Elemental: War of Magic (Stardock's fantasy game) announced!

I'd like to be surprised, but I don't see any compelling new features there. Looks something like Heroes of Might and Magic, or perhaps Master of Magic.
If it were just that, I'd be satisfied. (Though FFH is pretty darn close)

For sure. If its as good as HoMM or MoM (that would be hard to achieve)! I'd be more than satisfied.

Or if is is as good as FfH (also very hard to achieve)!

Best wishes,

If it were just that, I'd be satisfied. (Though FFH is pretty darn close)

I'd be delighted with someone coming up with a remake (not even a sequel) of MoM with very slightly improved graphics and modestly improved AI. It amazes me that MoM ran as well as it did on my ancient computer way back in the day while Civ IV is such a resource hog on my shiny new computer (at least it was shiny and new when I bought it to run Civ IV.)
I'd be delighted with someone coming up with a remake (not even a sequel) of MoM with very slightly improved graphics and modestly improved AI. It amazes me that MoM ran as well as it did on my ancient computer way back in the day while Civ IV is such a resource hog on my shiny new computer (at least it was shiny and new when I bought it to run Civ IV.)

I think I mentioned this in another thread, but while I have *very* fond memories of MoM, it really doesn't hold up to today's standards in visuals, obviously, but also in gameplay.

You can grab dosbox and download the game from your local abandonware site btw since the company is gone and its no longer supported and play it for yourself if you like.

I still don't mind the graphics, sound, city mechanics etc. It all works pretty well... but the AI needs a lot of work. IE it was very easy to just saunter up to the enemy's castle and capture it, rendering all of their units easy pickings. Also, there were many times where a city-killing stack just wandered aimlessly until I brought my army all the way back to kill it etc.
You can grab dosbox and download the game from your local abandonware site btw since the company is gone and its no longer supported and play it for yourself if you like.

I last played MoM a couple of months ago and it's not very good as a truly competitive game, but it's still an absolute blast and my current challenge (same is it has been for the past decade-ish) is to beat the game in some sort of unusual way or to beat the game more thoroughly or faster in some way.

It's kind of like Sim City for me. I'm not trying to find out whether I'll win. I'm trying to find out what my path to victory will look like.

I suppose it's just a different kind of game experience - like going to a shakespeare play vs. a horror/mystery/suspense movie. I already know how the play is going to end, so discovering the plot is not my goal. I go to explore the plot and to enjoy that particular interpretation of the plot.
Can't say I see where the complaints about the artstyle are coming from. I absolutely love what they're trying to do here: actually making the map view feel like something right off of a map. It does need a little brushing up here and there, granted. And I don't quite like how 'clean' the human city looks, but that's probably just a single faction.

Will definately get this when it's out.
I last played MoM a couple of months ago and it's not very good as a truly competitive game, but it's still an absolute blast and my current challenge (same is it has been for the past decade-ish) is to beat the game in some sort of unusual way or to beat the game more thoroughly or faster in some way.

It's kind of like Sim City for me. I'm not trying to find out whether I'll win. I'm trying to find out what my path to victory will look like.

I suppose it's just a different kind of game experience - like going to a shakespeare play vs. a horror/mystery/suspense movie. I already know how the play is going to end, so discovering the plot is not my goal. I go to explore the plot and to enjoy that particular interpretation of the plot.

Yeah, the AI was absolutely horrible, almost comically so. Look at the bonuses the AI gets on Diety in Civ IV and compare them to Impossbile in MoM (something like a 300% bonus)! and we can see how much the AI needs help. I can barely win on monarch in Civ IV but I amost always won on Impossible with MoM.

But it was a blast. No matter how bad the AI, if you can win on impossbile with the Klackons or the Gnolls, my hat is off to you!

Best wishes,

MoM was so fun. What I loved to do was wait until I got some combination of killer ranged units (Longbows, Mages) and super cavalry and then go on a rampage. The AI just couldn't handle such an army supported by half-decent spells, even on impossible. I would definitely by a MoM even if it only had better graphics and a better AI.
The factions in MOM weren't very well balanced.
You could win easily at any level just by playing humans/life magic, and killing everything with Torin+ a couple of heroes+paladins. (Magic immune+first strike was godly)

The game also had unfixed bugs, such as armageddon causing massive unhappiness in your cities but not in other AI's.
I just finished viewing (yet again) the YouTube MoM video - just to refresh my memory of the game - one of the first I ever played but which I only vaguely remember now. The video was amusing: tinny music, antique fx, quaint graphics, great looking gameplay involving exploration,city, item equipping, Civ like cities. I still don't remember that well but an updated MoM in whatever new form could be fun. If I haven't already said it here, in this thread or forum: Awesome. Good luck to the developer. Hope it turns out well.
Im even more encouraged to see that Stardock is inspired by MoM but fully realizes that what for a game that many years ago doesn't mean its the best for a game today. So they love MoM, but they want to make the best game they can make regardless of if its what MoM did or not.

Im very excited. The beta should be available soon and Im anxious to jump in.
I wouldn't mind if it was only "loosely based on MoM" or "inspired by MoM" - and the Stardock screenshot and video seem to suggest this. I'm more than OK with that; I hardly remember the game at all. I was only about 11 or 12 when I first played.
I've got a pre-order. Can't really go wrong with them unless you're going after games you don't like playing. It's going to be released as a finished product, and likely with something changed thanks to your input if you bother making suggestions.
Well MoM was a derivative of an old C64 fantasy game I used to have. A lot of todays games had their origins in old SSI Strategic Simulation Inc. C64 games, certainly all the 4x space games. I'm not sure about the fantasy world before Lord of the Rings.
Lord of the Flies
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