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Easter Island

good luck (again) and resubbed :dance:
Shortly after the previous update, I sent a galley and my free scout northeast and made contact with my neighbors. The Incas first, then the Aztecs, then the Americans (not shown in this update), as you'd probably expect.

In the middle of this exploration, I got another random event that was pretty unambiguously good news: more food for the Rapanui islanders!

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Sadly, my whalers can't reach their full potential until Optics, but at least the bonus food is there...

I recalled my galley, put my extra warrior (the one you saw me start to build in the second screenshot) in it, and sailed around to the other Pacific islands within reach. They found more fish out there, but otherwise nothing of note.

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The Rapanui were beginning to outgrow their tiny island home and wanted to expand. The resources and plentiful land of South America seemed more worthwhile to colonize than did the other Polynesian Islands, but they didn't realize at first when their warriors arrived to claim Panama that this continent was also more dangerous.

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This is why you shouldn't tell ships to disembark the units they're carrying onto land that's in Fog of War when you give the order... Or really send units blind multiple turns into Fog of War at all. But I get into these accidental battles so rarely that I forget how much of a fail they can be when they do happen.

Oh, and the scouts were killed by barbarians at some point, too. I don't remember when because I didn't take a screenshot of that.

Anyway, the good news is, my tech plan worked out pretty well. A forge will be in the production queue soon...

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...right after I finish this masterpiece of Rapanui architecture:

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Thus ends the second chapter in the story of How Easter Island Became* a Major Economic Power.


*I hope it will, anyway. I've only played up to the 1400s so far, so lots more could happen, and so far I'm not even in the top half of scores. At least I'm surviving and expanding, unlike the last game...
Great so far! ;) Don't ruin Easter Island's ecology like your real-life counterparts did. :p
hey, you got it this time! now if only you could get some cities for it to actually matter :)
:clap: This is awesome! And it worked this time! :goodjob:
I lied a little. The Forge will wait. First, let's justify that Great Lighthouse by generating some more trade routes.

The galley returned to Easter Island in time to stop another Barbarian attack. The citizens, undaunted by these villainous foreigners, were still determined to get across to the mainland and raise it to the pinnacle of civilization: Polynesian culture.

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Meanwhile, the conditions on the Island only continued to improve: a Great Prophet rose to prominence and inspired the people to work harder for the god-chief. Trade with Inca cities boomed. Things were just sort of all-around good.

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They were much less enthusiastic about the Aztecs to the northwest of their new territory, though, so the god-chief negotiated a trade to keep the savage Aztecs occupied: Rapanui scholars would teach them the art of writing in exchange for going to war with the Americans.

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The Aztecs and Incas repeatedly fell into civil unrest over the next few centuries, and some of the god-chiefs' advisors urged them to intervene to agitate the rioters. Such suggestions were promptly vetoed: though a rising power in the region, the Rapanui still lacked the industrial capacity to take follow through with an invasion of either civilization, and besides, they were valuable trading partners. No such problems arose in the superior Rapanui civilization over the same period, which Hindu clergy of course took as a sign that the Rapanui variant on the religion was the Correct one. (I got this message at least twice for both civs and responded to it the same way each time.)

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This chapter ends with the founding of an additional colony, intended to break up any advance of the Americans of Aztecs towards the new colonial powers. Besides, the newest wave of colonists was very attached to their island heritage and looked to Cuba as just a bigger version of home...

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Next time: More Barbarians and the Arrival of the Pissed-off Pale People!


By the way, if anyone is wondering, I'm just using a map of Easter Island to generate the city names. I'm taking the names of towns, ruins, and Moai locations and assigning them arbitrarily.

And don't worry, Mosher, the island's ecology was ruined when I got there. There were no trees on the whole thing, apparently. :-(
Your last 2 screen shots are all funny.
Pissed-off Pale People :lol:
Your last 2 screen shots are all funny.

Yeah, there was some kind of glitch where the UI didn't come out in the screenshot. Most of them don't have that problem, though, so they'll be back to normal soon.
hm, only one colony, it's an island too, and the old world comes in by the next chapter? not looking good at all
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