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Enders Game 1: The Training Game Competition - Team 1


Nov 4, 2002
Section 1
Team 1:

Game Settings:
Standard world
Pangaea middle land setting
Normal, Temperate, 4 billion
Sedentary Barbs
Civilization: Russia

I think the biggest difference between Regent/Monarch and Emperor is the increased importance of diplomacy. A Regent or Monarch player very likely is used to doing his or her own research from the getgo, rarely needing to trade with the AI except to get resources. Emperor is a very different world. Without brokering and careful diplomacy, the AI will leave you in the dust. I have selected Russia because I want to stress diplomacy. Scouts will get early contact and give us the best maps around. The Scientific trait will help us with the "slingshot" at the beginning of each age which can be very important in taking the tech lead and solidifying a strong position.

I have hand selected our rivals to include an even range of the 6 characteristics. There are 3 Commercial and 3 Industrious and 2 of the rest.

Strict 24/48
No building the Pyramids or Great Library
Scouts may step into huts, but any advanced tribe must be abandoned and any settler must be disbanded.
No exploits
No checking the other thread until the game is over (duh :))

I will go last to fix things if necessary at the end of each round. The start file will be posted tomorrow.

Confirmations from the players on my team would be nice.

Before we start, I would like to give a little homework assignment. Reading this thread was my breakthrough. A Monarch player before, I became a Deity player just a month after I read this thread.

Sullla's Training Day Game

Everyone on my team should read this as quickly as possible.

Following Sullla's lead, I will most likely not be playing regularly, since I would rather spend time looking over your saved games and recaps. Please try to be as detailed and specific in your recaps as you can be. If you don't explain why you did something, how can I judge you? :crazyeye:

Here is the catch (TM). The first turns are the most important of the game. I would like everyone on the team to download the save file and play the first 20 turns. Post them when you are done, but do not look at the turns of your teammates until you are done. We will vote as a team which group of turns we will use, and then we will proceed with 10 turns a player according to the order I have listed. I will play 10 turns at the end of the first round and then will not play again unless we get into trouble or I get really intrigued.
A few hints:
Granaries are good (hint hint hint)
The luxury slider is your friend (no specialists or MP) are necessary for a little while.
Irrigate tiles that can benefit from irrigation (like cattle and wheat ;))
More contacts equals lower tech prices

Good luck all!

Oh, I almost forgot. This is really important. I ask that you all have thick skins. The only way to improve is by having your mistakes pointed out. Do not take my criticism personally. I only want you to improve and I do not hate you as a person. To prove it, I will point out everything, good and bad. I will be tough but I will also be fair.
Thanks for putting up the game Speaker. I will most probably not be able to play tonight, but I will play tomorrow at the latest.


Ps, I do have my asbestos on :)
Ok, this is SHard checking in. Thanks a lot for setting this game up Speaker, I really appreciate the amount of time and effort you will pour into this. I will play my moves in about an hour, I have some revision to attend to. I will go read Sullla's thread now.

I am hoping you will be brutal in your criticism towards me :)

EDIT DELETED (I now know its on 1.21f, which may be problematic as I'm in Europe)
Looks like we have a setller/worker factory. Cow, wheat, river & 2 BG's. The only thing else we need is a luxury, like wine or gems, and this will we great.

Speaker, I am putting on my lead underwear my nuclear, biological, chemical suit in preparation for the critisism I know is coming my way.

Grimjack, since we are expansionitic, we start with BW & Pottery. I would first go for a more expensive tech first for trading purposes. We should be able to pick several techs from GH's.
Good luck to Team 1. You are in VERY capable hands. Although I have not played in an SG with Speaker, I have learned much from his games and from his exploits in the Realms Beyond Epics. And I am sure I will learn more from following this game.

Oh, and one more thing (TM): Grimjack--I doubt you will need the asbestos--having seen some of your work recently (especially in LK 47). :hammer:

Anyway--good luck from one of the lurkers.
@Bam-Bam: Thanks for the kind words. I would appreciate comments from you and any other lurker. Even though there are only 5 of us in this game, I hope that many others can learn from our experiences and the best way to learn is to ask questions.

@My teammates: I have finished my turns and await yours before I post.
1. 4000 BC- Start Ceremonial Burial at max science. Built city at the starting point. Set Scout to explore west. Moscow starts warrior.

2. 3900 BC- Start Irrigation on the cows,.

3. 3850 BC- Scout sees coast, heads south

4. 3800 BC- zzz…

5. 3750 BC- Scouts sees nothing but coast in the south, heads north. Worker completes irrigation, starts road. Moscow warrior - -> warrior. Start warrior moving east.

6. 3700 BC- Moscow grows, Lux. to 10%.

7. 3650 BC- zzz…

8. 3600 BC- With warrior due in 1, I move a worker from a BG to the wheat.

9. 3550 BC- Moscow warrior - -> settler, use warrior for MP, Lux to 0, Sci. to 100%

10. 3500 BC- Warrior pops hut, gains 25 gold.

