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Earth 192x120

I love this map. Thank you so much for the work you put into it, however, I've run across 2 bugs you might not be aware of.

Playing as the Americans, the city of Cleveland has a text/graphical error.


I noticed that none of my military can go above level 4. They get stuck at 10/17 Experience and will not gain any more experience no matter how many I killed.

To prove to myself I wasn't crazy, I placed 1 Modern Armor Tank onto Australia, where there were no less than 40 Barbarian Wariors. By the time I had finished clearing off the Continent, I was still sitting at 10/17.

Other than those two issues and the amount of lag, this is the best map/mod I have ever played.

If you think that reloading or re-downloading will help clear the text/graphical error and the Experience Promotions, then let me know and I can do that.

I noticed that none of my military can go above level 4. They get stuck at 10/17 Experience and will not gain any more experience no matter how many I killed.

Actually your units never get experience for defeating barbarians if they reach level 4;)
Try to kill a number of "normal" units, like 10 English Infantries, and see what happens.
NOTE: if you try to kill 40 English warriors with your Modern Armor you won't get experience points either when you reach a certain level because it is too easy for your Modern Armor to kill them.
I've just uploaded an update for 3.13 with the starting techs restored and Cleveland corrected. Sorry it took so long ;)

Ho1 : 34 civs would be great but my pc freaks out with anything over 32 ...someone might be able to make it happen. I can provide a 34 civ .dll if anyone wants it.

Szbolcs : Try the Random18 version, It should be what you need. Just delete/change the civ entries at the beginning of the .wbs file to the ones you want (you'll need at least 2 civs for the game to start).

asdvbn : When I tried to conquer mainland Europe as England it was my undoing so it sounds like you did well. I haven't experimented much with different resource placements yet...probably worth trying some more metals in Europe.
Civiman + Illram : I knew I'd miss something :hammer2: That explains why it was so easy to get the first religion as England, should really have been beaten to it. Fixed now. Thanks for reporting it.

Shogun : Have you noticed if it crashes while saving? if so the latest graphics card drivers should fix it.

Illram + Enter : In general I've been basing balance decisions on the success or not of the ai, and so far they all seem to have a fair chance but that might change with the reintroduction of starting techs and it would be nice to give everyone a decent start if possible.
I haven't thought much about Unique units/buildings etc. In theory I'm hoping civs not having easy, immediate access to certain resources will stimulate trade/exploration/war etc. but some civs aren't doing as well as they should; Egypt do seem quite weak and usually get owned by the other African civs and they should definitely have access to horses but I'm wondering if they should have a better start position too - perhaps further north with Cairo as their capital?
I was worried Russia's start location was too challenging, did you think it was easy? and yeah the middle east's chaotic isn't it. I'm not sure what can be done (like RL).

Dutchking : :)

Chizzy : Civ 4 is extremely moddable and there are lots of great tutorials and threads on this site covering all aspects. I'll help if I can but as I've said I can't load 34 civs + this map, despite managing 67 with CivGold on a custom planetary size map :eek:

TheSASMan : lol Thanks.

Gaius : I'm hoping the 'random' maps will be good for modding, they've only got resources pre-placed (no start locations or barbarians). Odyssey gamespeed is entirely optional (it tends to be more demanding with so many more units moving around and won't be suitable for all mods or PCs) but it seems for now that the 'Planetary' map size needs to be declared by a mod for the map to load. I'm not sure why. I've made some notes in modding.txt in the readme folder.

Cassius : Nice one. I've updated to 3.13 without Bhruic's mod so now there's a choice. I'm using yours for now, it's just too tempting to sell 30 fish to my closest rival :mischief:...safer to not have the option.

Rowdy : Thank you. Cleveland's now correct ( the txt_key entry was missing the D so when I added it, it no longer referred). Please re-download if you'd like the fixed version (now for 3.13 with starting techs restored). Saved games should still work.
I must confess that I had grown fond of starting with no technologies. It made for some very interesting games. You might want to consider this as an option.
Glad to be of assistance, Carter. I have had much fun playing and modifying it to my tastes (e.g. Making Persia's start easier, moving the Celts to Scotland and putting barbarians in Ireland, giving all civs their early UU or an early unit with a promotion, etc.).

Thanks for the map :)
Thanks Carter. I will re-download once I finish this game I am on. lol. Glad I could help, somewhat.

And thanks for the info Wessel, I never noticed that Barbarians don't give XP after level 4. They were never such a problem until BTS, now they breed like cockroaches.

I have gotten to the railroad stage, pretty advanced then my counterparts. I have all of south america and the caribeann, plus a few cities in alaska, taiwan and new zealand. Game has gotten slow, its on odessy, but thats not the problem, the problem lies in where the screen would go blank, i mean the map is there and everything, but no commands and no ruler ratings, have to exit to windows, then switch back to quickly save, then exit, anyone having problems with this??? possibly a RAM issue, i have 2gigs ram.
Booze, I'm no expert, but I would guess it's your video card. I use 2 Gigs of RAM and I don't have any problems like that. Try updating your video drivers and if that doesn't fix it, then try toning down your pixel shader and/or shadows. When I played Star Wars Galaxies, that's what I had to do to eliviate lag. I also had the same problem with Sid Meir's Pirates, where it was pixel shader/shadows interfering with my gameplay.

