El_hidalgo's World Maps

I put them in several places on my Civ 4 Beyond the Sword. Public maps, scenarios etc. I'm new to downloading maps and mods.

To me it seemed like the maps were meant for the original Civ 4 and not the BTS expansion. Do I need to convert these files some how? Or have I simply put them in the wrong spots. Thanks for the help.

No, they're actually all for BTS. You can tell by the extension (which can be changed to make it compatible with the other versions, btw).

I'm not sure why they're not working for you. They should go in the public maps folder under your games folder, though it looks like you tried that already. I believe it appears when you select scenarios. It's been so long since I fired up Civ I can't remember.

Also, the maps appear at the bottom of the list of maps/scenarios, I believe. They don't appear in alphabetical order as one might expect.

Also, you might be able to open them by double-clicking them, wherever they are (this doesn't seem to work all the time, however).

That's all I can think of!
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