11. 3450 BC- Growth, Lux. to 10%

12. 3400 BC- So far, I found spices to the NW and gems to the W. There is a lot of jungle around, looks like that we are in a clean pocket inside the jungle.

13. 3350 BC- I decide a Granary would be more beneficial at this point, so I switch the Settler to a Granary.

14. 3300 BC- Scouts sees a light blue boarder, looks like the Americans.
|---- Between turns: Discover Ceremonial Burial, start Alphabet.

15. 3250 BC- Mine completes, starts road.

16. 3200 BC- The blue turned out to be China, they have Masonry, Warrior Code, and Ceremonial Burial. Growth at Moscow, I need 40% Lux.

17. 3150 BC- Scandinavia Scout comes into view. They have Masonry, Warrior Code, and Ceremonial Burial.

18. 3100 BC- I could either irrigate the wheat or mine the BG, and I decided to mine the BG, with Moscow about to be at 5, we don’t need extra food yet.

19. 3050 BC- Need 40% Lux.

20. 3000 BC- zzz…

How'd I do? Please be nice!:lol:
Speaker, I have a very dodgy version of 1.21, all the words are screwed up but I think I may be able to play this game on it. I will hold out until tomorroe to see if they release a European version, if not I will play on my wierd version and hope it works. This is too good an oppurtunity to pass up :D
Hmmm, I seemed to have messed up the years in my write-up. I ended my turn at 3000, and that's the save I have. Did I play 21 turns?
Grimjacks Tale:

After a long and fruitless treck through wildernes, paradise is reached. The river Po runs with fresh water out of the hills,
large flocks of cattle roam the nearby grassland and large quantities of wild wheat grows to our south. Ample clay ( bonusgrass), while not next
to the river is nevertheless close by. This is where we will set down our roots. OUr intrepid scout despite our farmers grumbling insists on
checking out the view from the hills to our east before allowing us to build anything. Reporting empty ocean, it is time to set roots. MOscow
is built. From the scout towers, another river is seen to our west. It is prompty named Volga after its discoverer. Free at last from the burden
of carrying provisions, the farmhands go look at the strange creatures grazing to our north.
Having led us this far, our most revered elder leader sheds his mortal coat and finally dies. NO effort will be saved to preserve his hallowed bones.
( Research set to Ceremonial burial at max. This is because I wouldn't want our scout to pop the cheapest tech. Alphabet held some lure also.)
Revelling in the bounty of this new homeland, we will train another scout that can discover more of this fine land.

(3950) Seeing the beautiful creatures languishing without nearby water, our farmhands decide to help out and dig some ditches, Transporting water
to the cattle, in order for them to grow more plentiful. ( If irrigation happens before pop growth, Moscow will grow in five instead of in six. )
Seeing more hills and jungle to the east our scouts are taken by the grandiose landscape and heads in this direction.
( This is debatable, as he would be able to cover more ground should he head across the open terrain, but then the next scout would have to cross
the hills/jungle to our east, and he would be even later. )

In the jungle to the east our scout finds another tribe living in the jungle below the hills. Much speculation occurs, but
in the end, it should be obvious from our lack of warriors that we are a peaceful people, and much partying could occur.

(3850) It is the Huns. :party:, Unfortunately our revered Speaker will not tolerate any mixing of blood, and the huns are abandoned to their own fate in
to their fate in the jungle, never to be seen again. ( I thought about trekking the settler to MOscow and disbanding him there, but decided it would violate the spirit of the rules, while not the
letter. )

(3800) Much jungle and hills to our east is seen as our SCouts follow the coastline.

(3750) After much labor, our farmhands have finished irrigation, and now Moscow will be bigger in one turn instead of two. Another scout have stepped forth from our
curious population. He will be sent to scout out our northwest. We are getting a little restless now with the growing population, and we decide to produce an 'honour' guard
of brave axemen. The fine cattle are still drawing lots of traffic. In order to make it easier on the populace, a road is ordered.

(3700) A momentuos turn of the century. Our eldest roaming hunters have found fallen stars in the jungle. ( gems ). The western explorers found a hunting party of axemen
from another tribe calling themselves Chinese. The Chinese are tough traders. They say they will teach our hunters to hunt with bow and arrows, if we teach them to build
vases and also how to make spears. Since we are dubious of such a trade the Chinese also throw in enough gold to smelt into 10 coins. Our hunters dazzled by the sight of
so much gold is convinced to close the deal.
Finally, we have to decide where to put our next generation to work on. There are two choices. Our farmers insist that we will get more babies from making beer from the wheat
growing next to the river. This will also help our soothsayers that are still debating on how to go about preserving our most revered dead chieftain.
ON the other hand, while the Chinese looks friendly now, they will be able to reach our city before we have finished the honor guard, should we not work the area where
there may be made flint axes. ( Chinese are four turns away. Working bonus grass lets me complete warrior in three. )
Checking closely, I see that we may be able to start out cutting and harvesting wheat, and later switch to cut flintstones and still make the warrior if the chinese decide
to look threatening. Not all people are happy about the changes as we grow though, so we order a large portion of our treasury to go to pacifying our own people.
Ungrateful peeps.

