Eric Cantor goes down

this all just makes me put more stock in #jebbush2016
There's a chance this might make it easier for a democrat to win the election if the moderate republicans feel alienated by teahad. However, this district is probably too red for that to happen.

yea, the virginia 7th combines the (very) conservative richmond suburbs with a whole lot of rural central virginia.

Every time you here about something being Genetically modified, by implication you should reject it since the main work used to do it is via gene gun which is patented by a Creationist. But of course you are building up a strawman as usual.

Creationists aren't necessarily anti-evolution, but some of the most infamous creationists are anti-evolution.
yea, the virginia 7th combines the (very) conservative richmond suburbs with a whole lot of rural central virginia.
That is some very creative gerrymandering. I wonder how much longer the Republicans will be able to count on that sheer nonsense to rig elections.
Creationists aren't necessarily anti-evolution, but some of the most infamous creationists are anti-evolution.

Isn't it official Catholic belief that the universe was created by god, who also guided the evolution? In other words, the biblical creation tale recasted to fit into scientific findings.
I think this point form the OP cited article is telling:
An economics professor at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va., Mr. Brat appeared more interested in campaigning to make a point than in winning. The Washington Post reported last month that he no-showed meetings with key conservative activists in the capital. His excuse: He had final exams to grade.

Basically a populist, more right-leaning point was made. But realistically, will that hold water in the general election? Will he be a serious politician, or an ideologue?

Anyways, immigration reform isn't crypto-racism.

If this is accurate, then he is definitely a theological who is into Rand, the Tea Party, and deregulation (Laissez-Faire).

Side question: How can a theological (e.g. Christian) feel good about Ayn Rand, if she was an atheist?
Side question: How can a theological (e.g. Christian) feel good about Ayn Rand, if she was an atheist?

Many get so much practice supporting regressive tax policies, intolerant social positions, and (in some cases) idolizing Mammon, that overlooking the bits of Ayn Rand they don't like is effortless.
Isn't it official Catholic belief that the universe was created by god, who also guided the evolution? In other words, the biblical creation tale recasted to fit into scientific findings.

Officially, the Catholic Church doesn't teach anything too specific on the matter, although the past few Popes have agreed that evolution is probably a thing. But C_H is protestant, so that's neither hither nor thither.

Anyhow, yeah, surprising. I still expect the Republicans will take the district, but I doubt Brat will ever wield the same kind of influence Cantor does. I wonder what Republican Congressional leadership will look like with Cantor and quite possibly McConnell gone.
Many get so much practice supporting regressive tax policies, intolerant social positions, and (in some cases) idolizing Mammon, that overlooking the bits of Ayn Rand they don't like is effortless.

Well hmmmm how can one be a devout Christian and idolize Mammon, lol.

Myopia also?
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