonder if maybe I'm missing some files that were supposed to written into higher directories. Do you know at all?? Appreciate your help so much man, thank you. And anyone else that still pay attention to this thread, any ideas?
Hi again Vulchor - Didn't have to overwrite the ini files in the Orig folder, cause I didn't copy the files, I copied the folders. So in my D&D-Mystara\Art\Units folder, I have a Settler Orig folder (with the single ini file) and a Settler folder (copied from the base Civ3), etc.

And yes, I was using the single large rar file. I got very frustrated with the instructions cause they all assumed I had Civilization 3 in an Infogrames folder, which I don't. It was Lord Helmchen who gave me the answer to that issue. As he recommended, I extracted the rar file directly to Civ3\Conquests\Scenarios. And in fact, that's why I assumed I did need to copy all those folder for the ...Orig references. I thought the ini files might have references to the original game that included an Infogrames folder. I have no idea whether any files needed to be written to a higher level folder, but I suspect not -- probably it's just the references in places like PediaIcons and the ini files.

I actually haven't tried the World Map -- I tend to prefer playing on huge random maps. I might still have a problem there. Maybe I'll try it this weekend.

fantastic mod! But where is the download link???

And are there any completed scenarios available?

thanks Whipsilk, that worked, between the swordsman fix and re-extracting the mod straight to the scenarios dir instead of moving it their after extracting, everything is working now. So again thanks alot for the help.
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