(3650) Wheat gambit works, as the Chinese warriors steps south instead of east.

(3600) Our farmers demand more water for their crops, and we dispatch the farmhands to the wheat. Good timing on this, since they just completed the road on the cattle.
We decide to send our western scouts on a circular detour around MOscow, to scout for a possible second city. There are many promising sites, but still much land we have not
discovered. We do have an urgent need to find new civilizations also. Decisions decisions. The fact that there are a lot of jungle and hills to our northwest may have been
one of the deciding factors.

(3550) Despite our farmers protests, our farmhands feel that they ened a road first, in order to better be able to server the people.
( We are at +5 food. Since irrigation would not put us at +7, irrigating now would waste valuable worker turns.)

(3500) Another turn of growth. We complete our honor guard which are promptly ordered to parade up and down our streets. We discover our citizens behave like children.
Just because the newcomers ended out playing with the clay, our farmers also wanted to play. I promptly marched them right back to the wheat. The chinese warrior may have found
new resolve, as he now heads towards our borders. In a clever move, we therefore move our borders to grab more land. We will also not be fooled by the chinese. IN order to further
scare them, we order up a new squad of honor guards.

(3450) Sure enough, the chinese are right now just outside our border, gazing enviously upon our plentiful people. Pretending we do not see him, we do nothing.
Our eastern almost forgotten hunters finally see what they believe to be the end of the jungle. Spirits pick up at the prospect of finally being able to travel.
Just in case teh chinese have come to trade, I ask him what he wants. Seems like he has nothing new to teach us. We still doesn't have anything he wants enough
to part with the knowledge of Masonry, or laying bricks as he calls it. He boasts of his combat prowess in dispersing barbarians though as he shows us all his gold.

(3400) Our trainees may have scared the chinese warrior away, as he now heads south again. Our eastern hunters makes contact with a fearsome man called Ragnar of the Scandinavians.
He also knows the secrets of 'Laying Bricks', He will not teach it to us in exchange for Secrects of making spears though. NOt even if I also gives him all our money.
He would like to sell us secrets of Ceremonial Burial though. Since our soothsayers tells me they are on the verge of a breakthrough, I politely decline.
Sigh, now we know why the chinese didn't was so smug. They also now know the Secrets of Ceremonial Burial. :(
Over the howling protests of the priests, we cut their funding. Over much grumbling, they tell me they will be finished on time anyway.
The cries of the Priests where like a soft music compared to the cries of the farmers as we MINED the wheatfields. ( We will be at +5 food. We will not get to +7 food,
might as well mine the wheat. )

(3350) Having experienced so much, we would like to remember it for all time. We tell our soothsayers to come up with a method to solve this. ( Alphabet pursued. Having two militaristic
civs close by, I think they will research Iron and Horseback for us.) We find the borders that belong to the Vikings. We do nto see their city though. ( Capital found then. )

(3300) We are truly a prosperous people. Moscow is now by far the largest city in the world. ( size 4 ) We also have two warriors patrolling the streets. It is now time to spread the word
of Russian supremacy. We order settlers to come forward. We discover that we have payed out money to lazy bums. We discover we have been paying salted bills to the beermakers. Ever since
the road to wheat was built, they have salted their bills. We now rectify this wrong. ( Luxes lowered to 10 %. Sorry missed the opportunity to lower luxes after road was built.)
Scouts discover that Vikings have more than one city. We are even more determined to start building new cities. Some advisors mumble something about a house called 'Granary', but we veto
that. We need a settler NOW. We can possibly build a granary afterwards.

(3250) We decide to send our scout through the Viking lands, hoping he wont notice.

(3200) Neither the Chinese, nor the Vikings would trade the Secrets of Masonry to us for our 25 gold.

(3150) Vikings spot our troops, and we are ordered out. Looks like he has grabbed the northeastern part of the island as his.
Our farmhands are now building a road on a bonus grass. This will help our settler to move, as well as generate more income. Idea being that he should mine it next.
He should move and road/mine the bonus grass on the river next, as this will get us more money.

(3100) Mined wheat is finished at the same time as Moscow grows even larger. We will have to renegotiate the deal with the beermakers. Ack, this will deplete our treasury, but I go ahead anyway.

(3050) Vikings are trying to trap our scout, but he cleverly evades them by traversing into Viking lands once again. See an unguarded Viking settler. He is growing fast now.

For next ruler, should we continue with this save:
Keep Moscow at +5 food. After settler, I suggest Granary, since that would let us build settlers faster now that we are starting
to mine the bonus grass. Look at my feeble attempt at a dotmap to see where I thought the settler should head. Do get a warrior escort for the settler, as
there may be a Chinese warrior lurking about in the mists to our east.
Seems like our revered SPeaker have tempered our great starting place with removing all luxuries :)
Priority is to explore further into the black near MOscow, as there may be a luxury there. Both AIs are up Masonry on us, but
they are bound to research something really soon now. I do not know if they have contact though. I was perhaps a bit too cautious about teh Chinese when I built the second warrior instead of a settler, but I didn't want an early war with a militaristic civ.

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