Carter, is there any way to create or add in a window to the Leader's list on the game screen? With so many characters in the game, once you meet everyone, the list of names rolls off the screen and I can't see what the best countries are researching, turns, or even attitude without swithcing to another screen.


^Well, you can't really get rid of all the names unless you conquer them. :mwaha: You can't hide only part of the box, you either look at all of it or nothing. Or if you click your name then you're the only one who appears in the score box. My best suggestion is look at the foreign advisor more often if none of the other options suit your playing style. :mwaha:
^Well, you can't really get rid of all the names unless you conquer them. :mwaha: You can't hide only part of the box, you either look at all of it or nothing. Or if you click your name then you're the only one who appears in the score box. My best suggestion is look at the foreign advisor more often if none of the other options suit your playing style. :mwaha:

Wasn't talking about getting rid of anything. Just was wondering if a scroll box could be added so that you could scroll up/down the list, much like the option you get when your city is ready to buld the next item.

I figured it would not be feasible, but no harm in checking. I just prefer to use the leader's list as to opening the Foreign Advisor screen. Switching between windows is sometimes slow, once the world begins developing.

Carter, I have noticed an error in a city name . The English city Berwick is incorrectly spelled Lerwick. Can this be corrected?
Love the map of the world and the chance to have random worlds at 'planetary' size.....I'm running a game at marathon speed and 'terra' setting with 24 civs, I'm only at 1300BC and already each turn is taking about one minute (like how it usually is at the end of the game)...my rig is pretty good, overclocking to 3.33Ghz and 2 gigs or RAM, so I wonder if there is any way to help it along

Thanks for all of the hard work...I know these things take a long time to make! :)

Hi people,


It's strange so many people are struggling with this map - my machine is pretty old and useless (3Ghz, 1Gb Ram, 128mb video) and I'm playing the full Earth map with 32 civs, but the turns are only taking about 20-30 seconds to process, so I'm playing comfortably right now...loading save games takes quite a bit longer, luckily that doesn't have to happen often.

As one of the other posters said, maybe its the game/video settings?
Hi Tusk...thanks for the reply....I have a Radeon X1600 Pro, and I just converted to the latest drivers....I have the game graphics settings all on low, and I have enemy/friendly moves turned off....I do notice a freeze of graphic movement right before my turn comes up (like other factions moves freeze then move to their desired square...hard to explain)...also, I have the 34bts map loaded, but I'm using only 24 civs, so I wonder if I loaded the 24bts map and played with like 22 (to try to enable colonies) if it would help....I also looked into the 'speed mod,' but I noticed that those problems were mostly solved with bts (and I did notice marked improvement with the plain 3.13 patch)...blah blah blah ;)
Carter...hands down the best map I have played. I love the varied difficulties of certain civs because of their placement, which leads to alot of different games and wanting to try civs I had never considered before because of my play style. The Odyssey speed is just about right and I found alot more conflict went on because of it, creating much more frantic back and forth campaigns than I was previouslly accustomed to with the basic marathon Civ speed (I love longer epic games), as well as promoted trade like crazy.

A few bug/minor annoyance issues I thought I would mention.

1) I tried to run a "No Barbarians" option campaign and still got Barbs and their respective cities all over the place. I had to self edit (which really is no big deal), but is there a way to fix the issue so Im not spending 10-15 minutes before each game deleting in the editor when I choose this option? (Oh ps...Australia turns into a Barbarian mine field, which when exploited correctly works wonders for the first Eastern Civ that capitalizes with unit promotions, or turns into a logistic nightmare...hehehe)

2) Tribal hut locations...another issue thats not a huge deal because I either turn em off or self edit. It seemed to me you tried to balance the placement by making them more accessable to civs with lonely starting positions (Incans and American Indians as two examples in the 24 civ) or put them close to civs with harsher starting positions. But I couldnt be sure. Was your placement random, or did you have a game plan? The number of huts in the artic regions also gave an edge to the usually quicker sea faring civs like the Vikings, Dutch, English...ect. Again this is really a very minor issue but I was curious :)

Thanks for all your hard work, its very much appreciated. Mal
OK, I've noticed a significant lag once other civs are found (much like the lag in the vanilla and warlords toward the end-game period). I'm not sure it's a map thing, but just in case I figured I would bring it up.

Another thing I've noticed is that using "Terra" and "Planetary" settings with the 24bts is resulting in a giant land mass with no oceans....

Still amazed by earth! Roughly how many estimated square miles is each tile?

Thanks again for the great work! :)


EDIT: Well, if I use the rough circumference of the Earth being 24,900 miles and divide that by 192, then I get roughly 130 miles wide for each square....not sure if this is correct

2nd EDIT: Using the 32bts mod, playing 'Medium and Small' maps on 'planetary' and starting with 24 civs, the amount of time it takes to process a turn is actually not bad at all, but now I understand the need for 'odyssey' game speed, as the AI (and me in my last game) is more concerned with scooping up territory then research, causing research to go rather slowly on the 'marathon' speed.
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